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Angel's White Feathers


It was the week before Christmas 2012, when I heard my first "Voice", which I believe was not of our plane. I had heard other people tell of "voices", even my hubby Ray, had his own experience, with our beloved daughter Angel. I was slightly envious, I must admit! But, on the other hand, I had, time and again smelled evidence of her presence in our home. (She passed away in June 2012.)

It was Tuesday afternoon, Ray was off at work (his only job of the year; playing Father Christmas) and Shenay (our eight year old grand-daughter) was sitting in front of his computer, watching "Home Alone". I nipped into the kitchen to pack away dishes, which I had washed earlier in the day. I had to "steal time" while Shenay spent the long school holiday with us! She is very bright, but usually doesn't like to spend too much time on her own.

Anyway, as I was packing the plates away, I heard "Mom" being called, from inside the house. I stopped what I was doing, crossed the short distance to the serving hatch, which overlooks the dining room, and then the computer room (open plan, only a step dividing the two). I could see the back of Shenay's head, and the computer screen clearly. She was so engrossed, watching the movie that I just knew that it was not her that had called. I noticed too, that it was not at a part of the movie, where the little boy had called for his mother.

Puzzled, I moved back into the kitchen. I was no sooner in the kitchen, when I heard "Mom", in a stage whisper again! I stood there, dumb-struck, as I recognized the voice; it was Angel's voice. I was so flabbergasted, that I didn't respond... I am kicking myself now, for not answering!

It was a day or so after this occurrence, that Nicky (our eldest daughter, who has bravely taken on the responsibility of raising her sister's child) phoned to find out how Shenay was doing. During our telephonic conversation, I happened to tell Nicky about the "voice" that I heard. Nicky replied wistfully, that I was so lucky, that she wished Angel would contact her, give her some sign to validate her presence.

We ended the conversation, but something was nagging at the back of my mind. I sat and ruminated for a while; then it struck me! I had previously read an absolutely brilliant account, written by Zzsgranny, entitled "The Signs Are There If We Pay Attention". I subsequently looked up this account and mailed it to Nicky; she read it, the day before Christmas.

Early on Christmas morning, Ray, Shenay and I, piled into our car as we were to have Christmas Breakfast at Nicky's town-house, a little to the north of Johannesburg. I was somewhat down-cast, as it would be our first Christmas without Angel. (I missed her smiling face and ready laugh dreadfully)

Nicky greeted us at her front door. I noticed a "light" in her eyes, but thought that it was just the sight of Shenay, as she had not seen her for a while. (The two of them have bonded really well; actually better than our expectations!) Nicky was excited, but not only at the sight of Shenay; it was that she had news for us!

Firstly, Nicky wanted to show us her "Christmas gift" to her "baby sister". She picked up a certificate and papers, proving that she had named a star for Angel in the constellation of Leo (her sisters birth sign) down to the coordinates and all! I was so touched by her thought - I started to weep! (Admittedly it didn't take me much, to shed tears at this point)

Secondly, Nicky reached out, and picked up a white feather, practically waving it under my nose. Nicky chimed in, "Mom, look what I found outside my patio door this morning. I opened the door, and there it was, just lying at my feet, in plain sight." The penny dropped, almost instantly! With Zzsgranny's account still being fresh in our minds, we literally fell into each other's arms, both of us shedding tears. Ray just stood there, going "What? What did I miss?" Through our tears and sniffs, we managed to explain it all to him.

Nicky put a framed photo of Angel in her kitchen. She placed the white feather in front of the photo, and then lit a white candle, which she placed in front of both. She proceeded to cook us all a scrumptious breakfast; looking up at the photo every now and then.

I was happy for Nicky! Now that she had got her "confirmation"; but I still sought advice from Zzsgranny. I mailed her with my "story", asking if she thought it was a sign, or a coincidence, her reply, "OMG that has to be the most awesome story I've read in a long time LOL... You have me sitting here in tears, and no, don't feel bad... You know how I am with the "coincidence" thing... No such animal LOL"

This answer made my old heart jump for joy! I felt that I had "proof" from somebody else, and that I wasn't just telling Nicky "just words" to make her feel better. I mailed Nicky the letter, and Zzsgranny's response. Next thing I knew; Nicky had mailed all her "believer" friends, Zzsgranny's account from YGS, and our letters! (The little minx, has she no sense of privacy?) Well, after that, she got many lovely replies. Some of which I will copy/paste.


What an awesome experience and truly priceless! I believe God knows our deepest thoughts and knows our deepest emotions from the heart and sends us these little gifts from heaven to remind us that our loves ones are still there watching over us. I can only imagine what comfort it must have brought to you guys. Beautiful!

We can smile at the hope that one day we will all be together!

What a lovely email to receive!

Thank you - it really warmed my heart and soul.

I have always thought that feathers are angels.

I hope you are well and getting stronger each day cooks!

Oh my word Nicks! You see? That's her way of communicating with you and may you find a feather every single time you need one... Get a jar and fill it up with the feathers you receive from Angel... I know she's smiling on you.

All My Love & Light to you and your family.

That is so AWESOME! So glad you had a special sign from Angel to let you know she's still around watching over you all xxxxx

PS I really loved the feather 'story'. I'm glad for Nicky's sake, she needed some confirmation. It took my mom 4 years to visit me

Glad you're keeping a journal of all these happenings! Would you know that a few days after you sent me the story of the white feather, I found one behind my car in the garage:-)

I went on to ask if this lady if she thought this feather was from Angel, or her late husband. Her reply:-

It's hard to tell whether it was from Angel or D, but either way I don't mind;-) I just feel blessed to have gotten the message!

Thank you all, for reading. Your input will be welcome too.



PS: On the 9th January, Nicky found another white feather to add to her collection. She had been in hospital for a colonoscopy; shortly after she had been discharged, she found the feather lying directly in her path. She took this as additional proof, that Angel had been there with her, when she awoke from her anesthetic.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fergie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
That_sinkingFeeling, thank you for reading and your commiserations, both are appreciated. 😊
That_sinkingFeeling (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-18)
What a beautiful experience and so heart warming. Sorry for your loss dear Fergie ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-12)
Tweed: You are welcome. I know that some of the titles of my submissions are 'lost in the mists of time', as there are just too many of them. 😉

I am happy that you now grasp the special bond our family has. Our middle daughter, however, has purposely 'distanced' herself - she professes to be a non-believer in the spirit world, even though she has had an unexplained event in her life.

Thank you for reading, Tweed. 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-11)
Fergie, thanks for directing me to your other story about Angel. It really gives the full picture having read the both and tells also of the strong and special bond you all have with her.
Bless you all. ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-10)
Thank you, Tweed, for reading and your lovely comment, it is much appreciated.

My husband is a lucky man to receive a Christmas gift like that. It isn't the first 'gift' he has received from beyond the veil. He received a direct voice message from our daughter, only a few weeks after her departure from this world. If you are an empath, and are brave enough (with a tissue handy), read "Knocking on Heaven's Door".
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
Hi Fergie, goodness me this is a moving encounter, absolutely beautiful! Thanks for updating. This story was posted a bit before my YGS time, so it's new to me in a sense. Your husband is so lucky! ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
Mystic - thank you for reading and your lovely comment.

I have had a couple of dreams about Angel over the past weeks, but nothing 'significant'. Just silly little dreams of when she was a child. Probably because she has been on my mind more than usual. But I do know that she 'pops in' every once in a while.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
I am honoured to receive a thought-provoking (and often analytical) comment from you.

Angel seems to visit now and then, but more over the Holiday Season. I must admit, nothing 'big' has happened for me personally, this time.

I know Ray was more than happy to get confirmation of Angel's visit. You are correct, Biblio, not many fathers get Christmas gifts from beyond the veil. He is truly fortunate.

Thank you for the good wishes, I return the sentiment. 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
Val, yes it is that time of year again, eh? It seldom fails. 😉

The first time that Ray saw the woman, he thought it was just a coincidence, but the second time, he just 'knew' it wasn't. Especially when he found the feather shortly after. That was just the clincher for him.

I will keep an eye out for your narrative, hopefully it will be posted soon.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
Baby.g.p., what a pleasure to hear from you again, and nice to know that you think of Angel and I occasionally.

I had to laugh when I read about your 'glitch' 😆, don't worry, it happens in the best of families.

Thank you so much for your comforting thoughts. ❤
Mystic25 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-01-09)
This is an absolutely beautiful story, its wonderful to know that your daughter is still with you. Thank you for sharing.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
It is good to see that Angel is still watching over all of your family, even to the point of letting Ray glimpse her twice! Leaving him a feather to confirm her visit was really sweet of her. How many fathers can claim that they received a loving Christmas present from beyond this existence?
Best to you & yours,
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
Loved ones and the holidays, Fergie? Seems totally logical to me. I recently submitted an account over Christmas about Josh visiting - guess it's still somewhere in the que, but that isn't my point. I think during the Holidays we just miss them more and they 'know' that. Angel quite possibly left the feather this time to let Ray know, he wasn't seeing someone who happen to look like her, but that he really had seen her. I know that's a bit of a leap but it would take a bigger leap to write it off as a 'coincidence', don't you think?
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
Fergie- I have thought of you and your Angel countless times since I first read this. I wrote a comment about it at the time but there was a glitch in the system and it wouldn't post. Turns out the glitch was me. I forgot to sign in! 😕

It's so good to know that Angel is still relieving the pain in your heart. I think the feathers of your Angel's wings will continue to comfort you until you meet again.

Thank you for the update sweet Fergie. ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
Thank you Rook, the New Year has started off well. I hope you can say the same?

When we gave Nicky the news of the white feather, her exclamation was, "Oh, how cool is that!"

Thank you my friend, for your comment. 😁 All the best to you and yours for the coming year.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
Thanks for the up date... Warm fuzzies to you and yours. Hope your New Year has started well my friend.


Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-08)
An update: About a week before Christmas, as Ray was sitting at his job of Santa, he saw a woman walking away from him. He says that this woman, from behind, looked exactly like our Angel in the last months of her life; down to the funky colour of her hair. He says he went cold!

The last day of work (24 Dec.) He saw this woman again. Again, only from behind.
As they were packing up to leave, he found a small white feather under his chair, which he brought home to show me.

A white feather in the middle of a busy mall? How unlikely is that? 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-20)
Hmm...the perversity of human nature 😕 Triskaideka? When I give warnings, I sincerely mean them! 😉
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-20)
[at] Fergie - You know, if you tell me "don't" read something that I will, right? 😉

Sigh. Getting the tissues ahead of time...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-17)
Triskaideka, Life is very precious, but most of us take it for granted. 😐I think that one of the most important things is to tell our loved ones that we do love them, before it is too late. Death can take us unawares sometimes - not that it did, in this case. That is one regret that I don't have, my family must be sick of hearing me say that I love them. 😉

Thank you for reading and commenting Triskaideka. If this made you teary eyed, please don't read "Knocking on Heavens Door"!
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-17)
This story made me all teary eyed. I can't help but think of my own sister and her darling baby and what would happen if I lost my sister. Thank you for sharing this.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-17)
Thank you hmb2002 for the great honor you have bestowed on me. I am sorry for your tears; unfortunately I have quite a few tearjerkers in my repertoire, all to do with our Angel - our precious daughter.

Thank you so much for reading and your comment. 😐
hmb2002 (5 stories) (25 posts)
10 years ago (2013-12-16)
I enjoy all of your stories. I have my list of people who I admire on this site, and you are at the top! This story made me cry, and I don't do that often!I've added you and this story to my favorites. Thank you!
Hmb 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-15)
Thank you Vonboeckmann.

I can't believe that our Angel has been gone just over a year now ~ we all still miss her so much.
Vonboeckmann (guest)
11 years ago (2013-06-15)
Sincere condolences for your beautiful Angel. Heartfelt ❤ ❤ J.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-15)
Mercy13, I am sure your loved ones are leaving you messages of love and peace too. Always remember the good times that you had together; they would surely want that - put bad times behind you!

Thank you for reading, and your sweet response. 😊
Mercy13 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-14)
This story is amazing.
I cried so much because I
Find white feathers around where all my beloved
Family members are buried. Thanks For sharing!
God Bless!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-27)
Krys, humbly, I thank you. We have shared quite a few tears... And laughs, my friend. 😉

I too am sure that Angel knew how I was feeling about the holidays, without her. We have always spent them together, except the time she was in England... We spent over R600 of phone time, that December, talking to each other.

I think you will be proved correct; Nicky will still fill that jar with white feathers from Angel.

Thank you for finding my experience worthy of joining your favourites.

We love you too Krys... ❤
KRYSTALLIA (64 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-27)
Straight to my favourites... I cried when you shared the experience with me before and I cried again. Angel knew you were dreading the holidays without her and she wanted to pay her family a visit... I just know in my heart that Nicky will fill that jar up... 😊
Love you guys...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-25)
Oh my! Look what happens if one is 'off the air' for a while. Thank you all for your comments.

Sebastian: I hope you drank a toast to your dad on his birthday?

Valkricry: Sorry about the soggy tissue. My condolences on the passing of your child. I hope you are left with only fond memories now.

Geetha: Thank you for reading - I will heed your warning about the tissues. I am sorry about that.
No, I also realize that it was no coincidence, looking back on everything that happened. BTW, Nicky has just found another feather in her back garden - she is in the process of moving house - I think that Angel is telling her that she approves. 😉

Trix: I am holding thumbs for your hubby! ❤

Beautifuleden: Thank you so much for the compliment, and for reading. When are we going to get another submission from You? I always look out for one!

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