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Ghost Stories in Category: Family / Friends Visits: Page 9

Grandmom Wants Water by mhalditah

It's been a long time since I wrote my stories, anyways, it's good to be back here. This story is still about my grand mom. This incident happened last week. It was afternoon then around 3pm. Mom and I were at the living room watching tv and my Dad was at the water refilling station, taking nap ...

Meet My Grandfather by Subtle_Poetics

Have you ever made a bet? A real gamble, and won? When the stakes are high, and you have little to lose but an eternity of gain just a dice throw away. This was the case for my grandfather who risked a great deal on financial bonds which one day paid big! With this he bought a small house which he w...

Basement by angel614

As long as I can remember I have seen spirits. I have heard my name called on several occasions and it was quite scary. I have seen shadows, felt spirits touching my feet and tickling me. I finally prayed and asked Archangel Michael for protection, and to keep out the annoying spirits and only allow...

Was My Dad Visiting His Granddaughter? by teenagewitch21

Although I have been a reader of the stories on this site for a while, this is my first story. It may not be amazing but it was a very scary experience. Here goes... Back in 2008 (when I was 18) my dad became seriously ill, as it was just me and him in the house I became his care-giver. As he got ...

Odd Happenings by Thisisit0910

My name is Tarah, and I'm going to tell you of the things that have happened over the course of today and yesterday. Yesterday, I was in my room, and my record player turned on out of nowhere. There was a record in it, but it wasn't playing music, it was just making the static noise from the end ...

Bright White Butterfly by tillyanna

If you read my last entry you will know that I was visited by my Grandparents, I wasn't sure whether to tell my Dad in case it would upset him, but after what my sister encountered we decided to. My sister woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, in doing so you had to walk past the...

Messengers by tillyanna

These experiences I am going to be writing about are a mixture of my own and experiences that my own family members have had. I will be submitting them gradually. My paternal Gran, when she was alive was a very spiritual person, as my Dad always says, she was a real angel. She would go out of her w...

My Grandmother's Love by lindaschneider304

I had been living with my grandmother since my 6th grade year and during those years her health had started to go down hill. I really loved being with her and hearing her say things about her growing up years. When she passed away in my senior year in high school my mom wanted to stop by the house t...

The Dead Live by Subtle_Poetics

There is rarely a more traumatic time in one's life, than when they bear witness to the decline and eventual extinguishing of the life of a loved one. This horror is greater still when the soul who is passing happens to be your own mother. This morbid situation was the grim but true reality for m...

Creepy Jewelry Box Music by Ashley1985

Yesterday, my mother went to the hospital because she has had complications from a surgery she had. I was upset about it and looked at a photograph of my parents after I got off the phone with my family. My father passed away several years ago. As I looked at the photo I thought... I hope he is with...

My Grandma, My Angel by Chica22

My grandma was a kind woman with a kind heart. We were very close and when she was diagnosed with cancer in September of 2010, I tried so hard to be with her every second that I could. She fought very hard but ended up passing away in October of 2011. On the day she passed I was sitting in class whe...

Recent Strange Happenings by Blaqwynter

This really isn't a story, but more of something that recently has been going on... I moved into this apartment building Nov 1st. Everything was fine up until this past week. I have dealt with ghosts in the past, and know for a fact that its not from this building. I brought in my ex's ashes int...

He's Always There by RoseThorn7

My grandfather was my best friend when I was younger. I love baseball, and he always took me to games every other weekend during the summer. He always picked me up from school everyday and on Fridays he would take me to the store to get some candy before heading home. He would always call it my "TGI...

Love Lasts Forever by papawzgrl

My father passed when I was four years old, and he was quite young himself (34). I had five sisters and my mom couldn't raise us at the time so my father's parents took us in and raised all six of girls. My grandfather was very close to me. I felt as if he were my father for I was so young when my f...

I Saw My Father At His Own Wake by emily25

My dad passed away in 2000 due to a tragic Hypothermia Death. I was only 9 years old and today I am 21. He was only 35 years. He was a biker and loved his leather. When I was at his wake I was standing in front of my older sister. I was looking towards the casket when I had the urge to look behind m...

Can The Soul Travel Outside A Living Person's Body? by Mac_Barbie93

I'm relatively new to this site, please check out another article that I've written before this about my ability to predict the future and stuff. This happened 2 years ago. My parents are from India but I've been born and bought up in the United States. Our relatives live there and we haven't visite...

Great-grandmother by AshtonLea

Me & (as we called her) Nanny were very close. Always doing jigsaws together & picking berries. So when she passed, I was crushed, but I was old enough to understand. Those first five months were the hardest for us. But my story starts the Easter the following year she passed. I was waking up, no...

She's Still Here by Lynny03

First off I live in my great grandmas house, she was very nice and always made me me laugh, but she passed away, and we moved in. When we first moved in I was a little scared, I felt like she was going to haunt the place. But nothing like that ever happened, until we started remodeling. My mee-maw...

My Uncle Geoffrey by BillyT

Before I tell my story I would like to describe my uncle. Firstly his name was Geoffrey and he was a real funny man. He was my Mums brother. Geoffrey would drink a lot and would always come to our house drunk and uninvited with donuts and more beer looking for a good time. And he loved to party as w...

The Tailor In The Attic by Vdubtype1

Sorry for this stories length, this happened last month a couple weeks before Christmas. I am also typing this from my iPhone, so please disregard minor misspellings. Thanks. I am stationed in Italy, and am renting a house from an old Italian gentleman. He speaks a jumbled bunch of English, and ...

The Train Driver by Subtle_Poetics

This is the second instalment in my series of supernatural occurrences. My mother, let us call her Maura, takes the lead in this story as she does in the vast majority of these tales. It is her desire that these occurrences be appropriately documented and explored before she grows old and forgets. ...

August Ritual 2011 by aussiedaz

I thought it was time to come back here and share another story with you all. My mother died in August 2009 from cancer and since that time, my mother has been back to see me on a number of occasions. In August 2010 and some of the months prior, I had some of the most amazing and profound spiritua...

The Passing Of A Friend by ReliquiasVeritae

Life is a very funny thing. It's here one minute and gone the next. It's laughter and tears. It's hello and goodbye. We all hope that it will be long, but for some of us, it's cut short -- painfully short. My friend Alex "Stoska" Staroska committed suicide on November 29, 2010. It was a shock to eve...

Hi Grandpa by teneki

First a little history, my Grandpa died before I was ever born so I never got to meet him. I've told in my previous account what happened to me at my parents' house, I became aware of this occurrence around the same time. As a lot of people do, I used to stay over at my Grandma's a lot, at least...

The Face In The Garden by Subtle_Poetics

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am from Northern Ireland. I am studying to be a journalist. I will clear something first, I have not personally witnessed anything paranormal except in minor cases. I am reporting stories from my family and my closest friends in whose truthfulness I personall...

The Boogeyman by jessy_tor3

I truly believe that young children and animals can see things we adults cannot, mainly because of the stories my mother told me when I was around 18 months to 2 years old. This happened to me when I lived in Florida, I currently live in New York now. I still have strange occurrences happen to me to...

Seeing George And Last Goodbye by gemini414

I would say I've only had 2 paranormal experiences in my life time. The first was with a ghost my family liked to call George. I really never had any feelings as a child that there was something around me, but growing up me and my brother were always told, by my mother, that we had a ghost and hi...

Why Is She Still On Earth? by Snowy23

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Anyway, I'm back after being off for a few months. This experience happened about a week ago when I was at my grandmothers. My grandma had recently died so the whole family was at her house going over the memorial service plans. There's a table about 10 feet fro...

My Great Aunt Came Back by anihilator123

This isn't long but here goes. Basically I was sitting in my room reading a book and I just happened to look up to take a break when I saw something white go past my door. I ran to the door and called out, everybody was downstairs. Now I have no idea what it was but my mom said she had seen my au...

First Ghost Story by Cupcake13

So as you can tell I'm new to this and I'm not a very good describer but I'll try. My first experience didn't happen to me but I was still in the house. It was the night my grandfather died when I was 6 and my eldest brother decided to sleep with my Nan upstairs in the spare room. It had two beds...

The Start Of The Paranormal World For Me by olivia1988

I am glad I have found a website where I can tell my experiences to and not be laughed or mocked at. Things started when my grandmother passed away, not to myself but my younger sister at first, whom was probably to young to remember the experience but was able to tell my mother the morning after, t...

Grandparents Trying To Contact Me? by str23

This has literally just happened within the last hour, I am currently in an state of emotional wreck as I don't quite know what to make of it all. But I'm sure what I just felt was real. Basically, before my grandparents both died and when I was quite young, they invested some money for me (called p...

My Half Brother Mike by quixoticqt

I was 5 months pregnant and I hated every month of it. On May 25th (I remember it being a Wednesday) I felt unusually uncomfortable. I was woken up around 2 something in the morning like someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw nothing there. Being kind of irked I was thinking, "OMG, I hav...

Reminiscence Of A Past Long Concealed by BriBri

As I am waiting out this "Witches curse" that you can find out about by reading my earlier story, I've decided to pass time by recounting an earlier ghostly encounter I had experienced. Long ago when I was about 7, I lost my Grandmother to pancreatic cancer. Everyone in my family was upset, but ...

Do I Experience Things Because Of My Ancestors? by Watchful

If you haven't read it yet, my previous story tells of my currents paranormal experiences. I have read on here that many people's experiences or abilities run in their families, or have some sort of family tie. My running question is this: could my ancestors be influencing my current situation or is...

My Dogs Doppelganger by haylzxx

This happened to me a week ago, I was in my kitchen at about 9pm making myself a sandwich when I glanced up to look at the doorway which was to my right I saw what I thought was my dog I instantly looked back at the sandwich and glanced back up again to say to 'cookie' (my dog) "smell food can you?"...

The Robin by c-man

When my Granddad died I was only 6 weeks old. I only met him a few times. Ever since he died there has always been a robin in our garden. It is very friendly. I see it nearly every day. He loved nature and his favorite bird was the robin. It is strange. I feel happy that its there because I think ...

Grandma Warned Me by geetha50

I typed this as soon as I got the chance, so that I wouldn't forget the details. In previous stories, I mentioned that I got the same gift as my mother and grandmother. I'm able to sense the paranormal though my other senses and most of the time when I'm in a relaxed state like when I'm sleeping or ...

Is My Daughter Seeing Her Great-nan? by HayleyN

I need some advice regarding a few unexplained goings on in my flat mainly concerning my little girl who is 18 months old. She has been standing in the hall looking into the front room and waving at something/someone however we can't see who or what she is waving at. The first time she did this I...

The Protector Outside by Tempe_Toxic

Being young! So close to being a teenager and having the rights that teenagers do that you could taste it. Those were the times. I had waited my whole life for this, I was finally over the fire from several years back and I was ready. Ready to be home alone. Watch what I wanted to. Sing as loud as I...

Grammy by mairead

Ghosts love me. They always have. I have a lot of stories of paranormal experience, ranging from the merely strange to the truly frightening, but this one is sweet. It is my only sweet one. About four years ago, my grandmother got very sick and had to go live in a nursing home, so my family took i...

Good Morning, Auntie by BlueZeeh

A few years ago, in 1996, I was going to go to sleep, since I was going to kindergarten the next day. I had done all my work and packed up. I felt dizzy, as usual, and fell asleep. It was 8:30 at the time, for your information. I woke up at 3 AM, and left my bed to make a little sandwich. (I was...

Maybe It's Just My Grandfather by MuFox

Few years ago, my grandfather died (my father's father) because of sickness. My aunts and uncles went home (brothers and sisters of my father) so as other relatives, friends and neighbours to attend his wake. His remains were placed in a coffin and stayed in the house for few days. My father was loo...

Crisis Apparition by shellzy

I have been witness to many paranormal experiences in my life but one experience certainly stands out in my mind involving what I believe to be a crisis apparition. This is an apparition that quite often visits people in forewarning of a death. It was July 1997, I was 19 years old and I had not ...

Great Grandfather by Tempe_Toxic

Ten years old, ten and I had never once lost someone close to me. But every day of my life I faced spirits of those who were lost by someone else. It made me sad for these people. It also personally fascinated me. These poor people who the very last time they would see there loved ones would be at t...

Auntie Saying Farewell by Silvarina

This story will have a long intro, with nothing really happening in the beginning, but it is necessary to understand the circumstances in which this weird thing occurred. It happened over 3 years ago. It was a normal day in the beginning of the school year. The whole day I felt a bit awkward, but...

Thank You, Grandpa For Visiting Me by HauntMe

A few weeks or less ago, I was visiting my mother and doing laundry. We sat at the kitchen table talking about whatever. Over time, I always talk to my mom about paranormal stuff and she seems to accept my interest. She told me her story, that when I was a baby she was putting me into my crib and ...

Midi & Tori by Kuroyuki

I will tell you about my two friends Midi and Tori. They were the most energetic boys I had ever met. All those that knew them say they were really bad. But to me they were the most misunderstood kids. Midi and Tori were always getting into trouble in school but it was never his fault. He was bullie...

A Stranger In The Night? by lochness

I was around 7 years old when I had my first encounter with the paranormal. My father had just left home, and I was devastated, I was very close to him and believe it was the reason it all started. I was staying with my aunt for a while, along with my younger sister. It was a bungalow set in the ...

My Grandma Visiting Me by nichola

I was 25 and had just moved back to my parent's house for a few months before starting a new job and relocating a couple of hours east. Within 3 weeks I lost my 30 year old cousin to a car accident and my grandma that I had not seen for over 12 years. You see we had moved out of my native country wh...

Is My Uncle Trying To Tell Me Something? by Gemma-Lou

Ive been reading the experiences on this site for about a year now and I'm getting more and more interested about the paranormal. I'd really like some opinions on my experience as I have tried to talk to my friends about it and I think theyre starting to think I'm going a bit loopy! I'll start f...

My Knight In Shining Armor by Victoria_Sky

I was raised around my mothers side of the family and I was extremely close to her dad, I loved him and he was my everything. He was the one who saved me from everything, who spoiled me and as he stated I was his PRINCESS. He played with my hair to put to sleep and he would sing to me. My sophmore...

A Special Visit From Dad On His Birthday by weezyluva808

Just a little back ground before I start my story, I have 4 brothers and 1 sister. I and my sister were very close to our dad growing up. He spoiled us rotten! We lived with him on and off through out the years due to my parents divorce. The last time we lived with him was right before he passed. He...

A Special Bond by geetha50

I thought this over several times before posting this story as I didn't know what the reaction was going to be. But as usual, I would like to know what my fellow posters think. As usual, my story is long because I have added explanations. So here is my story: Recent stories on this site got me re...

Just One Last Kiss by Vanessanda

My mum passed peacefully in her sleep in April 2005. She was the glue that helped keep the family together. She was the most spiritual person in the entire family. My mum died in Australia where the family migrated to back in the late 50s. I was here in Athens, Greece when she passed. I got one of t...

My Sister, Dog And Cat In Spirit by Shenny

Having come from a long line of mediums, growing up with spirit was perfectly normal and I thought everyone else was the same. I would regularly see spirit animals and on the odd occasion see spirits to. At a young age, none of it frightened me that came much later. My eldest sister died at the ...

The Letter by OhMyGoshThatWasScary

Let me start of by saying I've never believed in spirits or ghosts. But something happened last night and now I am for sure a "believer". My boyfriend has been telling me about this "shadow" that he has been seeing in his room. He said that he'll just be sitting in his computer chair doing homework ...

Tatay by donna74ph

I had so many paranormal experiences that I don't even know which one to start talking about but I decided to start with this. I've always been sensitive to seeing things but not on a regular basis. I feel I am more sensitive with the presence of death, that is why I always avoided going to wakes. ...

Robin, I Have To Tell You Something by RLea91

My name is Robin. I am 20 years old and have been experiencing things since march of 2008. I lost my maternal grandfather March 20, 2008. It hurt so bad for so long, as I was very close with him. About a week after he died I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked to se...

My Dad Is At It Again by buttercup4

I submitted a story several months ago about a long conversation I had with my deceased father one night. Since then, things have been exactly as he said they would be. Life has gotten harder. But, I think he's doing exactly what he said he would do. He said he would be right there with me. I have...

My Daughter Sees Them by mhalditah

This happened when my daughter was I guess 2 or 3 years old in my Mom's previous house. I and my daughter moved to my Mom's house when I got separated and when my uncle (with his family) took over my grandma's house (they also took care of my grandma and grandpa). I am not close with my other uncle ...

Was It My Maternal Uncle? by priyakolkataproperties

It was the first paranormal experience in our life. Yes, it only happened to my mom and myself. This incident happened on the time of 1987, when I was only 5 years old and my younger maternal uncle died by a serious road accident. He was truly lovable person, very intelligent. On 1986 he had passed ...

Final Goodbye? by jetaimeteamo

Since posting my last story, I had an overwhelming response! Thanks to those people who replied and helped with any information if the event re-occurs. That story was for help, this story is for enjoyment! Now, this isn't my story, it's my mothers. And this was about 2 weeks after her Nanna had pas...

Ghostly Smell? by haylzxx

I haven't had many paranormal experiences but the few times I have had one it's left me wondering about what really happens after death. The experience I'm writing about happened to me when I was 13 years old. I was staying at my Mother's flat for the weekend, which only had one bedroom so I slept o...

Grandmom Still Cares by mhalditah

I was my grandma's favorite grandchild because I am the eldest granddaughter. They gave me the nickname Apple because I was her apple of the eye and I had naturally red cheeks and really chubby when I was baby. My mom got separated from my dad when I was still in her womb then she got married to ano...

My Great Grandmother's Old House by jrthompson

Almost eight years ago, me and my Family, got my great-grandmother's house from her will. The weird things didn't start happening until about four years ago. I was laying in my bed at about 2:03 am, I was previously asleep but I woke up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, I lied on my bed......

The Moving Shoes by Sweeternity

This experience didn't exactly happen to me, but I was involved in a way. My boyfriend of two years lives in a 159 year old house in Utah; built by his great-great (I don't know how many 'greats') grandfather in the 1800's. He lived there alone because his father re-married after his mother died...

Scent Of Roses And Lilacs by cherokeekydd

There are only a few in my family that I know of that ever has this to happen to them. When I was younger, one of my aunts and her husband drove and 18 wheeler cross-country. My aunt had been having some health problems and while she had a few days off she made a doctor's appointment. After making t...

My Daughter The Angel by smurf5584

Back in 1986 we were living in a tiny one bedroom apartment in the Miami area with our brand new baby daughter. My daughter always seemed to be really fussy at night. So one night when she was being extra fussy, I decided to grab her, some pillows and a blanket and head to the living room. We both f...

Have I Opened Myself Up To Something Spiritual? by LittleRock

I don't quite know what to call this submission because it is not a story as such, but more a collection of random events. I live in quite an old house (115 years old approx) and I suppose it is quite eerie. My parents bought it some 21 years ago shortly after the previous occupant, a lady called D...

Poodle Came Back After 17 Years by houselisa

I had a toy poodle named Satin, growing up and approx. 21 years she passed away, we were all heart broken. My parents never did get another pet as they found it too hard once those pets leave us. About 3 years ago my oldest son was staying at their house for three months while they were in Florida...

Strange Dreams And Hidden Meanings? by MrsCollett

I don't know what to make of this but when I tell people about it they find it fascinating. When I was pregnant with my daughter I would have these reoccurring dreams that would involve my late Great-Grandmother standing before me but some distance away holding the number 23, behind her stood my ...

Visitor For My Baby Son by ScorpioGirl

This story took place only a few months back, when my son was a little baby around 5 months old. In my son's cot is a Winnie the Pooh mobile that is attached to the side of the cot and hangs down over the sleeping baby. When you wind the mobile up, the toys spin around in a circle and make a soft ti...

An Angel, Ghost Or Coincidence? by sophiestuds

I've never written a story on here before, and I've been meening to since last year. I thought I'd submit one now as something really creepy went on! I don't know if it's a ghost story, I feel like it's an angel but? The other day me, my Mum and my Nana were sat in my nana's house. She lives i...

Guardghost by champion

I wrote a childhood experience awile back titled "My First EVP" that started by saying I recently had an experience that brought back childhood memories and I was asked what happened that brought back the memories? It had been many years since anything that couldn't be explained had happened to me a...

A Shadow Visitor by Vatishi

A few years after my experience with my Nan (as explained in my previous story) I was standing behind the counter of the clothing store where I used to work when I was 19. I was talking to one of my co-workers about how my Grandpa (my father's, father) had passed that week. He had been diagnosed wit...

Wakeup Call From A Grandfather by No_Peeking

When I first started dating my current boyfriend 6 years ago, he was telling me about his family one afternoon since I would be spending Thanksgiving with them for the first time in Pennsylvania. While he was telling me about his grandfather (whom he loved very much) a thought popped into my head "H...

Gray Mist On An Old Farm In October: Nellie? by BeaW

It was a sunny late October day many years ago. After a Sunday dinner at Grandma's, we decided to drive about 25 miles into the countryside to visit a great aunt and uncle who lived on an old farm along a ravine. It was a lovely drive on a balmy afternoon. The leaves were crimson, gold and bronze; t...

Missed Dinner by KimSouthO

As my husband and I raised our family, we were lucky to meet a couple who would become very dear friends. Eileen and I would even trade baby sitting favors as our children were not that far apart in age. As our families grew and evolved, we enjoyed many barbeques together, we belonged to a lot o...

Ants In The Bed by wifey4lifey

This experience happened while my husband and I were in New Orleans after our Aunt Rita passed away while she was on vacation in St. Lucia. Aunt Rita's body had been in St. Lucia for about 3-4 weeks because of custom issues with transferring a body out of the country. My husband and I stayed at he...

Grandfather's Visit by BeautInside

This is the first time I share my story with so many people (except for my husband and a very close friend nobody knows about it). I always get a little touchy when I talk about it, now more than ever as I came to find a few things that left some questions unanswered (but that's another story). ...

Mysterious Tucking In by EvilMadness

To those who read my other story you'd have known that it wasn't my 1st time. But this is! Okay; so this was when I was 3 years old and my Dad worked shifts at night. My Mum told me about this but I faintly remember the experience. So here goes... It was about 3am and my mum came up to go to bed ...

Heavenly Scent by Akatsuki07

It was September 2009 when the wife of the eldest brother of my father died of cancer. When she was still alive, she was known in their place because of her hospitality and kindness. She was also the closest to my mother among my mother's "aberat" (aberat is a term here in the Philippines used to ca...

Even After Death, She Still Watched Over Us by Vatishi

This particular experience occurred while I was still living at my parent's house in Perth, Western Australia and it started a few days before my Nan's funeral. She had had a major stroke the week previous and never woke up. When I found out that my Nan had died, it finally sunk in. I hadn't cop...

Granny Is With Me by Silvermoon

My Granny and Granddad both passed away years ago now. I'm not sure exactly how long, maybe 15 years for my Granddad and 10 years for my Granny. I was in my kitchen just making a bottle for my little girl when I opened the cupboard where her bottles are kept, and could distinctly smell my Granny....

New Again by Johnboy

My Dad had been sick with a lung condition for 2 weeks before he passed. It was all so sad and unreal that he was gone. He died on the 17th June, 2011. After the funeral, his ashes were put in the ocean like he wished. He had been an avid sailor and loved the ocean. I tossed the heavy jug like clay ...

A Touch by cherokeekydd

My grandma lived in an old two-story house in Oklahoma. My sisters, cousin, and I pretty much grew up there. The upstairs rooms always seemed creepy to the four of us. We never wanted to go up there, it always seemed that someone was hiding and watching when we would go up there. It has been tol...

The Flashlight by TryToFigureItAllOut

I have always believed my deceased father has been popping in and out of my house to check up on me. There are multiple signs to show that it is him and no other spirit. And to test this out, I got out a small flashlight from my kitchen's drawer. If you've watched Ghost Hunters, you would know this ...

Granpa Saved Me From Crashing by Waggon

This is my second story on here, and I would just like to share something that happened to me last week which still gives me goosebumps to think about. I live in Scotland - it rains alot! So driving home from my new temporary administration job, the typical Scottish summer was in full swing - it ...

The Last Goodbye And The Night Guest by PrettyInPain

The following experiences are mainly my mother's. The first experience took place in Missouri, where my mother lived at the time. She was pretty young, about ten years old, and her grandmother was in the hospital. Things weren't looking too good for her grandma, so her mother was in the hospital too...

Comforting Me... Thanks Grandma by bri_bewitched

One night I was out hanging out with my friends at a school dance. My boyfriend was at the dance too, but he was with his friends. One of my boyfriend's friends came up to me and asked, "How would you feel if your boy friend broke up with you?" Then I said, "I wouldn't care, its his life." When the ...

My Little Room Mate by Chella

2 seconds before he died my dad came clean about his affair with Judith. Judith had died from childbirth and so did the child which was my dad's. I was there when he died and my mum was on night shift with her work. That night I got woke up by screaming (I was 10 years of age) and I walked out of my...

Sharon Is Always Around by manda85

I go to Savannah for my birthday every year. I had bought a book called Haunted Savannah. Well I was writing all the places I wanted to go the next day on a piece of paper on a clip board that had a pen hooked on it. It was getting really late and my boyfriend was asleep, and I just dropped my clipb...

My Dead Rabbit Making His Presence Known by KelcKelc

I had this rabbit named Spot. I had known him since he was first born and he was a great pet. He was also very sweet. Every day when I came home he would stick his nose through the bars of his cage and let me pet him. But a few months ago, when I got back from school, he was dead. My whole family is...

My Grandad's Final Wish by bigryan020192

I have been sensitive to the paranormal world ever since I can remember. I'm not saying I am psychic or anything, but I have seen and heard things that I cannot explain and I am a very firm believer. For example: I have seen my step-grandad sat in his favorite seat when I went to my great grandma's ...

My Dead Grandfather Visited Me by lillithx33

This story takes place after my grandfather had passed away from stomach cancer in 2004. To be honest he wasn't my biological grandfather, but he took care of me like one. It was years since his death and I was visiting my grandmother. I always felt as if I was being watched, but I was too scare...

My Childhood Experience by smartwater

This story started when I was 8. I had this dream about my older cousin, Ricky. (who was 14 at that time) In my dream, I saw him walking so I followed him but he kept telling me to go back and that I can't go with him but I didn't listen and kept following him. He walked and walked and walked, it se...

My Dead Twin Brother by Shayneigh

When I was born, I was born a fraternal twin meaning one being a guy the other a girl. My brother, Kevin, was born with left heart syndrome. Meaning the left side of his heart was never properly formed or something like that. On the night we were born we refused to sleep in different bassinets, I kn...

I'm Glad You're Happy by ghost28

Four months ago I had my cat of eighteen years put to sleep. I had prayed and prayed for a sign that he was okay now. And yesterday, my prayer was answered. I have a new little kitten named Pursey and because I have a dog who doesn't really like cats, Pursey is not aloud to go down stairs. Anyway...

A Scent Of Happiness by The_Haunted

Im 13 old boy and live in Ireland. I'm going to tell you some facts before I tell you what my story is. My grandmother had died 6 years before this story happened and she always loved my mother very much. It might have been our imaginations as it was really early (06:00). I have never been good at w...

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