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Comments for Are Dream Catchers Portals?: Page 1

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redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
No they are not portals. I have 2 dream catchers that I've had since I was 6 and they go everywhere with me. My husband has one too. They are very common in my state and I love the history behind them.

But they don't actually do anything

As far as your sister is concerned. I have a short fuse, and have been accused to have no empathy. Hate may be a word I use too often, kick your a$$ is another a phrase that I use daily. I am quick to snap and I am down right nasty sometimes.

Point being. Some people are just high strung, some are not. My sister is my polar opposite. The world is ineteresting because we are all different.

How old is your sister?

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