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Real Ghost Stories

My Little Friends


First a little back ground, all the women in my mother's line are sensitive in some way. I grew up moving a LOT my mother loved haunted houses and we would move in and she would do whatever she did and when it quieted down, normally about a year later, we would move again. And it would start all over. My mother is a very strict person, not very religious but very in love with god if that makes any sense. There are a lot of stories about my birth, to many to go into right now, but my mother found out she was pregnant with me the day after my 9mo old brother died.

All my life I have had what my family calls gremlins for lack of a better term. My mom said they showed up when I was born. And were great company when I was little but I don't rember much of that. I always thought they were hers growing up, but when I moved out with my first husband they moved with me, and have ever since.

My first husband and my current husband were made firm believers after they made fun of them and suddenly there lives were turned upside down. They love to take things and hide them. We will find them days later in the freezer or the bag of flour or somewhere else weird, or we wouldn't find them at all. Joking about them or saying they are not real makes them very mad. When they get mad they will slam things or throw things, generally be annoying.

No one I know has ever gotten a good look at them you just see a shadow about 2 ½ to 3 Ft. Tall, running past a door way or behind something. They have NEVER touched or hurt anyone that I know of. They don't like fighting or too much activity. When I had cats they mostly ignored them and so do the dogs I have now. Me and my family are used to them and co-exist mostly in peace. My kids do warn their friends some times before they come over that odd things happen. They tend to be more active during storms, but seem to be active during both night and day. I mostly leave them alone, but if they are being annoying and I am trying to sleep I will go out in the living room and ask them to be quiet, or tell them it is bed time and they need to be quiet, most the time they do. They hate it when we rearrange or paint or anything like that. So far as I can tell there are 3 of them but who really knows.

For a long time I tried everything I could find to get rid of them, but nothing worked and some stuff made them very mad. Strange though they seem to like it when we burn sage and my husband does that a lot. So basically I was wondering if anyone else has had stuff like this happen to them? Or any idea what "they" might be?

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bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-09)
my grandma said god sent them but I do agree with you on your thinking. And I see them mostly in doorways and around my plants but I have seen them around furniture also. Posting another story soon.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)

I find your description of a Brownie to be 'right on'. From everything the O/P has shared they seem to fit best.

Now I want to ask the O/P a question...

Do you normally catch the glimpses of them in doorways? Or do you see them all over the house? The reason I ask is because there is a theory about the Fey using doorways/windows as an 'easy' access to our physical realm. I concerns the fact that openings such as doorway or windows are a place that is 'between' two different places (outside and inside) because of this the vail 'between' our physical world and theirs is thinner in those places.

I do not know if this is something 'real' or not... It's just an interesting theory I have come across in my studies/research.


valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
Interesting, you say your grandmother said she had sent them to protect you... If she was being truthful on that then it's possible that they are indeed of the fey family. I do know that in the old Rom (gypsy) culture, the shaman would sometimes charge feys (mostly of the brownie type) with the protection of a child. Often their protection did not end with childhood, but continued through out the person's life. Brownies are said to be about 3 feet tall and are seldom seen as they are quite shy, and one may only detect a bit of motion (your 'shadow' description). They are loyal, protective, and mischievous at times. They enjoy a bit of food (milk and honey are said favorites) but might also claim an entire pie (lol). They also enjoy smoke. (Perhaps that's why they like the burning sage?) From what you have told us, this seems to fit, but, of course I can't be 100% sure.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
Certain comments have been deleted. We're all adults here, so please don't force me to delete anything else.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
evan please I get your point but enough is enough, if it is not a question for me or a comment on what I said please stop
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
as for what my family has praticed, lol, it is all over the place my mother claims no one religon but uses beliefs from many, my family history is old italian roman catholic, but there is also many different influnces such as native american and different hispanic beliefs, my family (me hubby and kids) are christian, but my husband some times goes to native american sweat loges, where he prays to god, and we strongly believe in burning sage along with some other positive inforcements, my bio father who like I said is dead was hispanic and native american, on his dads side and jewish on his moms side. There are also wiccan family members and as a child I was allowed to and did go to as many different churches as I could just to learn. And I am saying sorry now lol I am terrible at spelling.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
no I have never seen any details, but honestly I don't ever rember trying hard, I will go over to the spot or door way and look around but that's about it. They have been with me my whole life. They have never hurt or touched any one and they don't wear me down or stress me out, they do annoy me at times but that's about it. I could easily consider them some type of fey, I firmly believe they are NOT demonic, I have been around that type of energy and it is not the same. I also believe they are attracted to me for some reason, and decide to stay. As for it being my energy I don't know but they don't feel human and don't seem to change with my energy or mood. They have given me warnings and I believe even saved me from things a time or two. I apricate all the input, does any one know some one who might be able to give thought on them being fey? My grandmother a very hard woman who has passed recently always said god knew I would need protection growing up with my mom and sent them to me, but they made her nervous and on edge she always avoided being aroundmy house.
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-08)
Do you mean Fey? Having powers of clairvoyance?

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)

With the additional information you have just provided the 'beings' you seem to be describing sound more fey... And less like a 'human spirit/ghost' and or Demon/Evil Entity.

I may have missed where you describe these 'beings' in detail but when you catch these 'quick glimpses' of these beings do you see more than a vague small shape... Have you ever made out ANY details? Hunched backs? Pointed ears... Maybe the color of thier attire... The shape of their eyes? They sound a bit like Browines or Gremlins but without a more detailed description it's hard to tell.

They could have been attracted to the conflicting/confusing emotions/energy surrounding your conception being descovered and the passing of your brother... A combination of strong emotions of different types... Creating A Caotic enviroment which attracted Spirits/Entites that thrive because/in that kind of energy. If being seen as a 'shadow' helps keep that type of energy high... Then that's what they will appear as.

Just my two cents.

As far as poltergeist coming from an individual themselves... As an individuals body matures energy can build up within them... This energy released in bursts of telekinetic energy causing things to move... Many do not see these things as originating from an individual and give credit to a spirit... The 'noisy ghost'. In some cases they are correct... A spirit IS attracted to the energy levels being generated by an individual as their body and mind grow. They use this energy to move objects and otherwise make themselves known. Demons/Evil Entities may act like like a poltergeist AS AN IN... Once established however their TRUE NATURE begins to become evident... Real Poltergiest activity FADES as PUBERTY comes to an end... But a Demon/Evil Entity will continue to hang around... Continue to oppress and wear down an individual until they can achieve what they truly desire... Possession of a physical body... A human body...

BUT this IS NOT about Demons or Evil Entities... Its MY OPINION that there are some Non-Human Entities (Fey...type to be determined) that have attached themselves to the O/P due to the type of Energy Generated by them... The Family and the Household in General. But hey, that's just my opinion.




ZiShu...may I ask how many Years of experience do you have with the Paranormal? How many different spiritual/belief systems have you studied? You do not have to answer of course, I am just curious... My background is on my profile, feel free to read it. It may help you to understand why I say things the way I do.

With Respect,

bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
i have often believed they are some type of fay, and they can definatly act child like lol as for storms, well every one in my house loves storms, my husband is a light sleeper unless it is storming then hardly anything will wake him. My children have never been scared by storms, and love them. I had been of the belief that fay attched them selves to places not people. I am lucky that my husband is an understanding man that believes in a lot even if he can't see it. But don't get me wrong, while he has had no supernatural exp. He has had run in after run in with my gremlins, mostly right after we got togher and he would make fun of them or say they didn't exsist, a long story I will post at some time. It ended with him late at night standing in the living room yelling at them, lol it was fun to watch, now HE tells me when not to do stuff that might make them mad.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
Just one last thing. Re the thread below. I agree with Rook that all energy is neutral. I'm not sure about ghosts, but would assume their temperaments and motivations are a thousand shades of grey, just like people's. With regards to the elemental or fey kingdom, the mischievous aren't evil, it's just that their logic is very removed from human reason. Like a small child or an animal, they are instinctive and led by something different to rationality. Since humans desire rationality for a sense of order, it's easy to put their intent down to I'll will. My opinion is that we are arrogant to do this and remaining open to the fact we don't really know is a far more understanding perspective. As for storms? Well, I must be a born witch, because for as long as I can remember, storms have been a luminous, positive and uplifting natural phenomenon to me. When I storms I meditate to harness that elemental energy for etheric cleansing and re charging.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
I also don't think for one moment that the fact these small beings manifest in shadow form makes them inherently evil. Lots of beings manifest in shape and shadow:) The rainforest people (can't recall where this folk belief was indigenous to) spoke of forest spirits called the Nadoki... They describe them as knee high shadws. Interesting.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
Perhaps you have inherited a couple of previously dormant ancestral spirits that have aligned themselves with your family.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
Wow, what an unusual story. I had an imaginary friend as a child, that I began speaking to when we moved into my childhood home. In retrospect, I had befriended an intelligent spirit, not a figment of my imagination at all. There was always a feeling of sadness around him (my ghost)... So, you have had these multiple presences around you for as long as you recall? They definitely sound childlike. In your description of them, they sound like brownies, like household spirits, however brownies can be attached to people also, not just dwellings. They say in folklore that when a brownie was disrespected or provoked, their kindly and benign nature became mischievous and even malevolent. They don't like to be teased. Lol
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
basilisk193 please do e-mail me or look me up on facebook I am often up quite late I am in mid west usa 😁
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
yes all the women in my mothers line are gifted/cursed (depends on who you ask) I don't know much about the men in my moms family not to many of them are around, they seem to leave a lot, but my son seems to be as gifted in his own way as my daughters. All three of my children seem to show special qualities my youngest most of all.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
i would be happy to talk about what I know about my brother and family, and about my growing up if you want to e-mail me, that is a lot to put on here. I will be posting more about all of that in the future. Weird growing up lol that dosint even cover part of it! Things would not just settle down, my mom worked very hard with many different ways to calm these houses, she was always clensing or praying or doing something, as a matter of fact I was just talking to her about a problem she is having with the house she just bought. And she hates my friends and was thrilled when they moved out with me, she doesint know where they came from and she can't rember any thing quite like them from her life before me. My brothers death was declaired SIDS, I don't know much else about him besides the fact that like me he didn't like being held or bothered. She blames them on my father, I never knew him but my mother says he was gifted and troubled, he ended up killing himself after turning to drugs and drinking and his family will have nothing to do with me, his mother is unbalanced from what my mom says. I tried calling her I was told I am unlucky and un-natural and to never call again, his brother and sister refuse to talk to me also.
basilisk193 (35 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
You sure have grown up in a strange environment:P
You say your mother's side is sensitive to paranormal beings? Have you or your mom ever actually see them in a more corporal form other than faint shadows or at least see somethings like eyes or faces? If not, I might suggest that you actually are not that sensitive, but there's something about your family that attracted them.
Yet your family moves into haunted houses and after a year or so they calm down, not increase? I can only think of one explanation.
The "gremlins" are probably a huge and strong pack of children' spirits that have been following your mother's side because of certain inherited qualities - possibly you guys radiate some source of energy or emotion that they find delicious, and rather than trying to steal all of your life force like typical demons, they decide to protect you. Or maybe they were still too innocent, but don't expect them to be benevolent in nature though, just neutral. Could have a few actual guardian spirits mixed in. They drive away any harmful entities from your residence and possibly have played with you when you was young too.
In fact, your brother might also have became a member of that band too. If it's not a very sensitive topic, can you tell me why he passed away and if there was anything not normal?
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
one other thing quickly, I say shadow, but you never know what it is you saw, it is just a quick thing that ran past a door, or ran behind the couch or behind the plant, you never quite get a good look.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
my mom says I played with something or some one (s) she couldint see, to the point i- according to her- didn't like the company of people, the same age or older, I always was a loner. I have talked at them all my life and tried to comunicate numerous times in a lot of different ways, but other than maby doing what I ask them to, they don't seem to want to talk. My mom says often as a small child she would take something away or throw something away to punish me and sooner or later I would have it again. I will be posting more stories about "them" and stuff I grew up with. I posted this to get ideas and input, but and I will say this now, I have been around demonic energy, several times growing up in houses my mother took on. They give off no demonic feelings what so ever and in all my life have never hurt any one, yes they have scared people, even run people they didn't like out of the house, but they have never touched or hurt any one, they get mad, they get happy, and they get even. AND aside from a few small problems them and my animals have always gotten along, and I have ALWAYS had animals. I have never met any one who has "friends" like them and was thrilled to find this site and very hopefull maby some one has an idea what they might be. My mother says they showed up around the time my brother died and I was born like I said she found out she was 3 mo pregnant the day after my 9 mo old brother died.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
You mention having tried to rid yourself of these 'gremlins' and nothing worked, except some things seemed to anger them. Now, I'm assuming, since you refer to them as your 'little friends', that perhaps as a child you spoke to them, played with them. Being roughly toddler sized themselves, it wouldn't have been weird for you to do so. You also mention that even now if you tell them to settle down they do. So my question is this, have you tried asking them what they are?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
And Zishu, this isn't the first time you've been told of the guidelines. Every time one of these conversations comes up and you're part of it, you are reminded of the rules of our site. Watch your step or, as BadJuuJuu said, your comments will be deleted.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
Zishu, those annoying little phrases like "I believe," and "in my opinion," allow people to share their beliefs without belittling the beliefs of others. I could say, as absolute fact, that the only way to be rid of paranormal activity in one's home is to pray to, oh let's say Cerridwen, and ask her protection. In stating that as absolutel fact, I've just ignored and belittled the beliefs of anyone who doesn't pray to Cerridwen. That includes Christians. By stating that Christian methods are the only way, that belittle the beliefs of the non-Christians. It isn't about being anti-Christian, or anti anything, it's just basic politeness.
If you think your comments are of benefit to bbydoll, address them to bbydoll. Otherwise, it does appear to be an independent discussion with no relevance to the topic.
And rook is quite right that this discussion is at the point of breaking guidelines and forcing me to delete stuff. I don't really want to do that. Just follow the guidelines. Please.
ZiShu (281 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-07)
I understand shadow beings very well. In all my various experiences with them, fear is something I no longer have about them. The reason why I felt I needed to comment on this story is because of my very own experience and the exact similarities I known others to have. I've had quite a few live with me for over most of my life besides the fact I was one of those children who could see spirit constantly. I too have been able to see the true forms of shadow people at times which became demonic.
In fact I've had back and forth conversations with these shadow beings and Angelic beings.
I assure you, fear is the one of the emotions I don't have while dealing with these shadows.
What I learned about these beings is that after being attached to someone for so long, they learn to hide their energy and align it with people. It only just gets worst when people begin to believe they are friendly and harmless.
A good example would be if bbydll had some preference of what she thinks they might be. Demons will be able to turn themselves into the exact image bbydll believes them to be.
A very good thing to consider is, she doesn't know what they do while she sleeps while she is most vulnerable. During that time, they show their true selves.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe all the time when things go missing is the fault of demons. I do believe in creatures such as gremlins, gnomes, fey, elves. However in my experience (and others) with them, they will not appear as shadow beings.

We should not have to keep adding on a couple of words such as "in my experience or personally", to entertain people the thought that opinions aren't preachy.
The flat statements that I've seen made so far are usually accompanied by various other statements to help the OP understand better.
If anyone's opinions matter most, that should be the OP's opinion on what is offending her or not. So far she has not stated anything "religious" related even bothered her. If anything she has been cooperative.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Folks I keep reading where individuals are saying that a spirit or entity that appears as a shadow is either negative in its nature or perhaps a low level demon... But what if... WHAT IF... It is simply a spirit or entity that only has enough strength or energy to appear as a black shape... A shadow... It is my opinion that not everything that appears as a black shape/shadow...even if it has 'red eyes' has malicious intent/ is evil. One must examine how the experience made them feel... And I do not mean on the surface... On the surface there was fear... Experiencing something we do not understand can/will make us afraid... What I mean is a deeper feeling... One that came from the 'spirit' itself... Frodo Baggins said it best...'I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler.'

Everyone of us much search our inner feelings, look beyond the fear we felt and try to sort out what our intuition tells us about what we saw... We must 'ask our gut' and see where that leads us. If whatever we saw made us feel nauseous... Made us think something is not quite right or if it just felt plain evil... Then we have our answer... If however we realize we felt sadness...loneliness...perhaps what we saw is simply looking for attention/ understanding.

I think what BJJ is referring to are blanket type statements that do not indicate they are an opinion... To the individual offering advise what is being suggested is FACT... But when said advise is offered it Needs to be tempered with a statement like... In my opinion...It's been my experience... Even a, I personally feel its... Works wonders. A FLAT statement like Its a demon, you need to pray to Jesus to save you comes across as PREACHY. I would like to remind everyone that I am a Christian... And I hold the High Priesthood for my chosen Church... All BJJ is saying is this conversation has gotten close to breaking posting Guidelines and WE need to keep them in mind when we post.


ZiShu (281 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
The "independent" discussion has directly to do with bbydoll's story. We are discussing what the entities around bbydoll might be and why we believe so. The topic itself is "My little friends". The point of the discussion is in hopes that bbydoll may learn something about her "friends" is it not?
I do not care for you saying that Evan Divine's comments are "religious".
Just because he suggests praying to God/Angels for help somehow makes it "religious".
Everyone here has an opinion here. Would that make it their religion?
There is nothing Evan Divine did to be proselytizing/preaching. He isn't trying to convert. He is simply offering help from the way he or personally I would do things in the situation of bbydoll's story.
Angels can help with anyone who asks them regardless of anyone's belief.
If someone offers to cleanse with sage, does that make the person trying to convert with their native American or whatever belief?

It seems to me this site has become anti-Christian over the years being that the mention of anything Christian related becomes wrong?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Zishu, this thread has drifted far enough off topic. Let's try to keep the comments on the subject of bbydoll's story rather than having an independent discussion on her page, k?
ZiShu (281 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
vasway4210 You know that there are many different kinds of demons out there right? Besides demons can change into nearly any form they desire. It Aldo depends on the power level of the demon. You don't have to be in terror for it to be a demon.
If it were really a type of mythical creature, they would not appear as a shadow but in a different form that is of their true form. When something appears as a shadow in their weakest manifested form is mainly because it represents that they either have no soul or a very dark soul.
The a big goal of demons is for them to trick people by gaining their trust. I actually can have friends look into this demon using spiritual methods besides myself.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Good morning.
Firstly, Eric Devine, I don't know if you've looked at the comments guidelines, but there is a specific bit dealing with religion.◾This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective. This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas. It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, don't push it on others as irrefutable fact. Might want to look that over.
Secondly, this is the internet. People are going to disagree with you, people are going to downvote you. That's just the nature of the interwebs, and if you can't take a downvote, you might want to get off the internet.
Now, this page is dedicated to the OP's experience, so let's keep things on that topic.
vasway4210 (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Let me clarify what I said earlier Zishu: for one thing, I have had an experience with a shadow being before which was negative & is a story I will share at a later time. Secondly, I was saying that not All shadow beings are evil. And the reason I don't believe that this particular case is demons, is because of the type of activity that Bbydoll is experiencing. I would think a demon would have better things to do than hide objects. Plus Bbydoll and her family are not experiencing fear or terror that usually comes with a demonic haunting. And I know from my run in with a negative shadow being that evil is something that you can sense; there is no mistaking that. But this is simply my opinion, & of course you are entitled to yours.
And if I believed this was demons, I would completely agree to not communicate
With them. However since in my opinion I don't think this is, I was simply saying for Bbdoll to ask what Type of creatures they are, not their specific names. But you are right that this maybe a horrible idea, and further give them a right, an invitation into Bbdoll's and her family's lives.

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