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Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)
Hi Rook

My parents have a cat, very old and stiff but female, her name is Lily and she is grey.

Maya sees little shadows out the corners of her eyes a lot, darting, moving fast, cat shaped and a while ago began calling it/them the "shadow cats".

Could it have been one of her shadow cats?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)

There is a chance that 'my target' ended up being Maya rather than your home (not intentionally). This whole series of experiences seems to have centered around her and any emotion (s) that may have carried over in your writing may have caused my focus to have centered on Maya rather than your house.

There was something else... Last night I 'saw' the image of a black cat...male, old (10-12 years (ish) who was having issues with his hips... He moved very slowly and his right rear leg was twisted... He was moving very slowly away from the house I saw... The further he moved away the 'lighter' the inside of the home felt.

Your daughter may tell you she saw another 'shadow figure'...but there was something different about it this time... The figure, if she saw it ('me') would have had wings (it has to do with my 'astral form' I chose a very LONG time ago). I am not sure that I was seen, but it would be a good validation point if she mentions it.

There is a very calming feeling at the home I saw. It seemed to be a natural haven... A place where the good memories and feelings keep the negative things naturally 'at bay'.


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)
My girls slept over there last night and are still there right now. I'm picking them up in 4 hrs.

Could you have been drawn to that location because they are there?

I'm not sure how this thing works Rook.

Thanks so much!

Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)
They live in a very old restored Victorian home. Polished wood everywhere, the basement is exposed stone walls, partially finished but carpeted floors. My Dad has his tools down there and there's a log room for the fireplace and my Mum has her laundry room and sewing room down there.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)

That's not my house but You just described my parents house. Even down to the wall paint colours, pictures and horse figurines. They have one of Black Beauty over the fireplace in the living room and several in the library!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-28)

For Validation:

Off white, light tan walls, Dark wood banister (stained, not painted) Mahogany? Wooden stairs, no carpet. Family photos line the stairs... And there is one of your Grandfather near the top (second to the last as you go upstairs?).

The wall color throughout the home is pretty neutral, wood floors with rugs throughout the home. Decorations lean towards a ranch feeling in the home with a collection of pictures and figurines of horses scattered (neatly) about. Basement is functional but not finished (not completely).


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-27)
Hi Rook

Thank you SO much!

Justice's parents are going through (another) breakup. Her mother has never been very approachable and would be less approachable right now. I wonder if this turmoil in her life right now made her feel uncomfortable in our house?

Thank you so much for everything. I can not thank you enough. My daughters and I are complete strangers to you and the fact that you are so willing to help us truly means more to me than words could ever say.

And that goes to the many other members of the YGS Family. So nice to know that we aren't "alone" in this scary ordeal.

K ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-27)

As far as Justice is concerned... Either something scared/bullied her and she did not understand what was happening so she therefore 'cut' Maya out OR due to some sort of negativity in her own life she ended up feeling uncomfortable in your home, blamed it on Maya and renounced their friendship because she did not understand what was going on. Do you know her mother well enough to ask if she knows 'why' Justice called off the Friendship? After so many years it seems 'odd' that anything concerning Maya's 'condition' (for lack of a better word) would SUDDENLY effect that.

As far as providing your location goes; let me try once more, on my own, to project. I am more of an Empath and Remote Viewing, while I have been capable of it, is not my strongest ability. I will re-read your most recent comments and see if they help me to focus and 'pick up on' anything. I will keep you posted and please continue to ask any questions you may have.


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-27)

If I was to give you our location, would it be easier for you to find us for a viewing?

Would you be able to try again and if you wanted to and if it was successful would you be able to sense if there was something bad here?

The Paranormal Team can't come out until Easter Weekend and the Medium still hasn't returned my phone call.

I'm not trying to rush anything. I'm staying calm, knowing that everything will happen when it's supposed to happen, but I feel like this energy that "pushed back" against me in the closet is definitely present in the house.

It's very strange, but the other day, when I was home alone I had my arms full of laundry and had just stepped onto the top step of my staircase to go down the stairs and all the sudden I had the hugest urge to drop the laundry and grab the bannister. I just had this weird feeling that someone was behind me and was going to push me down the stairs.

Silly I know and I took a tumble down the stairs the other day after starting the cleanse but I swear I dropped the laundry and grabbed the bannister and then the feeling was gone but all the sudden all I could think of was "good Lass" which is what my Granda would say when I did something that he was proud of.

This may mean something, it may mean nothing but it was pretty creepy. I guess if this bully energy is going to pick on someone I'm glad it's targeting me and not my girls.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-27)
Hi Rook

Okay, you just said something that almost made me fall over!

You said that "some of your daughters friends will either not want to hang around as much or they will start napping when they come over".

The weekend I did the cleanse I invited Maya's best friend over. The little girls name is Justice. She and Maya have been best friends since Grade 1 (they are now in Grade 8). I wasn't sure, when I started the cleanse, if I was going to include Maya in any of it so I wanted a friend over to "distract" her from seeing her mum opening cupboards and windows and sweeping the air etc. Stuff I would normally never do.

Saturday was day one. Sunday was day two (Justice went home that day) and Monday was day three of the cleanse.

On Monday Maya came home from school early and in tears. She said that Justice had broken off her friendship with her. That Maya was "too much" for her. Too sad for her (even though Maya was always her happiest with Justice).

She said she wouldn't be coming back over to hang out ever again.

This all came out of nowhere and completely blindsided Maya and has added to the struggle she's already going through. Things were GREAT Friday night. They were laughing and joking and watching funny YouTube videos. Then I started the cleanse.

I made 100% sure The girls didn't see any of the cleansing. I just said the cupboards were open to "air out" the house because it was a fresh/sunny day.

Rook, I don't know if you have picked up on something here? If your intuition has told you something? Is it this "bully energy" that has made Maya's friend feel like she wants to avoid Maya and our house? This kid has been like a 3rd daughter to me for years. She stayed with us when her parents split up. She has always been close to Maya.

I will be sure to do a thorough recleanse. To get right up into the attic crawl space with a candle and incense.

I was "smudging" Madison's room with the incense last night and it flipped right out of my hand. I have no idea how it happened. I didn't drop it. I was holding it one second and the next second it was upside down and kind of beside me on the floor.

Very weird stuff!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-27)

A white quartz crystal and a battery operated candle could not hurt but what is most important is to have the access open and visualize the light...flame...bubble...whatever you have decieded to visulize pushing the negitivity out... Working its way through any spaces you can not physical get into.

Visualizing every nook and corner or every space is needed to ensure there is no 'hiding place'. It does take time but I use this method for my own home so I know it works... You may also notice that some of your friends or some of your daughters friends will either not want to hang around as much and or they may start napping when they come to visit... This is due to the negitivity in their lives... Some will feel uncomfortable and not want to stay and others will feel as if their 'concrrns' are left at your doorstep and relax so much they nap... I have seen both happen to friends of ours.

Sending you positive energy and thoughts.


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi Rook

Thanks for the advice!

I have an attic in our house but it's under a pitched roof and not tall enough for a person and stuffed full with insulation so I couldn't get up there. Ironically one of the entrances to it is in my closet (where I felt the "heebie jeebies" when I was doing day 1 of the cleanse. The other entrance is in the garage. They are squares of wood that push up and to the side so I lifted them up with the broom and let light penetrate and incense smoke penetrate but couldn't get up there.

Every other part of the house, basement included, got a thorough cleanse. Do you think that wasn't sufficient for the attic? I can't get up there, but I can reach into the space. Could I put something up there and leave it? A crystal or a battery operated candle to cast light or anything that would "push back" against this bullying energy?


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi Mack

I LOVED reading that!

Thanks for those kind and wise words. I totally agree with you and I am taking every word to heart.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-25)

The 'pushing back' or 'hanging on' does not always happen however, that being said, while the energy itself can be changed out without any problems inteligent spirits or entities will try to hang on OR do things to keep the atmosphere in the home favorable for them.

Please ensure you include any attic, basement and or cupboard spaces when you do the Cleansing... By getting everything 'covered' you know there is no place for negitive things to sit and fester.


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hey Karen - just checking in you all and reminding you that I am thinking off you and your daughters and am sending positive energy and thoughts your way.

Your comment; "...I had no sense of anything "bad or dark" in the room at all, but went in ready to meet it head on "I'm in p**sed off/protective mum mode again". So maybe that's why nothing showed up? I'm starting to think this darker energy is a bit of a bully and doesn't like picking fights with those who aren't weak or small or vulnerable..." I think is spot-on. ALL bullies are cowards.

I maintain that people are pretty much the same as they were when passed over, especially if they are hanging around the material plane, as they have not evolved spiritually, in fact they be retarding their development due to their blinkered selfishness.

I try to always look at people as spirits with bodies, not bodies with spirits. Any negative spirit is exactly like a bully; they get their kicks out of creating fear in people, antagonizing them and probably enjoy the attention, as well as a false sense of "power". They are probably a bit hateful, spiteful, resentful etc types. (we've all have experienced those people manifested on this earthly plane, right? So they also exist in spirit)

So treat them as you would any physical person / bully. Stand up for your RIGHTS, yours and your daughters RIGHTS not to be intimidated or harassed in your own home. Once they don't get the reaction they want, they'll get bored and hopefully move on to their next "victim (s). That may put you in a better headspace in dealing with it?

Remember, these spirits are (usually) only people, after all, in my opinion.

Remember to fill your very being with love, know that the Universe is guided by divine love, feel it surge through you. Good will always eventually triumph over darkness, it can't be any other way.

Well, I'm getting all deep and preachy so I'll stop right there before I consider starting my own cult.😆


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hi frangelica

Thanks for the reply. I actually slept alone in Maddy's room last night (after cleansing it again). Maya & Maddy slept together in Maya's room.

There was quite a bit of knocking in the house (which was not the cold or the water pipes or heating), but I'm almost positive that is the spirit of my grandfather.

I had no sense of anything "bad or dark" in the room at all, but went in ready to meet it head on "I'm in p**sed off/protective mum mode again". So maybe that's why nothing showed up? I'm starting to think this darker energy is a bit of a bully and doesn't like picking fights with those who aren't weak or small or vulnerable.

The only thing that made me think "huh?" last night was waking suddenly when the bed jerked. I know what a dream is, I know what a lucid dream is, I know what sleep paralysis is and that last burst of adrenaline your body secretes before drifting off to sleep (that makes your legs or arms jerk). This was none of those. This was being woken suddenly from a deep sleep by the bed giving one hard jerk as if someone kicked it or bumped it from the side.

The sooner the Paranormal team comes out, the better, and still waiting for Carol (the medium) to call back. Until then I will be cleansing, shielding and staying cool/calm/collected for my girls.

Not going to show for a second to them that this is getting creepy.
frangelica1 (40 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-25)
Like Rook said, his cleansing does need to be repeated often so continue doing the cleanse at least until you can get the paranormal group or the medium to your home!

I also think it is possible that some spirit may now be trying to latch on to your youngest more vulnerable daughter now. I trust animal's instincts very much and you now have confirmation from both yourself, while doing the cleansing, and now your dog, that there is definitely something there!

I would recommend your youngest daughter sleep with you also for now until the cleanse can rid your house entirely of any negative entities. And please keep talking with your grandfather and ask him for help and protection!

I hope your family gets some answers from the paranormal group and the medium very soon!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-24)
Hi Guys

Just wanted to touch base with you all and get your intuition on something. See if anyone feels this may be something or just a coincidence?

We finished Rook's cleanse on Monday and everything felt really good in the house. Maya still wanted me to sleep on an airmattress in her room Monday night (it will probably take a few nights to ease her out of this) and that night she had a really intense nightmare where she was "stabbed" by a woman named Ann or Anna. I saw her have the nightmare, her back was arching off the mattress. She was trying to wake herself up for once knowing that she was in a nightmare but she said that she would climb out of one nightmare almost to the point of waking to fall into another nightmare. It was nightmares within nightmares. I think 8 in total. All the same.

That night my youngest daughter was murmuring and whimpering in her sleep. I slept in Maya's room but with all the bedroom doors open so I could hear Maddy in her room. I went into Maddy's room and stroked her head to soothe (she was still sleeping). Maddy is a VERY sound sleeper, she never remembers her dreams. She has had one nightmare years ago when we lived in the farmhouse so for her to be having a bad dream was unusual for her.

When I went into her room the strange thing is that it seemed really "dark". Her blinds were open and her nightlight was on but it just seemed dark to me still. I had to really peer closely at her to see her. I turned on her Himalayan salt lamp on low and went back to bed. I didn't think too much about it until the next night.

The next day I asked Maddy if she'd had a bad dream and she said no, but she said she didn't feel well. She had a sore tummy and a headache and felt really tired and asked to stay off school (she loves school).

Last night I slept on the air mattress in Maya's room again. She murmured a bit in her sleep but seemed to sleep okay.

I woke up at some point in the middle of the night to Maddy crying in her sleep. I went down the hall to her room and our German Shepherd, Bella, who is inseparable from Maddy (she sleeps on or under Maddy's bed every night) was sitting in the hall outside Maddy's room.
I went into Maddy's room and stroked her hair to soothe her in her sleep and as soon as I touched her she sat up and said "Mummy! Get it off me!" And started kicking her left foot. I calmly asked her what she thought was on her and she said "it's on my foot. It's grabbing my toe". Then she lay down and I covered her up and she went back to sleep.

I would at any other time chalk this up to a little girls bad dream but the weird thing is that our dog Bella is scared to go back into Maddy's room, particularly the doorway. She will kind of slink through it quickly but if I open the door so she can see behind it she gets really nervous. I've even tried throwing her ball behind the door for her to fetch (she would literally run into a burning building to fetch this ball) and she will just leave it sitting there and will not go behind the door.

When I started the cleanse there were 2 "sticky spots" for me. 2 spots that made me feel goosebumpy and "weird". One was my walk in closet. The other was Maddy's closet. I spent the same amount of time in each part of the house "sweeping" and actually felt a compulsion to return to Maddy's closet and do extra sweeping and to put the incense smoke right in there.

This might sound crazy. In fact this might sound very far fetched, but I think you guys by now know that everything I'm saying is truthful and honest and that I'm on here to seek help for my kids, not for attention... I felt, when I first went to "sweep out" the closet, that something "pushed back against me". I don't know how to explain it really. But kind of like its energy and intent pushing against my energy and intent.

I'm pretty sure I stirred stuff up with the cleanse. I'm pretty sure we kicked some bad stuff out with the cleanse. We did some more cleansing today and are using Shielding. We have to wait to see this Paranormal Team and are waiting for the Medium to return our call.

My worry is that something negative may have attached itself to Maya and then was "pryed off her" and is now trying to attach itself to Maddy OR now that we have become more intune to the spiritworld they are trying to make contact with Maddy? I'm coming to realize that they don't have "good manners".

This could all be nothing. But I'm not being paranoid here. I've tried multiple times with the dog to "feel out" the room and there's something off or something there and I'm pretty sure it's not my Granda.

If anyone could offer any advice on this it would be MUCH appreciated!

Thanks Guys and sorry to bug you all with this situation again: (

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Sounds like things are going well for you, way to go YGS people for stepping in to help. So marvelous to see such insight from both new members and the oldies. Please do keep the dialog open with the group, am keen to find out how things go!. Xx
frangelica1 (40 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)

So happy that Rook's cleansing ritual seems to have helped and that you have gotten so much help from everyone. Seems like you have a good future plan for you and your family to follow through on!

Also happy to see you have found a medium and paranormal group to help. The medium will help your daughter learn how to take her power back with the shielding she will be taught and the shielding taught will actually be good for the whole family to learn.

I would keep following everyone's wonderful advice they have given you here on YGS and please let us know how everything is going for you and your family!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Hi Rook

Thank you so much!

I will be sure to do just as you have advised and I will post as soon as we have met with the Medium (I think I will include Maddy in everything too) and after the paranormal team come through on the Saturday of Easter weekend (which is run by a medium who ironically is the father of a 14 year old who has gone through this same situation "paranormal vs mental illness").

If anything super weird or alarming happens in the meantime, I will touch base.

Thanks all ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)

I was pretty sure I had 'missed' the mark... I am just glad there were other members that were able to 'dial in' and offer some 'insight'.

You have asked...

"So how soon should I follow it with a second cleanse and the shielding of the home/us? Could you send instructions for that too please?"

Patient Name: Bonshaw Family
Address: Somewhere in Canada

Rx: Rook's Cleansing Method 100% All steps. (Not to take the place of prescribed medications but to be used in conjunction with them until Doctors deem otherwise.)

Preform Once per week for 3 months, then begin a taper: Once a Month for 3 months; Once every other Month for 6 months (total of 3 in a 6 month period); Then preform once every 6 months (total twice); then once a year. (Or preform AS NEEDED.)

As far as the Personal Cleansing and Shielding go I will quote from the directions...

"Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.) "

The personal shield should be done DAILY... I still ensure mine is in place before going out into the world.

(Please do not think I am taking this lightly because of the way I am posting... Just trying to keep things kind of of fun and upbeat).

You have also asked if Maya 'stops' hearing them will they try to get Maddy's attention...

This may sound blunt but: IF any spirits are still around after all of the Cleansing and Shielding are done feel that Maddy can see and or hear them then 'Yes' they very well could try to get her attention... Include her in everything that way she will be prepared.

Please keep us posted, let us know what the investigators find and any updates you feel the need to share with us.


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Hi All

Ok! Where to start...

Tweed, thank you for your post. I appreciate your frank honesty:)

Knowing that Maya's "Tesla" could indeed be guiding her/watching over her (as she feels he is) makes me feel less leery about "him". I am making a point to not just think outside the box with this stuff, but to just get rid of the whole darned box instead!

It is very important to me that my girls feel understood and supported at all times. I feel AWFUL that I have been telling Maya for the last 6 years pretty much that it's "just her imagination" or just her anxiety playing tricks on her. You were lucky to have parents who always believed what you were seeing, I wish I could've done that for Maya, but beating myself up about the past isn't going to help anything. I believe her now.

I 100% agree with you too though zzsgranny, it would be very easy to turn into a family who does a full 360 and accepts that EVERY bump and bang in the house is someone coming through to make contact. That every nightmare has meaning behind it, every cold chill and bad feeling spells doom. That would be just as unhealthy for Maya as me not believing her. To go from denial to almost hysterical belief. So no worries YGS family, this mum is staying cool, calm and collected. Maya will not go away to the children's mental health institute for the 6-10 wk inpatient treatment, I will keep her close to home, but she WILL however continue her counselling with her therapist and her Psychiatrist. We will cleanse the house again, we will shield the house and ourselves, Maya is meeting with a medium who is going to teach her to block/shield to slow down the transmissions she is receiving.

IF and only if everything evens out and all the voices/visions/depression/anxiety etc go away, I will gradually remove Maya from her meds (under the care of her doctor) and if things are still fine after that I will know this was 100% not mental illness and that the counselling she needs is spiritual, not psychiatric.

Thanks for being so concerned though zzsgranny ❤

Rook! Thank you so much for doing the viewing, I feel that something really tried to put a lot of roadblocks in the way leading up to the viewing/cleanse. After the cleanse was completed all electronic interferences in our house stopped!

Unfortunately that wasn't us who you found in your viewing, none of the validation points can be connected to us in any way. You have however been extremely perceptive regarding Maya and I can't thank you enough for the cleanse! I believe it really worked. The girls did enjoy it and I know now to include them in future cleanses.

So how soon should I follow it with a second cleanse and the shielding of the home/us? Could you send instructions for that too please? I feel the urge to shield soon because my youngest had a nightmare last night and was talking lots in her sleep. I only ever remember her having a nightmare once before in her life. I don't want to jump to conclusions but my first thought was "if Maya stops listening, will they try to get Maddy's attention"? Probably just a coincidence though.

I'm so sorry. I'm asking you for tons, I know! I am so grateful and you are banking some major karmic points with the Universe:)

Huge hugs and sending massive "thank you's" and love and light out to the whole YGS family and everyone who sent messages of support and kindness and wonderful advice!

A million times, thank you ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Bonshaw: I'm happy to see that things seem to moving in a more positive direction since you've graced our site. However, I would caution you to please maintain a relationship with Maya's doctors. Everything that is happening or has gone on in her life may have nothing at all to do with the paranormal.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you've handled this situation thus far and the outcome seems to have benefited your entire household. But I just can't, in good conscience, tell you that we've found the sole solution to this dilemma. Cleansings, crystals, and banishments are fine to lighten the atmosphere and create a sense of empowerment. But really when it comes down to it, we're just a bunch of strangers on the internet giving advice about a situation that we aren't personally involved with.

It may seem like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth 😆, but I've been dancing around with this point throughout this thread. I felt it was time to stop dancing and come right out and make the point. At the very LEAST keep up with her therapy. If her doctors see a difference, they'll suggest a weaning off of her meds.

I would hate to think that the amazing YGS membership, in their effort to support and assist, have in any way been responsible for someone not receiving adequate medical attention.

And you may already be thinking this, making this entire comment moot! 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)

No,...Yes,...Kinda...your reference made me realize that on top of Karen's reaction to 2 days of the Cleansing that many individuals may be thinking or worried that ALL the Energy, Spirits and or Entities (possibly) involved were negative in nature and the Sixth Sense was the 'best reference' I could think of that shows that they are not 'all bad' and also supports what Maya may be experiencing...

Speaking of which...


There is a chance that what is happening in the household and with Maya may, just may, end when Puberty is complete... The changes her body is going through, when complete, may 'close her off' to the spirit world... Remain open to the spirit world or something 'in between'... (she feels 'strong spirits/energies' but not others).

You have done the Cleansing (Once), please repeat and next should be a Shield for the property, Maya, yourself and your youngest. The Property Shield should keep the 'negative energy/spirits/entities' out of the home and the personal shields will help her (you) from 'seeing them' unless she wants to.

Please ask any questions you may have.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Rook - I'm not sure if you misunderstood my reference to "Haunting in Connecticut" or not (and I realize I quote the title wrong every time but blah). All my reference meant was the diagnosis and subsequent treatment portrayed in the movie compared to Maya's situation. That's all 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)

I the Place the First:

I did not fall off the face of the earth... However it seems many things 'happened' to distract me once I began my efforts to assist. Nothing bad just 'nuisance' things that kept my focus away from 'projecting'. I did get to, once on Saturday, however it was a 'cluttered look'.

In the Place the Second:



Prince Edward Island

Strathgartney Equine Park




Two Story, Lower Level covered by Brick, upper lever Tan with Blue (ish) trim (either faded or a light shade)

3 cars in the driveway.

Three Ladies with Auburn Hair...

One wears hers long (ish) just below shoulder length, has 'heavy' blond highlights.

One wears hers even longer... Mid shoulder blade...braids...

The last wore hers in a 'bob style' with light blond highlights.

Last but not least:

However, going back and reading your experience AND the newest comments I must say this...

I get the impression Maya's situation is more...

'The Sixth Sense'

Rather than...

'A Haunting in Connecticut'.

As far as the Cleansing goes...

Going it by yourself more than likely drained you, not to mention you may have met some resistance from spirits or entities that either A) are positive in nature and there to help you and did not understand (at first) what was going on. Or B) are negative in nature and do not want to leave.

However by day 3 you included your daughters and made it fun, filled your home with laughter and (I hope) a wee bit of understanding with your daughters.

I may be 'way off' with my viewing but I feel pretty confident about this:

I have a feeling that Maya is 'gifted'...that she can 'see' spirits/entities...because of this they 'seek her out so they can 'get their message out' or at a minimum 'communicate with somebody' however being 'open' all the time has lead to 'real world' anxiety and 'complications'...kind of an information overload for her. The fact she 'feels' energy from those she see's and that they are not just 'images' from her mind with zero 'energy'...just simple 'projections' created in her mind. The medication (s) she has been prescribed 'should' have effected any mental hallucinations, its what they are designed to do... But the fact Maya still see's spirits/entities and feels an energy from them... That goes a wee bit 'beyond' what medicine can 'cope' with. The downside is the fine line presented here... It is so hard to determine if what is happening is 'paranormal' in nature (In Maya's case I'm pretty sure its a YES) or 'all in our head'. That's where Journal's and such can be a help...

Again I have no clue if my viewing was close, however it sounds as if many other members have been able to help and rest assured we will continue to be here for you and yours.


Tweed (35 stories) (2494 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)
Hi again Karen,

When I first read your story my initial reaction was 'Oh yeah, this is mostly inexperience. They'll have to figure it out for themselves.'

Yeah, I know what a cow, let me explain.
The reason for this reaction is mostly my upbringing and I know a cavalier 'don't worry about it' attitude wouldn't go down too well on here!

I truly believe most paranormal activity is misunderstood by us in the physical realm. I was like Maya in my 20's. My guardian (whom most would run from shouting 'demon') gave me MANY, MANY hellish nightmares. It's taken years to work out what he's about and to understand his 'violent language'. However, not all nightmares and scary ghosts are bad.

I was both lucky and unlucky to be raised in a very open minded family. Lucky in the sense that anything paranormal was treated as 'normal', and unlucky because now I tend to think nonbelievers are idiots. So that makes me a bit prejudice.

Something I've noticed over the years is anyone who's sensitive to the other side goes through a 'resistance period'. Because of how I was raised, my resistance came in my 20's. Because society norms didn't match my own I tried to stifle my abilities, which resulted in an angry guardian giving me nightmares.

However, for most sensitive people the resistance period crops up in their teens. Because of hormonal changes and family dynamics/beliefs not matching what they're experiencing.

Pretty sure it was my upbringing which delayed it for me. But no matter who you are, how well you were raised, or what your background, every sensitive goes through this at some point in varying degrees. It sucks, but in the end you and Maya will put it down to experience and you'll be wiser for it.

I cannot commend you enough for how you're handling what Maya's experiencing. If the chaos continues directly after the cleanse, it's likely a few well intended ghosts trying to make contact, as Miracles and Granny suggests. But you and Maya will have to set up some boundaries for these ghosts so all can coexist peacefully. I'd suggest a time out period for a while, you guys could do with a break!

I don't mean to suggest you should completely rule out the possibility of an evil presence (I really don't know on that front, but haven't read anything so far that's really troubled me). I do stress that inexperience in paranormal matters is almost always scary, especially when you've been thrown in the deep end, which you most certainly have!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-23)

Thank you for that beautiful and empowering message! ❤
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)

That's a great point! Funny you should bring it up too because one other member emailed me tonight and told me that he had a similar situation where he was "stabbed" supernaturally and it was someone in spirit form who was a stabbing victim who had been murdered by his house. One thing led to another and he was actually able to help the police with the case because the woman had made contact with him but she had chosen "stabbing him" as a way to get his attention.

Maya repeatedly sees the same girl over and over, she has drawn her for me. Maya is a good artist, like REALLY good so her drawings can be graphic and the only way to describe this girl that she sees is like someone who has been shot in the face or who has put a gun in her mouth maybe and pulled the trigger?

Sorry if that's too graphic Admin!

The weird thing is everything about the girl is solid, like a real person, but her eyes are always blurry, like when you stand in front of a steamy mirror after a hot shower and you can see yourself but not quite.

I'm starting to wonder now if this person was a victim of a shooting or suicide and is trying to make contact? The eye thing... I don't know.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)

Good to know! I will put that one on my "never ever watch list":) I jump scare in Jurassic Park! Lol.

I think maybe she isn't afraid of the shadows. One other theory I have is that maybe they are Tweed's Nature Spirits? They appeared when we moved to this village which is basically big new houses built around a man made lake that was created with a dam that flooded the original small village whose foundations lie at the bottom of the lake.

Hella creepy.

Maybe they are a little ticked off that there has been so much building, flooding, building where there was once nothing but forests and a beautiful River? They apparently watch, observe and then leave.

Jim, yes I did wrap up day #3 of Rook's cleanse today in a MUCH calmer mindset than when I started it. I began it guns a blazing and ready to have a supernatural throw down and ended up falling down stairs and walking around with the king of all headaches. I ended it tonight very centred and balanced and calm and in total control, knowing with 100 surety that it had worked and that my girls and I were stronger than any dark energy/entity that had ever trespassed in our home and that nothing would ever try to renter. My daughters helped me with the cleanse tonight. I hemmed and hawed about the idea and then thought it really couldn't be any weirder than all the banging and knocking and electronic disturbance we have all witnessed the last 3 days.

I didn't make it solemn or heavy or creepy, I made it FUN. We had the windows and doors open, the worship rock cranked up, the house was flooded with sunlight and every light on too, we had dragons blood incense burning and we carried it all through the house and through every room. We spritzed every room with white sage essential oil and sprinkled Sweetgrass oil on ourselves, the dog (one dog is still at my parents) and our Himalayan salt lamps. At the end of the 3 hours we "swept" the dark energies/entities out together and then did the candle part of the cleanse, the 3 of us sitting in a circle around the white candle holding hands and after the candle part, when we blew the flame out together, I looked at my daughters faces and they didn't look weirded out or scared or anything, they looked happy and powerful.

We are going to be fine. I can just feel it!:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Bonshaw: There's one point I'd like to make since no one seems to have brought it up. Many, many times people think if they are being touched, scratched, tapped, etc., or if they feel pain anywhere on their body that the entity is evil or out to harm them. I'm of the school of thought (as well as a lot of our members) that more often than not these entities are trying everything within their power to be seen, heard, or otherwise acknowledged.

Think back to when your kids were little. They tried to get your attention and you just, for whatever reason, wasn't listening and they took it upon themselves to start patting your arm or leg and incessantly repeating "Mom, mom, mom, mommy!" like Stewie. 😆 It's the same way with our ghosties. They'll try one way and if it doesn't work they'll try another until they're able to get through.

Now, if your daughter is psychic, the person she dreamed about may be trying to relate her own manner of death. She may be reaching out to her for help.

I dunno. Just a few thoughts.
Jim710 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
I wouldn't confront anything, I just meant for you to claim you space from all spiritual energys, and make it known that none are welcome in your home and you will not tolerate anything else. And that's it, just say it with absoluteness and determination and mean and believe it, if you can do this you may suprise yourself
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Bonshaw - LOL I wouldn't recommend watching "Haunting in Connecticut". I hate scary movies, hate them with a passion because they literally scare me to death. The only time I watch one is in daylight with my daughter 😆, and with lights on LOL

I love your explanation for the white light bubble. That is beautiful 😊

As for the shadows, hopefully they're leaving. Or maybe she's overcoming her fear of them and no longer consciously recognizes them, thereby taking away their power 😕
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Hi Miracles

Thank you for your awesome comments and info!

My first thought was to watch "The Haunting of Connecticut" after you said it is similar to what we are going through. But I never watch scary movies and I know I would regret it as soon as I watched it, so I will have to leave that one a mystery:)

Yes, I tell Maya to put a white light bubble around herself. The way I explain it to her is that before she was born she was inside a womb of protection and connected to me. Now the "womb" is a white light that she can cast around herself (I put it around both my girls too) and the "umbilical cord" connects her to God/Spirit/Higher Power/The Creator whoever is watching over us and keeping us safe.

She named the tall thin people the "shadows" because sometimes they are solid and sometimes they are see through, like shadows. The only thing that doesn't change is her fear of them. I asked her for some drawings of them to send to a member of YGS though and she said that she hardly sees those ones anymore. She actually tore up all her drawings of them, so maybe those ones are "moving on"?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Bonshaw - I knew there was something I'd forgotten. This is in regard to the Shadow People Maya sees. Has she ever indicated whether or not it is because they are dark/black that they scare her? I have heard from many people, on this site and others as well as my personal life, that because the entity they have seen is black, they automatically assume it is bad and this creates fear. When I explained to one of my nieces that just because it is black, it doesn't mean the ghost/shadow person/whatever is bad and out to harm her, that it is no different than believing because one shows itself in white that it is good and helpful, she then was able to understand the color doesn't really mean anything. It's the energy/emotion one gets from it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Bonshaw - I don't know that I have any advice or help that hasn't already been given, but there are a couple notes I made while reading your story and the comments that I'd like to mention.

Your daughter and her diagnosis reminds me so much of the movie "Haunting in Connecticut" (and yes, I'm aware that most of that is for publicity) that it's scary. No, I don't disbelieve your story or your daughter. I only mention it because there are so many kids (and adults) who are misdiagnosed. I commend you on your determination to fight for your daughter and not give up on her. In my opinion, just knowing that you believe in her, whether it is paranormal or medical, can make the biggest difference in how she feels about, and deals with, the situation.

There are great comments from many of our members regarding mediums/investigators. I trained under a woman who was taught by Rose Vanden Eynden (also mentioned by frangelica). There are a couple things I want to say about mediums. Some people do charge as it is their only source of income. And some do because it is their profession, no different than my job as an admin assistant. I get paid for what I do and so do they, because they provide a service. However, and this is my big however, I think when a child is involved, there should be no charge. As has been stated, offering a monetary gift as compensation for gas, etc would be appreciated, I'm sure. Please keep in mind these are my opinions only.

My hurriedly scribbled note while reading the comments says I agree with Biblio, frangelica and Randy about how you handled the cleansing with Maya. Empowering her by letting her feel as if she is in control is normally something I would strongly recommend and have done myself. But after reading all the comments, and how Maya is currently feeling, I agree that you should proceed on your own.

My last thought, at the moment LOL, is in response to something you said about backing off. There is a big difference in being antagonistic when dealing with unwanted entities and being respectful, yet firm and determined. You can project confidence and control without going all Zac Bagans on them.

I wish you and your girls the best in this situation. One last thing I just remembered. My son is 14 and he told me something a couple years ago that maybe Maya can use. You mentioned you use a bubble of sorts for protection. Does Maya? If she doesn't, maybe it wouldn't hurt to introduce that to her. My son called it his shield but when he described it, it is just like my bubble I use for protection.

For the record, I support Ginny's journal idea. There are a lot of us who are journal-faithful, and even some who don't record their experiences still believe it is a good thing to do.

And before I forget, we try to help provide normal explanations for things that may appear paranormal. In no way am I saying this is what is going on, but maybe it can help a little. Maya hearing voices through the vents: sound travels through vents (I'm sure you know this), so maybe some, not all, of the sound is an electronic device carrying through the vents to her room.

Also, a lot of people believe water to be a paranormal conduit. I honestly cannot say whether or not I believe water to be conducive to bad vs good entities. I don't have a personal experience one way or another.

As a single mom, I know how hard it is to admit when I can't fix something, especially in my kids' lives; that there are things I can't control, and I hate admitting that I need someone else's help. I don't like the feeling of helplessness, even though it is irrational, especially when there is something frightening one of my kids and I don't know what it is or how to take care of it. However, this site and our members are amazing and both have helped me so much. I'm glad you found us ❤
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)

Thanks for your advice!

I do believe Maya now. 100%. There have been too many things put right in my path and in my face for me to ignore this as anything but the truth anymore.

A YGS member (not Rook) contacted me privately last night and after providing several validation points confirmed that my Granda is here in my house and watching over me and my girls and that Maya is psychic and that he does not want her to go to the treatment centre. My Granda passed away from Cancer almost 4 years ago.

I do understand Vinne, that for some people, to go to a Church and speak to a Priest they would feel better or safe. That wouldn't be the case for Maya.

I am in NO way knocking organized religion. I have a "live and let live" mentality when it comes to life. I have introduced my daughters to ALL religions and allowed them to choose the way/form/style of worship that THEY feel comfortable with and that brings them joy.

I can sit in a Church, I can sing the hymns, I can make sense of scripture, Maya can not connect to that. She connects to her higher power outdoors in the forests, by the lake surrounded by nature. I do not believe that one is more sacred than the other.

As for the medications, I can not just take her off them, her body was introduced to them gradually. It will take time to wean her off them. To come off these kind of meds cold turkey can be extremely dangerous.

I would like to say that she is ok Vinne, but she is not. The cleanse has definitely stirred up the energy in the house and something is not happy about it, that's for sure. Maya says that she "feels unsafe and she doesn't know why" and that she feels extra sad. She has been crying lots.

She asked me to sleep in her room with her last night. She fell asleep pretty fast but kept sitting up and staring at the corner of her room with her eyes wide open (she was sound asleep though, this is a type of "sleep walking"). This happened a few times but then she seemed to settle. As I was drifting off to sleep I heard a change in her breathing. She was snorting and making this puffing sound out of her mouth. I rolled over, she had kicked her blankets off and she was arching her spine. I figured she was having a nightmare so I reached for her hand to wake her up. As soon as I touched her hand I felt this sharp shooting pain in the right side of my back, to the right of my spine (where your kidney is I think?). It felt like a bug bit me or something. As soon as I touched Maya's hand she woke up and started crying. She said she had just had 8 or 9 nightmares one after another and had been trying her hardest to wake up but hadn't been able to. That she would climb out of one nightmare to fall into another. She said each nightmare had a "name" like "stick, rock, leaf" and that in each nightmare she was being stabbed repeatedly in the side by a woman named Ann or Anna. The eerie thing is she pointed to her side and it was EXACTLY where my side had hurt when I touched her hand to wake her up.

I feel like things have gone from weird to creepy to downright scary now. But I'm staying cool, calm and collected for my kids and because IF there is something in my house watching me, I figure it's best not to show any weakness, right?

Jeez. And I didn't even believe in this stuff a year ago! Lol
Vinne (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-22)
Same things happened to me when I was around 8 and stayed until I got 14! (I'm now 15)... They finished after some religion stuff... I am Muslim but I can guess that you're Christian so I think you should contact to a priest or go to church because please stop giving her meditations! She would go insane because it's harmful for her... Believe her and take her to Church... The things she is experiencing are true! Confused How is your daughter now? And how is your house's envoironment?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Karen, I'm glad to hear it. You definitely don't come across as frail! It's just that those things can sneak up on someone, and I wanted to make sure.

I'm glad you're making progress with the cleanse. Thanks for keeping us so well-informed. The details you provide are great!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)

Don't worry about me, I promise I am fine! I hope it didn't come across like I was unhealthy or frail.

This girl is a brick house, I assure you!;)

Thanks for your concern though.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Karen, please take care of yourself as well. Your symptoms of ringing in your ears, headache for the past two days, and falling down the stairs are alarming to me. Your stress may be harming your health.
Yheladeth (1 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
I can tell you that your headache is most probably caused by the cleansing, as well as you sleeping that much but don't worry, it is normal. I feel very tired after performing a cleansing and other type of "rituals" and it is very normal to feel tired, mostly because is your first time doing this!
When you do a cleansing you are in a way manipulating energies and that, at the same time, consumes energy from you, as any activity we do in our life, so don't worry and continue with the cleansing, this probably means it is working.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Keep it up! Continue with the cleansing. Mean every word with strength,validity,and love for your daughter. Believe in your strength and will to carry yourself through this.You've got this!

Sending Strength,Love,And Hope your way

Sincerely Spiritwaiting
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Otteer I think maybe you are right. Knowledge is power.

Jim, thank you for those words. I was given a warning to not confront these negative energies/unwanted guests in an aggressive way (which I have been doing up to now). The person who warned me to not seek them out/call them out/be aggressive & confrontational with them was kindly looking out for my best interests, but I found that once I backed off and my daughter also said to me that I "shouldn't make them angry", I lost a lot of my nerve and actually felt a little scared for the first time ever.

I went from almost physically pushing my rage/indignation/strength outwards at these energies whenever my daughter was frightened by them, to feeling like I shouldn't mess with them. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but since that dip in courage I have been walking around with a headache, ringing in my ears and I fell down a flight of stairs today.

So I think it's time to put the gloves back on and show them that you never ever mess with my kids...
Jim710 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Karen I read your original story, I'm Jim 25 I myself have never attempted to contact the dead or have any involvement with the paranormal, my mother being a witch for most of my childhood I feel as though I have had my fair share of events over my lifetime, recently (within the last year) I've lost my grandfather who was the first relative of myne to lose whom I was close with and I have defiantly experienced his guiding hand the last year in certain situations, one thing I myself have religiously practiced in every space I have ever lived since I was a young boy, I will walk through what it now my home my space in the universe, and I will tell all spirits demons anything that may be lingering that it is not welcome in or around my home any longer and it must leave immeaditly, and I don't believe any ritual or chant or channeling is required, you take that fury that you felt when you whent to protect your little girl and you project that out into your home all of your anger hate fury you tell everything to get out and stay out with such authority that your certain that it will not come back because of what kind of harm you would bring on an unwelcomed guest that's going to cause anything to your family, it may may not work it always has for me, I have never felt the guiding hand of my grandfather anywhere near my home, yet never do I get that creep up your spine, something is crawling on your neck feeling, and as far as your daughter if yoy feel that your comfortable with that approach then explain here what I have to you to her and that it is real "ghosts" the paranormal yes defiantly there are many things Sience cannot explain and that the best protection you can have is that regardless of good or evil intent that you both will no longer tolerate it, I myself reassure myself that I would walk to the gate of hell and beyond for my daughter and would never let a thing stop me be my "stone" if you will to the fact that my own words hold weight in that sense, and as I can clearly tell you feel the same way about your daughter I think that this may help you I hope it dose my best wishes to you and your family I hope all goes well and you find some peace
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Just wondering if its not time to tell her that yes, you are exploring the possibility that there are spirits in the home and that you and her may be naturally able to feel and hear them? I mean, if she dosnt have something to explain how she is feeling, and WHAT she is seeing how can that make her feel? Its obvious the arnt helping, and quite frankly I would be relieved to know its possible I don't have a mental illness but something I can learn to control with the help of a good teacher? Just a thought. I learned from my son (21) who suffers from anxiety that he would give anything not to have it, it can be so destructive, and intrusive and makes him feel hopeless sometimes because it is a mental illness and will be with him for the rest of his life.

Maybe you would be giving Maya hope by letting her know that there may be a cause for her depression and anxiety and its NOT her chemical makeup going haywire but her ability to feel and see other dimensions. I mean, how many times have I seen here, "thank god for this site cause I thought I was going crazy?" She is old enough to be feeling different, I know from experience with my son. She is aware of spirits and the paranormal, otherwise she wouldn't have tried the Ouji board... It may be time for a frank talk so she can help defend herself. Just a thought.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
This is my second attempt to try to send a message. If this doesn't work, I'm calling it a night...

This is day 2 of Rook's Cleanse. The energy of the house has definitely been stirred up. I don't know if this will make sense, but the air feels "heavy" the way it does in the summer when it is humid, right before a thunderstorm. But we are in the middle of a cold Canadian winter right now. The energy in the house doesn't feel "bad", but it doesn't necessarily feel "good" either.

Since starting the cleanse yesterday I've had this bad headache, tons of pressure, and this annoying buzzing sound in my ears that just won't go away. It sounds like those cicadas you hear on really hot summer days that start droning really quietly, then get REALLY loud, then all go quiet together again. What is odd is that I NEVER get headaches. Like never ever. So for me to have one for 2 days in a row now is weird.

Maya is very off today. I didn't want to upset her with this cleanse. I weighed the 2 options of involving her in it or not and decided against it thinking it might scare her. I have talked to her a little bit about the Paranormal and asked questions these last couple of days and I think it is making her nervous. I think my reassurances that "there's no such things as ghosts or spirits"- as annoying as they were to her before- were kind of a talisman or something to her. "Mummy says it's not real, so it's not real". I think that if I am to say "yes, this is real" then it gives everything a scary validation that she has known but has been denying.

So I scheduled a weekend sleepover for her best friend and they were busy with their electronics in Maya's room, totally oblivious to what I was doing in the rest of the house (I sent them out for a walk when it was time to sweep out Maya's room). She had no clue what was going on, but when her friend left to go home this evening Maya was extremely off. She was teary and restless and I asked her what was wrong and she said "Mummy I don't know what's wrong but I feel so sad". A little while later she came to me very agitated and told me that she felt scared, that for some reason "the house did not feel safe tonight".

So I'm writing this tucked up in bed beside her. I don't know what I stirred up but what I do know is that it's time here is up and I'm pretty sure it knows it. I don't feel scared or threatened either though. Just calm and strong. I have my Grandfather watching over us and all of you wonderful people giving us such amazing advice and support.

Good night all!

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Greeting Karen
I have been following your story with great interest
Although "paranormal" may have a negative meaning for some, it is really only paranormal because its something we don't understand.
I would agree that the knocks are your Granddad.
Just like when we are living some people are strong on some points and
Weaker on others. Its no different on the other side.
Some are better at making noises while others may be better at speaking.
Sounds like knocking is your Granddad's strength and way of letting you know he is there with you. Although you may not be able to hear his words he can hear yours.
Hope all gets better soon
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Yes Karen, that sounds to me like a man who would watch over his children and maybe you just clarified his message... Be brave and positive?...Karen,I have heard bangs and knocks in my home for 16 years, I have been fortunate enough to see my mother and father in spirit... I spoke with my mother and felt her hug me... Both my children have felt and seen my mother, over the years I have also experienced bouts of sleep paralysis and seen shadow people... Distinguishing what is paranormal and realizing what is conjured up by the mind is a very difficult thing to do, on some of my accounts the jury is still out, although if there negative experiences I'm happy to write them of as hallucinations, much easier to move on and forget about... Your daughter has a combination of the two in my most sincere opinion and making it worse perhaps a minor chemical imbalance complicating her thought process, although I'm not convinced... It is a very difficult choice that lays ahead for you, however being positive like your granddad is a great a start. I must leave this conversation and leave for work, take care!

Regards Daz
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)

He was a very determined man.

He was a war hero, lost the love of his life to cancer at an early age, survived heart attacks and cancer and losing the sight in one eye and was still the bravest and most positive person I know.

He had a reputation for being belligerent and argumentative and stubborn, but he was gentle and loving and protective with his grandkids.

I had some major health problems in my late teens/early twenties and he came every single day to the hospital for every visit of visitation hours every time I had to go to hospital and he would tell me funny stories on the days I was feeling good or just sit and do his crossword puzzles on the days I was feeling sick. He was always there though, the nurses pretty much had to kick him out lol. So yes, I would say that determined is one word that could be used to describe him.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Yes Karen it can be frightening and that little thump in the closet was him confirming his presence and no, the cleansing won't affect him because your heart and mind are drawing him in... Negative energy normally shows itself in a form of poltergeist, chairs moving,etc...our departed loved ones are usually the ones who knock and bang, sometimes prankster ghost do it, but this has been going on for too long. The sleep paralysis, shadow people are coming from with in Maya's own universe, totally unrelated to the bangs and knocks... And now that you're paying attention, he is concentrating his energy around you... Was he a very determine man? He's not giving up that's for sure and he would feel a whole lot better now knowing you have acknowledged him. I'm writing this as I play with my own two granddaughters, I know how much you and Maya mean to him... What is he trying to tell you? He can see a probabilistic future our departed loved ones in the 4th dimension have the tools to access accounts, just like we have dreams.
Vinne (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Same things happened to me when I was around 8 and stayed until I got 14! (I'm now 15)... They finished after some religion stuff... I am Muslim but I can guess that you're Christian so I think you should contact to a priest or go to church because please stop giving her meditations! She would go insane because it's harmful for her... Believe her and take her to Church... The things she is experiencing are true! 😕
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)

Knowing that my Granda is here with us gives me such a feeling of relief.

There's no way he can get "pushed" out when the house gets cleansed, can he?

I really do feel that he is here. I was closer to my Granda than probably anyone else in my family and I miss him so much.

When I read your message I said out loud "Granda, I know that you are here." And I heard a little thump from my closet.

This is scary stuff. Scary as in "leap of faith" scary. To go from being a skeptic to a believer.

To knowing that if Maya's doctors knew that I was doing half this stuff they would probably want to write me a prescription too.

But my perception is shifting, at what point to I go from saying "nah...that's just the wind banging on the side of the house", to being an "ostrich with its head buried in the sand" ignoring the glaringly obvious signs around me.

I think I have been dodging the paranormal stuff afraid that if I took the paranormal route over the medical one it would make me an irresponsible mother.

And really, that is all I care about in life. Being a good mother. My girls are everything to me.

But WHO said that the medical way is the right way? That the paranormal way is the wrong way?

I have never seen a ghost. But I have never seen a neuron or an amygdala either but Maya's Psychiatrist tells me they exist. Why am I so quick to believe one over another because one is deemed acceptable by mainstream society and one is "out there".

I think I need to worry less about what other people think and keep focusing on the only thing that matters, which is the health and well being of both my daughters.

My Granda used to say "The people who mind don't matter. And the people who matter don't mind"
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
And the point of that post... I should add, is that our two dogs absolutely love each other. They are inseparable. They have never done this before.

So their fight, followed immediately by me falling down the's like something is trying to maybe prevent me from continuing with the cleanse?

Or at the very least distract me.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Hi Karen, I think you have validated enough for me to say this with some confidence. Your Grandfather is in the house with you and he is desperately trying to let you know his there. Grand parents are extremely protective of their grand children and if Maya has heard 3 bangs that's no demon,that's her loving great grand dad letting her know his watching over her... You are at a cross roads with Maya, your Grand dad can see Maya's probabilistic future and his trying to help you make the right choice about it... I can't tell you what that choice is, talk to him, tell him that you love him and you need his help, let Maya know his there to help, that might give her some comfort... My Grandfather saved my life when I was 7 years old, he had crossed over when I was just 3 years old... Took me along time to work out it was him.

Regards and best wishes Daz
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Hi guys

Just had to post this as it's way to weird not to!

I am an early riser every day, don't need an alarm clock, I just don't like to sleep in. I did day 1 of Rook's cleanse yesterday and last night it was a little bumpy and "off" in the house.

I woke up this morning to the sound of my 2 dogs fighting. Not a little squabble, a real fight, they were really going at it tearing fur out! The sound was horrible. We pulled them off each other and I put the female in a bedroom and went to go downstairs to try to find the male (who was hurt) and the next thing I knew I was falling down the whole staircase on my butt. I can't say if I felt pushed by anything, it happened so fast, but I DO know that I did NOT slip or trip.

The weird thing is that once I got downstairs my kids were eating lunch and I am not used to anyone being up in the house before me and I looked at the time and it was 1:00 in the afternoon! I have never (unless I've been very sick) slept past noon. I don't know if I stirred something up yesterday with day 1 of the cleanse? I have already started day 2 now though, so please send those positive thoughts our way! Strength in numbers right?

Hugs and love to the whole YGS family!

Karen, Maya & Maddy.
belle245 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
I know what you're going through, I used to see a lot of things but I have learned to ignore them and the shadows and focus on other things. They used to scare me all the time I was 22 when a black shadow figure approached me in my bedroom all I could see was it's eyes I'm 26 now but I don't think about them when I feel uneasy I burn Frankincense it scares them off. I hope this helped you out.
frangelica1 (40 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)

Usually, when you suddenly start thinking of a loved one that has passed on and they had not been on your mind recently, it means that they are sending signs that they are there for you and with you. They may be attempting to support you and even sometimes make contact with you.

Don't be afraid to talk to your grandfather and acknowledge him when you think of him. You will feel a sense of peace knowing he is there. I talk to my Dad and grandparents and friends that have passed all the time when I know they are there or I need their help! I talk to them out loud a lot, also!

For example, I did a reading this week where I had brought forward a young man in his 20's that had a quick accidental death from drugs in the 1970's and after the reading I confirmed with the woman that it was indeed her brother and she had just been thinking of him a lot very recently wishing they could have spent more time together when he was alive - he really wanted to come through for her and said exactly the same thing to her through me. Sometimes our thoughts and dreams are ways our passed loved ones reach out to us.

I think that the extra activity in the house is because of your recent cleanse of it and maybe due to Rook's visit. I also think the activity will pick up because some spirits don't want to leave. But the spirits that are no benefit to your family will leave!

By the way, you mention that you and your daughter are empathic and I loved reading that because I am also - was always told that I was too sensitive! I always felt others pain or sorrow as if it was me going through the experience even as a young child - so you all are very sensitive to energy! I loved how you said Maya can intuitively know when an animal is sick - I also have animals come to me when they are hurting or need something. Your daughter definitely has some gifts and you do too!
Tweed (35 stories) (2494 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Karen, yeah unfortunately a nasty temper tantrum is pretty likely. Things usually get worse briefly before they get better. I had this happen a while back. It's also a good sign because it means you're making progress. 'They' probably know it, and want to turn things up a notch. That said, the weather of course could account for some of the noises. But just as likely a tantrum. It's great Granny had you keep notes. In time you can decipher the details, sort the normal from the paranormal.

If Rook's touched base, and anyone negative knows about it, they're probably not very happy about it. But it is temporary and things will be soon on the mend, if this is the case.

Daz raises a good point about loved ones on the other side. Some of the activity could be protective ghosts helping you out. 😊
I have a nature spirit who knocks sometimes at night. Haven't noticed knocks in threes though, I'll listen for that now.
But the bad haunt I went through didn't have any order to the knocks and bangs, except that it was always when no one else was around to hear it. Most unpleasant was all that. So I really feel for what you're going through.
The cleansing should kick in immediately, usually takes a couple days to feel big improvements. It will bring Maya peace and calm. I'm sure she'll be a lot more relaxed. A good cleansing really works wonders for everyone.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Hi Daz

How strange! Maya has told me several times that she has heard banging in threes. One of her earlier (non official) diagnoses was Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and she really likes the number 3, so I thought maybe her mind was just tricking her into hearing something 3 times.

My Granda, (my Mum's dad), passed away almost 3 years ago. All my other grandparents passed away when I was a child/teenager.

That's strange that you would bring my Granda up though. He and I were very close and he has been on my mind a lot lately. I actually have a few of his things at my house, I don't know if I should say what, since Rook said no descriptions of the house or its contents until after I've heard from him.

Are you "picking up on him"?

Thanks Daz!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-21)
Bonshaw, usually the bangs and knocks will come in three's not all bangs and knocks are paranormal... Sometimes the rafters and beams can expand diversely to weather and other related factors... Karen one question, have you lost any family members (grandparent) with in the last 12 months? I may be off the mark, but I need to ask that question.

Regards Daz
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)

There was a lot of "activity" in the house last night. Zzsgranny suggested I keep track of what was going on for Rook's validation points for his viewing.

I started an "activity log", writing down what was happening and at what time.

It was a very rainy/windy night last night but still, there were some pretty big bumps and bangs in certain places as well as other strange things.

I don't know if this activity has always been going on? Maya says it has. Am I just noticing it now because my mind is finally open to the paranormal?

Or does something know that we are "on to it" and that its time is up and it's having a paranormal temper tantrum?

Or am I being paranoid and hearing things where there's nothing? There's that too. I don't feel that it's nothing though.

That is the way that I felt about the sun coming out during the cleanse, also, Tweed. Like everything was lining up and giving me a sign that it was going to work. I felt like it flowed except for 2 areas of the house.

I will send you the images of the shadow figures/nature spirits tomorrow when Maya is awake. They are in one of her many sketchbooks so I will have to ask her to dig them out for me.

Tweed (35 stories) (2494 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Oh my, lol maybe Rook scared something. Very intrigued as to what it was given the timing, goodness!

Feel free to send me the images. Hopefully I can help.😊
The sun coming out at just the right time, sounds like you're in sync with everything, very cool!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi all.

Ok, Mack, to reply to you first.

I spoke with Maya and her best friend (who is sleeping over at ours again tonight). It turns out they have played with a Ouija Board three times. The first two times were at school. Once in the classroom and once in the bathroom (with a paper board they made and a piece of paper as a planchette). The time in the classroom they closed the "session" by saying goodbye. The time in the bathroom they were interrupted by a teacher (go figure!) who tore up the board. The third time they played with a ouija board was (cringe) at my mum & dad's house which is a huge Victorian house that was built in 1835. They said they closed that session properly too by saying goodbye. They said not once in any of the 3 sessions did they receive any contact from anything/anyone. That it 100% didn't work. My daughter's friend was the one asking all the questions except for Maya asking 3 questions on one occasion (what is your name, are you bad? Are you good?)

I don't know if the teacher tearing up the board counts as a session not being closed off properly? But if there was no contact there to begin with, then maybe there is nothing to worry about?

What I do find worrying is this happened in December and that coincides with the appearance of this new "girl" that Maya is seeing who is being very aggressive with running into her bedroom over and over towards her. Maya has seen her 6 times now. Her description of this girl is quite frightening.

Caz, you really picked up on my energy! I WAS panicky. I had to sit down, take some deep breaths, give my head a shake and reground myself. Thank you so much for your awesome message, your hugs, your good vibes and for reminding me that the clock ISN'T ticking. I can hit snooze! I'm not going to rush my daughter's health or make rash decisions just because a doctor is telling me that there's a bed available now. If that is where they think she needs to go for psychiatric care then that is where she will go AFTER I have exhausted every possibility that this could be related to the paranormal and not brain chemistry. You gave me a reality check. So thank you!

I was actually contacted by a good reputable paranormal investigation group today who listened to our story and want to come out and see the house we live in now and the farmhouse we used to live in (which is actually standing empty and up for sale right now... What a shocker!) they said they are legit and won't take a penny from us. So fingers crossed that they might find something?

Yheladeth, thank you once again for your comforting words! That makes me feel a bit better about Tesla. Actually this is the first time I've typed his name without feeling the urge to contain it between parentheses:) I think my dog looks like an adorable baby, to 4 out of 5 people she would look like a savage beast. It's all about perception I guess!

Tweed, IF you believe that there's a chance these nature spirits could be real, it could explain a lot. Maya has been plagued by 3 very tall, very thin shadow figures who were the very first of the apparitions to show up and they aren't as turning up as much now but she still sees them sometimes. She has drawn them multiple times for her therapist and they look terrifying, very evil and demonic. Could I send you an image of some of her drawings of them? Might be nothing? But you might take one look at them and say "yep, that's them".

I am going to follow the rules of the cleanse very carefully. The windows and door were open for one of the three hours and I kept the door open as I was sweeping everything towards it and out. What I did find extremely interesting is that we are in full winter blahs here in Canada and our nice sunny days have been VERY few and far between lately. I started the cleanse and the sun came out and it was blue skies and brilliant sunshine and it stayed that way until about a half hour after the cleanse was finished for today.

Coincidence? Or not?

I also have to say that I really hope that Rook posts soon because last night (when he was supposed to "find us") there was the LOUDEST bang like someone had fallen off my porch roof onto the porch and all I could think of was "oh no! I think Rook just fell off my porch roof!"

Lol I have NO idea if this is even how this thing works or not, but I hope you are safe & sound when you read this Rook!
Tweed (35 stories) (2494 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Karen, I'm happy you found my humourous, tongue in cheek nature spirit theory about those bizarre shadow figures on the 'Strange Shadow Figure' story.
While I feel in my heart these tall entities are misunderstood nature spirits 'called to action' by disruption of energy or destruction of surroundings, it is only a theory based on pretty much every story about them on here, and some albeit brief experience. But at the same time it's a theory I seem to be alone in, because so many believe them to be evil or demonic (possibly owed to their appearance and ghastly presence). However, in the interest of balance and context my nature spirit theory on the other person's story is very much a minority opinion, but one I stick by none the less.😊

With regard to opening windows with the cleansing. I would continue to do this initially. Going forward, when your home is calmer, you can 'relax the rules' a bit. But in the face of chaos (which applies now), best to follow the instructions as closely as possible for the first few cleanse/shields.
I say this because when I was going through paranormal chaos I bent one of Rook's cleansing instructions (the one about sun light) and the cleansing didn't work that well. When I let sunlight in the entire home it did work. So now I follow all instructions if the energy in the home needs a bolster. But I relax the sunlight bit during calmer times. (I'm light sensitive and really dislike sunlight. I sweep the house in sunglasses, long sleeves and a hat! 😆)
Yheladeth (1 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi Karen,

Regarding the matter of Ouija boards I think they are tools, so they can attract both good and bad energies. It is true that there are some metods to properly open and close the sessions and it is said that if these are not done properly those energies may be able to get "out" of the board. But have in mind that as with many other things humans can not explain properly there is a lot of superstition around them. I do believe Ouijas are a communication tool, but I don't think every Ouija session will end up in catastrophe. I know of people who have used Ouija boards on repeated ocassions but never followed the "protocol" and they never had entities attach to them. Maybe the fact that Maya used one is unrelated to the overall situation.

I agree that they should not be sold as toys, of course they are not toys! I think toy companies sell them because on the one hand it is a product that probably sells well -it has been in the market for over 100 years- and on the other hand because people who manufacture them nowadays don't believe they actually work. 😕

As regards Tesla, he may be scary to you, but I can tell you the spirits I recognize as my guides would be scary to most of the people I know, but for me they are comforting and they had really helped me, so if he turns out to be a guide for Maya you should not worry about his appearance.

I hope everything turns out in the best way possible for you and your daughters. 😊

Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Karen...I have two daughters too, so I know how you feel. You sound 'panicky', but it's very important that you stay calm, as you have until now! (hug) When you are sweeping your rooms, you are getting rid of bad energy and it has to go somewhere, so I can't see how open windows and doors can possibly be anything but good! Also, don't worry about time ticking away! You can always delay things if you need to! The worst thing would be sending Maya away, if you weren't sure! Don't worry about dates! You can always reschedule if you feel it's necessary, but 'don't feel pressurised by anyone'! Just take all the time you need! Good vibes coming your way! (Big Hugs)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi Karen

They are dangerous in the sense that essentially, it's the users desire / invitation for interaction that attracts the entities. So it doesn't necessarily have to be an "official" Ouija board, it can be a homemade one or simply a seance, or a sitting.

Generally speaking, the people who attempt to summon general spirits using Ouija boards are either thrill seekers or people who have an interest in the paranormal, but usually these people are ignorant of what the results can be, or what the correct and safe methods are.

From what I understand, entities can hang around if a session is not "closed off" properly.

There are others on this site who will have more knowledge than I on the subject but I know enough to know it's a risky past time and can have dire results, hence my fairly long post😊

It appears that the type of spirits / entities that this Ouija board activity attracts are usually the lower level ones, as they are closer to the material plane due to their own lesser spiritually unevolved states, for whatever reason (s).

These entities will be more than happy to have the opportunity / invitation to manifest and they seek (usually) to intimidate and frighten people, (and they seem to probably enjoy the attention) and we all know that once people are fearful, they are easy to control. And Control = Power.

Finally, regarding your question as to why Ouija boards are allowed to be sold in stores if they are so dangerous, well I guess Ouija boards can be added to the "These Probably Shouldn't Be Available in Stores" list, which perhaps should have the following: tobacco, guns, alcohol...I'm sure others can add to this, it would be fairly substantial list if we stopped to really think about it. 😊

All the best and take care,


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi Mack

Just saw your message now

I will ask her. The friend she "dabbled with" is still here too.

So store bought boards and home made boards made from a sheet of paper are dangerous?

If so then why the heck do you stores sell these things! Lol
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi frangelica1

I had just wrapped up hour # 3 of day one of Rook's Cleanse when your message came in and was busy "sweeping" out every room of my house. Even though it's very cold here, I decided to go for it and opened all the windows and doors. Better to have a really cold house with great energy than a nice warm spooky house.

Rook (or anyone else who would know) is it normal to feel "off" when doing the sweeping/closing of the rooms part?

I kept repeating the mantra "I cast out all dark energy, I cast out all dark entities". I don't know where those words came from, they just popped into my head. As I swept and repeated that phrase I felt almost sick in certain areas of my house (I won't say where until I've heard from you Rook). Pressure in my ears, a lump in my throat and really dizzy. In one place in particular I felt really weird. The only way I can describe it is when I was a little girl and I would put my arms out to the side and spin in circles as fast as I could and then flop down on the grass. That quick to come-quick to go kind of dizziness. I don't know if this is a totally normal reaction to an energy cleanse? I've never felt anything like this. It didn't scare me, it made me curious more than anything.

Thanks for your opinion on the Shaman frangelica. That makes me feel better. Her website seemed a little "out there", she does "sound healings" and "vibrational healings", whatever the heck that stuff is. But I am quickly learning in all this that the stuff I once found to be "out there" and whacky has more truth and weight to it than I thought. I confess I have been a skeptic and non-believer for most of my life, but with my daughter's ordeal I have been humbled and my eyes opened that there's more than one truth.

That is our goal, frangelica, in meeting with a medium, to "turn off" Maya's "gift" or at least dial it WAY down if it can't be turned down. She just wants a regular normal childhood. She doesn't want to be seeing things that her friends don't see. If, when she is older, she wants to "turn it back on" and embrace this "gift", then she can. I'm putting quotes around the word gift because although I have been told that IF she is a medium, then it is a rare and special gift, it feels more like a curse right now. AND that is if it turns out to be a spiritual thing. I've only just climbed onto the other side of the fence here. I still have one hand on the rail ready to cross back over if this turns out to be mental illness after all. If Rook can't find anything, if a medium can't find anything, if a Shaman can't find anything, if cleansings and shieldings can't change anything, then as a responsible parent I have to try the mental health institute.

I find it fascinating that you saw a hand/the hand when you were a toddler also (Maya insists it is called "THE hand". I wonder if (and this could just be some random rumination), it's some way of marking babies who will be gifted with being able to see spirits? It would be interesting to see how many other mediums have childhood dreams/nightmares of a hand. She was ADAMANT it was over her bed repeatedly.

When Maya sees this creature/spirit guide/thing she named "Tesla", she feels very sweaty hot too. It looks very reptilian to me though. Tall, black, a forked tongue, kind of lizard like, big claws and she said sometimes it has purple fire flickering along its spine and in its eyes. It has a tail too. Scary to me, but not to her. She said it smiles at her but never speaks. I will be sure to look for that book you suggested. Thank you! Maya is a huge animal lover, like you and connects better with animals than she does with people. She is an Empath I have learned (actually I learned that both my myself and my 2 daughters are) and the suffering of any animals is extremely hard for her and she can usually tell if when an animal is feeling sick. I would love to hear some of your stories!

I agree, my town's history is very interesting. It's all new to me as of this morning so I will be doing lots more research, It says that there were 4 churches in the original town but now we just have one and no cemetery so I really hope the churches and cemetery didn't get flooded. I don't think anyone would even be allowed to do that...

But I tell you, since I found out there's a ghost town under there, I'm kind of looking out at the Lake in a new light.

I should add too that Maya refuses to swim in this lake. She will go on the tube behind the boat but will not wakeboard or swim. She freaks out if she even gets her foot in the water. She LOVES to swim too. We always thought because it was a lake and there's like in it? Now though I'm thinking maybe she was picking up on some energy or something. Once she fell off the tube and hit the water and when we circled the boat back around for her she was hysterically screaming for us to get her out the water. I wrapped her up in a towel and calmed her down and asked her what was wrong and she said she couldn't see the bottom and felt like there was something "down there" and that it was going to grab her foot and pull her under. I thought "this kid has been listening to her friends tell too many ghost stories", but now after finding this out this morning I find it strange.

I am discovering, through this whole ordeal, that there are no coincidences in Life, only serendipities.

Thanks for your message. They are always welcome. Sorry something is meddling with the electronic delivery systems!

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Hi Karen. Regarding ouija boards, these can be very dangerous if not used correctly.
You will find plenty of accounts on his site where people have experimented with ouija boards and have inadvertently invited negative entities into their home or to attach themselves to the users.
To me, the fact your daughter had dabbled with one suggests that could be an important piece of this whole jigsaw.
I don't want to alarm you but if you are unsure about ouija boards, you need to do some research on that whole area, and ask Maya to be honest in how much she has experimented with them.
frangelica1 (40 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)

I had just finished another long post to you answering some questions you had last night and darn my computer shutdown by itself before I could send it in! So you are not the only one having electronic communication issues! I will try a shorter version of a few questions for now since I lost the whole thing!

I think a shaman that you feel comfortable with would be a great person to explore with you and Maya the spirits or visions she is seeing and provide ways of protection to you both! The Sapphire Angels meetup group I belong to also has shaman classes and people that have attended said it was wonderful! I think you are on the right path with the Shaman.

If Maya is truly seeing spirits and is very open to spirits, a Medium can be used later on also to provide some guidance to her on protecting herself and learning to control and use her abilities.

Like Maya, I used to be very afraid of everything since I was very little and only now through exploring my spirituality with likeminded others have I gotten rid of that fear. My first incidence as a toddler at night in my crib also involved a hand like Maya! I can get startled if they show themselves close to me too quickly but now recognize that the majority mean no harm!

I also used to see dark shadow animals dart across the road in front of my car when returning home late from work and also have them dart across the driveway when I pulled in. I am a big animal lover and wanted to become a veterinarian but had to become an engineer in the oil business instead, but always seem to still have animals around me both alive and in spirit form!

I have had what I thought were scary spirits that meant me harm when actually I now realize they were there to warn me about an impending danger or protect me! I have to start writing some of my stories on this site!

I very recently learned about spirit guides from another Medium instructor I have and also recommend the book her friend wrote: "So you Want To Be A Medium? By Rose Vanden Eynden. She has a few chapters about the spirit guides a person has. I am myself going through this book now. The guides are invaluable to us doing this spiritual work! The Master Spirit Guide is usually the strongest energy and in a lot of cases is a very Holy Ascended Master spirit. When they are present the energy feels different and everyone feels them differently. My friend and I both get very hot almost sweating when our Master Guides step next to us during the meditation.However, not everyone feels this way. When I read about Maya's symptoms when around that one spirit, it just reminded me of how I feel when my Master spirit guide is around me. Everyone also has spirit guides!

People on this site warn about anyone using an ouija board because too much can go wrong with them allowing spirits into your life. They must be closed properly after a session, otherwise the spirit can stay around the person. Maya's experience with the board could have instigated the increased activity. Others here may have more info for you on this!

Interesting about your town history! I wonder if a lot of people died during the flooding in the past, which may cause more spiritual activity in the area also. Something to research more!

I will leave this with you to reflect on and look forward to hearing what Rook has to say later today!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Ok, the link to the website on the history of my town didn't work.

I forgot, I'm not supposed to divulge personal info anyways until after Rook has located me!

Oops! I'm Sorry Rook!

I got excited and completely forgot.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
I apologize for all my posts! This mum has been very proactive and has put her "detective hat" on. I'm determined to get to the bottom of this stuff before my daughters doctor tells me that her spot in the wait list for the children's institute is ready. Time is ticking and I feel like I need to know 100% if this is a spiritual/paranormal thing before I take my daughter off that wait list and say no to that treatment. I feel embarrassed posting so many posts, I don't want to look like a spammer, but every time I have an "a-ha!" moment I think maybe it might be the answer to what is happening with Maya?

So, above my original message on YGS it has this section that says "Hauntings With Similar Titles". One jumped out at me titled "Strange Shadow Figure", since Maya has complained of seeing shadow figures for years now. I read the post from nfoj00 and there were some similarities with how Maya feels when she sees her shadow figures and in the description of the shadow figure.

I read the comments and when I got to Tweed's I thought AHA! Tweed talks about shadow people scaring people in new or renovated dwellings or neighbourhoods. Especially if the newly built home involved the demolition of an older home, surrounding habitat or garden. That these tall, lanky shadow figures can be "Nature Spirits" and often "crop up in forests/nature reserves, or in the homes of redeveloped or altered locations where they stand around and stare whilst giving off a sense of dread." But that they are not usually evil, just misunderstood.

We live in a newly built house on the edge of a lake in the country. Construction was completed on the house in March 2014 and we moved in in May 2014. The property it was built on is a severed lot that was the gardens of the house beside us, about 4 large trees were cut down to build our house. We didn't build our house, we found it and bought it after it was completed so I'm almost positive there was no ceremony or honouring of the Earth before it was torn up to dig the foundation.

Anyone who has been following my post will know that when this activity began for my daughters and I, we had just moved into a very old farmhouse (rental). The farmhouse is located in the same town that we live now but on the other side of the lake. It is a small town that we live in, more like a village. Two roads in, farms one one road and all houses that aren't farms built around the lake or on the main street that is separated from the Lake by a bridge.

When I read Tweed's post about these Nature Spirits this morning I thought "hmm, maybe I should try to find some research on the farmhouse". I googled the village that I live in and when I checked its history (which I've never done) I honestly almost fell over.

I'm going to try to paste the link to this post but I will re-cap it here too in case it doesn't work.

The lake my daughters and I live on (it turns out) is man made. Our village was first formed in 1850 and was a booming little place it looks like (even with a railway), but the river kept flooding the town so in 1939 the Conservation Authority purchased the town and built a dam and "took apart" most of the buildings to relocate them to higher ground and flooded the entire village, creating the lake.

Basically an entire part of the lower village (hotel, ice cream parlour, general store, grocery store, bake shop, telephone office, bank, hardware store, tailor shop, drug store, millinery shop & shoe store) are underwater. We swim and boat over them in the summer without even knowing. Super creepy! The structures aren't intact, but the foundations are there.

What is strange too is the first night we slept in this house I heard the whistle of a train and according to the website the trains stopped running in 1930. VERY weird.

So you could've pretty much knocked me down with a feather when I found that stuff online!

All this "spirit stuff" began for us when we moved into the farmhouse. Is this just a town of really unhappy nature spirits that are super upset that humans came and built a town, then flooded it and made a huge lake, drowning a bunch of nature, then built a bunch more huge houses around it?

Maybe I'm just grasping for straws here

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Grammar point for Rook: you needed a comma after "However," which functions as a prepositional modifier for the entire sentence, and and a second comma after "refresher" to clarify that you have a parenthetical statement interrupting between the subject and verb ("is necessary"). It did make sense, though, if that's any comfort...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
Quick note:
Rook, I'll clarify for Americans in general that -3°C is 26.6°F.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)

Is it ok to not have windows/doors open during the cleansing? It's -3C here where I am and to even have them open for a half hour means it will be freezing in the house. All blinds are up, all inside doors are open, just not doors to the outside (except for garage door, it's raised).

I opened the windows last night for a bit wondering if it would be easier for you to "find us" for your viewing. It was pretty chilly:)

Thank you.

Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)
I just wanted to put this out there in case this has any "weight" to it or not?

My daughter had her best friend sleep over last night. I found out that about a year ago the two of them had been playing with a ouija board that my daughter's friend had bought from a toy store. It has never been in my house. Apparently they "talked" to someone and at school they made a ouija board out of paper and tried again in the bathroom to see if they could "talk" to someone again.

A teacher came in in the middle of their attempt and threw it in the garbage but they said it was working.

I don't know much about this stuff but I thought they were things to stear clear of? I told my daughter and her friend to never do anything like that here and made my daughter promise to not play with ouija boards again.

They aren't real, right? But my gut says to still not mess with that stuff...
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-20)

Great idea! I've started writing everything down along with times that it's all happening!

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Bonshaw: Please be sure to document the weird goings on as it could assist in further validation of Rook's visit! Keep it private until you hear from him. 😊
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi seraphina

I'm not sure if I can say which province in Canada I live in, until after Rook has located us tonight for his "viewing". He asked that I post as little info as possible regarding where we live until after he has located us.

Thank you so much for researching that though! I will post on that as soon as I am able to!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Ok. Lots to say in this. I hope I can successfully post as I am experiencing a ridiculous amount of tech glitches today/tonight!

Rook, both attempts to post to you on this site today failed to post, my iPhone (even while using my data) could not find an Internet connection! I tried emailing you off this site, I hope it got to you? I hope this posts successfully too...we'll see in a few minutes I guess...

I'm not sure if there's anything I have to do to be easier for you to "find" or if you have already "found" us? But let me tell you, there has been some strange stuff in this house tonight.

Frangelica1 thank you for your incredibly nice messages! The person I have found across the road from the CMHA (community mental health association) where Maya goes for counselling etc is not a Medium, she is a Shaman. I'm not really clear what the difference Is? She does "life coaching" and chakra-balancing and yoga retreats and house and aura cleansing and other stuff that I have never heard of before, but there was no mention when I checked her out, of being a Medium. I am hoping she can maybe recommend one?

If Maya is a "beacon" would it mean that she always has been? I've been doing lots of thinking since this discussion began on here and things have really started to fall into place that I didn't think meant anything before, but maybe do? When Maya was very little (a toddler) and had learned to talk she was terrified of "the hand". This went on for about 2 or 3 years until we left the country we were living in and moved to Canada. She INSISTED there was a huge hand in her room over her bed and sometimes said it was a "red hand". We just dismissed it as a nightmare but it happened over and over for years. Another thing was her imaginary friends. For the most part they were animals, but she talked about a woman named "Maria" or "Mia", her name switched back and forth and sometimes was pronounced "Mamma Mia" lol. She's never listened to had no idea where that came from.

I became extremely cold on one side of my body once in Maya's room in our old house when she said there was something bad there. That's when my mindset started to shift from dismissive to believing. So I know that cold feeling. Maya never feels cold, always hot. If your heat comes from the protection of your spirit guide then that makes me feel very relieved actually! If something "has Maya's back", that's reassuring. I assume by the term "master spirit guide" that you mean people have more than one spirit guide and the master is the big boss? I'm new to all this so the more info I can get the better! Thanks!

Maya frequently sees this figure, very tall and dark. It looks creepy as heck to me, but she doesn't think so. It scared her the first few times she saw it but then she didn't feel scared anymore. She said it actually started walking on all fours like a dog to not seem so big to her. Now she said she feels safe when she sees it like it's watching over her and protecting her. She named "him" Tesla, and drew a few pictures of him for her therapist. I actually attached them with my very first post. He looks creepy. Could that be a spirit guide? Or something with bad intentions? My gut instinct when I saw the drawings was that IF it was real, it couldn't be good.

What you said about checking back in and feeling "vested and driven" in helping Maya and I (and my youngest daughter Maddy), I know you do! I swear I can FEEL it not just from you but from everyone who is sending their advice and kind words and support our way. You know when you go through something this difficult and it draws out and drags on like this for years you really find out who your friends are. Sometimes they turn up at the strangest times, in the strangest places:)

Thank you for the Love and Light. Sending it back to you all tenfold.
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi, Karen,
I don't know where you're located in Canada, but I have heard of two paranormal groups that are said to be trustworthy. If you contacted either of them and explained clearly what kind of help you need (for example, locating a medium who works well with children), they could probably refer you:

Edmonton Paranormal
E-mail: casemanager [at]

Vancouver Paranormal Society
E-mail: peter [at]

We all put a lot of stock in Rook's cleansings. Some very wise people have given you excellent advice here. (I'm so glad they invested time and effort into sharing their wisdom with you.)

Blessings to you and your daughters,
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
[at] Romanreigns; I have to agree with Rook, I certainly see no need for anything so extreme as an exorcism.

I personally never felt for a second that Maya was "possessed" by a negative entity and it would be, I think, detrimental to both Maya and the family and also to the path that Karen is now on, which I feel is the right one.


frangelica1 (40 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Karen - I am so glad you are taking Rook up on the offer to check your home for you - hopefully that will provide more info regarding what you and Maya are dealing with.

I also am thankful that you may have found a medium close to you that can help with Maya if Maya is proven to indeed be so open to spirits - I strongly feel that your daughters openness is like a beacon to spirits and perhaps she does not have as much of a psychological and brain chemistry issue that your doctors have been saying she has. Hopefully Rook's work will help guide you further with this. Another medium can help her deal with the handling of spirits and setting her own boundaries.

I have mentioned Maya's symptoms with some close medium friends I have - we all practice together, and they also think that it is very likely that Maya may have natural gifts of drawing spirits to her. Some people that I have met exploring my own talents have become very good friends and they recently confided in me that since they were young and through today as middle aged adults, they see spirits every day! In fact they were ostracized as being weird as children by other children for being so "different". They grew up very alone and just now at this stage of life as adults, with their own grandchildren, are starting to learn and embrace their abilities to help others. Maya's story reminds me so much of their stories and what they went through growing up.

I have another medium friend that is visiting her son in California and she became aware of a middle aged man that committed suicide and was so upset after the fact about what he had done and how he hurt his family. He keeps bothering my friend to go tell his wife next door how sorry he was. She did confirm with her son that the next door neighbor had recently killed himself. My friend is much more open all the time than I am and my Dad and Grandmother know they can go to her to get her to give a message to me because "They say they practically have to hit me over the head for me to see the signs they are sending me!" I wish I was more open like my friend is (I try and open myself up more!) and I think your Maya may be very open to spirit like my friends! Just wanted to give you an example of how my friends remind me a lot like your Maya!

I recently had an experience where my electronics all malfunctioned. I celebrated my Birthday yesterday by getting out my EVP recorder that I play with to try and get my loved ones spirit communications on my Birthday - have done this for the last 2 years. I also have a Nikon D600 digital camera and started taking pictures from my family room of my dark dining room after I had talked to my relatives on the recorder and asked if anyone wanted to talk with me for my Birthday. My camera, after a few pictures started malfunctioning in terms of flash, focus and then all my menu settings just disappeared! I came back to the couch where my recorder was and even my recorder stopped recording and restarted another recording all by itself. I just knew my relatives were there with me! Sure enough on the pics with no flash being used was a room full of many large orbs and mist in the dark dining room! So they can interrupt the operation of electrical devices!

In terms of Maya getting nauseous an very hot, etc - I also have gotten nauseous occasionally when encountering a spirit I do not know and usually feel very cold in spirit's presence. I get very hot when my master guide steps close to me to help me when I am preparing for a reading. Perhaps Maya's Master Spirit Guide is with her trying to help her when in the presence of spirit! I can always tell when my Master spirit guide is close to me because I get very hot and even sweat a bit!

I hope some of these examples may help answer or provide some info for your questions you have.

I keep checking back with your story because I feel so vested and driven in helping you and Maya, as many others on here do, also! Looking forward to hearing more as you and the wonderful caring other people on this site help you explore this spiritual possibility!

I am sending you and Maya a lot of love and light to help you through all of this!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Go ahead and start, the sooner the better, as mentioned it may even help me locate 'my target'.

I will make my first attempt tonight and post (asap) tomorrow.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Do not let individuals opinions 'freak' you out. However I think a quick refresher concerning what an exorcism really is, is needed: (Biblio is that punctuated correctly, or even a proper sentence?)

Ex·or·cism: ˈeksôrˌsizəm/

(noun: exorcism; plural noun: exorcisms)

The expulsion or attempted expulsion of an evil spirit from a person or place.

With all the information you have provided it is MY OPINION that neither Maya nor your Home need an exorcism... Are the on going experiences scary as all get out... Of course they are but nothing you have shared seems to indicate a Malicious much less an out right 'EIVL' spirit (s) or entity (ies) are involved.

So Romanreigns... While I respect the right you have to your opinion I must stand on my right to disagree...agreed?


Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Thankyou so much!

Your message made me teary eyed.

So many great people on this website!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Don't you have to be religious, or at least if Catholic faith to consider that?

I was Christened and have been raised Christian. My girls have both been Christened, but we do not go to Church. We are more Spiritual than Religious. All 3 of us feel much closer to God/the Creator/Higher Power (whatever anyone wants to call Him/Her) outside in the fields & forests than we ever have in a Church.

I am in NO way putting down anyone's religion. What I find beautiful is that there are so many religions and that we all have the freedom to choose the one we want.

When I think of an Exorcism though, I think of the Catholic Church (which I do not belong to) and an event that could be confusing and maybe even more frightening for my daughter.

From what I know... Exorcisms are to get rid of demons? From what I know, they are just stuff of fiction...

If I was to subject her to an Exorcism it would be like validating that demons can exist and she is already in such a vulnerable state of mind that this might just be the tipping point?

But I thank you very much for your input and advice! And if everything else fails... I will revisit this idea.

Yheladeth (1 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Karen, I've been following your post and I just want to tell you that my thoughts are with you and Maya. I do believe what she is experiencing is paranormal and I really wish you the best of lucks.

I am really glad you had the instinct to try to consider every possibility.

Whatever it is in the end, I am sure your daughter will be always full of gratitude towards you, you're a great mother!


This comment from romanreigns is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Thank you otteer!:) it really helps knowing that there's people out there rooting for us!
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Just want to let you know my thoughts are with your family as you and family work through this ordeal. So glad to see YGS community in force supporting you!
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi Rook

Thanks for your messages!

I completely understand about not over sharing information or descriptions of the house. I have no problem at all with you using whatever you need to use as your validation points.

I am buying everything I need today for the house cleanse, but something is telling me to hold off on doing it until you have had a chance to do your viewing. Is that ok? Or would you prefer us to do the cleansing first?

The more comments I read in these posts, the more things are validated for me that this is a spiritual thing with my daughter, not a mental illness. You mentioned about a spirit animal possibly getting its tail pinched in the rocking chair. I don't know if it was just an offhand comment, but for a few years now (even before all this stuff started to get bad) Maya said she could see little shadow animals. She has always called them "shadow cats". Just another thing lining up here, you know!

So the feelings she gets when she sees the scary stuff, that has always been dismissed by her health team (and sadly... Up until recently also by me) as side effects of her medication to treat BiPolar disorder. Her doctor also told me it was pysiological symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks. But now, after becoming more educated on this stuff, I don't think so.

She is at school right now, so I will need to wait until she is home to ask her the specific questions, Rook, about whether these symptoms are felt for all the figures or just some of them.

I do know though that the 3 shadow figures that have been around the longest are the ones that frighten her the most. They are the ones she keeps drawing for her therapist. One is very tall, one is short and heavier set and one is ave height but has its head almost totally decapitated.

There is one other figure she sees a lot. She has drawn this one for me and her therapist. She sees this figure in our house, at school, in public places. She said at first it REALLY scared her but now she feels that it is maybe there to watch over her. She has even named this one "Tesla". I sent in a picture of a drawing she did of "him". I think it looks creepy as heck.

Yes Rook there was an increase when Maya entered puberty. She's 13 now and will be 14 in June and although this stuff has been going on for a few years, I would say it really started to increase for her in the last year, which is around the time she began menstruating. Another thing her health team said could be adding to the mood swings and anxiety.
Bipolar Disorder+Puberty/menstruation+anxiety= hallucinations and paranoia.

But I'm starting to think maybe not.
Bonshaw75 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi Tweed

Thanks for your post! There are a few things that could possibly be. Now Rook is going to do a "viewing" of my home, so I can't say what you might have been seeing or describe anything, but after Rook does the viewing I will post about this. Thank you!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Just saw you last post...

After checking all the connections to ensure something isn't loose then the answer is...

Yes, spirits Can mess with electrical gadgets... It has to do with EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequencies/Fields) which is (at least I feel they are) what spirits are... Intelligent Electro Magnetic Frequencies.

This being the case its way easier for them to 'mess' with our electronics than to physicaly manifest... However we tend to 'blow off' a 'fuzzy screen' or a TV that turns itself on and off so the spirit 'must' make noises... Move objects or manifest in some way to get our attention.

Just my opinion though.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)

Wow, so glad that the YGS community has been able to assist you to this point and I hope we can continue to do so.

A Medium that lives (pretty much) on the way to your Daughters Appointments, one you picked 'at random' sounds like what my Family and I call a 'Cosmic Brick' 😉 and seems worth checking out.

I however must ask you to stop one thing... Please stop providing details concerning your home... You are taking away things I can use for validation of my 'viewing'. From what you have shared I can tell you this... You own horses, live on a lake, there is a hiking/jogging trail just outside your home. Your home is full of 'older furniture' and while I understand why you shared these details that means my 'validation points' may lead to items a wee bit more personal... Things like Names I may pick up on or physical descriptions of individuals in the household. So I must ask if you are OK with this. I will try to keep it as neutral as possible but felt I should give you a fair warning.

As for the Rocking Horse and the Rocking Chair feeling creepy... It may not be because of any sort of spirit attachment to those items, perhaps she was playing around something that rocked and managed to pinch her fingers, or it could be a 'past life' experience being (almost) remembered. Heck it could be that she is has a spirit animal (a cat) which is worried about its tail 😲.

You asked her about the 'energy' from the figures she sees and received this answer...

"when she sees these figures she feels nauseous, gets a migraine type headache almost immediately, feels dizzy or drained, hears buzzing in her ears or feels REALLY hot. She said something else too but I can not remember what it was and she's asleep now!"

Is this for ALL the figures? Not a 'certain percentage of them' but ALL of them? If so then her 'issue' may not be Bi-Polar or anything Mental at all and could you please verify that it is ALL figures and or sounds that come with these feelings? Please and Thank you.

I do not mean to sound 'crude' with this next 'topic' but feel the need to 'go there'...You have stated this started when Maya was about 9 and she is now 14 correct? Was there a dramatic increase in activity when she entered puberty? My gut says this would have been just before she turned 12 (11 and 8 months to 12)...or very soon after (before she reached 12 and 3 months).


Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Karen...Please hold fire on the horse until Rook has a chance to check it out! That thought in my head could be pure coincidence or even a throwback from an incident long forgotten and I'd hate to think I caused you to destroy a beautiful object needlessly! I doubt a day or two will make much difference anyway!
Tweed (35 stories) (2494 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-19)
Hi Karen,

Yeup, whoever could be trying to throw a spanner in the works if they're aware of what you're doing. One of the members here Redwolf has this problem with a ghost who she loves, her father in law. But he tries to relay messages to her through her devices in a nice way (but annoying for her). So maybe whoever is messing with your things is trying to sabotage your efforts in a not nice way.

Been silently following the progress of your story. Haven't commented so far because, well, didn't have much to add to all the awesome input from everyone.😊

Sometimes while reading stories on here I get visions. I keep getting the same one from your experience, including while following the comments over the last few days. So, while this could be nothing, thought it best I share in case it's something.
I keep getting a white object about the size of a mixing bowl. Whatever it is it's on a bench or in a sink. There's sunlight coming from a window next to where the object is. Can't make out exactly what it is and it's on an angle through banches/leaves of a plant. I feel like I'm viewing this from the perspective of turning to face the right, from approx 3 meters distance to the object.

Soo random and really could be nothing at all. But because it keeps coming through with your story thought it best to speak up. Does all this randomness click with you in any way?

I'm glad you're taking Rook up on his offer. I would like to offer the same. However I'm exhausted and in hibernation mode at the moment. So I'd be no use to anyone. But all the same, in the coming days (when I'm well rested) should the need arise, just ask. But Rook will likely have it all covered by then, so no worries!

By the way you're an awesome Mum!

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