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Comments for My Night Visitor Pays Another Visit: Page 1

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ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
I wish I knew a little more about computers. But imagine a big guy very short hair with a gotee and allways has a smile on his face. Even when I sleep. But it to would be a great idea if you imagined me looking like Decaprio πŸ˜†
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
πŸ˜†! Chris, you are the best! It's high time I saw your face! I need to put a face to that voice! πŸ˜†
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Hi Tammy!Wow!I don't know what to say. If I'm not mistaken this is the second time you two thought or did the same thing. Well it is very wierd. I guess that this might be a coincedence or that you two reqaly do have a well developed sixth sence πŸ˜†.If my wife had that ability she would probably kill me 😜.aThe suggestion what Automn gave is great. I don't think I would ever think of something like that. I hope that something soon happens. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Dimples! We both have dimples when we smile!

That's what she sees in me!

I can't believe this!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
This is incredible Autumn! Are we communicating through vibes of some sort? I have already placed a photo of me with my grandmother next to my bed! I haven't thought of writing names or dates at the back but I'll do it right away. There's still no sign of her.

I agree with you, she's not residual. We interacted both times. I moved my head forward to see if I was just seeing things in the dark or whether a figure was actually observing me and as I moved forward, she moved her head backwards!

Likewise, the second time, she dissolved before my eyes the moment she realised I saw her. She knows she scares me when she catches me off guard and leaves! That is definitely not residual!

Autumn, is it possible that she needs something else from me? Is it possible she has not found peace yet?
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Oh, Honey, a common misconception about ghosts is that they have no thought patterns. That they can no longer reason, or feel, as they no longer are in possession of LIFE. But I can, with complete conviction, tell you that this is not the case. When the ghost who visits with us knows us, they KNOW US. Do you see where I am coming from?
This is a woman with poor eyesight. She is very close with you. I have the feeling that you look very much as your grandmother did when she was your age, and this woman is trying to figure out exactly who you are. She gets so close to you because SHE CAN NOT MAKE OUT YOUR FEATURES.
Your grandmother had a distinctive mark in her facial features. She also had an unusual facial expression that she used often.

Here is my suggestion (in total honesty, it is not solely MY suggestion, I had a little help in this one 😊) place a photograph of you and your husband at the side of your bed. CLEARLY mark the date in the corner of the photograph so that it can be read. On the BACK of the photograph, write your and your husbands names.
And wait.
As you wake in the morning, take note of the photograph. See if it has been moved, or tampered with. Ghosts are curious by nature. Who wouldn't be? How could you explain waking up one morning to see that there are strangers in your home, or those in your home seem to have aged drastically, or will not interact with you as they once did?
She MAY simply be a residual haunt. In that, I am praying for strength of character as you wait this out (though, there are things to be done to lessen the wait time). Honestly, I am leaning towards intelligent.
Keep us posted.
Thank you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Hello my dearest Chris and thank you for your supportive comment!

I think this woman has lost has child but my connection to that child, if any, still escapes me. Still, I'm convinced that she will find a way to communicate her message unless she's had it with me already!

As for controlling my fear, well, I'm not easily scared in general. Quite the opposite! I do have a problem with waking up to see someone standing an inch from my face though 😊
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
My dear Tammy. As you know it is always a pleasure to hear from you. I enjoyed reading your story. The part with your guard dogs is the best. It is hard to say why you being contacted by this spirit. I know you are a sencitive but the sixth sence has been kicking in recentley. Like Frawin said do you think this might be a mother who lived there before? Maybe you look like her Child? It is hard to figure out who this is. My dear Tammy we mightr never know. But there is one thing you are trying to do but will never work. You are trying to contol your fear. I think in some cases this might work. Some peopl are affraid of heights others water. But this is a different case. How many times you have seen a ghost hunter with 20 years of experience see a ghost then freaks out?Well, I would have to say a lot. This is normal. Spirits are so unkonwn to us that we are affraid of them. We do not know as much about them as we would like to. What I'm trying to say is don't get mad at yourself if you are affraid. In this case I bet everyone would. Fear is something we all have and not everyone knows how to control it. I don't know what you can do. You probably tried all the tricks in the book to let this person cross over. All I can say is that we will always be with you. It is sometimes weird to understand what bonds us all together. I guess we all went through something we can understand. I will pray. Just remember to be strong. You can always count on us. 😁
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-23)
Thank you patti for reading one of my experiences again!

Yes, this one has scared me the most since she comes when I least expect her!

I just hope I will understand the meaning or purpose behind her visits!

Tammy 😊
bigpatti87 (2 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-23)
I am amazed all over again haha... With the quality of your stories and these odd occurences that have happened to you... In some ways you are very lucky and defintely fortunate to feel these presences but it is understandable that you can't feel this one because you are still sleeping. Thanks for the story it was another great one.

God Bless,
BigPatti πŸ˜‰
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-23)
Hello Tanvi! Thanks for reading my story!

The house that I live in has been in my family for two generations and is, itself, an old house. Even more, the neighborhood itself dates back to the Middle-Ages as many of the houses in it. It's been built a little later than the Old Town of Rhodes where the Grant Master's Palace and the Knight's city stands still intact!

I don't think the woman is attouched to the land or the house. I'd be surprised if she is! I have reasons to believe she is family but I cannot find any records on her yet. I have learnt of her existence by the descendants of the family who own my bar-restaurant and only her first name in my aunt's diary which indicates that she must be the same person.

I was surprised by your comment concerning "a child"! You're absolutely right! If she is that woman who is related to me and the family that owns the bar, rumor has it that she was pregnant but had a miscarriage a little after the sixth month into her pregnancy.

My problem is, if it is that woman from Anima and if she is the same woman as the one I kept seen in my dreams many years ago, what does she really want from me? Obviously she is here cause I can sense her but at the same time, she seems to want something that I cannot yet understand.

Thank you
Biemaster (7 stories) (192 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
Hi Rhodes68 and thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us!

It must be terrifying to see a women or a ghost like that! I know you must have found out the history of the house so I won't suggest that "as I always do" πŸ˜† but did you find out anything about the women? There must have been something in the house or I think that she must have had a child or something because you said that the women is always bending over you to look at you so I thought she might have a child. What do you think? I'm looking forward to your stories!

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
Hi Bellissima and thank you for reading my experience.

I know I have been keeping things concerning the possible identity of this woman in the photo but it is a very long story from a very distant past that involves others, some of who are still alive today. This is the reason I haven't been able to provide all the information I have. Actually this is the reason I've stopped writing about Anima.

Still, I would like to share the info with you on a more private level if you want so, let me know.

Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
Hi Rhodes. I just read 'A Night Visitor' for the first time, I only became aware of it because you mention the sketch you made and I really wanted to see it.It's very good, by the way. These experiences you're having are really something else!Now, nosy me, I was really interested in your exchanges with whitebuffalo regarding the picture. If it wouldn't be trespassing on you and whitebuffalo's business, could you fill us in a bit on the photo you guys were talking about? I completely understand if you want to keep it personal, just ignore this request. You really peaked my interest with it. I found both stories about your visitor really interesting, I enjoyed reading them.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
Thank you Tonith for reading my story and for commenting!

After my first experience not long ago (A Night Visitor) I was more than happy to explain it away as the product of a sleepy mind-it served me better that way 😊.

To my distress, my very logical, non believer husband started questioning me about how and why and what and when I insisted on why he was subjecting me to this interrogation, he admitted that while running to my rescue (I screamed my lungs out!), he observed this misty kind of shadow leaning over me. Mind you, up until then, I hadn't got into the details of what I had seen in an attempt to first rationalize the experience but, most importantly, to avoid being ridiculed.

After the experience and after trying to put two and two together, I realised that this figure was somewhat familiar because of the way the outline of her body was leaning over me and her head which was the most discernable feature. She reminded me of a woman I kept seeing in my dreams repeatedly in the distant past. I have enclosed the sketch in that story.

You're right, it was a horrifying experience to be in such close proximity with her!
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
I can't imagine what it's like to wake up and see a face an inch away from my face. I know what it's like to see something at the side of the bed leaning over me (this was something of a waking dream) and that was scary enough. Of course when you become fully awake and it doesn't disappear then I would venture to say maybe what you are experiencing is not the same as a waking dream. I hope this never happens to me because I think I would have heart failure. This waking dream thing has happened to me about 4 times in my life so it's a rare. I don't know what it's like to be awake, truly awake, and it's still there. I don't know why this is happening to you but something is trying to make itself known.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Thank you dear Frawin and no offense taken πŸ˜†.

I know I should learn to control my fear cause one of these days I might end up perishing from spontaneous combustion (I run very very fast). But seriously, I'm freaked out when this thing happens out of nowhere-I guess I would have reacted very differently had I been awake and see it coming.

You are absolutely right, she is family I think and it's because of the humming and her posture while sitting by my side that convinces me she is just checking on me.

God bless you too my friend and happy Mrs FRAWIN 😊 ❀
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Hello Tammy. For what it's worth <smile>,here is my opinion. Your visitor is either someone in your family (who thought a lot of you) or a previous resident that had a "motherly" personality. They mean you no ill will. That is why they come in the middle of the night when you are supposed to be asleep. They know how big a coward you are (no offense intended) and they don't want to frighten you. You need to learn how to control your fear, you can never eliminate fear but you can control it.
I don't believe that you have lost touch with reality, after all it was your husband who heard the humming/singing. Speaking of the humming, a lot of people hum/sing when they're happy- mrsfrawin does it all the time. Consider yourself lucky that you have a happy ghost/spirit.
Thank you for sharing another wonderful story with us. God bless you my friend.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Hi DeidaraSempai and thanks for reading my story!

No, I'm afraid I can't see any clothes; she looks misty white. I can discern the outline which indicates she is slim and I think I can also see what appears to be a veil over her head. Try reading if you wish my first story about her, A Night Visitor and check the sketch I had drawn years back; it's the sketch of a woman that was haunting my dreams for quite some time. She reminds me of her-it feels like it is her!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Thank you EVPResearcher for commenting and for your insight.

I try to remember that there's a human nature behind most spiritual encounters but, to be honest, whenever I feel something out of the ordinary, I hardly restrain myself from fleeing the scene. Even worse, what scares me mostly about this figure is the way it appeared both times: I didn't sense her but instead, woke up to find her 'face' so close to mine.

Not knowing much about the 'nature' or personality of that figure when she was in life makes things even worse as I don't know what to expect!

But then again, I fear that since she came back a second time she's not what I had hoped she would be, and that is 'a visiting spirit'. For that, it may be high time I tried to communicate with her as you suggested.

Thanks again

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
DUnknown,thank you for your comment.

From what I gather from your experience, Mrs G was a real magnet to the spirit world! I understand she knew the shadow since it was seen not only lying comfortably next to her but also being 'dismissed' by her!
DeidaraSempai1030 (1 stories) (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
That was thrilling! Was the woman wearing old clothing? Well, It was pretty cool! 😁
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
I am not an Expert. However, I have had luck doing the following. Remeber, Ghosts were people too. Tell her she is scaring you. To please stop If she wants to communicate or tell you something, you can record her. Otherwise, please stop. Most "People" don't scare someone on purpose.
DUnknown (4 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Correction please... "She related this to Mrs. B the next morning..."***
πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
God bless!
DUnknown (4 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
This story made me remember what happened on my "exit" days for change of visa in Kish, Iran during my 2 weeks stay last May 2008. I've met a couple of women and one of them was a medium. She always tell us what she sees around us, every now & then. As a matter of fact, I can feel those presence and having her with me, confirmed it. There was one night where they requested me to stay and sleep with them, so I obliged. Let me give you an idea of the place, the hotel is like a big piece of land, full of big old tall trees and have poor lighting (except for the reception, of course). The houses, where visa changers stays, where a few meters apart. The house in which they are staying is composed of 1 bedroom, 1 receiving hall and 1 bathroom. The three women (including the medium) and I stayed on the receiving hall, where we placed big mattreses to sleep onto. While the eldest woman decided to stay on the bedroom. The bedroom is composed of 1 queen size bed and a few closets. Let me name my friend medium as "Mrs. G". Mrs. G went to the bathroom to do her business, after that she peeked in the bedroom to see if "Mrs. B" (the eldest woman) was sleeping comfortably. What she saw was this dark tall ghost making a space on the bed and just deliberately lied down beside Mrs. B and went to sleep. She related this to Mrs. G the next morning. That same night too, since I cannot sleep (for I'm feeling uncomfortable going to sleep with women beside me-lucky me! Lolz), the house was so silent when all of a sudden, I've heard someone called on to me-"Pssssst!" It was loud and clear. Mrs. G was awoken by this and I saw her waved her hand, like dismissing someone, on a blank spot near the bedroom door then returned to sleep. During that time, I cannot sleep and got the chance to sleep by around 7:00am in the morning. It was freaky alright but I wasn't scared at all.
Anyways, keep us posted and updated. God bless.
This comment should be one of my stories to tell... ❀

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