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This comment from GhOsTmEsSeNgEr07 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

GhostFlowers (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-05)
I have been having very similar experiences. It started when I was 16 (im 19 now) and it scared me to death the first time. After that though I got use to it and leaned to love it. I have never felt so loved and cared for. Almost every night I can feel a presence gently carressing my and holding me. When things do go farther (which they often do) I have orgasms that top what any man has given me. I have learned to love it so much that I can't sleep without its presence. 😁
ARe-YOu-AfRaid-Of-ThE-DaRk- (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-02)
oh yeah... I forgot... Incubus does not go directly to women... They feed on your imagination and thoughts... Specially sexual desires or sexual thoughts... Sorry but I don't believe in those "things" or "entities"... I also think its more of a dream or deep imagination during your sleep... Because scientific explanations also said that women who are dreaming of sexual desires during sleep may release certain number of orgasm... And it depends on what you are imagining or dremaing... 🤔
ARe-YOu-AfRaid-Of-ThE-DaRk- (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-02)
you want to know y you were still having same kind of feeling? Because you are enjoying it... Spirits, devils and entities... Specially those "incubus" will always stay in a house if people are entertaining them or if people like what they do best... Having sexual intercourse with girls... Or women... Well its always up to you if want it to be like this... Or maybe it was just your next door guy or your bf... 😜
kyuuketsukibara (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-31)
I know what you are going through in a way, only it's a little different. I love the experience and wish for it to last longer, I'm a very sexual woman... So yes forgive me for enjoying it and wishing for it to never end. It started when I was sixteen as well (Im 25 now) only when it first couple times it happened I panicked and fought it away. After a while I decided to see just what this 'being' wanted, my goodness was I in for a surprise. I never felt something so wonderful in my life! Total bliss through my entire body, no human man can please that well. I welcome my Incubus now when he wishes to come. A hint though, I doubt that if you move he will stop... Mine didn't stop. I joined the Army and have traveled to many different locations and sure enough he follows me. My dog doesn't seem to bother him either. If you don't want him bothering you just do what I did when it first began and fight him off. If anyone has any questions or would like to share experiences please contact me at Jessica_Chere [at] 😁
josh_josh14 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)
paano mo nahula na incibus yan na? Hindi mu man natignan ata ung incubus eh? Yung storya ko ay totoo pag lumalakad ako meron lumalakad din kamuka ko! Takut ako 😢
chibicarru (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-05)
I wonder what he may have looked like. The whole caressing bit was really cute, until it practically took your virginity 😜 It was a good story, and as many others have said, I liked it. Hahaha I love how people on here are jealous! Wasn't it scary or you to... In the moment to be scared? You seem very down to earth but you just have this ghost up in your business XD

You want an opinion if you should get this ghost expelled? Well I say you should get it expelled if you feel like it is damaging you emotionally and physically. Or... If you like the ghost man so much don't say anything you guys will have fun. XD
canthisbereal (2 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
you say you have seen him... What does he look like? I am curious to see if you see what I see
J3ZA (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
is it wrong for me to feel a little jealous? Orgasm did you say? Send him my way... Sheese
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
anthony your a perverted bastard! As for the author, go find a real man with a huge wang. That will solve your incubus problem. Having sex with a human being, they might just leave and help them find another helpless virgin.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
you sleep light everytime you want to. That's funny, becuase I deep sleep when I want to. I had the same experience like you. Orgasm and everything and I was a virgin when it happened too. It happened for a week straightn then it stopped. Guess the succubus was tired of me lol.
Lucy666 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-19)
Hi I was reading this story do not worry I believe you completly but I wish you not to worry this incubus is a demon sent by Satan usually they are kind and take care of you. Mnay people say they have been attacked by them but it may be another spirit spirits can also hurt us but they jump to demons. I hope you do not banish him he seems to be attached to you. 😊 but if you feel afraid of him or he starts to hurt you then ask him to leave nicely of course. If you ever get in a relationship he may be jealous and try to hurt the lover so tell him you don't want him to harm him and if he loves you enough he will lishen. I wish you all my luck and be happy 😊
Somhairle (40 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)
If you like it then that's fine, because it seems you have a really nice sort here, I don't see why these dudes are so spooked. You will of course be feeling side effects in the early days of this, but eventually your body will become tuned in and not screwed up afterwards. I will tell you one thing: Incubi and Succubi do not drain life, and they do have personalities. You can even talk to them after they get to know you well enough:P. I have seen dudes on a sex spirit forum saying how they get nasty side effects in the first few times with the spirit but it fades away after some time, and this spirit seems to be very considerate not to interfere with your daily life and sleep, not all sex spirits are like that and this dude seems to be a very nice fellow indeed. All I have to say is that turning him away is mean.

[at] lady_werecat
They go for people that can sense them I heard, and they go for people that need the love as well as others because some are loving ones like this gentle one that the author has following her around, they tend to prefer long term relationships than shag-dash tactics, so that's probably why they don't go for the hornier types.
UnknownEvil (24 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-27)
WOW I didn't really read your other story but... Its scary hope you
feel better these dayz
Saurian89 (28 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-06)
I have had a similar experience with a
Succubus. But since this is probably an
Incubus, this is my advice to you.
Seal up your vagina and butt (because of
Anal sex) and try to sleep withyour mouth
Closed (incase of oral sex). Oh and do
Something that shows you want him gone for
Good 😐
reader01 (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-15)

Hi, I'm looking for someone who has this kind of experiences for a project. Is this true? Can we talk about this? You can contact me at my email, ahehe_ehe [at] And by the way, I'm from the Philippines too.

Please email me, I'll wait for your reply. Thanks a lot.
toxicx22 (4 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
i don't know, but I just looked this up online, and a incubus could be the reason your getting sick. I looked up how to get rid of it, and it says to sleep somewhere different, so the incubus has no idea where your location is. Don't let him get what he wants. Now back to you getting sick, you need to find a way to say good bye to the incubus, because you might get sick again, or you might meet death. Good luck! 😕
jira9109 (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-04)
Hey okay so this website said all these stories are supposed to be real... I was wondering if this is, because if so I've had the same experience and am looking for someone to talk to about it.
BandK_fla (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-23)
Interesting story.
I have been doing reasearch in this area for many years.
Please check out my profile and maybe we can E-mail or chat.
I also have a blog if you are interested.
Hope to hear from you.
cutie_pau0021 (2 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-19)
hi denice.:) I'm from philippines too... Well,, I read some people comments about your story... And I'm too lazy read some of it. Hehe:) hmm... No offense but I would like to ask you this question...? Did came to your mind that you might get pregnant or whatever will happened to you after you guys done that? Haha! What a stupid question... But I'm just curcious about it. And hey if that happened to me... OHH EMM GEE! Hell I'm going to freak out. And why you didn't call for a help.

Hehe... Ingats and take care.

Do you still understand tagalog?
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-16)
Rough Guess? Kitsune. Fox Spirit. One thing all ghosts/kitsune have in common: sex with a person ends up with the person being drained of life force.

One thing all kitsune are afraid of: Dogs. Dogs unsettle them something fierce. I'm not saying purchase a dog just for the sole reason of exorcising your ghostie. You could just simply borrow a friend's dog for a few nights.
DragonFire (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-09)
hi, well my advise to you on how to get ride of it you have to go to a healer. I myself have had kind of the same experiences as you and I got rid of it going to a healer. In the mean time before you can get the help what you can do is get holy water, put it on your self in the form of a cross on your forehead chest and private area say a payer before bed and it should help. If you have any question please feel free to contact me...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-02)

Fact is, incubus spirits DO deal with willing partners, but that doesn't prevent them from approaching others whom they target.

As has been previously stated, their main objective is pleasure.
But they apparently are able to absorb sexual energy in any case--a no lose situation for them.
lady_werecat (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-16)
what I don't understand about all these so called incubi storys is if these things "FEED" off sexual energy why not just find a horny woman who WAnts to get laid, I don't know much about them but it seems rather illogical to me
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)

Thanks for publishing this story.
Health issues are on a more advanced level than are temporary side effects due to direct spirit contact.
On the list of valuable human possessions, health is high up.

A clear and direct threat to one's health from ANY source is a cause for serious concern once proven.
For many, a clear link between the experiences you describe and damaged health would decide the matter at once. And permanently.
Nevertheless, anyone involved in close spirit contact must make decisions about it from within their own experience, with or without input from others.
FAY3 (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-10)
One of my friend has almost the same experience, except the sex part. But yeh, all I can say is don't let that thing to do such thing bcos maybe you let him once and he would think you like it and he may do it more often. Then if you actually decided to refuse, he could harm you.

But yeh stay safe =D
alicerosalie (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
well, there are very different views on this. If it really was an incubus, then its intention was to drain your "life force"/ "life energy"/ or whatever you want to call it. Maybe it's "gentle" approach was just a "hook" to draw you in. Wouldn't it take multiple, err, "visits" to get a substantial amount of "life energy"? And who knows, perhaps not all incubi are violent. But just because it's gentle doesn't mean that you should put up with it. Things like that have consequences! I think you should get it out of your house, for you safety in the long run. Prayer would probably prove helpful. Have you heard of the prayer, "angel of God"? I've recited it every night growing up and so far I haven't had any paranormal experiences. Its a child's prayer, yes, but a prayer nonetheless. Here it is:

" Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen..."

I hope this helps.
- alicerosalie.
Cynric (14 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-16)
This Seemingly Powerful entity seems to be someone from your past, being powerful enough to manifest physically. Maybe this "Kevin" is someone who fell in love for you with a passion so strong that he crossed the spirit realm just t touch you.

Maybe this sounds a bit romantic, but we have to remember that, sometimes, we have to sacrifice our own happiness for our loved ones to be happy. That's love.
HellsingGirl (1 stories) (15 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-01)
well I read this and I believe you but the fact is that you are the only one that can decide to get rid of it or not but if you want my opinion you should find out why its there
BloodFest (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-21)
i don't even think this is an incubus... It can probably an engkanto whose suddenly taken a sudden interest in you...
den2x23 (2 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-28)
i guess
DUnknown was right, its an entity and not a ghost, because if it was a ghost, you will not able to feel it physically...
And what the heck is wrong with these entities? Even those entities are pervs... 😆
DUnknown (4 stories) (65 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-14)
Hi sis! I'm also from phils. I've read your story and I end up concluding that this "THING" is an entity-not a ghost. Are you having dreams about "IT"? Is he giving you something? Like food and other stuffs? Whatever happens, don't accept this "gifts". And as for you to know, while I'm typing this, I can feel HIS presence near me. It seems he doesn't want to be talked about with. Anyway, just try to follow my advice, pray the "Our Father" with clear and not-so-loud voice. And before you go inside your house, be sure to stomp your RIGHT FOOT twice. Goodluck and keep us posted.
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-26)
Tough girl,ain't it? Just watch out for lost souls, they are deadly at sometimes, so watch out,amakajaku...
Cynric (14 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-26)
Sorry for the joke at the end, I know you don't like being pulled to the heat of another entity. And your strength is truly admirable. Just remember whoever rapes you, living, once-living or demoniac, you control your life, don't let them dominate you, and your will is strong, you just don't know it.

take a few minutes to meditate/sit quietly and fixate your thoughts on good things, then to visualizing yourself arm-wrestling with yourself very hard. After a few sessions of the mentioned above maybe your mind and body will be back in shape and since you believe yourself unforgivably damned, try a little witchery and catch the evil spirits in a jar.
Cynric (14 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-21)
As any person who really delves him in topics like this,
Incubi takes energy from girls, and they are never gentle, they tend to really rape you.

And ghosts can be gentle, it just depends wether they're powerful enough to really manifest.

The guy that seems to be in-love with you might be a product of your subconcious, and because of the spiritual inclination of your house, he took on a form and became a seperate being. Try comunicating with him and find out his real intentions.
Who knows, you might just develop a mutual relationship, and not the other way around.

Don't break his heart. 😆
muahh (53 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-27)
hehe you have a very, very, very wild imagination girl! 😳

seems like incubus just can't get enough of you... 😨
pockygirl (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-20)
oh wow that's scary the same thing is happing to me currently when ever I start to fall asleep I feel like there's some cuddling with me or sitting at the foot of my bed messing with me and my room gets hotter ever time it comes back after I move aways from it I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has experinced this
greenshirt (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-27)

Through my knowledge, this is very dangerous on the author's part. Firstly, you've said that you feel sick after such encouters with it. This is where I believe is dangerous. Inccubuses may cause deterioration of health and even may lead to death. This is not something that you should leave, it's not safe and nice. It's draining your energy away.
JESUSwillWIN (1 stories) (24 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-12)
When I start to feel the Shadow Ghost starting to touch my legs, I hurry up and start repeating, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ" I don't want to feel you, see you, hear you, You are NOT welcomeed in my home. This is not of my free will, I belong, mind body and soul to Jesus Christ... Now stand behind me Satan. It's worked a lot of times, but the times it doesn't...I get so sick the next day. I feel weak, dizzy, nausea's. It's not worth it. I sleep with Bibles all around me. It seems to make them weaker that I am guiltless.
ishna_in_love (3 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-16)
I've heard of such aggressive entities before...

more likely that this is not a demon but a ghostly admirer.

In the past when I was extremely curious of ghosts (though freaked out in seeing one, which is why I haven't seen one, thank god), I've come across stories about living men being touched intimately by ghostly women (even one being raped violently by a demonic femme--he's caucasian, by the way) and vice versa.

bad luck on the part of the living being if he or she became the affection of such an assertive ghost/seducer or (worse!) an aggressive demon-rapist!

usually, the question by these victims was "what did I do to deserve this?"

the answer: "NOTHING". It's not your fault whe such an entity becomes your admirer. Ask help from your Father Confessor about this. That admirer MAY come back. 😢
Juliette (8 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-15)
In my opinion, the author seems to like this in some way. When it first happened, there is no inclination of her pulling away or not wanting it. Very strange on her part...
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-11)
I told myself that I would steer clear of this one but as my mother always told me "you are just gluttoning for punishment, boy", so let the chastising begin.
First off, I don`t think this was a "Gentle Incubus", an Incubus is a DEMON and demons are not GENTLE. A demonic sexual attack is like "wham-bam thank you mam" and leaves you in the same emotional state as the human rapist does. There is nothing loving or gentle about them.
Secondly, now that I have said what I think it isn`t, here`s what I think it could be. One it could have been a good old-fashioned "wet dream", a very vivid one at that. It could have also been a creation of her mind in an altered state of consciousness.I`m not saying that she didn`t experience this, I`m just saying by the way her story reads that in this altered state she "created" her perfect lover. OK, now that I have said my piece, I shall step down from the "soap box".

Be Safe and God Bless ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-11)
😲 Mustang! I am shocked at your response here! 😉
I too, am having trouble seeing why this rape is getting so many positive comments. This is crazy. I have never heard of such a thing. I can see someone trying to get rid of one of the entities in their living area, but I can not see what has caused such sensationalism here. A rape is a rape. There is no making it good by cuddling with the victim afterward. That does not make it a Gentle Incubus. Thank you for helping me get up the courage to truly write my thoughts, and not shy away from it for fear of angering someone, Mustang.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-11)
WHY IS EVERYONE SO FIXATED ON THIS SUBMISSION?! First of all, I have NEVER, in my life, heard of a 'gentle Incubus' nor one that would cuddle you afterward. Incubus' are demons who rape not 'make love'. They are by NO MEANS gentle! I don't see how this entity could possibly penetrate you like someone who is alive so therefore you would still be a virgin. Unless you are enjoying this and mentally consenting to this sexual demon/ghost which makes you maybe mentally not a virgin!? Not sure about that but I am sure that if it is an entity and of course it cannot penetrate you than medically you are considered a virgin! Anyway, this is craziness! ~Shelby ❤
lewisstevens1 (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-11)
ooooooooooooooh... =O how come I aint like ad like ne Spiritual Contact (I Mean Seeing Ghosts Not Aving Sex With Them Lol)

i know about things just haven't really enountered it, I seen like all horror films ever out, read like all horror books fact/fictional I have seen documented footage and I am single male, so how come I aitn seen any? But I do sence exactly where bad spiritual energy is, but there is one thing I would not want to do is the ouigi board, I can't spell it lol, I do believe there is somthing out there.

my freinds allways to mary jane cotton chant which I know that not joking we asked if she could show us if she can harm us, my freind fainted and when she woke up she had like a 2 inch scar mayby 3 on her arm! But the next day it was gone, they shown me that night it was weird
Sabrina12993 (2 stories) (56 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
So would you still consider yourself as a virgin after this experience... Did it feel that real?...(just a question, because I think my sister has had this experience, its just she don't know if she would still be a virgin?...because after all it is invisible... You know? 😉...just let me know kk... Or if anyone else can help me out, feel free to...thanks
God Bless! ❤
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
hi amakajaku,
i do not know hwat your belifes are but maby you should tell it in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost to get out and it has to. But I don't know how an incubus works, so I am not sure that'll work.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
amakajaku, thank you for clarifying that. As I stated in my comment, I have no practical knowledge in this, just what I have been told by others. But this is my understanding. (Please, ANYONE stop me if I screw this one up too bad. I'm learning from you all!) You need to talk to him. Say something to the effect of "Kevin, I do not enjoy these contacts we are having. I need you to leave..." Is that right panel of knowledgeable YGS family members?
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
Would anyone like to chat this on Yahoo!? If so please just type in my screen name because it's actually my e-mail address as well, please type your invitation message so that I can confirm that you are interested in chatting more about this more-called Forum.
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-17)
yes whitebuffalo, THAT IS exactly what my question is and pretty much BEGGING everyone here if they know how to just eliminate only one entity, ghost OR being.
and redone, yes, you are qualified to say such a sentence OH YEAH, I almost forgot to tell you one time the ghost actually said it's name that it's Kevin... And I remembered that I had a high school friend named Kevin as well, but, I wouldn't think that Kevin died in some sort of accident OR disease. I was so surprised that it said its name. Please reply...

Good Day to All of You... 😨 😲 😭
redone1867 (4 stories) (37 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
well, let's just say one more time that no hard bashing intended but, how many people you know have sex with you when you do not concent or with out them being alive would be kind enough to cuddle with you after words. Honestly. How could you concent if you are unable to communicate with them, you said the being did not speak. So if not yes was stated or a question for that matter it was rape. Now its not a question of beleving you but more a question of do you want it to stop or not because that is more important than the issue of rape here. I suggest you deal with this thing before it crosses a line with you. Further more yes I'm qualified to make such a sentence but not quite enraged enough. Thank you
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Please, correct me if I am wrong amakajaku, are you asking how to rid your dwelling of THIS entity and how to KEEP the others? If THAT is your question (anyone can correct me on this as I have no practical knowledge of this, only thoughts) I believe if you speak directly to it and tell it to leave... Well, there HAS to be a way to dispel just one, or there would not be so many entities around. The first person to cleanse an open field would have vanished them all, wouldn't they have?
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
i am not being judgemental, I am stating a fact. If indeed you were raped you would not want this thing anywhere near you, be it cuddling, massageing or anything else. That is all I ment.
SchizoSephy (74 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
I read Incubus' usually rape their victim almost to death. People don't understand that there really are monsters in our world. I suppose monsters could be nice. I cannot really tell. I get scared when seemingly benevolent beings are around. I can't really sleep at night knowing that there are things like monsters where I live. For those who don't know what a Succubus is, it's the female version of the Incubus.
babylon (20 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
no worries amakajaku 😉 I liked your story and thankyou very much for sharing it with us. It is appreciated. 😊
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
And Athena, thank you for minding that I needed advice, since the BEING you call it, has stopped the raping but the cuddling and stuff still continues. Anymore comments? Please still post some, thank you...

Good Day to All who have just read this story! 😉 😆 ❤
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hey Haleybug, I didn't like the idea of being raped, WHAT I liked was the cuddling and stuff... And thank you babylon for putting an end to the hard swallowing of this story.
babylon (20 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
just a thought... After reading all the posts, maybe it would be nice to just add a comment or give advice when asked instead of debating over the truth of the story. If someone takes the time to write it and put it on this site, who are we to judge. Believe me the unbeleivable does happen. Play nice people 😆 😉
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
ok you can't really call it rape if you liked it in anyway,shape, or form. If it was rape then you would feel dirty, shamed, and unclean,it's a feeling that you can never make go away. Sounds like a fantasy to me.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Dear A D, I am soo sorry, I was not leaving the comment as an offense. I was leaving it in the spirit of curiousity. I guess I am a bit too nosey. I am sorry you were feeling raped by the being. Is that what you wanted help with? To know how to make it stop? Wait, Iguess it did stop. What can we help with? I feel like none of us are helping you, are we?
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Shane, Thank you for your formal reply AGAIN. Please give me the links so that I wouldn't be just sitting in front of the computer for your comments. And further more on my name, the original name is Amanajaku which I just replaced 'n' to 'k' so it would be different. In some japanese folklore, the ghost amanajaku is the king of all ghosts as so they say he is. But I don't have any certain proof of this japanese folklore. I just changed it to Amakajaku, that's all and I just heard about the name. And, please tell me what it is that's hard for everyone to swallow here? 😕 😐 😢
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Denice, no offense was meant to you by any one here. If you have read the other stories here that concern the same subject matter you will see that for most people it is a hard subject to believe. Now as for your name I am sure Athena as well as myself just wanted to make sure you weren't pulling our legs as she is right, your log in name does, when sounded out sound like "I made a joke". I personally apologize if I have made you feel uncomfortable.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Why is the subject suddenly the meaning of my name? LOOK! First of all, Amakajaku is just a name, OKAY?! It has no origins, no meanings, NO NOTHING! And secondly, I've only been raped 3 times by this being that athena calls it and the rest of the hauntings are just only cuddling and stuff. And the drugs...nope, it doesn't enable me to start a thought process. P.S. My REAL name is Denice, I won't be giving my last name, I have a bounty on my head...JOKE! And Red...You're not in a rage to say such a sentence, are you?
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Athena, that is exactly what I meant. Sorry I should have clarified myself. I will ask a few of my Philipino friends about the name as well, see if they can come up with a meaning. I speak a little Tagalog, but only enough to get me by, and it doesn't sound like any words I have been taught. Maganda Gabi,amakajaku. Salamat po for your story.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
OMG 😭 amakajaku, I hope that we don't make you a police suspect with all our questions about drugs!?
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Amakajaku, sounds like you weren't being raped wich is GOOD NEWS! Your reaction was that "it felt strangly good".

I very much believe this could be a dream or being. However, if it is a being you may want to stop this being from continuing to have sex with you. Just like in personal contacts among the living, there can be an energy exchange between the living and beings.

This being may be stealing your energy, or worse. On the otherhand, maybe you are just having sex with a being. And you like it, so you are not throwing up defenses. Does any of this sound right?

You are making yourself vulnerable and unsafe, by giving so much away. Unless, you know what you are doing and can control the energy exchange.

You had us all worried that you were getting raped by a living man for awhile. Glad you set us straight!
BTW, I think Shane was talking about a "date-rape" sedative drug, not drugs like cocaine...
I think the Philipines still has the death-penalty for that?
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Amakajaku, I was looking on the internet for the international, Philipina, name amakajaku. Couln't find your name. It appears not to be a name at all. You seem to be a ligitimate experiencer. Unfortunately, your name in english sounds like "I make a joke"
Please, please get back to me, so that I can find your name in the internet name translator! 😐
redone1867 (4 stories) (37 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
ok first off not to bash to much but, it is not gentle if it's doing things you don't want. Secondly I couldn't even read this one all the way through with out being reminded of the early ghost flick The Entity, which came out in the early 80s. Now I've had some crazy occurences but this is even too hard for me to believe and that is not said easily. I think you have some things in your subconcious you might need to deal with.
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Unique? How can you call this unique? Oh, I'm not saying this isn't true or whatever. A lot of people will eventually have this experience. Oh yeah, and the raping has stopped, only the cuddling and etc...remained...

Good Day To All Of YOu...
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
By far the most unique story I've ever read on here.
Please, please, please keep us posted. I'd be very interested to hear if this occurs again.
amakajaku (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Hello everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't been commenting for the past few days. I was too busy with school that I really forgot that I published this story on the net. I was really surprised that a lot of you were really talking about me and this story of mine. The second thoughts about expelling this ghost because I didn't want to get rid of ALL the ghosts in the house. My great grandmother is still even after death protecting my home, and the ghost soldier that comforted me during my childhood had reappeared again and took protection of our my home... I really didn't want great grandmother and the ghost soldier gone even if they're already spirits...
Reply to Mustang: It felt strangely good but I didn't like the idea of getting raped, I pressume that everyone thought that I liked it...
Reply to Belissima and Annie: I pressume that you read the whole story, the part that the ghost suddenly made the whole room really hot? I had no choice, did I? I spread my body but not THAT much...
Reply to Shane: Thank you for reacting more formally... And the idea of drugs being slipped in with my food? Really far fetched but it was sorta related with my health... NOT THAT DRUGS THOUGH!
Final Reply to Annie: Annie... This story IS REAL, as realy as your mother and father had given birth to you... NO JUST KIDDING... Yeah, this story is real...
To Everyone:...THank you for commenting on this... Feel free to suggest a debate or forum or something... Though I'd still appreciate on some tips... The Incubus is still giving me haunts but no more raping... If everyone wants to comment on more, feel free... Every comment is relevant... Oh and... Right now but on the date written, I have a migraine and a flu today... A really bad migraine and flu, but I'm still willing to read and reply to comments after this.

Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Hmm...honestly, the thought of drugs never entered my mind. But, I'm still having a hard time believing this story.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I wonder Martin if this young lady may not actually be, being raped? Could it be possible that someone is slipping something into her food or drink that drugs her to a point where she could be made to feel as if this is a paranormal event instead of a real one? My original theory was in line with the ladies here, that it was a "wet dream" for lack of a better term. Just a thought and I do hope we hear something back from amakajaku.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I know this story is weird and difficult to believe, but amakajaku has some good history so that played in her favor. Considering that a big part of sex is psychological, I too have difficulties about some of her reactions. I doubt anyone can have an orgasm during a stressful time. I hope she'll provide some feedback.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Thank you ladies for your insightfulness on this one. Didn't want to give a male perspective as I felt it could have been inappropriate.

Annie, I am sure Martin was well aware where this subject could go when he published it. I happen to think everyone handled this one in a very mature and helpful manner.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
My thoughts are that, IF it were me, I'd be fighting this "thang" off of me. I'd be fighting like hell. And how does she know that she's still NOT a virgin? Has she had a doctor confirm it? I'll bet that she is. I'm agreeing with WB, wet dream or, wet dreams.

Ha...can't believe we're discussing this subject in here! 😆 (Sorry, Martin!)
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Hey guys? Even if you were not a virgin, would you let this entity violate you like that? Just curious because it seems like the past few comments revolved around her being a virgin. I still wouldn't let this thing have it's way with with me, virgin or not! How about you? VERY FREAKY! ~Shelby 😐
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
😕 If some ONE were raping you, you would expel them, correct? If there is a spiritual affair going on that is one thing, but a rape? You were "a virgin before this constantly happened". You know what? I can't comment further on this one, sorry. I honestly do not know how.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I'm having a problem with this one. (Was it perhaps sent to the wrong web site? ;) I have to concur with Bell. Why would you let it continue to violate you if you were a virgin? This makes no sense to me... At all.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
amakajaku, I'm having a lot of trouble with this one. You were a virgin, but you just accept the violation from this 'being'? You knew 'something' was there, yet you spread your body, making the abuse easier? I think your hormones are in overdrive. Maybe you could entertain the idea of a career in writing exotica when you grow up?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I am skeptical on this one and agree with Luvparanormal. I know since you are the one who has experienced this, you feel without a doubt that it was an Incubus, which it very well could be. However, It strokes your hair and cuddles you sometimes. You get the feeling of being sick when you are a normally healthy person. Does this sound healthy?! No! It is questionable as to why you are asking whether to keep this entity or expell it. I honestly do not think it wise to keep such a thing around and accept it into your life like this. You never know what it could do next. I myself have awakened out of sleep while having an orgasim on more than one occassion but I've never had the feeling, during, before or after these episodes, of being cuddled, caressed or felt up. Although it probably, I assume, feels or felt good, don't allow something like this to happen to you. Aren't you just a little freaked out by this happening to you? It sounds like you like it! I think it's freaky to want it to stick around to pleasure me. I think if you are having an affair with this entity, if that is what it really is and that's what it sounds like, I think you are asking for trouble. I'd also like to add that in my experiences, I think they were just 'wet' dreams not an Incubus. Take care and I say get rid of it!~Shelby ❤
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I really don't know. I will tell you one think if I had someone on me trying to rape me adn had a feeling that it was a ghost there is not way that I would have had an orgasm and the room would not be warm so honestly I thing it is all made up or maybe it was a wet dream of some kind or maybe even your boyfriend sneaking in at night. I'm sorry I just find it hard to believe
Sabrina12993 (2 stories) (56 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
😕...its a little creepy... But I have a question did this feeling... Feel uncomfortable or...(not to be discusting or personal) did it feel good?...either way you need to get your house blessed... Because this can lead to serious problems 😕
God Bless... ❤
Aussie_Vamp (2 stories) (15 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I think you should not let this continue as you are constantly getting sick and you may feel like it is comforting but it's not and it is slowly draining you. You need to get it exorcised it may seem. Also demons prey on the innocent and virgins included.
I don't think it's wise to let this activity continue.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I think I will wait for a female perspective on this one. I know what theory I have for it, just want to see what our ladies here have to say about it.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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