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Real Ghost Stories

Chalk Man


Decided to submit two stories back to back, as they happened in around the same year and at the same house. Chalk Man, is the third ghostly encounter I remember in this house.


Must have been aged 4-5 when this happened. Occasionally I'd wake up in the middle of the night when Mum and Dad were asleep. Sometimes I'd sneak out of bed and walk around the house to experience the way it looked and felt with all the lights off. Loved doing this. To this day I love turning all the lights off and just hanging out in the dark. Sometimes it's scary but mostly it's enchanting.

Approximately 1985

One night I either woke up or was woken, not sure. I remember hearing sounds coming from down the hall as soon as I awoke. It sounded like someone was moving about in the house. Maybe it was because I could see from my doorway that all the lights were off, but I felt the noises didn't sound like Mum or Dad. My curiosity peaked instantly and I got up to take a gander.

My room was at the end of the hallway, I could see the kitchen from my doorway. Nope, nothing going on in there. Then I looked across to Mum and Dad's room, their door was closed as normal, it wasn't them.

I ventured down the hallway s-l-o-w-l-y. The sea grass matting underfoot made the most noise when one wished to be stealthy. I quietly neared the lounge at the far end of the hallway, growing impatient with my stealthy slow pace. Finally at the lounge entrance, I was surprised to find the lounge room very dimly lit. It was unlike any other light source. Very unique, akin to moonlight only duller. Not a moment after taking in the lounge room in this new atmosphere, did I spy a very tall, lanky stick figure of a man. I say 'man' but I really have no idea. All these years I think of 'him' as 'Chalk Man' because he reminded me of a huge chalk drawn stick figure made of incandescent fog. Chalk Man was much brighter than the rest of the room but he was still very dim. I wasn't the least bit afraid, oddly enough. He was using one of my toys.

This toy was a pen-like device which was battery powered and paired with a book. It was an educational, interactive toy. The book had a bunch of puzzles and whatnot in it. The pen, which had coloured lights on it, was placed on black panels beside the puzzles and would light up green for correct and red for wrong answers. This pen didn't write as it had no ink, instead there was a sensor pad at the tip. It was quite a large pen, wide, black with decorative coloured stripes and little green and red lights. I loved this pen and would use it like a librarian scanning all my books and shelving them. Fun times.

This pen also fascinated me as I could never figure out how it worked. I stuck that thing on every object and it always lit up red for wrong. The only time it lit green was on a correct answer in its accompanying book.

It seemed Chalk Man had the same idea, as he was stooped over the TV touching the video machine with this pen. I stood in the doorway dumbfounded. Chalk Man did the same to one of the stereo speakers and the record player, or amplifier it might have been. When he got to the record/amplifier area he turned around to face me, while still stooped over. He definitely saw me as I was still standing in the doorway befuddled. I felt self conscious, so stepped behind the door and peaked at him. He kept on touching things with the pen. Then he came to an area I couldn't peak at comfortably from behind the door. I grew scared as this area was closer to me and from my angle he would soon be out of my view, directly behind the door I was peaking from! Before this could happen I ran back to bed and pretended to sleep in case he came in.

I didn't realise, until I was a teenager remembering this, that Chalk Man seemed to only be interested in touching electrical objects with this pen.

The next morning I headed straight to the lounge to find my pen. Found it on the rocking chair, thought that was an odd place for Chalk Man to leave it, but was instantly distracted by it lighting green when I used it to touch the chair!

Ever since that night the pen would light a 50/50 mix of green and red for any object. Maybe Dad put new batteries in it before I got up and its changed functioning behaviour was a coincidence. But I like to think Chalk Man had something to do with it. Though I haven't a clue what.

I must have been really going heavy with the pen that morning. Because eventually Dad got the book and sat me down on the floor with it. We went through the book together but I kept touching Dad's knee with the pen which was lighting green. I looked at Dad as if to say 'isn't that amazing'. Dad stuffed the pen up his nose and pulled it out his ear (visual illusion). This made me laugh.

Later that day it rained pretty heavy. The light outside was dark overcast mixed with glowing brightness. It's a very unusual light that hardly occurs. It's different to average overcast and brighter than a dark storm. It's such a delicate light which lit the house beautifully.

I was in the lounge, still mucking about with the pen. Alone in that room I stood watching the rain pour down outside. I thought about Chalk Man, pondered telling my parents. Weighing up the options, I decided if I said anything they'd think I was just talking nonsense. I was okay with that but decided to keep this to myself. Looking around the room, noting how the light was, I felt all grown up in this moment.

For some reason this rain storm memory is one of the most vivid from my childhood. I remember it like it was yesterday and like I was who I am today having that moment of contemplation. In a way I believe something in me clicked into place. It was very peaceful.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Melda, if that pen ever turns up I think I'll have to write a full narrative on it lol. Or faint, or both!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Tweed - That truly was a fascinating experience you had as a child, even more so since you were more curious than scared.

Thanks for the links to the book. It must have brought back many childhood memories for you. I hope that at some stage that magical pencil puts in an appearance!

Regards, Melda
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Manafon, I thought I was dreaming, just stood there gawking at the book in disbelief lol. Did feel like I'd been blessed, reconnected with that day and so on. Super cool.

Completely agree about people missing nudges or dismissing them.

On a different topic I have something to tell but it's to do with one of your narratives so I'll post there.
Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Hi Tweed--You must have felt a tangible "zing" finding something directly related to such an unusual experience from all those years ago.

If by chance you ever find the touch pen that went with the book, you should ask out loud if the "Chalk Man" remembers using it, then touch it to something that would have significance to that day--like the rocking chair it was found sitting on (if it still exists). It might not mean anything, but then again if it turned green, it might be an acknowledgement that it was always meant for you to see him. It's not insignificant that you remember the storm you describe so well right after witnessing the Chalk Man. It also seems certain that the storm and the Chalk Man helped inform who you now are, both nudging something within you to "click into place."

I think everyone has these "nudges" throughout life but often miss them, or they are simply too subtle to notice. You had one such event drawn in bright relief. That's as rare and groovy as it gets.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-02)
Update, kinda.

Hi all hope everyone's keeping safe and happy.

For anyone who's interested/remembers this Chalk man thing last weekend I was looking through some old sheet music and I found this:


It's the book that went with the pen in this narrative. Can't believe I still have it, seriously cool find.




For some reason I remember this page particularly well:


I'm 39 and still haven't a clue how that pen knew right from wrong. I'm trying to work it out again thirty plus years later lol! I don't have the pen unfortunately maybe that will show up too? Say whaa...?
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-18)

Can't recall ever noticing a green tinge to any naturally occurring light. But what you described might be it. The difference that's hard for me to pinpoint about that particular light, it's sort of cyan with less blue, so that would amplify the greens to the eye. Having said that I wouldn't think to describe it as green.
I didn't see the sky that day, or in that moment at least, because the veranda had a long roof which blocked it. But at other times over the years, when that light occurs, there's always thick clouds, a mixture of dark and white clouds, which dapple together and the light is darkly luminescent, with no shadows. In photography there's a lighting style high key, it's like that, but it hardly occurs in nature. Or around the home for that matter.

I've never seen green in a stormy sky before, only a touch of green in vivid sunsets. What you describe in your area sounds mad cool, if it wasn't for the tornado warnings, that would seriously freak me out!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-17)
Hello Tweed,

I read this story of yours before I registered on this site. You linked it on Metzalnawa's story in the comments. I really like stories where entities are fascinated by children's toys! I also couldn't help but notice that we are the same age - not that it has anything to do with my comment.

I want to ask you about what you remember of the the strange color of the sky after the storm. Where I live, during stormy weather, there is sometimes a green tint mixed with a strange looking brightness; it is also mixed with an uneven pattern of overcast. It usually happens at times when the weather service warns us of possible tornados in the area. Was there any green in the sky that you remember?

I really enjoyed this story. It is in my favorites.

- Maria
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-10)
Awwww, shucks Mystic, thank you and glad you enjoy reading.
MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-10)
Sorry, typo-error. You're one of my favorites here in YGS!
MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-10)
Hi Tweed! You'll be a good author. Your storied really amaze me; not just by your experiences, but the way you write them.:-)
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)

Interesting... Now I've a theory: The toy pen might've been sensitive to either heat or electricity. The theory is not without faults, because I can't account for the wood and the mat. Methinks Chalk Man was trying to figure out what made the pen tick and was on the verge of a breakthrough when he noticed that he was being watched, after which he got camera shy and slunk away from view. I think he got his answer, though. 😆

Smooth sailing,
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-30)
Mazzmarach, interestingly the pen would go green whenever it touched me or anyones skin. It would also go green if placed over clothing that was close to the skin, like Dad's bent knee through trousers. In the book which came with it the panels for right or wrong answers were black. The coffee table, also black, lit green. As a kid I associated the colour of the table and the panels in the book with it going green, but looking back now I don't know if colour had anything to do with it. Haha I remember putting it on our dog and cat (both black) it would light 'red' for the cat and 'green' for the dog. However, I realised the dog had shorter fur than the cat and if I pressed harder into the cat's fur it would then light 'green', cat didn't much like that much!
Red for sea grass matting, but green for floor boards. It lit a mix of red and green on parts of Dad's guitars, I think the body lit green while the strings lit red. Parts in in both Mum and Dad's cars would light green and red, but I don't remember which parts lit which colour.
I wish I could go back and touch electrical objects with the pen, because this entity seemed to be interested in these objects, but I didn't make that connection until many years later. 😊
Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-30)
Ahoy, Tweed.

I don't know why, but I got a very Hayao Miyazaki feel throughout this story. Chalk Man sounded kind of cute, playing around with your toy like that; you mentioned that the pen started going 50/50 on you shortly after. Did you ever make a note of what made it go green or red? I'm just curious. 😊

Smooth sailing,
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-30)
Sheld, it was suggested in the comments the entity may have observed me mucking around with the pen for a while before that night. That occurred to me while I was thinking back on it too. I also wondered if it did this regularly and was just caught out once by me. Wonder the same for the entity you and your mates saw in the park. Perhaps they're mimicking what they notice we do in hopes of understanding something; play with a toy/walk on a gravel path etc.
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-29)
Sounds like it was fascinated by the toy. Prob been touching a lot of items before you saw it. Wonder why it choose the pen
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Whoah MaybeADreamer, I had never thought of an extraterrestrial being. That is literally out of this world! Thanks for putting it out there. 😆 Never know, you could be onto something. Always chalked Chalk Man up to some 'other entity', maybe something from another dimension. But goodness, maybe even from another galaxy!
MaybeADreamer (4 stories) (58 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Hi Tweed - Cool Story

I seem to of missed a load of stories recently (oops - I been busy). Just trying to catch up on a few and saw this in the comments section.

I don't know what this entity was but sounds like some sort of glowing ghost (maybe a thin person ghost?). Maybe someone with mental health issues in life so he acted just like a child would do and was inquisitive to see what you were playing with.
Just an idea.

Another crazy idea - what if it was not from this world (galaxy) and trying to understand how our energy source (electricity) works?

Who knows - just putting it out there

Light & Love xx ❤ 😕
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Thanks Willow and Silentwings, I agree, it's fascinating that we intrigue those from the other side as much as they intrigue us. I was also intrigued by just what woke me on that night, was it a sound, or did I sense a different presence. Perhaps a bit of both. I would love to know what this entity is, what they're 'made from', light matter, photons of some kind.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Tweed, I really enjoyed this story I have never really heard of something like this happing before. I love how you wrote it, and I must say that you are braver than me. I've never liked the dark, but to think that a stickman figure was testing things with the pen had to be humors and strange at the same time. It really shows that some things are just as interested in us and our world as we are the paranormal world, its pretty awesome when you stop and think about it.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-08)
Favorited. That is fascinating. The creature using the electronic toy pen in a testing, curious sort of way... Wow! I don't know whether to laugh or be chilled. It's a bit like that wonderful *scary* scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind when the toys come to life... And then the appliances...
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Thanks Val and Biblio,

I'm glad you were both able to picture how Chalk Man moved. I was running through comparisons while I was writing and kept coming back to the comical swiftness of a mime artist. The Dr Who comparison works very well. Back in those days I believe it would have been Tom Baker, which also gives me a chuckle.
Val, I'm obsessive about backing up my work and having keep sakes, always have been. I have numerous stories from my early years half typed up for YGS (and all with hard back ups!). It's fun reminiscing. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
I wanted to let you know I've read both your recent submissions. I did enjoy them both. I had to laugh at Biblio's Dr. Who comparison, because it actually fits Chalkman's activity.
I hope you have these experiences written down at home, somewhere. (I'm a firm believer in the written word - hard copy.) They'd make a wonderful keepsake for someone.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
I'll admit, now that I've written that down, I wonder if Ron (dad's friend) was just playing up the stereotype of an easy-going Aussie to disguise the fact that he was a highly-intelligent guy; perhaps he didn't want to spend 1/2 of the daylight hours explaining that he'd already considered the situation from multiple angles and had developed a contingency plan for almost everything before he'd started...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Thanks for trying, though, Tweed. As an Aussie friend of my father used to say (to almost every damn situation), "No worries: got it sorted."
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Biblio, I had those thoughts too, while I was writing this up. It hit me 'ooohhh he was doing as he'd seen me do, of course!'

As a side note, I was on here earlier and spotted another Yank/Pom mix up. I got what you meant and tried to defuse the situation. But my internet connection through a tantrum and wouldn't even load the preview page, urgh. Got a lot on today and didn't have time to stuff around with temperamental machinery. Could have done with some Chalk Man magic, haha!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
I can only imagine that the entity had observed you for some time, and -under the impression it was not going to be seen- was thinking "Why in the hell does she keep doing that? If it has a green bulb, shouldn't that light up too? I wonder if I can fix it..." It's like a deranged Matt Smith "Doctor Who" episode (I just can't see David Tennant doing that, and if Capaldi did it, the consequences wouldn't be so humorous, somehow).
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-01)
Aww shucks Redwolf! I do love writing and am pursuing this. I love getting through to others through my words. 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-01)
Sheetal, glad you enjoyed it!

I haven't a clue who this figure was. It was the one and only time I saw it. I feel this was a non-human entity. There are other accounts I've read on here which describe a similar being. All describe a similar feeling too, slight understandable fear, but without feeling threatened.
It was a very positive experience. 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-01)
You should think of becoming an author. The way you draw the reader into your stories is amazing. I also read Autonomous Toy Creatures tonight. Most kids would be terrified by the events you so bravely faced in your stories. Just don't forget us ''little'' people when you become a famous author. Okay? Loved both stories. Now I have to read the rest when I get the chance.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-01)
Hey Tweed... Just an awesome... Like other said... Me too feel like I was there... When you seen this... But I am amazed who was that chalk man?

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