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Ghost stories from United States: Page 10

Our Apartment Is A Paranormal Playground by Lilwolf

In the last month or so we have had so much activity in our house it's nuts, and I have no clue why! There has been no real changes in our house other than a couch was given to us by my mom and I know nothing is attached to it. But they are running rampant. First of there is a ghost, spirit ...

Shadow Figure Running Away When Light Turned On by DandK

A few nights ago, I had a scared feeling in my bedroom that made me feel like I needed to immediately turn on the bedside light. I frantically reached over and touched the lamp (touch light) and when the light came on, I saw a shadow figure streak across the bedroom from the bed, towards the treadmi...

Shadow Woman/spiderman by T-Logan

One night I was coming home from a party at around 2am. As I was walking through the yard, I saw a shadow of a woman with long hair in my mom-in-law's bedroom window. I thought it was her so I didn't think anything of it at first. The next morning I walked into her room to ask if she waited up f...

Demonic Bird by michelle97

During my freshman year of college in an all girl dorm, roommate and I lived in an interior room meaning there were no windows- so we kept a faint night light so we didn't kill ourselves if we went to the bathroom at night. Our beds were lofted with the desks underneath- we were high enough up that ...

Spirit In My Bedroom? Somebody Help Me? by hellokitty123

I'll make this as short as possible. The signs: * Whenever I go to sleep I feel that something is poking me? Poking my whole body? It's very softly. Something also touches my hair too. This has been happening for maybe 2 years. I get really scared sometimes so I go sleep in the living room somet...

The Irish Brigade by AugustaM

I was put in mind of this experience and provoked to write it down to share by Spockie's experience "Band of Runners". I was 8 or 9 years old at the time and was visiting the Grand Canyon area with my father and brother. We were staying in an old 3 story walk-up motel (the kind that is only one ...

Seeing A Ghost For The First Time by Abigails413

I remember this very vividly because until this day it sends chills down my spine. You see, my childhood home was very haunted but I didn't become aware of this until I turned 9 and in the 3rd grade. In order to explain what happened clearly, I have to let you know how the house was set up and wha...

It Watches by trinity98

I have had multiple experiences with the paranormal before my mother died. However once she died and it seemed the activity picked up with the darker entity that I call the black figure. My first memory that I can remember of the figure is when I was about 4 or 5 (back when my mother was alive). I...

The Discord Spirit by Krom1987

Krom once again, and it's been awhile since I've needed to come on here for answers (previous comments were very helpful with my last submission like a year ago so thank you to everyone who had helpful information). As previous readers will remember, my wife had recently been bequeathed an old antiq...

The Rising Star, Indians Drums, And Singing by RoamCuriously

I have 2 experiences I want to share that I personally feel tie into each other and that recently I can't get off my mind. The first is a UFO that I feel is linked to the Native drumming and singing. After I tell the story I want to go into some background of the life on the farm because after readi...

Astral Projection And Mom's Message by CuriousDee

First, a big thank you to Miracles for the help and encouragement regarding sharing this experience. This isn't a typical ghost story, but I hope you'll find it interesting regardless... A little background; I started astral projecting almost 5 years ago. The first time it happened was completely...

The New Condo - Pt. 2 by TheLightFatedGirl89

**This is part two of a recount of my family's experiences over a few years in a condo we lived in - for background see part 1.** As time went on, the feelings of being watched turned into being followed around the house very closely - like the person was right behind me, almost stepping on my he...

Red Orb In Bedroom by PinkSparkle

Last night I went to bed early, my husband was in the living room as he stayed up to watch tv and my son was in the office on his computer. I went to sleep only to be awoken by a red orb. The Orb was hovering over my bed about 4 feet above me. It appeared 3 dimensional about 7 inches round. It l...

Remnants/humanoid Shadow Figures by SylvianStarz

Every few months these black shadowy figures appear either on the corner nearby or across the street from my house. I believe that something horrible has happened on that corner, leading to my calling them Remnant. They are completely black, tall, and have appeared to look male. No features like a f...

Childhood Tormentors by Illuminati322

In 1986 my parents purchased and moved into a house. It was an older home and had been inhabited before. I have heard that during the 1970's it was owned by the boys basketball coach from the local high school; supposedly he was a pederast and was fired for making advances towards his team members. ...

Spirit Voice On Beach by Berggraf38

This is my first time writing on this site. I've been reading for almost a year since I had a few paranormal experiences after my dad passed away almost a year ago. I'll save those for later though. I'm going to start with an earlier experience, one that happened 20 years ago when I was was 22. I've...

Bathroom Visitors And Moving Toys by saxichan_2002

My niece came over the other day to have dinner with us. My mom needed someone to give her a ride to ballet class as well. When we were finished eating dinner I sent her to the kids' bathroom to change into her ballet outfit so that we could get ready to head to her ballet practice. It seemed to ...

Shadow People And Weird Happenings by Theblackrose28

First off, I would like to apologize in advance for how long this story is, these are several events that happened over a few years. My name is Rose, and I am in high school, the first experience happened when I was 5. I had just moved into a new house in a different part of Indiana, a move that ...

Band Of Runners by Spockie

I had a lot of paranormal things happen in my life when I was a child up until I got married and moved away. Not so many things happen to me anymore, and I believe it is because the place where I grew up (not only the house but the whole area), was a sort of paranormal hot spot; a portal, if you wil...

The New Condo - Pt. 1 by TheLightFatedGirl89

**This is a recount of my family's experiences over a few years in a condo we lived in. Because of all the events we experienced, there will be two parts to this story, this is part one.** I grew up mainly in apartments, but my mother always had a dream of owning her own home. Back then we lived ...

Always At Bedtime by AugustaM

As most of you know by now, my apartment overlooks a lovely little park that serves not only as a refreshing green space in the city but also a buffer from the busy street. It's real raison d'etre, however, is for what is to be found beneath the ground. It is a mass grave. In 1855, the steam shi...

Spirit Likes Me? - Please Help? by Yaboigoo

Lately I've dabbled with contacting a certain spirit (will not say who) via EMF and ever since that day I've had weird encounters. I feel like these tickle-like touches on my face, hands, as well as my legs and feet. I always feel like fingers are lightly touching my hair and dragging them down a...

Attacked By Ghost Cat? by Jazz2Jess

I've lived in the same house for 19 years and for almost that long we have had a ghost cat that kneads on the bed sporadically. I've had houseguests that have also experienced the same sensation. Lately, however, my spouse and I have both been glimpsing small black shapes very briefly, maybe once...

Temporary Blindness by CuriousDee

I remembered this incident after talking with my brother about our grandparents' house recently. Technically, they are my step-grandparents, but I'm sure some of you will agree that "blood isn't always thicker than water". My grandmother is a wonderfully fierce, Italian firecracker crammed into ...

Dark Beings Haunting Me by PaigeC

I am really going out on a limb here because I feel like people who are on this site won't think I'm crazy. So here it goes. I feel like I cannot get away from spirits and it has been this way since I was very young. Growing up, in our home in Arizona I used to tell my parents about "the people dow...

Red Hood by blopski

I swear that every word is true as best as I can remember. I am 24 years old and this happened when I was about 13-14 years old and my brother was 16-17, it was mid May and we had only been in our new house for about a year. So my brother and I were up late for some reason, it was about 2 A.M. And w...

Noisy Night - Barking Dog And Voice In The Baby Monitor by saxichan_2002

Last night I was playing on my computer in my bedroom for some down time. The door was open into the living room. I have the baby monitors on so I can hear the kids. My dog was sitting at my feet. I'm checking e-mail. Everyone else is asleep. It's quiet. It's peaceful. Suddenly the dog just start...

Hallway Shadow Figures by TheLightFatedGirl89

One of my earliest experiences started with an apartment my parents moved us into. Just a regular two bedroom apartment in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. It had a large living room with a long highway that connected the front living room and kitchen to two bedrooms and two bathrooms on the other e...

Never Knew Why by EddieR

My story begins in Boise, Idaho, in the summer of 1960 when I was six years old. My aunt moved to Boise from Greenville, New York that summer and the was no spare bedroom for her so my parents moved the bunk beds my younger sister and I shared from our bedroom to an odd shaped hall that was full ...

Driving Me Crazy by frank601

I moved in this house 11 years ago. The first experience I had was down in my tool room. I had just bought a $20 tin snip at Home Depot. I was about to hang it on one of the hooks, it slipped out of my hand and made the sound metal on concrete. I bent down to pick it up. It was gone. I tore ever...

Haunted House, Sleep Paralysis, Shadow People by rachelgrace7798

I remember being on this website when I was in middle school. I started to write a post back then but I didn't know if anyone would take me seriously because I was young. I am 19 now and recently have had more things happen so I thought it was a good time to write this. I will try to sum it up as be...

Noises And Unexplained Happenings In Old Victorian: Year 1 by virulentpeach

For three years, I rented different rooms in an old Victorian home in suburban Massachusetts, built in 1890. Due to changing roommate circumstances, and the fact that the house was split up by floor for different family sizes and the two units were separated from one another, I was required to move ...

Military Men Of The Queen Mary by southcaliguy

My name is George, and this so happens to be my first time writing/telling my story to the public in any fashion outside of family members and close friends. I have nothing to hide so feel free to ask any questions you may have after reading this. My experience takes place aboard The Queen Mary in L...

Bandana Of A Thing by saxichan_2002

While sitting in the kitchen, eating Steak and Shake, I look up to see 2 bandanas that are tied to the pantry cabinet doors blowing like wind is moving them up from an undercurrent. My husband is around the corner where he can't see this happening, blowing his nose. I figure it's the a.c. Or wind so...

Continuing Strange Events by MaggieMay_Not

If you read my previous story, 'Thieving Critters' you will know that fairly recently, I had an issue with at least 1, probably 2, entities in a hotel. I am very much afraid that whatever that/they were they followed me home. Y'all can probably guess I don't scare/spook or fuss easily about dead...

Pdx Punk Scene by BettinaMarie

When I was young and scrappy, I lived in a lovely, large home in North Portland's historically "redlined" Dekum neighborhood. I have no clue when the home was built, or who lived there before I shared the house in the early 2000's. All six-eight housemates were artists or activists of some sort,...

Possibly Friendly Entity And Others by Seeing11

Let's just get right into it. For the past few months I've had weird little things happen at night. I would be laying in bed, and slowly but surely I would start feeling a weight press onto my back and down onto the mattress, and then a pressure draped around my side. (I'm a side sleeper.) I would t...

The Wendigo by Artesthesia

There is no easy way to tell the tale of facing a wendigo. I won't give my name away so my name will be Alex due to the severity of this story. Before you read on know one detrimental detail, this story is 100 percent true without over-exaggeration. So please without further wait, let's begin my hor...

Grandmother Comes To The Rescue by andersongail

I have never written anything on this site before, but I have always been interested in the paranormal and have read many of your stories. Anyway, my sister and I were out on a Saturday morning visiting the graves of our parents and grandmother. My grandmother is buried in a church cemetery way ...

My Brother's Trick by moonshadowsmom

This story took place in February 2018 in a suburb of Oklahoma City. My brother, "John," had a stroke at the end of December, which left him unable to speak understandably. He had been a heavy smoker, which probably contributed to the stroke. I didn't visit him often before the stroke because I have...

Random Sounds by svvar

I was inspired and brought to nostalgia by a comment I read on a story by another member. It made me reflect and rethink on the house that I lived in growing up with my parents... I thought, hey maybe all these little things are something? Maybe not. I mentioned before that I have heard experien...

A Comforting Nurse by Lilwolf

When I was about twenty years old my grandpa became very sick. He had a lung disease and it was taking its toll very quickly. He was at home when suddenly he passed out. His breathing was raspy and short so my grandma called an ambulance. He was taken to the closest hospital, only to be sent to ...

The Kid In My Basement by Phoenix35

The house that I live in now with my family has an unfinished basement. This is the first house we've ever lived in that had a basement because they were not common in homes in the little town in New Mexico where we are originally from. This basement has always been creepy to me. Most likely because...

The Cat Who Jumps On My Bed At Night by moonshadowsmom

This is the first story I have submitted here. It takes place in three cities: Norman, Oklahoma; Lexington, Kentucky; and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It begins in the 1990s and continues to the present. I had a cat named Moonshadow, a silver Persian who was just gorgeous. He was the most dog-like ca...

Visit From A Fallen Soldier by MNgirl97

This story takes place around D-Day (June 1944). When my Grandpa was a young boy (no older than 10), his uncle was in WWII, and one of the thousands who died on the European beach fronts (not sure if Omaha or not). However, the story of his death also takes place in the bedroom of my young Grandad (...

WWII Shipyard Worker? by BettinaMarie

For ten years I rented a tiny home in a neighborhood built to house workers of industrial shipyards. These houses pretty much all look alike. From my living room a double window looks out exactly over the cement porch steps. At some point I became aware, in certain afternoon light, of someone "comin...

Visit From Grandad/dreams? by MNgirl97

This is my first story. I'm not regularly affected by the paranormal, but it makes the experiences I do have very memorable. I'd really appreciate any input (positive/helpful comments only please) about what I've experience. Thank you! A blurb about myself: I'm 20 years old and currently in colle...

Peripheral Vision by spiritwaiting

This won't really be a long experience, but just a few more things to add. Yesterday, 3 times I saw something moving in my peripheral from the right side. The first 2 were quite quick and looked smaller than the usual height they have been, from any thing I've seen before. The first one moved ...

My Night Last Night by Mommy2one

NEED HELP PLEASE! So I have always believed in the supernatural but NEVER HAVE I EVER experienced something until last night. Around 2:20AM my boyfriend woke me up and told me he was going to go in the back room with his mom. His brother and sister had come over to hang out and he was going to g...

House Recently Built Near Unmarked Graves by Metalluthier

To begin, I'm not a professional story teller or writer. This stuff did happen and I absolutely detest people who make up stories or deceive for attention. In 2002 my mom and stepdad bought a house in the neighborhood I grew up in (after living in an apartment and splitting custody with my dad fo...

I Am Christian. What Was This? by helloimhere

Please approve this. I am a Christian and need help. I am a woman by the way, in college. I have had sleep paralysis only a handful of times. They have been terrifying experiences but don't last very long. I begin speaking in tongues (something I can't even do in real life) and the spirits scream...

He Kissed Me by Phoenix35

My name is Shauna and this is my first paranormal story submission (ever). I have many stories that are short, to the point, and just unexplainable. It's was a summer Sunday afternoon. I rarely get the chance to nap so when opportunity presented, I took advantage. A little back story; My husba...

Do I Miss It Being Here? - No! by Marymom

I always felt something unsettling in the 110-year-old house I moved into with my husband & babies in 1991, especially in the basement, which has crumbly field stone walls, low, unfinished ceilings, and is creepy even when sunlight is shining through the small windows. I always felt watched in the b...

A Passover Guest? by sherm784

Here's a good one. I was born and raised Jewish and celebrate Passover as per tradition. For those not familiar to the story. Jewish people do not eat bread or any bread products for 8 days each April due to the suffering of their ancestors. I had been so busy this week that I had forgotten to c...

One Last Cuddle by CuriousDee

I was inspired to share my story by a few accounts I've read here on YGS regarding deceased pet visitations. So with that being said, here is the story of Scrappy. I was 20 when I got Scrappy. I had been wanting a dog after moving out of my parents house about a year prior. I wasn't sure what br...

Thieving Critters by MaggieMay_Not

Today is 3/30/2018. On 3/29/2018 I was spending the night at a hotel about 4 hours drive from my home. I'd driven out six hours, replaced 3 motherboards and 2 LCD's and driven back towards home about 2 hours when I found myself fighting the urge to close my eyes - while driving at 80 MPH that is not...

The Voice That Says My Name by Xaria

This happened to me back when I was very little and lived in a big house with my immediate family. I was probably around 4-5 at the time. My family and I were having a big celebration, so we had relatives come over. Later that night, only a few of my relatives were left, most of them had gone home. ...

Native American Bracelet by spiritwaiting

I know just about nothing of the Native American Heritage. My mother since I was little and can remember, has always told me stories of my "Father". The stories never change even in her condition now. He is a Native American/French Medicine man. Who from my mother's description was and could st...

Just A Cap-gun by SabishiTheRedfox

I'll never forget this... Around 2 years ago, my family (and a friend of mine) visited Gettysburg, Pa, one of the bloodiest sites of the Civil War. My friend and I walked around town, taking in the beautiful sites. We came across a museum of various Civil War-era items, such as a soldier's unifor...

The Time There Was A Hooded Figure In My Room by FarrenNeil

When I was 7 years old I woke up one morning and I saw something strange; a dark hooded figure was pacing back and forth across my room. Terrified, I stuffed my head in the pillow and pulled the covers over my head. 2 minutes later I lifted up my head and the figure was gone. To this day, I have no...

Piano Asking To Be Played by BettinaMarie

I have never claimed any psychic abilities, but I am of an opinion that we as a species just rarely use or rely on these senses in our safe, convenient, mechanical modern environments. Additionally, I have trusted friends who can straight-up see spirits. I never have seen a ghost with my eyes and th...

Broadway Metroplex Friendlies by BettinaMarie

Back when I was young and punk, I worked at a movie theatre in downtown, the Broadway Metroplex. The original Broadway Cinemas had been torn down to build a skyscraper where the new theatre was located. The new box office was on a street level corner. Past the doors behind it was an elevator and a w...

Heard Clearly My Husband Call For Me But He Didnt by Angeee10

My husband and I were at the car wash and went inside to wait for our car to get done. My husband went to the bathroom and I was sitting around the corner a ways. After a couple minutes, I heard him yell "babe"...I turned my head a tad in that direction as I wasn't sure if I really heard him. He...

Orbs In The Cemetery by MJK641

I always think back on this moment in my life and although I am older now I still strain to find the meaning of my experience. I was 12 years old and I often went to my friends house down the street. We took the back alley to each other's houses and between us was a cemetery that we were very used ...

I've Attracted A Ghost, And I'm Not Sure What To Do by dogfrog132

It's happened since I was eleven. I did some stupid stuff and attracted a ghost (too long to explain, haha). Long story short, there would be shadows (that shouldn't have belonged there), I'd have that horrible feeling of not being alone, etc. Keep in mind that I wasn't on medication, and I was cons...

The Day I Learnt My Lesson by YellowHawk

A little background before I start. I come from a Native American family and this story takes place when I was thirteen. I used to like riding my dirt bike out in the hills. I'd usually be out for hours, always returning when the sun started going down. On this one particular trip I was cruising...

New Experiences by spiritwaiting

I will begin with this, my family and I have recently moved into a nice little cozy home two blocks away from the last one. I knew it was ours when the first experience took place. So here goes... Coincidence is the only way I can describe this, but I don't believe in Coincidences only Univ...

Is It Real: Shadow Encounters by DirtCreature

Shadow people are a peculiar type of entity. I believe they can either be human or nonhuman and perhaps they are not able to manifest entirely so we see them as a blur generally with no or few discernible features. When I first begun seeing shadow people, I was a child in the evening fully awake and...

Encounter At Maple Hill Cemetery by MN_Wanderer

Last year (April 2017) after a particularly brutal semester of Graduate School, I decided to take a week off from work and spend it in Northeast Minnesota along the shores of Lake Superior. I spent the first half of my vacation in Duluth & Two Harbors doing some hiking, mountain biking and other act...

Abandoned Office Building Ghosts by sherm784

We work in the garment district of midtown Manhattan, where many generations of office workers have come and gone and accidents have happened over the years. Directly across from my boss's office is an abandoned floor space which has not tenants since we moved in here 5 years ago. Every once in ...

Unnatural Sound On Mt. St. Helen's by BettinaMarie

What happened in this story scared the bejeezies out of me, and seven years later I am getting creepy goosebumps trying to write it. Probably, it won't seem scary to readers. For us, it was very unnatural and frightening. If anyone could explain this or has experienced it, I would be grateful for yo...

Smorgasbord Of Paranormal Activity by saxichan_2002

We are experiencing a lot of different random paranormal things lately (for the past year) ever since my Mom's boyfriend died of cancer. For example: I woke up one night in our house to hear voices. It was a man and a woman. They said they were going to "wear us" (wear our skins) and skin walker...

The Soldier by Kitto

So when I was really little we lived in an old OLD house in Lafayette, Georgia. Like I said I was little so details about this place are iffy, and my mom finds my interest in the paranormal disturbing. So I can not ask her any questions. We lived kind of close to a battlefield, Chickmaga I think. (T...

My "imaginary" Friend by AnnieLouise

When I was younger, around 3, my dad was walking our dog in a park. My dad's side of the family has always been sensitive to ghosts and such, so he could tell something was following him, but he didn't put much thought into it, thinking it was just curious about the dog or something. When he got hom...

The Playful Morning Ghost In My Bathroom by saxichan_2002

My kids woke me up this morning. I came out with them into the living room. I realized I needed to use the restroom. I began to walk in the hallway near the restroom. As I'm near the door I see something out of the corner of my eyes and have to wait because I see two black feet/legs swinging back an...

Crying Woman At The Cottage by LuciaJacinta

My grandfather built a summer cottage in the countryside of Pennsylvania in the 1950s.       There was a community of these summer cottages along a picturesque creek. The cottage goers would get together for BBQs  and beer parties, card games and family reunions and turtle soup days. By t...

My Uncle's Mean Friend by MaggieMay_Not

I hadn't intended to share another story right now, as I have 'Window View' waiting for approval. Two coming out at once seemed excessive, but for some odd reason I'm feeling a nudge. First a bit of history. My father's family were caretakers of a very old cemetery in Kentucky for all of his grow...

The One Time I Got Scared by beckyr

I have always seemed to attract ghost/ paranormal activity/spirits whichever phrase or word you prefer to use to describe events. As a young child the one place we lived my best friend was a ghost of a 5 year old boy who had died in the house. Growing up there were always things happening sounds, si...

The Purple Flower Brooch by Xaria

This happened to my brother Joe when I was back in Elementary, probably when I was 7-8 years old. I remember the event vividly in my mind until this day. I lived with my 3 brothers, 1 other sister, and my parents. The rest of my siblings lived elsewhere with their spouses. Anywho, we lived in a dup...

School Hallway by stringer

My 13 year old daughter had a short term illness when she was 4 years old shortly after my father (her grandfather) had died. I was holding her in a family room chair and she started giggling and pointing up at a step into the kitchen. I asked her what she was laughing about and she replied, "It's P...

Window View by MaggieMay_Not

Greetings! I thought I'd share something from the day of the last funeral I attended. I've told y'all the story of my husband, in 'The Skeptic' and this will touch briefly on that. His grandmother died a while back and I was required to attend that funeral. No getting out of that one to prep the ...

The Black Mist by CuriousDee

I have already posted a few stories involving the house I grew up in and the resident spirit nicknamed "George". My two brothers and father still live there. The following incident was experienced by my brothers about 3 years ago. A quick description of the house location and layout: The hous...

My Closet Door by NEGuy

My story is pretty simple, although it might be a bit long-winded, so please bare with me. In the summer of 2002 I moved into a little apartment in a small town in Massachusetts. With the exception of the previous few months (thanks to lease complications with my former landlord) I had been out ...

Let Me Tell You About A Girl Named Abigail by Dangslow

Abigail was the first Spirit that I had ever seen. You can read a previous story of mine about that, she was the girl who ran through my living room. Before I met Abigail, I was a skeptic. My Wife and Son could both see Spirits easily, but I dismissed their stories of the girl... I thought their i...

My Great-grandmother's Secret And The Ruby Necklace by virulentpeach

My maternal great-grandmother was by all accounts a kind, but very unique, woman. She had an aversion to the sun, believed in Old World superstitions, and washed my infant grandmother's hair with lemon juice to keep bad spirits away and, of course, to preserve its infant blondness. She was fiercely ...

Terrorital Ghosts- Lacking Sleep by makenna2004

Things have been going on for awhile, but lately it has definitely increased. It started out this past summer with black shadows appearing before my boyfriend and brother, things moving with no explanation, and hearing walking or a girl's voice talking late at night. My brother on numerous occasio...

Cali by RedWolf

Tissue warning: I wrote a story awhile back about how after I had to euthanize a dog a message was sent me in a dream what my next dog would be. If you care to read it you can find it at It was heartbreaking to lose Niko as he was only ab...

"the Kids In My Closet Are Back" by Mermz

In the late summer of 2010, I was working from home as an artist in Greensboro, NC. My daughter had just started back to school and my nearly 3 year old son was home with me full time. It was a hot and muggy late morning and I left my son in his room playing with his toy cars while I went to the ...

The Kids Are In School by CuriousDee

I have posted a few stories regarding my childhood house which is still active (my father and 2 brothers still live there). This incident involved my mother and father back in the early 1990's and creeps me out to this day. My parents' house (I still call it that, however my mother passed away i...

Haunted College Dorm? by kellyg1198

Recently, the college I attend has announced it will be demolishing the dorm I live in within the next year. The dorm building was first built in the 1960's. I live in a suite style set up where 6 total girls share a living area but have separate rooms. A couple days after the announcement was m...

Shades Of White by herman

This incident happened about 1 month ago. It had been a long day and I was about to fix supper for my wife and I. She was in the bedroom folding clothes and I walked into the kitchen. We live in a "open environment" apartment. This means the counter with the sink runs between the kitchen and livin...

From Work To Home by Thor220

A couple months ago I posted a story about a possible haunting at my workplace called "Rural Workplace Haunting". And ever since then I have begun to notice some strange activity at home as well. One Saturday I had woke up in the morning and went downstairs to have breakfast, everything was normal. ...

Indian Chased My Friend Out Of The House by Dangslow

I live in an old Victorian home in a small town in Utah. Every year in the Spring there would be a big Mountain Man Rendezvous in the mountains to the east of my house. I have a friend who always went, but this particular year he asked me for a favor. He had a good job as an accountant in the city,...

A Young Girl Ran Through My Living Room by Dangslow

I live in an old Victorian house in a very small town. I have lots of stories I plan to tell, but one story stands out in particular. My seven year old Son and I were the only ones home one evening. My Wife had to work late and my five year old daughter was at a friends house. It was a chilly winte...

Heard A Coworker's Voice In My Head by sherm784

One of the phenomena I've heard of is that of "projection" or a living person's voice or essence being present when the person is not there. I had something similar to that happen. One of my colleagues at work is an older Indian lady of Guyanese decent. Let's call her Mary. She speaks softly, pe...

I Saw A Spirit As Clear And Solid As A Living Person by Dangslow

I had a job working at a secured military facility out in the remote Utah desert. When I was hired the man who trained me asked if I believed in ghosts, because if not, I would before I left the job. He was kind of strange though, just like the rest of us graveyard shift workers, so I never gave it ...

Ghost Or Anxiety? by MiDL00

I have experience many ghostly encounters, some not so great and others that weren't so bad. One that sticks out to me this day that now makes me question if it was even paranormal or just an anxiety attack. This particular experience happened when I was around 6 but didn't last too long. We moved...

It Wasn't Me, It Was George by CuriousDee

I've given a little background on my childhood home and the ongoing activity in my first story. This is an experience that scared and baffled me for years. It still does. The house I grew up in was active since day one of my family moving in (and still is). Immediately after moving in, my father ...

More Than Just A Shadow Man by Alvara_Jane

I've been reading stories on here since I was around 12 and have finally decided to post a few of my own. I guess I should start with some introductions: You can call me Ally, although that's not my real name. I'm an Empath, and I've had a lot of supernatural experiences, some of which I don't und...

A Friend In The Woods by indiglo

I grew up in an old farm house in the country - off the highway and kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was the house my grandmother grew up in, and it stayed in the family since. I even had the same room she did. The house was surrounded by a big grassy yard, which was bordered by a wood - or smal...

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