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Comments for Darker Than The Darkest!: Page 1

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msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Twilight,

I am a Mom and a Grand Mom first and foremost and a wife. They are my happiness, my goal was to get better.

My Grand Daughter was helping me after school and other times when she could. Such a good girl. We ate out a lot, and I had made several frozen dishes.

As to where I was when experienced I wrote about, I was placed in an medically induced coma, as the surgery was so extensive, the pain was too extreme. This coma lasted 5 days, then the Dr. Alerted my family that they would be lifting me from a sleep state by reducing the medication. This was a slow process and my family were allowed to be there, when I finally woke.

It is hard to explain, but the details are being erased from my memory, perhaps they were just a dream.

Thank you for writing,
Jan 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Dee,

I think my movements were thought based, the different movements allowed me to go left or right, up or down. I was interested in up up up!

I know we had a brief conversation, and he was upset by my noise as he was resting. That is all I can remember. I was glad to be away from him.

I am feeling better but have developed a kidney infection and can't start chemo until it is taken care of. Thanks, Dee for well wishes.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi there RC

The story you speak of is ringing a bell for me, but I am not remembering where or when I read it. Good heavens, RC you can't mean I was in H---. Oh! Now I am scared!

I will have to do some study on this scull, and let you know what I learn.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Manafon1

I have given thought about that first voice I encountered. I think I needed to know where I was and how I got there. I had fear when he spit at me so hatefully. I then, was sure I was not in heaven. I also learned this place was for everyone, not just english speaking. Now, I have no memory of what I said, or the subject matter.

I think we are not to keep memory of this time. The base voice was well tuned and an obviously a trained voice, then to be joined with another. There was no time for talking.

Thank you Manafon, I am glad to be here as well.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Rex T,

I agree in some ways telling of this experience was beneficial.

I only told the short version. While time and common sense were held back by the drugs, I think, there was a lot more that happened. As the days now pass, I loose more memory of the details. It has faded.

Music, in general makes many of us happy, and I was in much fear. I think some thoughts I have right now were in my brain then.

I speculated over the twisting and I think it was much like swimming in a very deep lake, going up to the top. Yet it was not water as I was breathing, talking and lastly, singing.

Interesting, but I never want to go there again.

Keep in touch,
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hey Jan, it's great to see you back on here sharing another experience of yours. Although this experience sounds unnerving to say the least. Maybe where you were wasn't exactly the after life, but more so a kind of limbo, that as you weren't dead, but also not conscious, you were in between our world, and the veil. No matter where you were though, I know it still had to be scary to see this place, and now hold the memory of being there, along with the feeling it gave you. I'm just glad that you made it through your surgery, and are back home on the road to recovery. I hate that no one can really give a correct answer on if what you experienced was real, and if so, where this place was exactly. I'm sure those are the types of questions that you would want the answers to. But no matter, you're back home, and around the love and warmth of your family, with nothing but light surrounding you now. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Jan,

I'm so happy you shared your experience, it's truly fascinating. If it's ok, I have a few questions? You mentioned: "I learned I could somewhat control my movements as I twisted and turned." Was this thought based? As in, thinking about your movements allowed you to move?

Also, when you heard the male voice tell you: "Shut it, will ya", you said that you spoke for a bit. Do you remember what you talked about?

Going by your description, it sounds like you had an NDE or some kind of Out Of Body Experience. It's all very interesting and I'm so grateful you shared this with us... Just as Rex-T and Redwolf have (thanks guys). 😊

Hope you are feeling much better every day ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi, Jan! So nice to hear from you. This experience of yours reminds me of some hagiography I read once; I wish I could remember what saint this was written about.

The story goes that this saint, whoever he or she was, had been exploring some catacombs or walking in the desert, and happened upon a skull that turned to look at him. (Me? I would have been running away screaming soon as the skull turned to face me...) The saint had a conversation with this skull who described what Hell was like: people standing around, aware that other people were with them but being entirely unable to see them, unable to have a conversation or relate to one another in anyway.

More to the point though, your story scares me.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hi Jan--The experience you endured is fascinating. NDE's provide a lot of food for thought and although sometimes there are similarities, they often seem tailored specifically for the individual, which does seem to make sense. A question that came to me reading your account was one of communication. You state that you tried to communicate with one of the presences you encountered but it spoke a language you didn't understand. It seems that questions about what is happening during an NDE are off limits.

You sang with presences you encountered but didn't try again to ask about your predicament. The presence that told you to "shut it" did briefly talk to you but from what I can gather not about what was happening. Or was that part of your discussion? Did the thought of asking questions about what was occuring leave your mind or was there another reason you didn't pursue asking one of the presences around you what was happening? I ask this out of a real curiosity as it seems like something that's reported again and again during NDE's.

I love the thought that music made your experience tolerable and am so happy you returned to the land of the living.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Oh Jan,

I am so glad you managed to get your experience out of your head and into YGS. Mine came out on the 25/10/18 and that only happened with encouragement from the YGS family and "that conversation" between you and RedWolf that made up my mind.

It is amazing how different our two experiences were. You were left with the question "Is this what death is like?" and for myself "Is this the stage before death?".

Melda and others expressed their view about our souls "going for a wander" when our bodies are at a low ebb but we are also anchored back in this world to our loved ones or it is not our time.

This is borne out for both of us waking up to our families and the smiles all round.

Once again, I think you will find publishing your experience therapeutic. We'll talk again later.

Thanks for posting.

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