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Zozo The Ouija Demon 2


So, I decided why not find out if this supposed "demon" was real and provoke it even further by bringing my friend over yet again to play the board. This time I was going to ask it questions about hell and what "mama" meant. So we went into my room and sat on the floor with the board. Even after my oppression experience from the last session I was still skeptical I wanted solid proof of this demon really existing, I mean come on were speaking with this thing through a piece of cardboard.

So anyways we started asking questions, two of which stood out the most. I asked, "what number are you in the rank Zozo?" The cursor moved to 5,9,7. Zozo also told me that he has taken 7 victims and my friend would be the eighth. I also asked Zozo how he was going to kill my friend because he never gave the reason for this and he spelled out pk9 and I was like... What does that mean? My friend explained this was military code for some type of poisonous gas or something. Zozo also mentioned the presence of other demons which were there with him.

Mama, Lilith, and Azazel. I was getting freaked out because I read up on Azazel and found out he was pretty high ranking but Zozo said he would not speak with us for whatever reason. This session went on for an hour until we finally had enough of his threats of killing my friend so we closed the board.

Later that night when my friend was driving down US 19 a bad highway which is known for its many deaths and accidents started to fish tail on her street bike doing 70 mph but regained control. Thank the Lord he was watching out for her on this night because if she had lost control of the bike she would have probably died.

I feared Zozo was becoming much stronger and now feared I would lose my good friend because of this foolish communication with a demon which we shouldn't have been talking to in the fist place.

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mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-15)
Thank you for your brilliant knowledge lol, my mam has been going to one a few times and he says he has a brain tumor and able to talk to and see spirits. My mam was totally astounded by him as he was able to give names from either the past/present/future which have meaning to her, he was able to see events in the future like a certain window been smashed. My mam used to record him on her phone and listen back or show family then one day he said no recording only written notes. Still the next session she sneaked her phone hidden in a pocket and straight away he said take your phone and stop recording without seeing it. I'm not skeptic or a believer as I think a lot is based on absolute random luck for the fortune teller and believe/faith for the customer. What do you guys think and any theories on there logic for predictions. Or is it 24/7 deja vu they have already seen the customer and had the session before it even really began lol.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-14)
Well you have malevolent ghosts/spirits, then you have demons. Then you have 'inner demons'. It's like Rook and Granny says. Everyone struggles with an inner demon at some point in their life. However, inner demons are not brought on by the paranormal.
On fortune tellers, there are far more frauds then the truly gifted. The same goes for mediums or any self-proclaimed psychic.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-13)
mrfknbee; From my experience with the few times I've gone ghost hunting (and by no stretch of the imagination could my opinion be considered "expert") residual energy manifests quite differently than intelligent energy. Both energies can felt physically and psychically. But residual hauntings are more like hearing doors slamming (without any physical evidence, like no door is positioned differently, etc), sometimes arguments or screams, etc. Intelligent energies will interact, answer questions through EVP sessions and follow simple directions like knocking or making a noise when asked, and at times freak you out by touches; or in one instance during our most recent adventure, I had one breathing in my ear LOL πŸ˜†

Geez, I still have to get that written up πŸ˜†

But to answer your question, I've never heard of a residual energy becoming intelligent.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-13)
Mr bee,

Intelligent spirits are just that INTELIGENT... They are able to interact... In real time... With us here on the physical plane. A residual is a recording... A recording of events that due to the right conditions RECORDED into/onto a certian location. Then, under the right conditions the event simply replays. A residual can not learn to interact because it is simply a recording.

As far as fortune tellers's hit or miss some of them are actually gifted people who want to help, others are fakes out to make a quick buck or three. If your going to try one, due your research... The sad truth is there are more fakes than true fortune tellers out there.


mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-13)
Thanks zzgranny and rook I do understand what yous mean. I always loved reading both your theories on energy and residual hauntings. I do have one more question though please. Is it possible for spirits or energy's to adapt to modern times and building structures or would it simply be a residual haunting in a new building but intelligent enough to think logically about the buildings layout but then doesn't that make it an intelligent haunting. I guess I really mean can spirits think and interact with the living world intentionally or is it just oblivious to us and still living in the past. Also just wondering what do you guys make of fortune tellers, do you believe them or is it just misguided misconceptions.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-04-13)
mrfknbee: I agree with Rook that it's hard to get into a discussion about demons without involving religion. But to address one point you brought up: addictions such as alcoholism, substance abuse, gambling, etc., are referred to as "inner demons". Addiction is extremely difficult to overcome, as is demonic possession and most times takes an act of God to conquer. In my opinion, we all have personal "inner demons" and we have to find a way to suppress them on our own whether through religious faith, or by a whole hella lot of soul searching.

Humans are, by nature, neither completely good or bad. Drugs and alcohol alter the chemistry of the brain and in so doing, alter the person's perception. It's a lot easier to blame your inner demons than to accept personal responsibility. You'd have to actually look at yourself, and some people can't do that for whatever reason. Also, addictions like gambling, sex, or even tattooing release many of the same chemicals and even though you know you should stop, you just can't.

Real demons, if you believe in those kinds of things, are entities that have never been human. They are considered by most to be pure evil. I say most, because there are those who believe they are weak and can be controlled. They are the complete opposite of Angels, who are purely divine.

And now I think I'm done with my "Granny ramble" πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-12)

Sense you asked...

Demon can be a term for a bad habit someone has...'Hard drink is his demon'.

It can be a term for emotional baggage people have...'Sadness/Anger is his demon'.

The word has many different 'meanings' when it comes to spirits/entities there are individuals who deem anything mean, hateful or hurtful as demons. I am not one of those individuals... I will try and explain and not 'wax religious'...

Our bodies are shells that have no life until inhabited by spirit... Once in a body these become human spirits... Some of these non-human spirits CAN NOT enter the human shell... They want to but can't and this has made them angry, bitter and down right evil. Well that's the Readers Digest Condenced version of things.

This is a conversation that sounds way better if one can involve religion and all that but we do try and keep it out of our comments. Please ask any questions you may have, I will do my best to answer them.


mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-12)
Just a question for you guys and that's how do you judge or determine wether a person has/is a demon. I only ask because isn't it all down to life choices and state of mind. I know local people who generally are horrible people and are never going to change but its nothing to do with demons. I guess I kind of mean isn't it your good then your good and bad then your bad. I also know a fair few of the local alcoholics and they always get crazy drunk and hurt everyone they love but always say its not me its the drink its like I'm a a different person, but if truth be told its nothing to with demons its just a poor excuse
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-11)

You may be 'onto' something...

Lets say there is a non-human spirit/entity or even a ghost (human spirit) that thrives on the energy scared/frightened people give off. Now picture them 'knowing' what scares an individual...what's to stop them from acting like this 'thing' that scares someone... Nothing really... I think Bloody Mary is not only an urban legend but a non-human entity that thrives off of people's fear... It hears/feels a group of people 'playing' Bloody Mary... Picks up the image of 'her' from one (or more) of the people involved and then uses the energy to manifest as...TADA...BLOODY MARY... Of course everyone goes running scared and the spirit thrives on the energy created...

Just a theory I have...


hippiesiren (8 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-11)
People keep mentioning that some demons were "born" on the internet. Here's a thought, and I don't mean it in anyway to seem like I'm making up excuses for silliness, but maybe these are demons and they are simply choosing to take names that they know will cause fear in those that contact them. Again, this is just a thought. I am by no means an expert on such matters.
instant_crush (1 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-06)
[at] blood_barbie,

Hahahahahaha...! XD I noticed it too...! I think Eve was the "mama", right?

Anyway, the reactions so far:
Part 1-facepalm
Part 2-fall off the bed laughing!
arkgodwin (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-26)
Ever heard of the saying "curiosity killed the cat?" Ouija boards are entry ways for evil spirits, normally good spirits won't try to communicate unless they have a message. Also, (dunno if your christian, but whatevs) it says in the bible that a demon will gather 7 other evil spirits to him (that is why it is said in many possessions that there are 7 demons) My advice is for your friend to get a blessing, and stop screwing with the Ouija board, you will get burned (pun intended)
blood_barbie (2 stories) (26 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-22)
Lilith? Azazel? Mama, or Mother to be formal? Is it just me or did anyone else notice that these demons were also in the show Supernatural? πŸ˜•
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-17)
While Troll Patrol is a necessary needed 'evil' and the 'sing along's' are a lot of fun. To much swearing (even if it's self edited) ruins it... Just like good hip hop (rap - swearing = hip hop). So while I support and enjoy my membership on the Troll Patrol could we not swear?

A public service announcement from one of the 'late nighters'.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
All right let's break it down

In one Corner we have ZOZO 'demon' of unconfirmed origin, who, if one does a quick 'Google' of 'his name' seems to get mentioned quite a bit... With all the press you'd think he'd be able to claim more than 7 victims... Seems like a pretty weak 'demon' to me...

In another corner we have Lilith and Azazel coming to you via your board direct from Hebrew Mythology... Azazel mentioned 3 times in in the Bible is limited to three uses in Leviticus 16 (I'm not going to spoil all the fun go research it your self). Tag teaming with Azazel is Lilith who was first developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (once again folks I encourage you to do the research for yourself... Discovery is much more fun this way). πŸ˜‰

Completing our Pyramid 'fiction' we have this offering...

"Later that night when my friend was driving down US 19 a bad highway which is known for its many deaths and accidents started to fish tail on her street bike doing 70 mph..."

A few questions here...

What is the posted speed limit on US 19? (Speeding is not always good for street bike control in the dark...)

What were the weather conditions? They can play a major part in the traction of any car or motorcycle.

If your friend truly felt threatened by this ZOZO character then why did she take a road 'known for it's many Death's and accidents'?


Could you please answer my questions, rebut my points so I do not feel like this...

I feel as if I'm at a baseball game and I just watched the Pitcher just throw three perfect pitches for a quick 1,2,3 STRIKES your out...

Next batter!


Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
You gotta love 'true believers'. They're invested so much into making something come true, that no stone will be left unturned in their efforts to generate 'evidence' for it's existence.

With the complete lack of concern for any thing constituting real evidence of course.

h2oified (2 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Personally I never hve believed in Ouija boards but this sounds serious. I think you should get rid if the board. If it is a demon and wants to kill your friend it is dangerous. It's better not to mess with it.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
You say you thank the Lordfor watching out for her but you all are talking to demons for thrills. Not a good thing. Gods word is specific about not doing what you are doing.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
I would ask Denzel Washington about this azazel-
He dealt with him in the movie "Fallen"
A clever and tricky one this is- able to move from one body to the next with a touch of the hand.
If he can take down the likes of John Goodman- I fear there is no hope for you. 😨
Explosion123 (2 stories) (21 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
BlueBakemono [at]
You win.
And I agree. Seriously
snowhite (203 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Stop playing with the board or you may be the 9th victim on ZOZO's list. Do you think it is worth it just because of your curiosity?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
I don't know which was funnier, the OP saying she shouldn't have messed with this demon in the fist place, or Blue bakemono saying the firt place.

This is truly an incredible story.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
The 'Troll Tune' below should be sung to the tune of "Oh Suzanna".

Ooh Suzanna,
Now don't you cry for me
For I've come from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee.

It rained so hard the day I left
The weather was bone dry.
The sun so hot I froze myself
Suzanna don't you cry...

You get the picture.

(volunteer deputy of the zzgranny 'Troll Squad') πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
You would think anybody with common sense would stop messing with Zozo after the firt encounter.
I'm going to smack you if you come out with a Zozo The Ouija Board Demon Part 3. 😐
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
I'm Zozo, Zozo,
Zozo the demon clown.
And if you want to see me,
Just bring the Ouija board 'round.
I'll jump out and possess you,
And make you throw a fit.
Gnashing teeth and bloodied fangs,
I'll treat your friends like sh**!
And if you have a yearnin',
To write more of this crap,
I'll set your hair to burnin'
And douse it with a slap!
So don't you mess with Zozo
For he will smack you down
And squash you like the bug you are...
He's Zozo the demon clown!

(volunteer deputy on zzgranny's 'troll squad')
πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
april_0 (3 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
you will read my next story the last session I had with this demon. I knew perfectly well what I was dealing with I have a lot of knowledge on the occult spirits demons ect. I just wanted proof that it actually existed, questions I had about hell and about zozo himself. Yes most of the time curiosity kills the cat but fortunately for me I have not touched a board or done anything else relating to the occult since... I was always respectful of him until he threatened my friend and that's when I lost my temper and I became oppressed.
mouse26 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
You shouldnt have used the board if you no your dealing with a demon you should have gotten help asap.
Demons arent spirits they are worse.
I really hope for your sake and your friends that this never happened... Seek help this is dangerous.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Okay, you kept on asking questions even after the demon mentioned that he will take your friend as the 8th victim. You suppose to close the session after a warning answer. And why the hell a demon would tell how many victims he took? Don't you think its a shame for a demon to say 'I took 7 victims'?
I kill 100 mosquitoes in a day by the way [ shy ]
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Okay, you kept on asking questions even after the demon mentioned that he will take your friend as the 8th victim. You suppose to close the session after a warning answer. And why the hell a demon would tell how many victims he took? Don't you think its a shame for a demon to say 'I took 7 victims'? πŸ˜•
I kill 100 mosquitoes in a day by the way 😳

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