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Ghost Tours and Haunted Hotels from Louisiana, United States: Page 1

Free New Orleans Ghost Tour

"Everybody, dead or alive, comes back to New Orleans. If people can't come back in their lifetime, they come back when they are dead". - Andrei Codrescu Join Free Tours by Foot as darkness envelops the city and we explore the haunted history of the New Orleans' most spooked d...

Ghost and VampireTour by New Orleans Spirit Tours

GHOST & VAMPIRE TOUR Meets nightly 8:15pm Toulouse Royale Gifts 601 Royal Street Our GHOST & VAMPIRE tour combines the ancient art of storytelling with historical documentation to provide an eerie evening walk of suspense into the dark edges of the historic French Quarter. Discover...

Ghost of the French Quarter Tour

Join your tour guide, co-founder, and lead investigator of the New Orleans Ghost Hunters, David Laville, as he takes you on a 90 minute walking tour through the most concentrated area of paranormal activity in the French Quarter. You will journey to the scenes of infamous duels, cold-blooded murders...