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Port Townsend Ghost Tours

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United States
Like most historic towns, the city of Port Townsend has its fair share of legends and stories, with ghost sightings reported regularly at many of the town's most historic locations. Some of the locations visited on our tours date back to the late 1800's - and while those days are gone, it seems some residents may in fact still linger around town.

As a guest on our tours prepare to experience the space between history and mystery... The known and unknown. The night life of Port Townsend has a unique and historic story to share with you, when you're ready to hear it. Experience Port Townsend after dark with our three evening tours - all unique and equally packed with history & mystery. Led by local historians who are also paranormal researchers versed in the supernatural, these leisurely paced tours include not only the history, but also the mystery about Port Townsend's past and present...

Port Townsend, Washington has a very rich past and also has its fair share of supernatural activity, similar to Savannah, Georgia, New Orleans, Hawaii, Louisiana and Florida with its share of ghost sightings and stories. Prepare to learn about and experience some of the most historic sites in town. We'll visit old historic homes, old business locations and even a cemetery or two as we travel to and learn about some of Port Townsend's most haunted places.

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