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Ouija Board From Hell


I have decided to tell my story. I did not fancy up the writings as this is my account of the events that took place. I have added a lot of comments in brackets to help describe the situation as best I could. This actually did happen and the lives of many people were changed. I hope if any of them actually read this they are not angered by my telling of it. It has been 18yrs... I understand that some things need to remain in the past, and it is best to leave a sleeping dog lie. But telling the story at best may help others that get into similar trouble or at least get it off my chest.

Back in High school I had a very strange encounter with a Ouija board from hell. (That is how we referred to it)

I do not particularly believe in paranormal activity, but I have also experienced too many weird events in my life to not believe in them.

I lived in Amherstburg Ontario, which has always been very active as far as supernatural activities and folklore. As a kid, I and my friends did a lot of research in the area (including Texas Road Graveyard) and had a lot of fun and some really scary experiences. Halloween has always been my favourite time of the year and I am fairly hard to scare and definitely a hardnosed sceptic for most happenings. But this particular time that I am referring to was the single event that stopped my investigations and even my talking or writings of these events for almost 18 years now.

Back in High school I had a girlfriend who lived in an apartment building. Her father was the manager and we had full run of the game room and the party room. The party room was up stairs on the main floor. It had a small kitchen off the back of the main room and plenty of windows. It was meant for parties and gatherings so it had tables and chairs. The game room was the old party room downstairs. It was a room built in the basement storage area. It had no windows and was two larger rooms connected together with an arched walk through and a big closet on the far end. In the first room off of the door was a ping pong table. The room was large enough to allow about 5 feet of room all around. At one end was the closet and the other the arched opening into the other room. The other room was "L" shaped it had a 12 x12 ish area that you walked into (often we would set up a small table and chairs in this area for poker or games) the area behind it was longer and has a pool table with several couches at the far side and far end. This was the perfect area to get into trouble and we often did in the game room.

We had a group of about 6 people that would often get together. 4 of us were pretty deep into our research of the area and had already had a ton of weird stuff happen to us.

One night to have some fun we went to the party room and looked through the small collection of games in the cabinet. These games were old games, (even at that time many were ancient, from the 60s and before...) these games were "donated" from past tenants. In this collection we found an old Ouija board. It was nothing special. It looked to be manufactured probably in the 40s/50s. It had a black box with the board and pointer in the dark (candle light) with gypsy like hands on it on the front. It looked cool so we figured we would play. We opened it up and set it up. The board was black with red numbers and white letters & yes/no at the bottom. The pointer was a large black spade with little plastic feet with brass tips. (Nothing special) We waited until later, when the other two friends showed up and we played it. We all pushed the pointer around and laughed. We asked it "8 ball" type questions. (will I get an A in math? Those kind of questions) I think we all had fun guiding the pointer to the funny answers.

Needless to say we got tired of the game very quickly and left it on the table and moved into the other part of the room to chat and eat potato chips. In the middle of our conversation a clunk sounded from the Ouija board. When we looked at it the pointer had fallen on the floor. (not a big deal, but it was fairly confusing how it could fall from the center of the board and table to the floor.) We all chuckled about it and joked that it was a ghost.

The next day we made plans to have an actual séance in the game room in the basement with candles and everything. Well we did. We turned out the lights. (In the basement of an apartment building with no windows, it is extremely dark. Pitch black to the point you cannot see your hand no matter how close you hold it to your face.) All we had were 4 or so tea lights. (it was still very dark) We started asking questions, this time more serious; Questions about spirits about names, about presence in the building or room. We got some answers; I being the sceptic figured someone was driving the pointer. We had weird things happen the first night, but not too weird. Stuff like thumping and knocking. (We were in the basement of a 7 story apartment building but the floor usually did not transmit much sound. In fact we often played a radio/ CD player to provide some ambient noise.) We had fun that night and got a bit freaked out, but nothing that pushed this experience out of the realm of fun.

We liked the séance and decided to have a few more. My Girlfriend asked her father if she could keep the Ouija board. He agreed it was ok, but being a very religious man made a note of concern of why we were playing with it. We agreed it was all in good fun. He told us that an old lady from an apartment upstairs had passed away and her family left the Ouija board behind. He was actually going to throw it out but decided to put it into the "donated" games pile. My girlfriend actually remembered the old lady; she used to give her special salt to sprinkle around her room to keep the "bad people" away. She apparently had a bunch of odd things like that in her apartment. So this was her Ouija board and she was a little bit of an odd character. I think she was either a very superstitious person or she could have even been as much as a modern day witch. Who knows, but she did something to this Ouija board that made it evil.

We had our few more séances and weird things started turning progressively worse. Other friends sometimes joined. So it was not always the same people. But myself and my Girl friend were the 2 constants. Every night that we played, a particular name came up. Constantly... Even when we just watched. (we told no one of this name and it still would come up) I will not mention it; in fear that it might evoke problems. Either way it was getting freaky and out of control. One night (about or 6th or 8th séance) we had something bad happen. In the middle of the séance all the tea lights blew out at the same time. In the pitch black of the game room we could all see figure crawling on the walls. (We all four saw them at the same time) (Thinking back they looked and moved like a fuzzy spiderman up and across the walls. There were about 4 or 5 of them) I bolted for the lights and turned them on. I got mad thinking someone blew out the lights but I could not explain the shadows on the walls. (the game room was so dark without light that there were no shadows.) This freaked the hell out of us... So we decided not to play anymore. We put the Ouija board back in the party room and left it for about a month. During that time my Girl friend was having bad dreams and actually having night terrors. He parents were trying to calm her down and convince her it was all a bad case of an over active imagination.

After most of the month went by we started talking about playing again. But not for fun... To actually be smart about it and try to "properly" say good bye to an active spirit or to send the message that we are done. To help my Girl friend sleep at night we decided to have another Séance. We did our research on how to "properly" say good bye to spirits on the Ouija board and called over 2 of our faithful friends. We entered the game room with the Ouija board and immediately as we walked in and turn the lights on, we all, in the transition from dark to light, saw a figure of a person in the corner look up at us and smile. Then in the full light it was gone. (I don't know how to explain it, there was some kind of slight delay in the lights from when I flicked the switch to when the room became fully light) This scared the stuffing out of me and everyone. We ran out and did not return for a couple more weeks. During that time we all started to have nightmares, very real and nasty nightmares. My Girl friend was still having them very bad and the other girl was now starting to have these night terrors. Her parents actually called our parents to figure out what we were up too. To keep our sanity we grasped desperately to the idea that conducting the "proper" goodbyes would work. We got together for the second last time. This time we performed the séance in the Party room where there was natural light from the street lights outside and we did it in the late afternoon. Nothing happened. It was as if the board was back to normal. No contact, nothing. We felt hollow and unsure of how to understand this. So we all went home. We all had the nightmares continue. So we decided that it would have to be done one more time in the Games room on the basement.

The 4 of us once again found ourselves in the Games room preparing for a séance. We took a long time to start since none of us were too eager to have the stuffing scared out of us again. It started getting really late and we did not want to be up all night so we committed to get started. As we started the game room was ice cold. (this was unusual the game room was close to the furnace room and usually one of the hottest rooms in the building during the fall) This automatically started to stir us up. Then the matches would not light to light the tea lights. (we actually had to go upstairs and get a BBQ lighter) Then the tea candles would not stay light. (I have seen a lot of fire in my days and nothing has ever acted like the tea lights did) The flame was incredibly small and blue, it barely gave off any light and would shrink and flick out. After about 10 minutes of trying to light the tea lights, we change out to dinning candles (6" white stick candles) they stayed lit but were dim.

With the music (Madonna) playing in the background we started. We asked our questions and got our spirit. We asked it to leave, we did everything we researched to get rid of this spirit; every time was either an answer of no or swishing around the board. Finally it got angry and did not answer. The candles died down to barely any light and the music started to distort. Madonna's immaculate CD was playing and the music actually slowed like a tape getting eaten and her voice became dark, deep and angry sounding. The shadows were back crawling on the walls in the so very faint candle glow. I don't remember what was said, but I think one of us said "do you see them?" Maybe my Girl friend said "listen to the music"... We exchanged 2 or 3 comments then the candles all blew out. The table exploded in front of me. (I am fairly sure it was kicked by my Girl friend or friend as they jumped back) I heard the candles fall to the floor along with the board and the chairs. I threw myself back and hit the wall. The wall was Ice cold. The girls (2 of them) were screaming. I scrambled for the light but stopped. I was momentarily lost in the room, I could not think of where the light switch was and where the walls were compared to me. Then the music started to go slower and the voice and angry deep barking/screaming. I could hear among the screaming and the angry voice/voices small things crashing around me and hitting the walls. That is what told me how close the wall was and ran and grabbed the wall, (still ice cold) and ran along to the door and opened the door. It took me a great effort to pull the door, but I was scared as hell and my adrenaline pumping I reefed the door open and the light from the hallway flooded into the room. I could not see the walls or an outline of the room, just my friends appearing from the dark as we all shot out of the room. We could hear the screaming and crashing in the room from the staircase as we bolted to my Girl friend's apartment.

We were all so scared. I have never been that afraid in my life. I remember thinking If I don't have a heart attack, I'd wake up the next day with all white hair. We told my Girl friend's father of the incident, we told him everything. (He already had a good idea of what had been happening, as my Girl friend told him about it with her nightmares) He decided to take charge of the situation. (He was a religious man and had almost become a priest as a young man but did not finish his vows and decided to get married and have a family. He actually had holy water on hand!) He went down stairs with the holy water and his rosary. We all stayed upstairs. After several minutes he came up with the Ouija board. He said that the room was fine that the table and the chairs were neatly in the center of the room with the board and pointer on it. The pointer was pointing to the word No. The radio was off but worked fine, the Madonna CD was still in it. The only thing was that the room was littered with CDs. My Girlfriend had a CD book organiser that held about 40-50 CDs. They were tossed all over the room, and some of the walls had marks in them where the CDs had hit. The CD book was empty. All the CDs were all over the place. He had sprinkled holy water all over the room and scooped up the CDs in an empty trash can. He told us not to go back into the room. Then we followed him outside to the back of the building. There he opened the maintenance garage and pulled out a wheelbarrow with dirt in it and moved it to the side of the building and placed the Ouija board in the center. Then he got a can of gas and some matches. He sprinkled some holy water on the board and said a brief blessing (something like praying to God to take the spirit out of the board and sort him in your numbers... I can't remember exactly what was said) He then poured a ton of gas on it and lit it on fire. The gas of course exploded. But the strange part was the fire was not red. It was blue and was a very tall (30 odd feet high) column that lasted for several minutes. The board hisses like crazy. Then the fire died out and was gone. We looked into the wheelbarrow and the Ouija board was unmarked. My Girl friend's father was getting upset. He grabbed some dry twigs from the nearby landscaping and some cut off lumber from the maintenance shed and tried to burn it again. The wood and twigs all got scorched, but nothing burned and the Ouija board was untouched. My Girl friend's father was very scared and upset. He told us not to worry he was taking it to the church and that they would know how to handle it. He put the Ouija board in a burlap sack, from the garage and immediately got in his car and drove off to the church. (this was like midnight/1:00am) He came back around 4:00am He told us that it was all over and that we did not have to worry about it any longer.

We all went home. None of us had any more nightmares. None of us talked about it, and we did not do anymore research or investigations.

About a month later the Game room was torn apart and made into additional storage area for the building. Our female friend left the group and would not/has not talked to us since. About 6 months later I broke up with my Girl friend and have not had much communications with her or my other friend at the time since.

About 2 years after that, my Girlfriend and her family left the apartment building and bought a small house out in the county.

A couple years ago, my wife had a friend over from work. It ended up being one of the other friends that occasionally was in our group as kids. She brought up the rumours of the weird séances that we had and how freaky that whole situation was. I did not explain anything and actually told her I could not remember much of it other than it was scary. Since then the story has been bothering me to come out.

Like I said before it's been about 18years. It is nice to actually talk about this again... But as I wrote this I actually experienced a lot of anxiety and now I have a headache. This story does go a little deeper, but I think those details I will have to take to the grave.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, old_dude, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
3 years ago (2021-07-06)
Thanks for the compliment I haven't been on here in a long time but I'm back and I'm looking forward to finishing off a few memories and stories I have
GreenGhost1985 (15 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-02)
What a story! I'm new to this site stumbled across it about a month ago. When I stumbled across your story Doctors Dungeon! Your a great writer. Just fascinating!
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-18)
Well I have an update... I recently returned to the building that this all happened in so long ago. It is under new owners and management and I had a very brief talk with the new manager and only said one sentence to him about the basement. I said "wow this place is creepy!" He quickly opened up to me about all the problems they have with noises, and people that freak out down there. He said he wouldn't believe it if he didn't experience it for him self. The old party room is now storage rooms full of clutter and debris. No body goes down there unless they absolutely have too... I got out quickly without furthering the conversation. I am perfectly happy to be separated from that place.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-21)
Thanks for that Biblio! I'm working my way through them all, along with all the comments, so it's taking some time, but I'll read that one next. Talking of comments... I always like to vote up what I see as good comments, but when I come to yours, I'm being told told to 'vote for someone else'! Hmmm... I don't understand that at all! 🙄
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-20)
I recommend you read old_dude's "The Doctor's Dungeon" ( I like to revisit it around Hallowe'en.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-20)
Hi Dude,
WOW... You are some story teller! You had me right from the start, but when you were in that pitch black room trying to figure out where the light switch was, I swear to God it felt like I was standing beside you and when you ran through that door, I was right on your heels, running as fast as my wee legs could carry me...LOL!
I've been on a Ouija board 3 or maybe 4 times and luckily never had anything bad happen, but I was young and didn't know the dangers back then. I've learned a fair bit though over the years and have no intention of ever doing it again. I couldn't figure out how I'd missed this story, but it turns out I joined YGS just over a month after yourself. I've probably read some of your other stories, but I intend to read them all again anyway and I've added you to my favourite posters list.
I have to say a big 'Thank You' to RSAChick for pointing me in the right direction this morning!
Oh...I do remember something my brother-in-law told me, many, many years ago. He was a career soldier and was on an unaccompanied posting at the time.Can't remember where, but somewhere fairly remote. The guys were a bit bored, so someone suggested doing a Ouija board. I think they made their own and used a tumbler as a planchette. Anyway... I don't know what came through at the start, but at some point, the tumbler seemed to be pointing out random letters that didn't seem to mean anything. Till the guy in charge of writing them down suddenly realised it was saying the Lord's Prayer... Only it was saying it 'backwords'! 😟 They were all so scared when they realised what was happening and one guy burst into tears and another passed out completely and had to be carted out to the sick bay!LOL...That'd be enough to put anyone off for life eh! 😜
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-20)
Greetings, old_dude.

A film-maker may have used your story for some background ideas (setting, consequences, etc.) when fleshing out the script. As I was re-reading it (about the 4th or 5th time since I joined), I realized how fast-paced and tightly-written it is. I'm not sure you'd have grounds to press a lawsuit for copyright infringement --quite a few details overlap with other people's experiences-- but you certainly should be flattered that this may have been one of the stories that sparked the imaginations of the script writer, director, etc. There's no need to "fancy up the writings" when the story is this compelling.

RSAChick (115 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-20)
Aaah, old_dude! You have returned!
I am hoping for more stories from you, please?

Which movie are you talking about?
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-19)
there is a new movie with a scene really similar to this it was shot very closely to my experience really freaky!
RCRuskin (9 stories) (818 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-16)
Old Dude, this is a fascinating story.

And, while I'm not Roman Catholic any longer, converted to a different 'version' of Christianity, I have seen a manual on what to do if certain things happen. It focused specifically on mishaps with consecrating Communion and what to do if Satanic influences happen.

The book scared the crap out of me.

I put it down and told the priest, if any of this happens, I will simply do whatever you tell me, even if it is walking on my hands.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (320 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-16)
Noooo! You can't just end it like that! Now I want to know what you left out! That's going to drive me crazy now! This was really a great read. I've read a lot of paranormal stories, and this definitely goes in the favorites! I couldn't imagine seeing that creepy stuff climbing on the walls! Especially more than 1. Thank you for sharing your terrifying experience!
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
Thanks for the compliments. I have not touched a Ouija board since... I actually have the occasional flash back like PTS when I see them in the stores...
Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-17)
Fascinating, well-written story. Thank you. With the woman who owned the board originally ~ trust me, no one has to DO anything to make a ouija board evil... My guess would be that the board had turned on her as well, hence her proclivity for passing around protective salt. That sounds more like what a 'good' witch would do. Negatively infusing an object is something a 'wicked' witch would do. I have thrown out boards, only to have them re-appear. 'Witchboard' the film is a largely fantastical but in some aspects accurate account of the pitfalls of these things. They are dangerous. I have no trouble believing the story of how it burned. I disposed of one by burning it in the fireplace as a youngster myself ~ only to have a sort of psychic say I should not have done so. From what I can tell, though, that was the end of it my case.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-22)
I know this story was posted some time ago but I just wanted to compliment you on a well written account. I also want to tell you that it was very scary. I don't play with this kind of thing, although I find it very interesting. I hope it never happens to me.
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-15)
So I spoke with a friend of mine who comes from a very religious Irish Catholic family. He says that the church has practisioners who choose to "study" old church traditions that include superstitions, witchcraft, satan, evil and dark magic. He said that some practisioners will even travel to Rome and Spain for specialized studies and training. They handle these type of things. Sometimes in person or over the

I don't know if I believe him, but he is a very honest, straight laced guy...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-03-24)
old_dude: I've always enjoyed your accounts, too. Looking forward to more! Don't press yourself though, we'll be here when you're ready 😊
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-24)
Old_dude- gee thanks for getting back to me (and so soon). And I'm not trying to put pressure on you to write again (so, sorry if you fell that). And I understand, we all have our own lives, and you have family to take care of and that is more improtant, I hope someday I have family like that.
It's good to here you do have some more stories to share, can't wait to read them! Till then, enjoy your life and take care.
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-24)
Grandpa's clock is the last story I published, but I still have a ton of them. The problem is finding the time to write them out. I have a family of 4 kids and we are renovating a historic cabin. So finding time to get for myself where I can be undisturbed is rare. I do a lot of training for work so when they send me out of town I get time in the hotel to write.

Thanks for the kind words.

I have another one in the works. I work in construction/ service industy and just spent several hours in the underground passages of Windsor. I found several slave tunnels with names and drawings on the brick walls. They are all over downtown and run from old building foundations out under the street and under other buildings. It is super creepy and looks like something from a movie. Giant industrial pumps, generators, steam pipes, old tile passages, old brick tunnels all from the 20s, 30s and erlier all frozen in time... Very odd and very full of spirits. There are rooms down there that have wooden barrels from the proibition time and bunks of beds and hidden chambers for escaping slaves that are ancient. Passing through these tunnels and rooms is like walking back through time.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-23)
Old_dude sorry I just realized you commented back (sorry! I shouldve noticed earlier.) Yes, it bugs me also, why WOOD wouldn't burn. And I have no clue what the church possibly could've done if it wouldn't burn, I mean what else could you do. And old_dude, yeah it does raise a lot of questions, It's just one of those things no one ever finds out about, it's part of unknown (except to those in the church of course.) And when people don't know something; that's where the conspiracy theories start. But I'm not even going to go there, I want to know what they did but I don't need to know, as long as what they did hit rid of it, I wouldn't want the question answered. Thanks for getting back to me old_dude! 😊 And again I'm sorry for getting back so late.
P.S. We miss you around here (well I do anyway) your such a great writer. Was "Grandpa's Grandfather Clock" the last story you had to tell? Is that It? You should literally write a book of all your experiences with the paranormal, and get it published, seriuosly, I would buy it.
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-11)
no problems... I don't know why it would not burn... It still bugs me that it would not burn... But I still wonder what the church did in the middle of the night that ended everything... Do you think churches are aware of these situations? Do they have a get rid of evil emergancy manual? Do they train people to handle these events?... Raises a lot of questions doesn't?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-02-10)
Sam - sometimes you can find out more about a story, or the author, in the comments than you can in the story itself. And reading the comments, even though there might seem to be more than you want to read, can keep you from asking something that has already been addressed.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-10)
Miracles I read a few but there is so many comments, it would take almost as long as the story to read them, but now that you mention that I'll go look at that if I Can find it, thanks for mentioning that miracles, and old_dude never mind that question I asked, no need to answer a question already answered. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-02-10)
Sam - did you read all the comments on this story? Old_dude actually mentions some of his thoughts about why the Ouija board didn't burn.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-10)
Hey thanks for getting back to me, I haven't heard from you in while, hope we hear from you again sometime soon; your a great writer and have weird, mind-blowing, scary, amazing, horrifying stories. And yes this story here serves as an example of why ouija boards can be dangerous and get out of hand.
O you have any idea why it didn't burn or are you wondering the same?
old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-10)
thanks...this was the single most scariest thing that ever happened to me and I am glad it talked you out of playing with a board
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
I was so bored that I decided to read some of your older stories that I hadn't read yet. I read this story on Saturday and did not have time to comment since then, so I'm going to comment now.
This was an amazingly narrated story but highly terrifying, it must have been pretty horrible what all you guys went through, and I could just imagine what your nightmares were, though I don't want to know, things people can see in real life are scary enough. The main reason I read this was to find out the reason for the title. And yes that question was answere, for it was embedded in the story, and now I don't think there couldhave been a better title for this experience, I'm told what you experienced WAS hell, and I hope you never experience it again.
Theory thing I didn't understand is why it wouldn't burn. I guess "things from hell" don't burn.
I'd like to thanks for writing this experiance. This experiance out of anything else I've ever read has discouraged me the most from using the ouija board, and seriously, at this moment I am frightened of ouija boards, I know this sounds weird but thanks for that, I needed that scare, I almost, and was going to wgoing movie Ouija,... But movies are just movierightful
The only problem (my fault) I had with this story, was the time I chose to read it. My house was quite, everyone else was asleep, and it was 10:00 P.M. I think you guess the rest.
limwen (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-04)
Buy some sage and sweet grass for burning. Sage is kind of like hand sanitizer to entities and spirits and energy, and sweet grass invites only good energy. You'll want to burn the sage before using the board, widdershins or anti clockwise around the room where the board will be used. The best type of room to use is a screened porch, some sort of "in between" space. A rooftop or a garden would work well enough too, just never right out in the open, and only in some room if you sage it thoroughly. Close the board by thanking the spirits for coming and bid them leave. Move the pointer to all the corners of the board and end it on goodbye. Then sage the room again, widdershins, bidding all spirits and evil and negativity to go. If you want to use the sweet grass, do so at this time, moving desoil or clockwise around the room to invite good energy. Sage and sweetgrass can be used periodically to spiritually cleanse the home after any sort of emotional or spiritual dirtiness.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2014-12-02)

Sounds like a chance to do a bit of Father Daughter bonding. Let her know a bit about some of your experiences. Explain to her the dangers of 'playing' with a spirit board... They are not something you play with, they are a tool and as such they have certian ways they need to be used.

As far as closing a session those using it must push the planchette (the pointer) to goodbye... No matter what has happened during the session all those who opened the session need to close it. Thank the spirit (s) for coming through... And then tell them goodbye... Then move the pointer over the word goodbye. This 'should' push the spirit (s) that came through back to the spirit realm and keep them from remaining on in the physical realm.

Before someone asks... No it does not matter what has happened during the session... What is important is that the session is CLOSED.

There are preperations that can be done that can help protect those conducting a session... Feel free to ask.

Please keep us posted... If you don't mind.


old_dude (16 stories) (112 posts)
9 years ago (2014-12-02)
Ok I have a situation... My teen daughter wants to get a Ouija board and play it with her friends... I have never told her any of my activities as a youth or my experiences... Should I tell her? More important yet should I let her? (If I tell her no she'll probably sneak it with her friends because they do not think it is serious) and finally... Does anyone know the correct way to end the spirits if they come through? (in case she gets herself into trouble)
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-02)
Funny how even if the seance itself is uneventful, there's usually activity afterward. Seems to be a pattern. I see it as like, if unsettled spirits are ships on a dark sea, the intention, the energy of combined people wanting to connect is kind of like a beacon. I guess they follow the light to its source and then don't want to leave. I'm always curious about the whole "proper" notion of discarding a board and pendulum/coin/glass... In my own sitch, we smashed the glass afterward, which is apparently the dumbest thing you can do. Still, we were kids. It all seemed a bit dramatic and silly until the activity began. Interesting.

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