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JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
AlanD--This raised the hair on my arms. Except for the cars element, I'm with Lou and others on this. A person knows quickly to distinguish what is actual and what is not. Are those friends still in your life to recall the incident? Did you ever return to the spot and walk around with recording devices?
(DA, I love the word "faded".)
~ James
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
I think I go back that far...
Old dogs can learn new tricks
When the streets are lined with bricks
Of Acapulco Gold.

Jav 😊
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Also, as I mentioned in the story, Googling "Gore Orphanage" will provide you with much more information than I can.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
My description of the car was not meant to describe it as two-dimensional, rather that it had no features or highlights to it. Also, I did not take offence to anyone questioning the role drugs may have played in the experience. My interest in the unexplained taught me that one of the first things you do, when seeing, hearing, etc. Something out-of-the-ordinary is to systematically eliminate what it was not. I've had "experiences" that turned out to be a trick of light and shadow, misperception, or whatever. As I used marijuana and alcohol recreationally then, I would take that into account, as per my own experience, which of course I would compare with others who were present.

To answer the question on type of weed consumed, this was the end of the Columbian Red period, which was a potent, reliable herb, seedy, but worth the effort of cleaning; some of you folks my age know what I'm talkin"bout.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
alan: I'm thinking maybe my posts were misinterpreted, I hope not... The link I posted was in response to Cosmo, who had asked if a lot of people could experience the same "hallucination"...And although I believe that mass hallucination/hysteria is a true phenomenon, I don't think it applies to your scenario simply because of the bump to the rear of the car...Which, in my opinion, would have been pretty trippy straight, let alone smoked up 😆...

Please accept my apology if my posts came across as trying to discount your experience... It was not my intent ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I don't give a rats patootie about the beer or weed at all, my interest is the car itself.
As Lou said, what your describing is a vision of the car as seen in the dark. You say it passed under the street lights and still it remained as a silhouette. This is very interesting. But it's at the point of contact that really nails it for me, that would have sent me through the roof, I have to say.
Thanks for sharing your story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope to hear about the orphanage you mentioned, and the story behind it sometime soon. Don't want to be called a tease now, do you?

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Although I agree that beer, pot, and cars don't mix well... I blended the hell out of the three many times in my misspent youth. Mass hallucination...?...I doubt it. Although paranoia and the power of suggestion are amplified when under the influence, identical hallucinations at the exact moment in time by four individuals would be nearly impossible.
I am confused on one point... You mentioned repeatedly that you were able to make out the form of the car and designate its era because it passed under street lights; but you mentioned that it only appeared as a silhouette. First, streetlights or not, a car following you in the dark from a car length away looks like two headlights, from my experience... You can't really see much else. But by my definition, a silhouette is two-dimensional. Was it the front of the car that was silhouetted or the side... Either way, you are describing essentially a moving cardboard cut out, so to speak, can you please help correct my impression, if needed.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
alandhopewell: I agree with what bacchaegirl said and what some of the others here have said. Just out of curiosity, did you guys grow your own weed or get it from another source? I have heard that there are some crooked dealers who cut weed with Windex because the combination increases the "high" and since Windex is cheap, the dealer can charge more and make a better profit under the pretense that it's "the good stuff". Another common one is pot laced with formaldehyde (embalmbing fluid), which causes extreme hallucinations and can actually kill you.

I'm not saying this event did not happen, but the likelihood that it was a bona fide paranormal experience is decreased with the consumption of controlled substances.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
THAT high...funny. I think the link between drugs and the occult is very hallucinatory. I think that's obvious. The paranoia, and if stronger drugs, I'm sure a lot of hallucinations. I don't think drugs open you up to the spirit world. That seems like an excuse. But then again, I've never seen a ghost and I've never done drugs, well, illegal ones. So maybe there is a correlation. A correlation that all ghosts are drug induced hallucinations? Maybe. I know you said it was a shadowy car, but hysteria may have a roll to play in it. I agree with zzsgranny on that. And Johntravis has a point, it could just be jerks. The drug and paranormal debate can now commence.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
To respond to those who seem to think the experience was the result of beer and pot, first off, Shelly didn't drink or smoke, and, neither Walt or I were THAT high.

This was not an ordinary car... As I mentionmed, even when passing under streetlights, the car appeared only as a silhouette.

There does seem to be a link between occult activity and drug use, and not all is hallucinatory.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Cosmo: Some people believe that Jesus' resurrection, as well as the miracles he performed were all mass hallucinations... Mass hallucination/hysteria is possible, in my opinion:


But an actual thump on the bumper, I don't think so... I would think the hallucinations would be visual, and not physical...And, if you're smoked up, it would freak you out even more!😆...*Ahem*, not that I know about these things 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
LOL! Ooopps sorry granny, it's just that it was a Mustang 😳 😆

One point I would like to make about the weed and beer. I didn't take that into account because if just one or all of them were under the influence then why would they all see the same thing and feel the car smack into the back of them? Is it possible for 3 people to hallucinate the same thing?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
alan: This is a great story! 😊...But I have a stooopid question: were y'all under the influence of said weed and beer?...Just having it in the car doesn't necessarily mean that any of it was ingested, but the implication is certainly there... And weed isn't a hallucinogen in and of itself, but it could have been laced with one...*Ahem*, not that I know about these things 😆

And Cosmo, geez, can't tell you're a New Yorker! LMCO! 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Another very interesting story you have here alan. I am wondering if the phantom car took off after you to keep you away from the orphanage. Did the model of the car fit the time during which the orphanage was open? I got to tell you if that was my MustangII and someone slammed into my back bumper; ghost driver or not I would have jumped out screaming my head off. LOL! 😊 Hope to read the true tale about Gore Orphanage soon.
johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I tend to agree with Devious on this... If there is a camp site there and a popular place for young people to go, then it is probable that the car behind you was just some people acting the maggot. The fact that I presume you were smoking the weed you had and drinking the beer could have made it seem like the car had hit you much harder than it did. And you mention that the house had lights on? This tells me it is night time, and the potential reason you saw nobody at the wheel was because it was dark?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
You had weed and beer in the car? So you guys were faded? That might take away from your credibility a bit, with this story... I have friends who have seen the chupacabra and Big Foot while faded too.

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