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Comments for Blue Brownie: Page 1

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Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Msforgetmenott, so you're a fan of dark blue too, cool stuff. Dark blue is associated with poise, adroitness, calmness, well you get where I'm going. Not just in hippy circles, but in the psychology of colours also. It's the dominating colour of many uniforms, logos, and even traditional glamour. Got to love it.

A friend of ours lives in Surrey in a narrow doowayed home. He's got a loft/attic type thing and the stairway to it is so narrow it's hard to imagine how the builders constructed it. I know there were certain tax weirdness which prompted people to narrow their door frames, I think the window tax had something to do with this. But I think people from bygone days really were smaller by quite a bit. There's clothing in museums, uniforms and such to suggest this. I'm no bigger than a minute with a wiry frame but some of these structures are pretty baffling. So, following this theory, a small short person really would be very short from our perspective!

Melda, before I joined YGS I didn't believe mist-like apparitions where real. Thought they were Hollywood only. So I can understand not believing in something which is commonplace for others.
Yeah, I'm still piecing this together. The one on the wardrobe and the one in the mirror I've no doubt at all were the same individual. But the pixelated thing from ages ago I'm thinking was something different. I don't have, well anything, to back that up, it's just a hunch. I agree appearing in blue was symbolic of him meshing with us and our home. The size thing has me stumped though. I keep ruminating through it. Unless he appears to the scale of what he's amongst, the troll and fairy on the wardrobe and then to my scale in the lounge. But he was taller than me, going by the eye line. Yeah, it's a weird one that's for sure.
As for knowing it would alarm me, I think these kinds of entities must have different ways/customs. Ones that would seem odd to us. Likewise, some of our ways surely seem odd to them.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Thanks for the cool input everyone. 😊

Lady Glow, if I'm lucky sometimes I can shoo a fly outside. But this one wasn't taking the hint, the thought of cupping them in my hand is a bit too much. I do this with moths but I have ten seconds of calmness before I break into a crazy heeby jeeby dance lol. I wondered if this entity didn't approve of my treatment of pests. Hope not.
Thanks heaps for the link to Roy's latest! Of course go by stuff from Brazil, I really should've thought of that!

Manafon, I think I need one of those field books. I'm dumbfounded by your description of the brownie, a tail? Wow. I thought they'd be a cute little gnome type thing. This guy had a nose, but it didn't stand out to me as long or short or bulbous, it was an average nose, I guess. But there was definitely a nose. Jeesh, what you say about showing me what he could do made think he maybe was offering to clean up the mess? That would be very, very neat indeed!
He kind of reminded me slightly of Keith Carradine, when he was younger, sort of. He didn't really look like him, but had a similar face structure perhaps, but less human. Pretty sure his eyes were all black or brown, no whites, if that helps. House elf hey that sounds cool, well he does resemble to me a bit like what elves look like in story books. Does your field book mention anything about scepters or fire pokers? That might be connected.
Brownies have tails, the things I learn from this place!

Msforgetmenott, it's always great to see you on here!

Dang, Msforgetmenott and Melda I have two people talking to me at once right now (how rude!) I'll have to continue this comment a little later. For I can not multitask to save myself.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-13)
Tweed - Before I met you I didn't believe in elemental spirits at all. As far as I was concerned they belonged in children's bedtime story books!

Perhaps this little guy appeared to you the first time, when you were down with flu, to let you know that he was around to help take care of you. What slays me as well is that he appeared again in human size. Manafon is possibly correct with his explanation for this.

I also wonder whether the little brownie, the little elf and the tall elf are all the same entity. If so, why would he do that? He must realise that it's confusing to you 😕

Perhaps by appearing in blue he was trying to prove that he's in tune with your feelings and your lifestyle, also that he's content to be around you.

Just my thoughts - all very fascinating 😊

Regards, Melda
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-12)
Hello Tweed!

So nice to hear about your dark blue, my favorite color, a noticeable, dominating color in my closet, and home.

I am a history buff and often note that here in the States an older unchanged home will often have door casings so low one must duck to enter. I can imagine that for you in the United Kingdom, this would be very apparent as the age far surpasses our oldest building.

Having said this I have to wonder if there was then very small people and taller small people during that time. Then as years progressed, there was a blend of both, in some communities. It is a well known fact that each generation is slightly taller than the generation before. I wonder if you might be seeing a very old ghost from that far earlier time. What ever he was I think I would have liked him as I always enjoy seeing happiness in a person's eyes, little or tall.

Great to see your latest read, I enjoy hearing about your Brownies. Also the color blue.

Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-11)
Hi Tweed - So great to see a new account from you. I really think that what you saw wasn't a brownie but some other type of house elf. Brownies are usually reported as being covered from head to toe in shaggy brown hair and usually have long tails. According to my "go to" reference book (A Field Guide to the Little People) many types of house elf can shapeshift and can appear anywhere from a few inches tall to the size of an adult human. Super cool that you saw your blue elf in two drastically different sizes!

Maybe he appeared the second time in a larger form simply to show you what he's capable of. Most elves are very attuned to the people in the houses they share and it really does seem that the blue guy was tuned into your "dark blue mood". That is incredibly cool. I was curious to know if you remember what his nose looked like? It might help in narrowing the possibilities of what type of elf he might be. Brownies, supposedly, don't have noses but just nostrils.

Wild stuff as usual. Thanks for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-11)
Tweed - here's the links to roy's latest story:


I don't know how many of his stories you have missed but, if you want to find them just go to the top of the main menu and click the "Ghost Stories" button, then scroll down until finding "Ghost Stories by countries", and from there just go to Brazil.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-11)
Tweed - this is such a fascinating experience. I have no advice nor idea what was/is going on at your place but, if Brownies are helpful little beings, just imagine how helpful a Brownie that size could be!

I hate the gunk left by a swatted fly so, I catch the pesky critters with my hand and, if I feel generous, put them outside, if not, I drown them in soapy water.

Great story, thanks for sharing! ❤

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