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Real Ghost Stories

And They Came


Some of you know me and know that my profile name means my kids. If you've read my stories, you know that I've lost 5 babies. When I was pregnant with my son Dalton, who is now 9, I was so afraid of losing him. I'd lost 3 babies within 9 months before getting pregnant with him, and was expecting every day to lose him too. So I, unconsciously, shut off my gifts. I didn't want to take a chance on anything happening to my baby. I know what a lot of you are thinking, but unless you've been there, you will not even be close to understanding what I was going through.

Dalton was born October 31, 2001. We moved the week before his 1st birthday. This first experience happened within 6-8 months after moving into this trailer. Just recently I jokingly told one of my friends that I think all trailers must be haunted; they must blow the ghosts in with the insulation LOL. Well, at least the ones I've lived in anyway.

When Dalton was about 1 1/2, I'd put him in his crib to take a nap. I had put the mattress as low as it could go, which means when standing Dalton's eyes were level with the top bar, bless his little heart. To say he wasn't happy about being in the crib would be a major understatement. My little man was very vocal in his displeasure. He was sleepy and unhappy, which made for a very loud and angry baby. Leaving him in the bedroom to cry himself to sleep, yes I'm one of those moms; I went back into the living room with my daughter Jerrica.

For several minutes, we sat there trying to listen to the TV over the sounds of Dalton yelling. At one point Jerrica asked me if I wouldn't just go get him so he'd shut up. I told her he'd fall asleep in a few minutes. He just hated his crib. It seemed like just a few minutes later, there was silence. I told her "See, I told you he'd just give up and go to sleep." You should have seen our faces when we heard these little footsteps coming down the hallway. Here came Dalton just toddling along, this huge smile on his face.

He came into the Living Room and climbed up into my lap. Jerrica looked at me and asked me how he got out of his crib. I was dumbfounded. Not a freaking clue. I picked Dalton up, took him back into the bedroom, put him back in his crib (yeah, I know LOL), sat down and watched him. After repeatedly trying to figure a way out, Dalton finally gave up, lay down and went to sleep while I sat there and tried to figure out how in the world he got out of there. There was physically no way he could have gotten out of that crib without someone lifting him up and out. He had no toys in the crib that he could have stepped on to have used as "blocks" to climb on. He couldn't climb the rails. He was way too short to have just pulled himself up and over. Dalton never got out of that crib again. At that point it didn't occur to me that he might have had help. It wasn't until a few years later, when I was reading a story on another ghost site of someone who had the same exact experience, that I realized this might have been a ghost experience.

We had lived there for almost three years before anything else unusual or unexplainable happened, at least that I was aware of. I asked a psychic why I didn't "have" anything at this home. It was kind of weird not having a ghost there, since I'd always had at least one. She told me I had closed myself off and I realized she was right. After I had Dalton, I was still so worried that something would happen and I would lose him, that I guess I stopped wanting to believe I had this connection with ghosts. I was afraid something would happen to my kids. I had experienced a really bad one a couple of years before I got pregnant with Dalton and knew they were out there too. This woman told me, if I wanted to... Really wanted too... To let myself open up again and they would come. Within a week, they came.

The first thing I noticed was my commode would flush by itself. Yes, everyone has told me that commodes sometimes do that. But this one only did it really early on Sunday mornings. At first I thought maybe it was Jerrica, but I checked and she wasn't up any time it happened. It never happened any other day, just Sunday which my warped sense of humor finds highly amusing. Since I don't sleep in, even on the weekends, I'm well aware of the commode flushing on its own and on what day. Any plumbers out here? Can you tell me if there are any commodes that are set to flush by themselves only on certain days of the week and at certain times?

I also heard running down the hallway; that happened too many times to count. The first time both Dobbie (my cat) and I heard it. We were in the kitchen; I was doing dishes and Dobbie was on the floor by my feet. I heard, and felt, running down the hall. Dobbie stopped cleaning himself and looked toward the hallway. The running quit before it reached the kitchen. Another time I thought Jerrica was running for the bathroom. I yelled and asked her what she was doing and she answered she was watching TV (in her room). I then asked her if she had just gone to the bathroom and she told me no, she had been watching TV. If you've lived in a trailer, you'll understand this. There is no sound or feeling like a child running through a trailer. You can feel it shake the trailer, especially an older one.

All three of us heard voices while we lived there. Jerrica and Dalton thought I was calling for them. Many times Dalton would come into the kitchen and ask me what I wanted. When I said "what," he would say "what you say to me, Mommy?" Eventually I started telling him I forgot what I wanted. At the beginning, Jerrica would ask what I wanted, but when I told her I didn't call for her, she just quit asking. She would tell me, sometimes days later, that she still heard her name called. In one of my previous stories, I mentioned that I heard women and children's voices. I continued to hear them while we lived in this trailer. I won't pretend to tell you that they were the same women and children, because I have no way of knowing that. All I do know for sure is that I heard women and children talking. And, yes, I confirmed that they were not living beings.

One morning Dalton got up and tried to turn on the TV before we left for work/school. He couldn't turn it on with the remote, so I told him to push the button on the TV. He told me it was broken. I asked Jerrica to turn the TV on for him so I could finish getting ready. Jerrica told me the TV was broken. So, aggravated at this point and knowing there was nothing wrong with the TV, I went and pushed the button and what do you know? It wouldn't turn on. I then thought about checking the button on the power strip that the TV was plugged into. It was turned off. I pushed it on and then turned on the TV. Neither Jerrica nor Dalton even knew the power strip was there. It was completely of sight behind the TV stand. I thought about blaming Dobbie, but quickly realized he couldn't have done it because the on/off button was recessed. And I really don't think a cat has that kind of strength anyway.

During Christmas break one morning, I got up and kicked the thermostat up a little as was my habit. Nothing happened. I checked. Hmmm... The pilot was lit, but the furnace wouldn't kick on. I could hear the "clicking" sound, but it never came on. Well, crap, we had no heat. So I sent my kids away because I couldn't get a repairman until Sunday. When the repairman came, he discovered that one of the wires was not connected. He asked me if anyone else had been there to look at the furnace. I told him I was the only one who had looked at the furnace. He said it couldn't have happened accidentally; someone had to have deliberately left the wire unhooked or else forgot to hook it back up. He also suggested that if someone had worked on the furnace maybe they didn't get the wire hooked tight enough. I was the only person who had opened the door to the furnace. Honestly, I'm not even sure my kids knew the door was there LOL. And the furnace was working until that morning because we didn't freeze the night before.

Oh, here's one a lot of you are going to try just to debunk. Please, go ahead. Seriously, I'm asking you to do this and let me know...truthfully...what happens. I suffered from Restless Leg Syndrome and had been told to keep a bar of soap under my sheet to help with the cramps. So I put a brand new bar of Ivory soap (plain white Ivory soap) between my sheet and mattress and a couple of days later I found half of it on the floor. It had been broken into two pieces, cracked right down the middle. Not a clean break, but jagged. Even though I couldn't figure out why, I automatically assumed Jerrica had broken the soap, but when I asked her why she broke the soap she didn't have any idea what I was talking about. She didn't even know I had the soap under the sheet. And there was no way Dalton could have done it. So, to test my daughter, I opened a brand new bar of the same soap and tried to break it. I couldn't do it. I was completely and thoroughly baffled. I was telling a friend about the soap and he didn't believe me. He never believes me about anything paranormal LOL and told me he could break the soap. So I brought a brand new bar of soap (same kind) in to work and he broke it. But it was a clean break, right down the center; nothing at all like the other two pieces. I explained to him that the other bar was a jagged break, not a clean break. I actually ended up bringing in a piece of the soap to show him. He had no explanation! The break was across the middle, width-wise, not length, about 6 long jagged "cuts" for want of a better description. One thing I forgot to mention is I found the other half of the bar of soap still in the middle of my bed under my sheet. Oh yeah, there were no other marks on the soap. It was as if the soap had just been opened and somehow was "cut" like this. It did have some sheet imprints, but nothing like teeth or claw marks to indicate Dobbie had gotten hold of the soap.

Well, that's all I have... For now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-21)
Mom to mom, we NEVER stop worrying over our babies - not even after their grown. It's just a mom thing. Add to that he's your youngest so... Totally natural to be protective - as long as you remember you're raising him to be independent and self-sufficient.
I was also thinking of Dalton's crib escape. What convinces me that he had 'help' of some type is that he didn't repeat it. IF he had done it himself, he would have kept doing it until you figured out how he was doing it and put a stop to it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-21)
A_A - October 31st is a great day to be born, as is Cinco de Mayo (my daughter's birthday) 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-21)
val - thank you for the kind words. Funny, but he's almost 14 and I'm still... Apprehensive maybe? Don't know exactly how to put into words what I feel, but appreciation and gratitude are high up there, along with a side of over-protectiveness 😊

The crib incident is still a topic of conversation between me and my daughter LOL I was running it through my mind again this weekend, trying to figure out if there was any way he could have vaulted out of his crib and landed without making a sound. Couldn't come up with any possible scenario. And considering we lived in a trailer, the whole thing would have shook. But nothing except the pitter patter of his little feet doing a happy dance, I'm sure πŸ˜†
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-20)
Saw the link on Blocking Ghosts? And came over for a peek.
Actually, I read it yesterday and I just couldn't formulate the words I felt. I almost had to stop after your first paragraph. Not because of 'quality', just the wave of emotion that hit me. We never 'get over' our losses, but we do learn to cope with them. It's easy to understand why you call your kids your miracles. 😊 I totally get how you felt about Dalton. I remember checking in on mine while they slept, assuring myself they were breathing, only to realize I was the one NOT breathing lol.
The thing with the crib was... Ummm yeah. I'm opting ghostie was just trying to be helpful but... If he had played Houdini there should've been a thump of some kind. πŸ˜•
A_A (1 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-20)
Hi Miracles, saw the link in blocking ghosts and just wanted to say my brother was also born on the 31 of October.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-16)
acuteangles - bless your heart and thank you for reading this one, and the others. My kids are my world, no doubt about it. My license plates says 2MIRCLS and as long as I'm able to drive, it will say that. Freaking expensive, but what the heck πŸ˜‰.

Thank you for your comments and I agree. People, living or dead, can say or do whatever they want to me, but not my kids. My kids are off limits.

By the way, just so you know the best time to submit a story is first thing on Monday morning πŸ˜†.

I didn't want to leave without say I'm sorry, even though it never helps and it doesn't change anything. But I know you understand that I understand. ❀
acuteangles (4 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-16)
You dropped by and read my story and left an amazing comment (which I will respond to on that page) so I figured I should read a couple of yours. I have read a few and loved them, but I felt connected to this one in a really strong way.

First off, last month marked my 1 year anniversary of having a miscarriage so mentioning that in your story tugged at my uterus a little bit. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my baby in heaven or mark how old he/she would be on a particular day (I believe it was a she and have since I knew I was prego with her, which was almost immediately even without the use of a prego test for the first weeks). I don't have any other children besides her, and I can't wait to begin my journey as a mother to children who are living. I think you and I feel strongly and similarly about children and when I get my miracles, I will refer to them as just that.

People who treat kids how they should be treated earn my utmost respect (and ALL of them deserve to be treated like little miracles) and you are one of those people for sure.

As for your story, wow. I would have flipped out about Dalton being helped from his crib. Its like, you can mess with me all you ant but don't touch my kids. I think someone was definitely trying to get your attention. The part about the toilet cracked me up, partly because the same thing is happening to me now. I was just about to submit that one when they shut down the friggin submissions. Grr.

Anyhoo, I love your stories and am slowly but surely trying to make my way through all of them. Thanks for sharing and I have enjoyed reading the ones I already have.:)

Oh and P.S. I love the names you have given your children and Dobbie. I don't know why I pay so much attention to names but I do and the ones you have chosen are fantastic.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
stephy - the image of you pole-vaulting has me laughing.

Yep, no thump, no jump. All there was was (what the huh?) the pitter patter of Dalton's little feet coming down the hallway.

Stephy, thanks for reading my stories. I truly do appreciate it even if I was making light of it earlier. It means a lot when I know someone takes the time to read them and let's me know.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
(I wanted to jump in late, so I did 😳 hehe.)

When I was in my crib as a baby, I also HATED it. I guess I used to launch myself over the railing (though I was about as tall as you mentioned Dalton, somehow I managed it). My parents knew I did it though because it made the house THUMP! And out I'd come.
It got to the point where my dad removed the legs to my crib so it sat on the floor so I wouldn't fall as far when I pole-vaulted my way out. πŸ˜†

If you didn't hear the THUMP, Dalton didn't jump.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-10)
applerose - I just want you to know you are missed when you're not able to be on here. I know, life has it's own ideas of what's important, but seriously πŸ˜†.

And you know what? I didn't get much flack for letting Dalton cry himself to sleep. Imagine that 😲.

I have to share my computer with Dalton, so I understand letting your hubby have his turn. The things we do for our men, little and big. God love 'em.

I am so looking forward to reading your upcoming stories because I know I won't be sitting here rolling my eyes or thinking to myself "are you freaking kidding me?" πŸ˜†

Welcome back.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-10)
Miracles - this is what I get when I stay off the site too long - I had already read this and had meant to leave a comment - but I guess I was in a hurry that day (I need to really slow down - LOL) anywho -Love the story - and guess what? I'm one of those "Moms" too - LOL - I too put my babies in a room and let them cry themselves too sleep - you really have to do that for your sanity - LOL.
Ahh the voices - gotta love 'em ~sarcastic here~ I really hate being called and no one is there. I just deal with it.
As far as the trailers being insulated with "Ghost Foam" have you never watched "GhostBusters? - that's their side business - HAHAHA. Sorry could not help myself πŸ˜‰ I can't kid too much we now reside in a trailer - the same one we were in a few years ago (remember "Bits and Pieces"?) and even though nothing has happen yet - does not mean that it won't.
As far as the soap - darling I could not explain - the only thing I can say to that - is it HAD to be a ghost.
Well I wanted to write so much more - but the hubby is getting a little anixous and needing to get on the computer - so I'll have to say TTFN - hope to get on later tonight - so that I can read your latest story - I feel bad that I fell so far behind. - But keep them coming - you know I'll get to themπŸ˜† ❀
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Well you know me... Over the last month or so,I've bitten my tongue so much that I'm unable to anymore. Add leethed nod mush moor. -lol
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
how sweet! 2 from the "it's demonic" squad and one loony troll fun night tonight then!
And ZZSGRANNY I swear HAND ON HEART I will leave this one alone not going there at all ❀
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
510 even I passed on that one! Was just way to obvious
But my word! I did have a very hard time passing it by, was so close but resisted πŸ˜†
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Guys I had to laugh when I saw Lou's "p0rn title" comment then I scanned the story list and immediately noticed "Silent Stroker" O-M-G!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Lou, Lou, Lou πŸ˜‰ 😲 πŸ˜† I'm not even sure why I pretend to be surprised at that comment!
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Can't blame me for the rating, love...I'm not the one giving my stories p0rn titles...sheesh!

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
and a very interesting read too 😁
If yours is a book with all you experiances
(stop laughing, I ment paranormal)
Then I must be a 10 page booklet but so good a read people just can't put me down πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
taz - πŸ˜† πŸ˜† a woman has to have some secrets! Oh what the heck! My life's pretty much an open book πŸ˜‰
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
miracles keeping info is not nice!
Knowing you were a dominatrix would have answered so much! πŸ˜†

Ok so soap fine and back in bathroom, guess you had a spirit visitor who hated that brand!
Go figure!

Oh and I was right I am really nosey πŸ˜‰
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Lou - I was trying to keep this at a PG-13 rating πŸ˜†. Shoulda known better πŸ˜‰.

Work's been hectic and I've been "dying" when I get home. Miss you too.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)

Yeah, but lathering was never funner...

Miss ya'
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
Darkness - of course I'm recording all these things about Dalton. One happened just this morning, as a matter of fact. Little boy's kinda... Interesting sometimes LOL.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
And you know, Lou, you were right πŸ˜‰. Just think of all the soap I could have saved πŸ˜†
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
See, Miracles?
I told you once you outgrew that dominatrics phase that your soap and bedding would last longer!;P

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
taz - just this past weekend I took the bar of soap from under my sheet and put it back in the bathroom. Soap is same size it originally was and is a complete bar. Just a little bit of "sheet" marks. No scratches, no gouges, nothing.

This one may remain an unsolved mystery in the life of Miracles πŸ˜†.

And you're not nosey! I was supposed to report at the end of the month anyway. You just reminded me of something I forgot to do πŸ˜‰
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
Getting back to your story
It has been just over a month now so, what's with the soap experiment? Any news or just a fresh soap smelling bed?
Curious minds wondering!
Ok I'm ruddy nosey sue me πŸ˜†
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
totally! I fell off my chair laughing at this pile of crud steven king could write a movie script around that cack! πŸ˜†
At least that's the worst one been thrown in for its giggle value, and it made its mark here!?!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
Taz yeh buddy all good down here, just read the "Boys aint no good" story geez that's a bit full on aint it!

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