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Ghost stories from Ohio, United States: Page 5
The Third Shift Hauntings by TinaBug1975
My first story takes place in Copley, Ohio, not far from Cleveland. I had just started dating my first, late husband. One evening, while I was visiting his house, we started telling ghost stories. He lived in the house with his dad, and he was telling me that the house we were in had a ghost or two....
Heavy Weight In My Bed by madcow
Around 5am, I was laying in bed when I felt a huge weight on me. It actually felt like it was next to me at first. I had been sleeping so I thought it was my boyfriend. I felt the weight start touching my face... But like pushing heavily so that's when I started to really focus on it. I started to w...
Not So Dearly Departed by indig0c0gnito
This happened to me personally and I will swear to it. So will the others involved, even though it happened 20 years ago. A close friend of my husbands was looking for a nice farm in the Sheridan School District in which to raise his new family. He and his new wife had just located what they tho...
My Ghost Used To Be Subtle... Not Anymore by clayballz
I live in an up/down double. Mother lives downstairs. We had a family dog that always slept at the foot of her bed in our previous home. Upon moving into this home, the dog would NEVER go into her room or even the hall leading to it. For two years it slept in the living room or dining room NEVER goi...
Buffalo Ridge - A Joyride Of Screams by Cincy22amos
2009-10-13 [confused] Last night around 11pm, my girlfriend and I were driving around looking for hills to venture on. Being new to the area, I only knew of one "hilly" road, and that road is Rybolt Road (I drove through earlier that day). Seeing how entertained I was, my girl suggested a road she a...
My Mom's House by zzsgranny
My Mom lives in a semi-rural area of far north east Ohio. Her house is quite old, but I really don't know the age. It's three stories high, but has only 2 and ½ floors. (Very high ceilings) It's the greatest house I've ever seen. Half of the second floor has been converted into an apartment; the ot...
Evp: Telephone To The Dead - 3 Ghosts by EVPResearcher
I have many stories to relate. I have not been on here for a while (my apologies, I have been busy). I have been reading the stories however! If you ever have a question or I am late getting back to you on your comment, please email me. I check this daily. THE STORY: Lately I have been recordi...
Nursing Home Visitor by Jennai
I'm new to the site, and after reading some of your stories I have to say mine sort of pales in comparison. However, it is completely true and the most startling paranormal experience I have ever had. I am a nurse aid, and I work at a nursing home attached to a hospital in Sylvania, Ohio. I work...
Tricksters, My Worst Nightmare by BYLUYSTER
Since June of this year, people around me and my family seem to be fighting with an unseen force. The challenges have been quite intense and now have escalated to almost causing bodily harm. I am scared that something bad is going to happen to those I care about the most. After some research on w...
The Heater Man by AlwaysHaunted
It has taken me a long time to be open about what happened to me when I was 5. But I guess it's better now then never to share my story. Before my father committed suicide, every late night/early morning it would start as what looked like eyes on the basement door. They were very evil looking eye...
The Flash Of White by XxgummybearzxX
I was around the age of 6 when I had my first experience with the "supernatural". Now I honestly believe that this thing that me and my two sisters, my brother, and my mother saw was something protecting us. This was in our old house in Grafton where we saw it. We where all in my parents bedroo...
Knocking On The Front Door by Laura1108
I am 29 years old and my husband, father and I live in the family home that I, as well as my mother, grew up in. Our house was built by my grandfather on the same property that HE grew up on. The old farmhouse that he grew up in, however, is no longer here. It burned down when my mother was a little...
Childhood Shadow Figure by morgiixlove
This first part is a bit of background. You may skip ahead if you really wish. Around 13 to 14 years ago, (I was five or six then) my mother, her boyfriend, and I moved from one trailer to another. The new one was still in the same area, in fact, it was only about 100 to 150 feet away, diagonall...
Experiences That Have Happened To Me by 666numbers777
My experiences started in 2001 when I was 11, I would lay awake at night on my side and I would feel numb uncomfortable lines going across my back. It also included cold breath on my neck and face, the kind where you put a comforter over your face and you'd still feel it. This went on for about 2 mo...
The Hat Man by twilightzone94
So my name is Morgan and I'm 14 years old and have had a lot of stuff happen in the last year. It started when I was just about to start 8th grade. I started seeing a lot of weird shadows like bounce around my kitchen along with hearing my name being whispered a lot. It would be either in a teasing ...
The Farm House by rd2246hmm
I guess I'll tell you about the farm house. First I'll tell you a little bit of history about it. It was built in 1839. It is at the highest point in Butler Co. It is built over an Indian burial mound. It was leveled down and the house built on top. There is still a signal mound just about 1500 ...
Evp: A Phone Call From The Dead? by EVPResearcher
You may or may not be aware of the fact that I do a lot of EVP research. If I don't have a location to investigate, I investigate cemeteries. At least 4 times per week (more or less). On several occasions, I have brought home some ghostly visitors. However, the situation in this video is unique. I h...
The Growling by ghostgirl1029
I and my sister were at my grandmas, we started recording with a recorder we found. We put it on the back porch that was closed in away from windows and we pressed the record button and then left the room we were all very quiet. I went back in to get the recorder and we played it. First we heard...
Evp: The Dead Speak - Ghost Box Demon by EVPResearcher
On 12-29-2008 we recorded at night, in a small local cemetery. Upon listening to the audio we captured a voice say; "I Killed'em". (See my confession of a Killer story.) I have been back to this cemetery several times and asked for further details concerning this incident. To date, I haven't capture...
There Is More To Life Than What We Understand by BansheeLee
I must say I love this site! It is a great place to read about the things we don't understand but want to... I am intrigued and relieved all at the same time knowing that there are others out there like me who deep down know there is more to this life than what we can understand. Ever since I was a ...
Stalker Ghost by Love_in_the_Darkness
***The following is all true*** I guess many ghosts qualify as stalkers, but this is what I know him as. As I am typing this I feel his discomfort at something, whether it is the name or the fact I am sharing this information with you. I have dreamt of him for about 6 months now, and I remembe...
The Caretaker Spirit by Stacers
Back in my junior high days I loved school like it wouldn't be there the next day. Needless to say I never wanted to be sick, blow off a day or go on vacation. (Yes I was a geek but one of the cool ones.) So one bright, shining April day I woke up with the flu. I was heartbroken that I had to stay h...
Black-hooded Figure by glen
My girlfriend has been seeing this black-hooded figure around during the nighttime, and she is freaked out. It all started when she was staying at her cousin's house, and when she woke up in the middle of the night, a black-hooded figure was hunching over her. She started screaming and threw her pil...
What Was In My House? by lilpressrunner
I never used to believe in ghosts of anything else supernatural for that matter. I still don't know if I do. However, after this six-year experience, I wonder sometimes. It was little things at first. I'd catch brief glimpses from the corner of my eye as if someone was standing there by the stair...
Evp: The Dead Speak - And Answer Questions by EVPResearcher
I found the following EVP to be worth sharing with everyone. It seems to be a direct answer to my question. On 05-17-2009 at approximately 10:15 PM my oldest son and I (he is almost 16) decided to go to a local cemetery. This cemetery has given us a bunch of EVPs in the past. It has lived up to that...
Dunraven Drive 2 by Jessica_Rabbit
I have always felt as though I was different from my friends and classmates in some way. I never really realized why until I began high school. I met someone that made me feel as though I could talk about my personal experiences with, and she shared hers with me as well. It was a very freeing experi...
Dunraven Drive by Jessica_Rabbit
When I was younger, and my middle sister was still sleeping in a crib, my mother and father moved us into a house with my grandparents in Colerain Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. The house was large, and beautiful with a huge backyard and a very large tree in the front of the house. Being a ...
My Creepy House by Hardcorepoweranger
There was a cover over the piano keys which was very hard to lift for some reason but around 2 and 4am it would start playing music from the late 1800's and no one in our house could play the piano other than the things we made up. We always thought that out was haunted. We would never hear thin...
Grandpa Still Visits Me by Kimberly2375
When I was a little girl, my Grandpa was my favorite person. We were extremely close. I was the sun that man's earth revolved around. I should tell you some back ground information before I tell you the main part of the story so that it makes sense. When I was a child my Grandpa always called me...
An Orb Which I Once Denied by HoneyFlavoredPocky
So I've been connected with the spiritual realm for a few years now - my first experience being in Washington, PA when I saw a shadow person, clearly shaped like a woman, move across my kitchen. That was when I was merely 7 years old. I've also had other encounters, which I've posted to youtube in o...
Not Quite Sleep Paralysis by Michael331
I have had a few experiences in my life that I'd like some input on. I have experienced what some would call sleep paralysis. The big difference from most cases is that I was fully capable of moving if I wanted to, and as far as I know, I had never fallen asleep. Every time this happened I had rece...
Evp: The Dead Speak - A Ghostly Mimic? by EVPResearcher
This account takes place in a small / medium sized cemetery. This is the same cemetery that I recorded the "I Killed' Em" EVP several months ago. On 03-26-2009 (9:20 PM) I arrived at the cemetery intent on trying the next phase of my modified equipment experiment. I stationed the experimental equipm...
Is It Kevin - The Imaginary Friend? by sekmaati
I live in Ohio in a middle class community. The house that I live in is a duplex. I live upstairs with my two sons. The house is owned by my younger brother. My youngest daughter lived there previously. While she was here she would tell me that my grandchildren had an imaginary playmate by the name ...
Evp: The Dead Speak - 6 Cemetery Evps by EVPResearcher
I have a task that I am asking everyone to help me with. As you may know from my previous stories, If I don't have a place to investigate the Paranormal, I go "Haunt" a cemetery. I usually look for Photographic and Audio Evidence. Mainly, Audio evidence. I have been working on a piece of equipmen...
Guardian Angel by adullin
This happened when I was very young and to this day it still sends shivers down my spine. At time we were living in Temperance Michigan, my childhood house. One night my mom was sleeping when she was awoken by a woman standing by her bed. The woman stood there and said check on Aaron quick. My m...
Evil Looking Little Boy by roykafeb
I moved into the house that I live in 3 years ago. When we started doing some renovating, we started noticing strange things going on that really could not be explained. A juice jug flew off of the counter about 3 feet but did not break open. When we filled in the hole to the old cellar entrance tha...
Ghost Or Dream? by buckeye
With this being my first story, I will provide a little background information my house. My house was built around 80 years ago by my great aunt and great uncle who also died in the house. Another couple (who were friends of the family) owned the house before we did and moved down to Florida about 1...
Evp: The Breath And The Growl by EVPResearcher
This little bit of evidence was captured on 02-29-2009 at about 8:30 to 9:00 PM. I was doing a little field work on some modified equipment that I have been working on. The cemetery that I captured these EVP's in, is located in the country. It is still in use today, but many of the earlier tombstone...
Strange Loud Noises by reginap
I never wanted to accept that ghost were real. It was always questionable to me. I recall several nights back in 1989. My husband and I were separated for a while so I moved into my aunt's old house with my Mother. I was 20 years old with a 10 month old son. Every night around 3am my son woul...
Woman In My Dreams by lost999
I love to read and listen to people talk about spirits but never did I believe I would one day be posting on here about a problem I have with a spirit. I left Connecticut to live and work in Ohio with my friend because he has a lot of work going on right now. From the first day one I stepped into...
Stuff Falls Out Of Nowhere by ghost_wacher_1
My name is Aaron. We live in a very old town called Milford center Ohio, it was built in 1799. Our house was built about 1850. Recently there have been some weird things happening. I have told my parent's. My dad does not believe but my mom does. I have done some recordings in my room and heard ...
Grandma's Rocking Chair by raja1020
In the old house where my mom grew up across the road that we lived on, there is a rocking chair on front porch. My grandmother, as I'm told, used to love to sit and wait for my mom and uncle to come home from school. I loved to walk to the old house and explore in it. One day I decided to play ...
Evp: The Dead Speak - 4 New Evps And An Odd Photo by EVPResearcher
Just a quick little story about last night's (02-22-2009) investigation at a local cemetery. The cemetery in question has been very fruitful in the past for getting good EVP's. This cemetery is located in a farmers field along a small highway. Maybe 50 to 100 "Residence" call this place home. It was...
Evp: The Dead Speak - More Evps From Killer Cemetery by EVPResearcher
This is just a brief story about some recent EVP's that I have captured. This investigation took place on 02-09-2009. It was actually a follow-up investigation from my early January 2009 Cemetery investigation. If you remember, I (my daughter), captured a disembodied voice saying "I Killed'em". K...
Room Filled With Ghosts by ghostlover13
My friend, niece, and I were all upstairs in my little bedroom talking and taking pictures with my friends phone. Whenever ghosts try to get my attention, I can see them in my head, so I usually know where they are at. When I spaced out, my friend, Kaitlan, asked me what was wrong as she knows that ...
Playing Ball With The Ghost Girl by ghostlover13
My friend, Kaitlan, and I were upstairs in my room watching A Haunting. It was on commercial. While we were talking we saw one of my big blow up bouncy balls move a little bit. I got a bit curious and a little freaked because the ball was across the room from us, and my dogs were not in the room wit...
Is The School Park Haunted? by ghostlover13
The feeling of a nice spring day is so relaxing. I love it. Parks are so peaceful when no one is around. My friend, Kendra, and I are having a great time. All of a sudden, we heard the laughter of a little girl. She sounded about the age of seven or eight. We looked all around, not really scared,...
Did I Really Hear Luke? by Lisa66
I have always been interested in the paranormal and came across this site while surfing around Halloween time this past year. I've always enjoyed reading the posts people have submitted and honestly, I never thought in a million years I'd ever post anything myself, although I firmly believe in the p...
Scary New Beginnings 3 by BYLUYSTER
In my other two stories, I told you about what it was like to feel "something" watching me after we moved into our first home and how I felt a warmth (yes, I know that doesn't make sense. But try holding one hand, palm down, over top of your other hand... Feel the warmth after a few seconds? That's ...
Two Ladies In White by michellemarie713
The first thing I ever remember happening to me was when I was 6 years old. My parents went out to eat and my Granny was babysitting us. Our bathroom was across the hall from my bedroom; I went to the bathroom while everyone else was in the family room. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a lady ...
Scary New Beginnings 2 by BYLUYSTER
Finding out I was pregnant, after suffering two miscarriages, was a dream come true. I know our house reeled with the joy of it all, but as the intensity of the spirit presence progressed, so did my fear. Not so much for myself or my husband, but what about the baby? Since the bookmobile stopped rig...
Don't Joke About Ghosts Or Spirits by Carlyxo
I moved into this house with my mother back in June of '08. We're renting, and when we moved in all I could think was "This place isn't haunted.", because that was the feeling I got. Am I a sensitive? No. I just guessed, because my dad's house has a couple ghosts, and they let you know they are ther...
Was It Just A Dream? by Carlyxo
I've never witnessed anything that has shaken me so, nor have I have thought that I would ever possibly witness anything. Last week, on Sunday night, I was trying to fall asleep because I had school in the morning. Mind you, I didn't get comfortable until around 2:30a.m, and even then, it took me...
Evp - The Voice Of A Killer? by EVPResearcher
The following story is about a recent EVP that we have captured. Usually we review these a little more and do follow-up investigations if needed. The reason that I am putting this on here so soon is due to the nature / content of the EVP. I found what the entity said to be very significant if it is ...
Granny This Is Jill, Jill This Is Granny by ghostlover13
"Come on guys, let's go ghost hunting. I have not had the chance to talk to granny for a while," I pleaded my friends, Kaitlan and Kayla. "Fine, Jill, but if anything happens to me, then you are paying for the funeral!" Kayla said, as she was terrified of ghost. "Kayla, just because they are ghost, ...
Don't Be Afraid, It's Only Granny by ghostlover13
My Granny was a great person, who also liked to tease people. She teased my brother's friend, Tim, a lot. I was sitting at the computer talking to my friends when suddenly a heard a loud bang. I went to investigate. I had to run out of the way, because Tim was running as fast as he could and he d...
Who Was In The Picture? by ghostlover13
My friend and I did not have a digital camera, so I bought a disposable one to take pictures on. My friend and I took many pictures, but never one together. "Dad, will you take our picture please?" I asked my father and he said yes. He took about two or three pictures of us. A couple days later w...
Something Touched Her Leg by ghostlover13
My friend and I were so bored that we were playing board games. No one was home but the two of us. We were sitting there for a while and we were about to stop. I sensed that something was there with us, but I did not want to scare my friend, as she was terrified of my house and of ghost/spirits/d...
Was It Grandpa? by ghostlover13
I was taking a nice, warm shower one night. I had the curtain pulled, so no one could see me. My friend walked in to use the restroom. We were talking for a while, when we heard a loud crash. We have a basket of shells in the bathroom that my mom uses for decoration. All of a sudden, it fell in f...
Random Ghost by ghostlover13
I was sitting down in my granny's old chair watching television. I was also watching my dog, Frisky, outside. I noticed out of the corner of my eye something white underneath the windowsill. It was a white face and it was laughing. I got so scared I ran into the living room. Later on when I checked ...
The Eight Year Old Girl by ghostlover13
My father flicked me with a rubber band, so I wanted to flick him back. I ran after him and got him in the arm. "I got you dad!" I yelled laughing. All of a sudden, something behind me yelled, "We got you daddy!" I was so scared. I was only eight. I knew that it could not have come from outside, bec...
The Basement by ghostlover13
I go down the basement steps to bring supper upstairs for tonight. It was a little colder than usual, but I did not think anything of it. I opened up the fridge door and then closed it. I thought I heard something beside me so I looked. A transparent white human figure walked right through the wall ...
Ouija Board And Bloody Mary by ghostlover13
"Lindsey, what is this?" I asked my older sister. "It is a Ouija board," she told me, "it contacts spirits. Do you want to use it?" "Yes!" I was very young at the time, only about seven or eight, so of course I wanted to. How cool would that be? Contacting the dead? I already knew about the ghost...
Time For Bed Now by ghostlover13
When I was about eight or nine, I knew something was in our house, but I did not know what. My brother always told me about our granny being in the house. He has seen her before, too. I asked our parents about it, and they said that there were no such things as ghosts. I still did not believe them. ...
I Guess I Am Not The Only One by ghostlover13
My brother has had a few paranormal experiences himself. The first story that he told me about was when one day he was walking in the hall and he heard something from up the stairs. Our stairs always creak, so I guess he wanted to see who was coming up or down the stairs. He looked at the stairs...
Please Don't Be Afraid And Let Me Help You by ghostlover13
I sit at the computer, my heart pounding. Someone or something is making its presence felt. I feel relieved to feel the presence of good and know that it is most likely leading to my grandmother known as granny. "There is something behind you!" my frightened friend tells me through our live chat. "I...
Evp: 10 Evps From Past Investigations by EVPResearcher
In the attached video you will hear some genuine EVP captures that we have recorded on past investigations. This is but a fraction of the EVPs that we have collected. I did not put in the video what we think that they say. I am leaving this up to you own interpretation. I will however, give a little...
Was I Having Sex In My Dreams by Pstaley
I was taking a nap with just me and my dogs in the house, I felt a strange feeling, like someone's hand was going down in the back of my pj's, I woke and looked behind me, it was like I really couldn't see, so I just thought I was having a dream, it was like I was in and out, then felt the hand agai...
Scary New Beginnings by BYLUYSTER
When I was first married, I couldn't wait to move into our first house. It was a two story with three bedrooms upstairs and an enclosed side porch. It sat close to the highway and it took a while to get used to all the traffic, but in time that was the least of my worries. The first time I felt l...
Evp: The Dead Speak - 15 Great Captures by EVPResearcher
This story is not about any one particular event. This story is a composition of EVPs that I/We have captured at various investigations. If you would like more detail of any one particular EVP / Investigation, just comment and I will fill you in with the facts. I apologize if you have heard some of ...
The Singing Entity by Scotch
I have had many experiences in my life... Many to which I could not talk about with anyone or share because of the lack of understanding... Until now. My home was an older one that was built sometime between 1900's and 1940's; I had so many feelings in this house... So much dread at times and mos...
Evp: The Dead Speak - And Sometimes Play Piano by EVPResearcher
I have another little story from our investigation of an 1800's "County Home" and "Lunatic House". This investigation was performed on 10-02-2008, at night, and with the permission of the County Historical Society. This place is now a Museum (it became a museum in 1978.) Before I delve too much ...
Evp: The Dead Speak - A Port-a-potty Ghost by EVPResearcher
You may remember from my last story, that on 10-02-2008 we performed a Joint-Investigation of an old County Home and Lunatic House. We captured a lot of evidence from that investigation. I will share more. On 10-18-2008, that same County home had a Halloween / Fall Festival at night. You know the ty...
The Woman In The Light by BYLUYSTER
I know this story will sound bizarre but I swear that it really did happen. My brother, Tim, couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 years-old when he started talking about the strange things going on in his bedroom. Since a doorway separated our rooms, I could hear anything unusual as good as he did,...
Was It The Mothman? by nestjay26
I find it ironic that I had just registered with yourghoststories to submit a possible ghost encounter that I recently had, and here just a few days later I have a completely unrelated story that involves an experience that my father had witnessed just last week! I'm sure many people have heard a...
Evp - Someone Is Here by EVPResearcher
On October 2nd, 2008, my Paranormal Group Teamed up with another Paranormal Group to do a Joint Investigation. The reason being that the Main Building is 36, 000 square feet. A little bigger than investigating someone's home! In addition to the main building, there is another building (The Lunatic H...
Dark Hooded Figure by Zach
When I was really little, about 4 years old, I repeatedly saw a dark hooded figure in my room. It wore a long black robe and had a hood, but where a face should be, it is just blackness. I would wake up in the middle of the night and it would be standing in the corner of the room. It would stand mot...
Evp: Voices Of The Dead - Jeremy by EVPResearcher
Recently, we investigated an 1800's "County Home" and "Lunatic House" located in NW Ohio. The buildings were built in 1865. Back then, the government mandated that all counties have a "Home" for the Poor, Orphaned, Elderly, Mentally Ill, etc. It was thought that the able bodied persons that were sen...
Ghostly Footprints by nestjay26
This is something that had just happened yesterday, and now after about 20 years I'm starting to finally possibly put some pieces together. As a child growing up at my parent's house a good 3-hour drive south where I live now. I remember that on certain occasions (particularly mornings) when it was ...
Not Many Experiences But Baffled By The Ones I've Had by Angelsma
As a young girl (about 8 or 9 in 1967) my family drove to Hamilton, Ohio from Englewood, Ohio a suburb of Dayton to attend the funeral of my stepmother's father Paul Wenning. We called him Poppy; he was originally from Germany and didn't speak much English. We loved him dearly - he was extremely kin...
Evp: Voices Of The Dead - Class A From An Investigation by EVPResearcher
The following story is about a recent investigation of an 1800's "Lunatic House". If you have read my prior story concerning this location you will remember that my son captured an very good EVP in this place in 2007. The Lunatic House and County Home are around 36, 000 square feet. This is too ...
Ghosts At My Grandmothers House by Zach
I am 14 years old and I am really glad I found this website so I can share my story. When I was I toddler, my parents both worked in the schools so I would have to go to daycare every day. On Fridays I got to go to my Grandma and Grandpa's instead. I slept in a crib in the office/computer room. The ...
The Sound Of Familiar Voices by BYLUYSTER
When my parents died less than two years apart, my world filled with such emptiness. I missed them so much. Since I was the only child living, my brother died of a brain aneurysm when only 26 years old, it was my responsibility to go through their house filled with 54 years of living. I never counte...
The Haunted House By The Tracks by BYLUYSTER
The house seemed to come alive at night and not just because it sat next to a railroad tracks. The trains seemed to stir something within it. No wonder my cousin, Sally, and her family seldom talked about it. As a child, I spent a lot of time at their house. At first I didn't notice anything out o...
Evp: Voices Of The Dead - A Funeral Ghost by EVPResearcher
I wanted to post this story and video to see what others thought. This story is about a funeral where I was a pall bearer, on 09/17/2008. This was a relative that had past. I know, I know, before anyone reads me the riot act, I shouldn't have recorded at this place. However, my moniker is EVP Resear...
The Man In White Looking For His Love? by The6thK
In 1991 I was living in Cleveland, Ohio and was working at TGI Fridays, located on the west side of the Flats. It was the first day of snow fall for that year and I was working late as usual. After closing, I made it to my car. Since there was so much snow, I had to start my car and wait for it to...
Feeling Ghosts by Cielhxc
When I was little, I always felt like there were ghosts around. I would feel them but would not see them. I told people in my family but they told me I was being silly. Even when the spirits would shake my bed to keep me awake, my parents would tell me to just go to sleep. I think after a long perio...
A Hug From Beyond by BYLUYSTER
Looking back I have to wonder if it was a dream or if it was real. Let's say it felt very real. I've been hugged by many people in my life, but not like that. It definitely had a sense of "forever" about it. And the fact it came from my dead father only made it more meaningful. Dad took sick in 1...
Evp - Example Of Forward And Reverse by EVPResearcher
I would like to submit this quick story with a video. Please watch, then give me your comments on what you think is being said. To be honest, on this one, I am not sure! Your guesses are as good as mine! The reason that I wanted to show this one is that once in a while an EVP will be recorded backwa...
Orbs In The Wood Room by LoveforHope0226
When I was little, I would go in my grandpa's room to take a nap, but I'm not allowed to go in that room since he keeps a loaded gun, and I hate guns. I was looking at some old pictures of me in the room with my doggie, Snokes, and I just see this, I don't know what it was really. It was just enough...
The Token Of Death by BYLUYSTER
When my mother was a little girl growing up during the depression in rural Ohio, she knew her family was different. Her five sisters and two brothers looked nothing alike. The fact that her maternal grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian originally from Kentucky played a huge role in her lif...
My Story And A Bonus Evp by EVPResearcher
I thought I would give a little blurb about how I became interested in the paranormal. In other words, my ghost story. In 1998 Me, my wife, son and daughter (no infant yet), bought a small old house in a town with about 50, 000 residence. It was a cute little house that we got cheap. We were new to ...
Hunted Job Corps by esha
When I was 16 years old, I attended Cincinnati Job Corps, (in of course Cincinnati Ohio) from the years 2002- 2003. Now let me explain this to you, this building that all of the students, including myself resided had a lot of history. The Underground Railroad ran under it, nuns lived there, it was a...
Evp - Request by EVPResearcher
The following video is yet another captured EVP for your review. We will once again play the "What is it saying game"... The first thing that I am requesting is to let me know what you think it says. I put this on twice. The first one is unfiltered, straight off of the recorder. The second version t...
Night Terrors At 3 am by rstahley
This is my second story on this web site. To be honest, I'm not even completely sure if what I'm about to type was truly a paranormal experience, but I have my theory. My husband and I have been living in the same apartment complex for about two years now. Nothing paranormal has happened. I don't th...
I Think My Daycare Is Haunted by rstahley
I work in a daycare in West Chester, Ohio. The director of the daycare wants us to keep these things on the "down-low," because they are afraid that the parents will pull their children out of the daycare, but I am so interested in everything that has happened that I have to share. The first odd ...
Mystery Cat by JustMe2008
It was October 12, 2004. I was 10 years old at the time, and lived in Columbus, Ohio. My mom and dad decided to move in a big house in a small town. I really had a bad feeling about the house, it just wasn't that I didn't like it or anything although the house was really old, and it did need a new p...
She Floated Down From The Ceiling - Literally by Stacers
When I was about 5 or 6 I had just started taking showers instead of baths "like a big girl" as my parents put it. I was thrilled. I mean come on, I was in 1st grade already it was time for the next step. Well one glorious Memorial day weekend I believe it was Sunday I was showering up sing alon...
Evp - Funny by EVPResearcher
I have posted yet another EVP on Youtube. This one is more like a "Normal EVP". More "whispery". I understand what this one is saying. I want to know what you guys think! This one takes place in a local small cemetery (I know, what a big surprise at the location). It was recorded on 11-01-2007 at...
Emily's Ghost Cat by prinsessnight
One day I went over to my friend Emily's house to play-we decided to do something different. Instead of playing, we decided to go exploring. The place Emily wanted to explore was places in her house. She told me that she had been hearing a cat meow inside her walls. She wanted to know why she ke...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
- Getting A Sak Yant In A Haunted Temple
- Always Close Your Portals Kids
- What Is 10:36 And Angel Numbers
- Waikumete Cemetery
- Our Unknown Tenants
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