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Glass Ouija Board?


Here we go, another Ouija Board Story... (I submit this not because anything happened, but because it did not. This is an example of the extremes some people go to and invites discussion on positive or negative effects of 'outside influences' and Ouija Board's in General.)

Late summer/ early Fall 1987, I had finished my first Navy School and was home for 30 days leave before reporting to my first ship. My ex-wife and I are entertaining some of her friends that have come over and talk turned to the paranormal. Three individuals claimed to have created an Ouija Board and that they had 'consecrated' it via a 'dark ritual'. They said they made it of glass so that the users could 'see' the spirit's that were being contacted.

I asked about the ritual and all they would tell me was that they had used Black Candles, which they dripped the wax onto each corner of the 'glass' that they had used. The wax from these candles supposedly had turned clear upon touching the corners. Not a one of the 3 would admit to any other details concerning the creation of the glass board. They did however have it with them.

Having, at this time, about 8 years of experience with the Paranormal (6 as a practicing Wiccan) I asked to see the board. Much to my disappointment what they showed me on the front porch was a faithful reproduction of a 'Parker Brother's' Game Board on glass, drawn with soap from 'underneath' (this allowed the planchet to move smoothly on the surface). Even more disappointing was that the planchet was the one from a store bought 'game'. I examined the corners of the board; I did not find any wax on the corners, much less black wax that had turned clear.

Further questioning had the 3 telling stories of the 'entities' they had seen when using the board. They described twisted faces, with horns... Misshapen bodies with clawed hands and hoofed feet. When asked how they conducted their 'readings' I found out that they were under the influence of drugs (Acid to be precise) anytime they had success, but being who I am, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and asked if we could attempt to make contact.

It's 1130pm on a Saturday Night, most of our guest have gone for the night when my ex-wife myself the 3 'owners' of the board and two other people sit around the dinning room table ready to use the 'board'. I won't keep you waiting, NOTHING HAPPENED. After the owners of the 'board' opened it, 'following Parker Brother's rules', absolutely nothing happened. As we 'closed' the session one of the 3 guys said something to the effect of, 'I knew we should have 'dropped' (It's a drug use reference). It was at this point I picked up the glass board carried it outside, propped it up against a tree and went to stomp on it. I was grabbed and pulled away by the 3 'gentleman' who were screaming, 'Are you crazy? You'll release the spirits!'

I shook my head and walked away, thinking...'if there are any 'trapped spirits' then it's because you managed to 'capture' them with your 'playing'. The three went home and the next afternoon my wife received a call from one of them saying that the board had cracked into 3 pieces after they had put it away. (Justice in my opinion).

I had hoped to find people who knew what they were doing when it came to Ouija Board's, what I found was 3 yahoo's that had no clue what they were doing. Did their board really work for them? Maybe, Maybe Not, what I do know is that they thought it did. Suggestive 'Talking Board Use' mixed with 'Drug Use' to me equals a BAD COMBINATION.

The Paranormal is not something to 'Play With'. It takes lots of research and 'practice' to gain knowledge concerning anything; much less a Topic that has so many different aspects to it. I have personal reasons for not liking Ouija Board's (see my other experience) but I also respect those who use them, as long as they are used Properly and with Respect to the Spirit World.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rookdygin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-04)
Thanks Rook, I liked reading your opinion, everyone's opinion is important. For the most part I agree, but the there are some things I have different views on. But we all have our own beliefs. Thanks again. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-01)

(PERSONAL OPINION HERE...) There are some things that do not change between realms... I believe its the spirits or entities ACTIONS that make it positive or negitive, good or bad.

As far as 'mischievous' spirits go... They are not negitive... They are pranksters and they may thrive in an enviroment that has a high 'agravation' level Rather than something like 'fear' or anger.

It can be hard to tell as well becasue of how we react when the 'unknown' makes itself known to us... This is why a Journal can be so important... Describe everything that was happening during the of day... What happened and how you felt as it happened... But more than that what (if anything) did you feel the spirits INTENTIONS were.

I often wish there were better standardized theories about just what spirits are, that would go a long way into helping us understand them better... I have me personal beliefs and based on them I have been able to Help many people... But I really do not know if I am right and I wish I could prove it... (sigh) Maybe one day.


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-30)
Rook, I was also wondering what exactly makes a spirit negative and positive. Like, I don't consider demons being spirits, they are there own thing, I would consider them negative. But then ther are spirits that can be mischievous and do negative things, and still not be be negative. Then there are some spirits I would consider completely neutral. I understand that some people have this thing were they can feel the energy of the spirit and can determine if it is positive or negative. I also know that there may be good spirits that may stay on earth because of certain things, like say because they want revenge, revenge is a negative thing but can be done by a positive spirit right? And spirits take so many different forms, and some are sometimes judged from their forms (which I don't think is exactly right to do), sometimes people automatically think a spirit is negative because it scares them. I've heard that an orbs color can represent what kind of spirit they are, not sure if that's true.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-30)
Rook, sorry for getting back to you a bit late. (Oops). You made a really good point in your last comment. And those two questions you asked are also good points (whether they were. Want for me to answer or not), that last questions I really don't know, it made me think a lot and I'm not sure, but the first question; I would say thoughts don't make you something, what you do does, I think we've all had an evil thought, if I ever have bad thoughts like that I try to move away from them and have more positive thoughts.
Rook, thank you very much for talking to me, I appreciate you taking your own time to do this. I now know that you are another good person to go to for certain questions. Rook, you are one of the few people on this website that I truly Respect.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)

Good choice of bible stories for your example...

What makes something 'evil' the thought of doing it, or the action itself?

You state this...

"What Cain did was Bad and I consider that an act of Evil, but was Cain a bad person? No ofcourse not, nobody is a bad person, there actions are bad, just like the fact that we really don't hate others, we hate their actions."

Everybody has free will so they can choose their own actions and if they know 'right from wrong' and continue to choose wrong... What does that make them?

But we seem to be digressing... This started about 'good and evil' spirits and not personal beliefs.

So I will say this a negitive spirit will do its best to have an individual make choices that are 'negitive' or cause individuals to be afraid because this increases the negitive energy around that individual or in a home. The higher the energy level the stronger the spirit feels becasue it has a large amount of 'power' to draw from. This works for positive spirits as well.

So, any more questions? E-mail me (addie is on my profile) if you wish to discuss the more religious aspects of this further otherwise let's keep speaking of Positive and Negitive spirits or entities.


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
Rook, well my definition of good is just being righteous, doing what is right (morally). And Evil I would define as the complete opposite. I could just simply define it as profound/intense immorality. But I think for me to define evil to exactly what I mean would be kind of complicated. Hopefully you can kind of understand what I saying.

Oh! I just suddenly thought of something that can kind of explain what I think of as evil also.
So, the book of Genisis - (you must be familiar with this, I am not all that familiar with the whole bible but I know many of the stories). - and the story of Cain and Abel: What Cain did was Bad and I consider that an act of Evil, but was Cain a bad person? No ofcourse not, nobody is a bad person, there actions are bad, just like the fact that we really don't hate others, we hate their actions. *Now just note that I'm not really giving an opinion on whether I believe this story or not, whether it's real or not it's a just an example.
So sticking with the facts, Cain did not make that act of evil happen, Satan was "the force" (like I had said) in this story that drove an act of evil. I'm just not sure whether to believe the devil or not, but I do believe something like it exists.
Sorry if that's confusing, I have problems with wording things without taking a long time.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)

What is your definition of 'evil'...what is your definition of good? You do not need religion to define either of these.

Good: Nurturing (sp?), Kind, Giving and Loving

Evil: Manevolent, Mean, Hateful and Hurtful

These are just a few words that can be used to describe either. There are of course various shades of 'in between' based on an individuals actions... Because that is what it boils down to our individual choices make us good, evil or something in between. Religion (doesn't matter which one) provides 'guidlines'...these guidelines, if followed, can lead to an individual becoming a 'good person' or an 'evil person' depending on the teachings of a particular religion. One common theme seems to be this:


An individual is able to make their own choices. These choices effect how the individual acts. Our actions are what make people want to 'hang around us' or not. Like attracts Like... And from a scientific stand point I believe it works the same for 'energy'...and so (as far as I beleive) a negitive spirit will thrive in a negitive enviroment and will try its best to 'interact' in such a way that a negitive enviroment or energy is promoted in its enviroment. The same with a positive spirit... They thrive in a positive enviroment and so will attempt to 'increase' positive energy or emotions in its enviroment.

Its a 'basic' concept that gets complicated when Religion is added to the mix. I am not saying Religion is a 'bad thing' (quite contrary seeing as I am a High Priest in a Christian Church myself) but to someone seeking answers it is best to start with the simple truths and leave the Religious overtones out of the conversation.


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
Rook well I wouldn't say that a trinity is necessarily bad either, I guess just over many years things have falsely changed, and like you mentioned, the three sixes in a row is like what I was referring to with the number six (kindof) I just thought that six alone had something to do with the devil, and I also no that it is argued that it is not 666 and that it is 616. (I've also noticed that when you add the digits of 616 you get thirteen). I kind of get what your were saying in your comment, Another reason all this can get a bit confusing is because I know that lucifer, satan, the devil, and the beast are not EXACTLY the same thing.

I'm not sure whether to believe the devil or not. It's hard making that decision. But I do believe that there is some force that drives the evil on earth, it just makes sense of me to think of it like that.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
When I was a WICCAN and even now as a High Priesthood holder for my Church (Christian based Faith) I have never seen the number 6, in and of itself, represent the devil or 'the beast'.

Based on my experience and research I can say this...

In the Bible, the number 6 symbolizes man and human weakness, the evils of Satan and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on the sixth day. Men are appointed 6 days to labor.

A Hebrew slave was to serve six years and be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number 6 is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus.

The bringing together of three 6's is the number and mark of the end time Beast of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce WITHOUT God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.

Now one must keep in mind that in the King James translation of the Bible Revelation states the number of the beast as... 6 hundred three score (3X20) and 6. Then there are those who break that down as an actual representation of ROME right down to that number represnting the ROAMN EMPERIOR NERO.

So, again I must state, I am not sure how the number 6, all by itself could represent 'the devil'.

Its kind of like 3 knocks or scraches is a demon OR demonic in nature because it mocks the trinity... HOW is that posible when 3 is WHAT MAKES a TRINITY? (WOW that's my best argument yet for that topic 😲)


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
Well do you have an idea on where the the thought of the Devils number being 6 would have came from?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)

This is the experience you mentioned and as good a place as any to bring this conversation to. 😉

I am not trying to prove you wrong, just trying to find out where you got your information and offering other examples showing that there are many different opinions on just what the 'devils number' may or may not be.

YGS is a world wide melting pot of cultures, beliefs and religions. I for one have learned quite a bit sense becomeing a member. A single source of information is at best incomplete and at its worse biased based on an individuals beliefs.

Knowlege is power and the best way to 'earn' it is by research and research begins by asking questions. 😁

So if you have any, please ask away. That applies to anyone... I will do my best to provide an answer or at least give my opinion and there is a good chance I will provide links to opional points of view as well...


nterio (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-22)
when I was younger, I wanted a Ouija board soooo bad. Ya, I got the Parker bros version. At the immature age, that was good enough. No, nothing happened. Yes, I prob still have it in some junk I left at my gram's. Because it is junk, and you couldn't PAY me to mess with a real one!
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)
Dear rook,
I got your point, and I shall try my best to follow through.


PS-Nice story and no, I do not play with wija...uoja...ojua...heck I don't even know how to spell it or what it looks like!
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-30)
I totally agree with you on the Ouija Board. I have come close many times to use it and I would go berserk on people who brought the board near me or into my house. People thought I was crazy and someone even told me to go see a shrink because it was a "harmless little game for kids".

I told him to go shove it where the sun don't shine because he didn't know what he was talking about. Lets just say that my friend wasn't to happy initially when I told her boyfriend off but she finally understood how much of a hazard and an idiot he was / is.

I would never touch it or let it anywhere near my house after hearing enough stories on here.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)

I DO NOT believe in the 'Slenderman' not at all. He was created for a contest in 2009 on the 'Something Awful' forums.


You can read the whole thing... Or just 'go' with this quick 'paraphrasing...

"The Slender Man was created at the Something Awful Forums in a thread entitled "Create Paranormal Images." Again this was in 2009...

However there are those people who swear 'he' is real... But if we are to use scientific methods then where there is reasonable doubt the evidence must be 'thrown out'. The fact 'he' was created for a contest is more than enough evidence for me to 'toss' this one in the garbage can.

Having said all that there is a chance that the 'creation' has attracted a 'spirit' that chooses 'this form' when it manifests to those who choose to believe in 'him' (kinda like 'Bloody Mary') in order to 'scare' people and create an environment it can 'thrive in'.


DrGhost (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)
Rook do you believe in the slender man?
I just thought of it after seeing slender man's comment.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-09)

Be happy to answer your question...

It's not the Board itself that attracts those types of 'spirits/entities' it's those who use... Or in many, many cases misuse it.

The board is simply a tool, and like any tool it can be used properly and safely or it can be misused with very bad results... Look at the experiences... The majority of the bad ones seem to start out something like...

'When I was 12/14 years old me and my friends decided was wanted to play with a Ouija Board...'

Age, the word play and the fact that 9 out of ten times this group of 3-5 people sit down and just 'call out' to any spirit that may be present or nearby... And yeah, you get a whole lot of bad outcomes... Or absolutely nothing happens and they think it doesn't work and leave it at that (I wish). Even if it's a 'good' session these people will go on to 'play' some more and this will, more than likely, lead to a bad outcome.

So, it's not the board itself it's how it's used that causes all the problems. I'm not saying it's not possible for experienced users to make contact with something 'bad' but they will have taken precautions and know what to do if that happens.

I hope that answers your question.


Moo (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-08)

I have seen your comments all through this site, and I must say that reading the advice you give to people you have most certainly gained my respect. Even more so when I started reading your own personal recounts.

I do have one question, though, and I genuinely want your opinion on this; why do you think ouija boards are so dangerous to use? Why do they seem to attract malevolent spirits?

Kindest regard,

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
Thank you Rook. While most of the points you have covered were followed by me when using Ouija board, clearing the Board before and after the use is something new. I would like to tell you, I also don't use the Ouija Board anymore as I also felt that I am a human being and many times without knowing the other side, played with it (in true of meaning of playing) before I learnt to understand the Ouija the hardway. I think your advise will be useful for others, who are using the Board.

Thanks again.

Regards and respects to you,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)

Point well taken... Some advice, based on my experience... Keep in mind I DO NOT use a Board anymore but these are the basic precautions A VERY good friend of mine and myself would take before using a board... And as I've shared in this experience they do not always 'work'...


1st: Ouija is NOT a GAME! Do not treat it as such, nor sit down to use one with an individual who treats it that way. Likewise do not use it with anyone who deliberately wishes to contact 'a demon' or any negative type entity.

2nd: Clear the Board, this can be done any number of ways. Some people repeatedly move the planchette (pointer) back and forth between the yes and the no until it 'feels clean'. I personally have a 1x1 (1 foot by 1 foot) Silver Silk Handkerchief that I use to wipe of the board. As I do so I concentrate my thoughts on 'wiping' the board clean of any negative energies that may be attached to it. I then exit the room and shake the handkerchief off outside the house.

3rd: (Applies only if using candles) Place 2 or 4 candles (or more in EVEN number increments) around the board. Color's represent different things, choose ones that represent Purity, Protection, Safety...ect.

(Here are some good options: Light Blue: Harmony in the Home, Healing, Psychic Awareness and Safe Journey. Brown: Earth, Concentration, Overcoming Uncertainty, Steadiness. White: Grounding, Protection, Purification, Purity, Spirituality.

(Here is a good link for more...

Point is choose colors that will help draw in positive energy / protect you as you use the board.

4th: Cleans and Shield yourself and the others using hte board with you. NEVER USE THE BOARD ALONE!

5th: Open the session with a 'Blessing or Prayer' for Protection (Blessing for you Wiccan / Non-Christian Types and a Prayer for the Christians who wish to 'tempt fate').

6th: BE RESPECTFUL of any Spirits you may contact. Do not treat them as a 'know it all' answering machine... Ask them their name, ask them their age... Keep in mind that if a spirit says they are 8/9/10 years old that is how long they have been separated from their physical body... Not the age when they crossed over. Ask them how old they were when they crossed over. If answered this will let you know if you are communicating with an adult/teen/child. After 'getting to know' whom you've contacted then begin asking your questions... Again do not 'play around' and ask silly questions, be respectful and serious. Do not let the Board 'tell you things' without asking any questions... There is a good chance this is a Malevolent Spirit trying to show off (See Step 7).

7th: Close the Board. When you are done, or you feel something 'negative' may have made contact with you tell the spirit Goodbye and move the planchette (pointer) to the word Goodbye. You my feel a 'good spirit' moving it that way anyway... Resistance is an indication of something not so nice attempting to communicate. Once the session is closed again 'Clear the Board' again with however you have decided to 'Clear' your board.

8th: DO NOT USE THE BOARD ALL THE TIME... Even with all these precautions we are HUMAN and can be mislead or make a mistake. Again this is not a 'PARTY GAME' nor a way to 'SHOW OFF' to your friends.

Please ask any questions you may have... These are very basic 'rules'.


sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
Rook, you are right. I also played Ouija when I was young and got myself into problems. It was, as you said, amateurish way of playing with the board with homemade Ouija. Still had its effect. You are right about Ouija. It is not playing. It is contacting the other side. I learnt the safety measures and precautions much later, though my knowledge on it is quite limited and learnt it hard way.

For the sake of every one including me, why don't you list out the precautions and safety measures while using Ouija Boards.

Regards and respects to you,

Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
[at] Rook

I read your profile awhile ago, while browsing your stories. Made complete sense. Experience is the best way to learn.

Keep it real,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)

I've had many experiences... Some I have chosen not to share here (personal reasons). As far any knowledge goes, I'm certainly no expert I only offer my opinions/advice to others based on what I've learned from my experiences and things I have found that worked for me over the years... After some trial and error of course. If you've read my profile you see what I'm talking about (Just click on my name).


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
Thanks SpiderZA & Christine. So, it isn't just me being unobservant or out of touch! Thank you both for confirming my suspicions. 😁
Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
[at] Rook

Sir, you should write a book. I'm serious. 😁 You appear to have extensive knowledge and experiences.

Keep it real,

Christinesw (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Hey Fergie

I am from limpopo and I have also never seen one here in SA. Only heard of them.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-11)
[at] Fergie, I am from Cape Town and the only place I have seen them is in movies, lol. Although, since my beliefs are strong in this regard and I don't the boards lightly, if I did see one, I would stay very far away from it...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Thanks Rook, it seems like a very thorough site. It does sound like an American craze; unless someone else from S.Africa can prove me wrong, I still think that it never caught on here. 🤔
Thanks for the site information, it was very informative.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)

Here's a link to a very good history of the 'Talking Board' least as far as it goes here in the States.



Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Rook, Just for interest sake ~ I have never laid eyes on an ouija board in my entire life. Not in the shops, nor in anyone's home! Maybe they are not popular here - or are not allowed into the country? Maybe, I just never noticed them, as I didn't know what they were.

Nice account though, and good warning. 😊

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