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Comments for Doppelganger: Page 1

Return to the ghost story Doppelganger

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-31)
OOOH! I love these stories. OK, when we speak of the different types of hauntings, there are "intelligent" (ones that will communicate with you) and there are "residual" (ones that are like a recorded piece of time in a persons life that just keeps replaying like a broken record).
I would put this in the residual column, even though Sarah is still with us. Why? Well, the way I see it is like this, if there can be a residual of a person that has passed on, there is really no reason there couldn't be one of a person that has not. I mean, it's the same principle really. Just a recording of a small snippet of their life. It's just gone on to playback earlier than expected.


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