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Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Oh my...

Greetings, Chamille

My first impressions (prior to reading the comments):

1. There's no way this person had no idea who Jeffrey Dahmer was. There are just TOO many instances where infamous serial killers' are mentioned; from comparative personality comments in sitcoms to murder mysteries, either exploring the mind of the "monster" or comparing modern-day offenders to heinous historical figures. Thank you Hollywood.

2. You try too hard to convince us, the readers, that you had no knowledge of who Dahmer was:
"Hey, how do you feel about My Friend Dahmer?" I thought it was just another foolish internet fad and would die away eventually, but soon my curiosity piqued and I read a forum.

Before I even read it, I had a weird sense that "Dahmer" was the friend of this guy in high-school, and "Dahmer" had grown to be this terrible person in real life (or at least do terrible things.). I even pictured this guy having longer blond hair and blue eyes, without ANY indication on whom the actual Jeffrey Dahmer was.

They were saying it was controversial when I knew that the guy had done something morally inhumane, when I have had never in my life, swear on my grandfather's grave, ever heard the name Jeffrey Dahmer.

(Both in which I had originally thought, again, with no knowledge at all of Jeffrey Dahmer.) " Ad nauseum.

3. There's something missing from your life - a void you're trying to fill with the attention you hope your account will receive on YGS, OR this is a creative writing piece you're putting out there to gauge public reception. Controversy sells! If so, there is a plethora of writing groups on Facebook that will critique your work, including your spelling and grammar, as well as the plausability of your plot (highlighting plot holes). There's also where you can submit your short stories for review.

4. The most disturbing part of your narrative is your infatuation with Jeffrey Dahmer. On this I have one piece of advice: get medical help! If you're already a psyche patient - ask the doctor to increase your dosage. This is one of those times when I'm going out on a limb and stating that what you seek is fantasy, when what you really need is reality.

I'm sorry that I am unable to provide the answers (attention) you seek - it is way outside the scope of my knowledge and skills.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)

You've got some good advice from some good people.

Please, put aside all thoughts of Dahmer's spirit, take a big breath and look at this logically. Us 'oldies' aren't 'fuddy duddys', it's just that we've been around the block a few times.

A movie is a story not real life. There is no adventure, heroes, villains or romance, there is only pure evil and victims.

I understand your need to know and that's ok. Just make sure your are driven by education and not infatuation.

Also, just remember that this creature was diagnosed as 'fit to stand trial'. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I can only hope that you find wisdom and use it well.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (320 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
If you truly are experiencing a "spirit", I would highly doubt that it's really Jeffrey Dahmer. Just because a "spirit" is claiming to be someone, does not mean that they are who they say they are. Especially if it's a bad spirit, it will tell you what you want to hear. Using a Ouija board is also not a good idea, as you could open doors that you don't know how to close, or even know who or what you're actually communicating with. As far as my opinion goes, I just don't believe that Jeffrey Dahmer is in any good place right now. As horrific as he was, I would say that he has a special place he stays in Hell. I see you are very young, and still have a lot to learn, so my positive thoughts on what you have said is, you might would do good in pursuing a career in profiling criminals. Part of their job is being able to understand the minds of people like Jeffrey Dahmer, and why they do what they do. If you ever watched the show "Criminal minds", you'd get a better understanding in what they do. But as far as you feeling like you're in love with him, (I'm sure you'll hate to hear this, as we all wanted to believe that what we were told as teens didn't apply to us) I think you're just confused with your emotions right now, as your body is full of hormones. It may not seem like it's true, but when you get older, you'll realize just how much it can affect the way we feel and think. I hope you won't take offense to these comments, as they're not meant to hurt you, but make you realize that you might not fully understand who he truly was, and be confused as to what you're feeling over him. I wish you the very best, and hope that you'll find something better to put your time and energy into.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
I agree, Haven. October will be here before we know it. Just someone most likely looking for 💩s and giggles. If it is a real account, they are having hormonally pumped dreams and associating events in their house with them. They state they are Christian so I believe they should seek help with a religious counselor.

Ygs is a forum, like any other forum, fodder for people who want to test out their writing skills.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
So sorry but I do not believe any of this is real, this sounds made up to me. I also do not believe the author of this story is a 13 year old girl. I could be wrong, and I hope I'm not because if this is true then this girl has serious issues and needs help.

Interesting read, I'll give you that.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
"I noticed that I didn't see him as a serial killer at all. Yes, he did horrible things, but he was in no way evil. He didn't get power over killing his victims. He just hated the idea of loneliness."- Sorry Chamomile, but I had to stop right there.

This is my sincere advice: if you are for real, if you really think that "not-so-human-being" (I just made this name up) isn't evil then there's something seriously wrong with you. Please seek help.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Chamomile - Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most despicable semi-humans (in my opinion) who ever walked this earth.

I've watched his life story on TV. I know this sounds horrific but if he had been my child and I'd been even halfway aware of his twisted and tormented personality, I'd have dispatched him in short shrift.

Get him out of your mind fast - by whatever means 😨

Regards, Melda
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Jeffrey Dahmer was homosexual so I do not know why you think he would be in love with you. I am assuming you are a female unless I am wrong please correct me. I just assumed from your name.

I am sorry but I do not believe this account. But, if you are telling the truth I believe this is the work of some active teenage hormones and insecurities. There is no reason you should feel love or positive feeling for an ill man that lured men from bars and ate them. He tormented people when he went to prison playing with his food and saying "I bite" to guards and snapping his teeth. He showed no remorse. I have no sympathy that he was killed by another inmate (Chris Scarver, who was a schizophrenic man).

You should recognize that even if you do feel infatuation for a murderer that these feelings are not good. There are young women who do fall in love with living, attainable "bad boys" like criminals and gang members. This is not a path anyone should be on.

I think even if there is a ghost in your house, you are associating these feelings and mental images you are getting with it and it could be two separate events. In my opinion, I highly doubt you are in contact with Dahmer. IF it is an entity, then it is not what it says it is.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)

Oh my god. I can't believe you've fallen in love with Jeff's spirit.

I didn't know who he was so I googled him. He was an animal to say the least. He butchered and devoured his victims. That's disgusting!

Please take CuriousDees advice and do Rookdygins cleansing and shielding ritual and get rid of this horrorible spirit.

You're a young girl. The more you socialise and the older you get, the better your chances of finding 'real' love.

Please look after yourself.

Get Jeff out of your mind and maybe find a hobby like ladyGlow suggests.

Also talk to someone about this.

Everyone here on YGS are amazing. They will guide you and give you good advice, but then its up to you.

All the best 😘 ❤ 😘
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)

My honest opinion is that you are not connecting with or in the presence of Jeffrey Dahmer's spirit. I sincerely hope your account isn't a stab at (pun intended) another novel.

With that being said... The likelihood of you coming across Dahmer's name and/or horrific acts prior to learning about him is quite high. Regardless of age, generation or location, a large majority of people have come across information on him or his victims. For instance, the production company could have leaked a 'sneak peak', ad or something on the internet to bring his name to the forefront again to generate interest for the movie.

As for the ghost app... The name Jeff or any relevant words popping up could be caused by the application tracking your search history.

In my opinion, Jeffrey Dahmer was a 'black soul'. Murdering one person is despicable, murdering multiple people... No words can convey my disgust. I highly recommend you steer away from anything related to him. Point blank.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
I'm sorry. I couldn't make myself read past the 2nd paragraph.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Huh... Do you have any other hobbies besides writing novels?

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