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Ghost stories from United States: Page 14

My Life Story And Now by Shizuka_Hio

My name name is Sharon Clawson. I'm new on here and I go by the username JellyBean12. It's nice to meet all of you who have paranormal experiences. I will start telling mine in a strange way, or you can say chronological order by my age during those different paranormal happenings. At the age of...

The Chair by Krom1987

It's been awhile since I've had to submit a story for this page, but recently things have been happening in my family's lives. Now, in other posts I've talked about how I've been haunted in the past, and you'd think by now I'd be used to it, until my grandmother decides to go to a garage sale tha...

The Cloaked Woman by Imcr7

This happened about 15 years ago and is something that has puzzled both myself and my two friends who witnessed what we saw to this day. It was on my 10th or 11th birthday and it was late August. I live in a normal suburban development just outside of Buffalo, NY. Before I tell the story, please...

Strange Smell In My Apartment by Caves2016

My husband and I have been living in our current apartment for almost 2 years. I am skeptical if these occurrences are even paranormal but would love some feedback. Upon moving in, the maintenance man who was fixing the place up for us told us an old veteran man lived in this apartment for many, m...

The Only Haunted House I Lived In by Gigakhan

Like I wrote before, my family is not religious but superstitious. This happened in the early 90's, we lived in a house in Williamsburg, I was 7 I think. The house seemed like any other nothing out of the norm. My mom was a single parent and was getting assistance with her rent. (that played a big...

Tomten On Holiday? by Manafon1

A couple of years ago I submitted an account to YGS with the somewhat sensationalistic title, "Demonic Voices In The Night". In the fascinating comments that followed, Tweed steered me in the direction of the Tomten, creatures described in Scandinavian folklore. Valkricry then provided samples of an...

Snake Shadows On My Wall by EveryHour

I grew up in a very haunted house. I have had countless paranormal experiences but one of the first ones is still very vivid in my memory. I used to always see shadow people, but this encounter was very different. I was very little, maybe 3 or 4 years old at the most, yet I still remember it like it...

A Parting Gift by valkricry

My parents had the habit of moving every few years. Us kids were never privy as to why, for us it was just a fact of life. As a result we were rather use to being the 'new' kids, and in the interim of making friends, despite the difference in ages we were friends. Depending on where my parents had d...

The Crying Ghost At The Hotel Galvez by Ghoster2K

December of 2005. Galveston Island, Texas I decided to get away for a week or so during the first week of December, so I headed down to Galveston. I checked in at my usual hotel, got my laptop set up and then went out to have a bite of dinner. After returning to the hotel, I got all settled in a...

Sounds And Electronic Interference In New Home by Confused21

My husband and I just moved into a nice little townhome. We've only been here a few months and at first everything was fine. It's never had a weird or creepy feeling but lately things have been happening that I can't really make sense of. We have two cats, one of which recently started to meow inces...

Malevolence by C_Emmanuel

This took place over the summer of 2007 in El Sobrante California. I always believed that people were responsible for their behaviors, and that paranormal phenomenon was just a Hollywood gimmick. This summer changed that. Among the range of human emotions, anger has never felt right to me. ...

Lady By The River by EJ3the1

This strange occurrence happened in the summer about 2 years back when a few friends and I decided to go and explore down by the Minnesota river. It was a very rainy afternoon when my friends and I were bored out of our minds sitting at home watching movies and playing video games when I had the ide...

Stoughton, Spiders, And Other Shenanigans by waltrow1274

My sister P had, is having, a rougher life than most people. She is a single mother of two and has been diagnosed with this illness that requires her to be labeled as 100% disabled. She's a workaholic, so this diagnosis was especially upsetting, not only will her body not let her do what she loves, ...

West Newton Weirdness by waltrow1274

After my parents divorced, we moved in with my moms parents. My mom and sisters shared my moms old bedroom, and my brother and I shared my uncle's old room. My grandparents were the second owners of the house, and to my, or anyone's knowledge, nothing ever happened in that house. Back in the 60's...

Strange Occurrences In Our Billerica House 2 by waltrow1274

After the events of D E Red and the young woman in the white dress (See: Strange occurrences in our Billerica House) J had enough of the Ouija board, and got rid of it. For me however, things just got weird. We had a 20' round above ground pool, I took to swimming as if I were a fish in a human b...

Terrifying Girl With Doll by OGsan

Let me preface my experience by establishing that before this, I was never a believer in ghosts or the paranormal. Since I am currently Atheist, I used to think that if spiritual elements were man-made, then certainly ghost experiences were also figments of the imagination right? Enter a late dri...

Strange Occurrences In Our Billerica House by waltrow1274

For what it's worth, I am the left handed youngest of four, not that that means anything, it's just that my Uncle (my Mothers brother) is the youngest of three and he is also left handed; I heard somewhere that, that was a thing. From the time I was born until I was 8 my family lived in the north...

Fort Pickens Ghost by EveryHour

I live in Pensacola, Florida, which is one of the most haunted cities in the state. This town is famous for its haunted lighthouse (which was featured on an episode of Ghost Hunters) and many other haunted buildings. One of the most popular haunted locations is an old abandoned fort on the beach cal...

Snowed In And Afraid by Itscareyy

January 2017 Williamsburg, VA, Greensprings I was excited for my 23rd birthday this year! My partner Chris and I were going to rent out a hotel room in Williamsburg to celebrate. We got lucky online with a deal on a time share-esque place. We already lived in the area so all we had to do was d...

Visitors Beware by Itscareyy

2015 - May - Colonial Williamsburg I've always been interested in the paranormal so when I was looking up things to do in Williamsburg the Colonial Ghost Tour immediately caught my eye. I was thrilled! Instead of listening or reading ghost tales I would finally be apart of a real one. Typing that...

Why Are Entities Experienced So Individually? by DirtCreature

I have always wondered why those that are sensitive (or those that happen to just experience a supernatural event) experience them so individually. Some people see black and white entities, others in color, some have been able to speak to them, or hear disembodied voices as clear as day. I find this...

One Last Visit From Dad by DestinyGirl

I have posted before (although it's been a few years) about my grandfather and my mom visiting me in my dreams. Those occurrences were both frustrating and comforting, but they were not "startling." Over the course of time, I had come to understand that I would sometimes have those types of dreams a...

The Crash That Should Have Killed Me by FFBlackWidow

So to start out with I had lost my great grandmother when I was 5 and have been able to feel her with me ever since. My little sister (who can see and speak to spirits) says that my grammy is still with me and my grandfather to this day. In 2011 when I was almost a junior at Highland high I lost a r...

A Mischievous Entity? by GraveArchitecture

I'm a new member to this community, and had a few stories I wished to share. I lived from 2009-2015 in a house that was host to a number of bizarre and unexplained occurrences that could only be described as paranormal. I'll let the reader be the judge, as I myself am still not quite sure what to ma...

A Friendly Ghost? by onlyinurdreams02

A couple of summers ago my mom moved into a new house. At the time my mom, two brothers, and her boyfriend were living with her and I was only there on the weekends. Of course, me, being a teenager and easily spooked, was initially already creeped out by her house. But soon strange things actually b...

Metallic Manifestations by Bibliothecarius

It has been a while since I posted a story on YGS, and I've seriously considered not submitting this one. Oddly, I haven't finished typing up a different story because it sounds fake to me, even though my family all swear to the truth of it. (It's a weird habit to have: writing out YGS stories and *...

Following The Fog & The Mysterious Man by RaveyHope

One day my boyfriend and myself were out for a walk and I wasn't too far from home, maybe three or more blocks, but we were by a hospital area crossing an open field when all of a sudden we notice the field is now full of fog, no where else just this field, it also hadn't rained recently and had bee...

"thumbing For A Hitch" by Ghoster2K

The week of Mardi Gras, I decided to drive out to New Orleans to surprise some friends of mine. We all had a great time. When on long road trips, I'm usually looking at the road or the scenery going by while talking with my girlfriend Carrie or listening to Music via my iPhone. On the morning of ...

Hollywood Forever by Ghoster2K

Friday, October 31, 2003 While I was in Los Angeles in October of 2003, beginning my celebrity grave hunting adventures at the famous Hollywood Forever Cemetery, I had a rather strange experience. As I was walking toward the Abbey Of The Psalms Mausoleum, a feeling of dread came over me. I could th...

The Hunchback Shadow Man by nalchen

As a teenager (18 years back), I had the opportunity to bloat my piggy bank by babysitting my neighbor's twins. They were 7 years old and pretty naughty but did all the things at the right time (eating/sleeping/playing etc). Never had problems with them and loved to babysit them. Once, I was asked t...

Her Feet Were Swinging by Idontthinktheirevil

I was up late working on my computer. I'm a 39 year old male and I have always thought I saw shadow figures out of my peripheral vision but I always assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me. Until a couple of months ago. I moved into a new home about 2 year's ago. The shadow figures were quite...

The Haunting On Deer Park by FredisFred

In late 2006 I finished my time in the US Army. I was young and wanted to enjoy my newly found outlook on life outside the Military. This new outlook was indicative of me enjoying some family time. This was family time that I had not had in years. So I moved back to Massachusetts to be closer to the...

The Scare That Backfired (respect The Dead) by Gigakhan

I grew up in York county, Virginia, less than a mile from where part of the revolutionary war was fought. The whole area has different stories about them. The older generation in my family is not religious but very superstitious, so they told us stories about people seeing things at different times ...

Xenoglossy (tongue Speaking) Experienced Life? by aedelberth

My name is Ema, I was born and raised in Europe, Romania most of my life, however since 8 years ago I moved to USA, I took the liberty to specify the country that I actually live in right now, I am new here, this is my first post. I've been reading the stories on this website from a while now and I'...

Ghost Adventures In Babysitting by cricketwhispers

When I was 17 years old I babysat a lot. I can vividly remember this one babysitting experience. This sounds extremely cliché but it was on a dark and stormy night. I was watching this little girl named *Siobhan. She was a sweet little girl and her parents were supposed to be back well after midn...

The Haunted House That Gives Me The Heebie Jeebies by Lacie1990

I live in the country and have for several years. I live on one of my dad's rental properties. Next door to me is one of his properties that has stayed empty since the former owner died 8 years ago. My brothers stayed there one night 5 years ago and swore up and down that the house we call "Rudy's"...

Mill Valley Santa by ABCNinja

I have enough material to entertain any campfire audience through out the night, when it comes to ghost stories my trunk is full of them. And when I'm into story four or five, I myself start to believe I'm full of shiat, but believe me, these stories are real. This one is about the time I cam...

Resident Spirit Giving Me A Heads Up by spiritwaiting

I have written some of the resident spirit in my home.It's a friendly one, and has quieted down a bit since my last cleansing. We have an understanding I suppose. But as of lately, I have noticed in quite a few incidents, that this one tends to warn me of things to come. On one occasion, durin...

Stanley Hotel Car Pic by lambdachi0108

The day was January 26th 2015, I'm a Colorado native and love to ghost hunt. My cousin and her wife decided to go to the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. So I decided to tag along, this is not really a story but what was captured in a picture taken by my cousin's wife when she notice a ghost ...

My Spirits: The Corner Man by Ghostygirl222

Me & my family seem to attract ghost wherever we go, we moved into our current house eight years ago and we have had consistent spirit activity. I have more stories than I can count, but I'll focus on one for now. This happened about 3 weeks ago, I've been feeling a presence for a while but it never...

Pink by Miracles51031

This experience is dedicated to Macknorton. The following is taken from my Journal. "September 1, 2012 I was just standing at the sink, literally, getting ready to run water in the sink. I heard a little girl say what I thought to be "pink." I turned and said, "I heard you. I heard what you j...

I Think I Got Tickled By A Ghost by TheParanormal_Cat

Every day now, I feel like I'm being constantly watched. I'm not sure why, and maybe it's just my cat. But, sometimes when I'm alone, I feel a light finger stroke my foot. If I'm standing up, it happens somewhere on my rib cage. It's kind of creepy that this happens, because I have heard a voice a f...

Hungry Ghost? by moodyblue4

I've actually had a couple paranormal experiences. But the one that really sticks out to me is something that happened over my sister and brother-in-law's house. I was spending the night because I was supposed to be helping my sister with Thanksgiving baking the next day and it was much easier for...

Haunted Condo by vala

I decided after posting my first story, I would just tell my stories in chronological order. If you read my previous story, you know that the house I grew up in was haunted and that I believe that a lot of the paranormal activity originated with my father (who is not a nice person). So this story...

Possible Ghost Following Me by jersey4ever

This all starts when I was in high school. I use to live in Upstate New York in a house that was built by my great-grandparents a long time ago. Living there, I kind of always felt like I was being watched. I would also suffer from sleep paralysis almost nightly. Nothing else would happen. I eventua...

The Dark Orb And The Tall Shadow Man by chelscp11

In April 2013, I was pregnant and about to have a baby. My husband had 2 kids from a previous marriage and we decided we needed a bigger home. We found an older home for rent that was in our price range and had enough bedrooms for everyone. The house had a creepy vibe to it. It was an older house...

Alarm Clock Unplugged by ButterflyBabe

I had set the alarm clock for 645 am. I woke up on Thursday, at 704 am and missed the alarm. I checked the alarm clock, and it was still set for the correct time. Then again on Friday, I made sure the alarm was set for 645. And again it did not go off. So, I figured its an old clock and I'll just ge...

What Are These Dark Things In My Home by blackfang

I'd like to say thank you in advance for any help I can get from this site. My wife and I recently had a baby. We decided to leave our small apartment and by an actual home. We bought an old two story house. Now I am not one to believe in spirits ghost etc.I'm a very logical thinker but what's going...

Watching Me At Night by JustAnotherPerson

It has been awhile since I have last posted a story, for the encounters I get have dimmed down greatly; Well, except for now. Like I said before, I haven't experienced any activity for awhile, but a few nights ago I have been hearing things in my room every time I lay down to sleep. When I lay d...

Peanut And Pa by AugustaM

Animals have always been a big deal to my family - we grow up with them as brothers and sisters, when we are grown they are our kids, they are family. I grew up with Annie, a nine pound white pound rescue miniature poodle that my mother and grandmother brought home when I was eighteen months old to ...

Why Me?! by Doraannew33

My story starts way back when I was 4 or 5. I would always wake up with pots and pans banging and cabinet doors slamming. I had siblings but only two and this would happen to me very morning. When I would wake up everyone was sound asleep and I would be the only one awake, I would sometimes wake u...

The Music Box During Christmas by Serenity_gold

So this is my first story I have written but I have been reading stories on this web site for like 6 months now and decided to create an account because I think I may have a story of my own and I always loved the thought of having an paranormal experience which I never did until now. So my grand...

School Ghost (bathroom Ghost Con.) by horsesandghosts

If you read my BR ghost story, well here are other creepy things happened at the school. One day I went to print something. I walked really slowly, giving it time to print. When I got to the printer, it wasn't there. So I waited. And waited. And waited. It still didn't print. I even checked all t...

The Possible Incubus And The Ghost In My House by Mika97

There are two, possibly three supernatural beings that dwell in my house. Two have confirmed as ghosts the other we do not know exactly what it is but because it displays sexual behavior I am thinking it is an Incubus. The first ghost does not bother me but it does bother my mother and elder sister....

Ben Drowned (my Experience) by Mystories564

Before I tell you this Story I want you to know what a Creepy pasta is. Creepy pastas are stories and tales that are supposed to be scary and in some cases true... I never thought they were real and to this day I still don't think a lot of them are but... One thing is for sure not all of them are fa...

Haunted Home/poltergeist Activity And It Followed Us by vala

This is all true. This is not a work of fiction. I wish it was because it was terrible to live through. I grew up in the Bay Area in California. The house I grew up in was built from the ground up by my father. No previous owners. My father is not a good man (he's done horrible things and is a cr...

Pregnancy And Paranormal Experiences by Allicatt

I am currently 7 months pregnant with my second child and while we have almost always had something going on in our home I noticed something different. I was around two months pregnant at the time that we started getting new activity in the house. Of course the prankster still messes with our kitche...

This Never Happened To Me Before by Scorpio_Rising

I'm just going to start off at the time this happened. Earlier today around 12:00 pm, I had just put my son to a nap and was about to take one myself. I lay down and put YouTube on my phone because I'm afraid without it on I'll get sleep paralysis. I been having this problem for the past four months...

A Night Full Of Horror by littlebow320

This was a few months ago. It was a late night and me, my mom, and one of my sisters were all sitting in the living room. We were just gossiping and rambling about things here and there. We have two ceiling fans one in the living room and the other one was in the dining room and they were both on. A...

Mysterious Shadow Figure In Park Bathroom by EJ3the1

About 10 years ago when I was 6 years old I attended a local summer camp at the YMCA. At the camp I had lots of friends that were my age and we all got along very well. It was just another regular day at camp where the camp counselors would bring us kids to a nearby park that had nothing more than a...

Slight Pulling In Her Chest by SQRSagaXx

If you have any information or think you can help, please contact me (Jazebel) We started writing this on Friday April 7th, 2017... All of the following events happened Thursday after school, April 6th 2017. Me and my best friend are psychic mediums, although I am, More experienced? Or perhaps ...

Bedside Visitor by SleeplessJenn

There is a spirit who visits me, mostly during the night time hours but the presence is being felt during the day time hours now as well. I was frightened by the visits at first, more so it was my own fear, that of the unknown on my part. When the spirit is near I can feel a tingling sensation, it s...

Demon Possession?!?! Including Crazy Creepy Pasta Type Dream by LeavingSight

I do not use substances because of pain or distress. Although sometimes when I have had a long day at school or maybe having problems with friends. I will unwind with weed. Only once with alcohol. Yesterday I snuck vodka from my mom and took shots later that night. It was about half a water bottle f...

Something Weird Is Happening by Aph_Iloilo

These weird things have been happening since my mom and dad moved to Kentucky and it just got weirder when I moved in with them. I seriously don't know what is going on and I sincerely hope it is not something dangerous. Whenever I at least lay down or sit alone, something wraps their arms around me...

The Bloody Girl by ghostsandglasses

This is a true story. It happened at one of my friend's sleepovers. _ After my friends and I were done talking about the regular things girls would talk about at sleepovers, we decided to do something scary. I knew that my friend, Hannah, was trying to be brave, as paranormal stuff isn't re...

The Shadow Girl by littlebow320

This happened to me a couple of years ago while I was still in middle school. My sister the one I will be mentioning in the story was currently still in high school. When me and my family moved into our new house I had to share a room with my middle sister because the house only had three rooms and ...

A Scary Get Together by Aliviashae

I have always had social anxiety (difficulty with talking in groups of people, presentations, crowded events, etc), but in the past few years I've thought back to some experiences that I know were different, as the anxiety I felt was incomparable. So, my family became friends with another family...

The House With The Furnace by Aaron94

This abandoned house trip took place on an even more dreary night than the previous adventure. The moon was full and it was a foggy chilly night. My friend Donnie was telling me about this abandoned house that he had previously went into with another friend, Austin. He began describing it as a big, ...

Abandoned House by Aaron94

It all started on a dark and dreary night when two friends and I decided to venture into this old abandoned house. As soon as we arrived at the house, we immediately noticed a difference in the energy being emitted from the house (as we have been there many times before). The energy was a much more ...

Demon In White by Aaron94

So, my girlfriend just called me around 3am after leaving my house and was on her way back home. As soon as I answered I noticed that she was crying. She was freaking out and told me that she was scared and that she just seen a man, dressed in all white with a sheet or something covering his face (h...

Cherokee Haunting by Caves2016

This series of events took place between myself, my uncle and one of my best friends while we were in high school. I want it to be known that my uncle is only 2 years older than me and lived with me at the time. My uncle and my friend were dating at the time of these events. I was only present for 1...

Quick Visit From My Deceased Grandmother by superclawsy

One of my very first experiences of the paranormal was when I was about 11-12 years old. Me and my cousin (his name is Adam, only a year older than me) had gained a lot of interest in the paranormal and decided it would be cool to try and talk to spirits, now before I get further into the story, I n...

The Girl In The Attic Looks Like Me by Patrick522

2 weeks ago around noon time, my boyfriend and I were sitting at the kitchen table. Suddenly we both looked up at each other. I asked him if he heard what I was hearing? He said "yes". We both stopped and continued listening as we heard firm steps walking across our floors. The neighbor below us...

The Woman In The Car by ThePhoenixIsHere

The more I think about this experience, the more I realize how scary this was. Seriously, this story screams exorcist. I can't understand how I had just brushed it off without feeling any fear back then. Alright, let's start from the beginning. This was somewhere last year (2016 in case you are rea...

Haunted Biltmore Hotel by sherm784

Spent a few nights recently at Miami's famously haunted Biltmore hotel. If you've never heard of the Biltmore, it was built in the 1920s and used to be a military hospital during WW2. There is also a 20s era mobster who haunts it apparently. I was there for a wedding. I had a hard time sleeping ...

What Ran Through My Kitchen? by Aliviashae

Over the years, my home has been fairly normal, nothing too in-your-face scary. But I mean, I've always had that weird sixth sense thing going on. When I was little (ages 4-6), I was terribly conscious of my surroundings, I was scared to death of going to bed. I was rewarded if I slept through the n...

Something Hitched A Ride by moondog

My Aunt had been very sick for a long time and just when we thought she was getting better, she passed. My Mom did the best she could after the funeral to get her house cleaned up and in order to sell it, as it is in the country and the taxes, upkeep and the constant threat of a break in was a real ...

Ghosts I Believe I Saw As A Child by trentinray

I am going to start with my childhood encounters. When I was young, I used to go to my dad's house on the weekends. He lived way out in the middle of nowhere, outside of a small town (Sheridan, Oregon). The road out to the house was a skinny curvy road. Much of it had no shoulder on one side, just a...

Haunted Property by whitelightlady

Greetings, this occurred in 1999, when I use to live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My husband and I had just purchased a brand new mobile home located in a very nice, and well taken care of trailer park. It was our first home for us. My husband, 5 year old daughter and newborn son, and I. It all...

A Beautiful Ghost by dropanything123

I asked my grandpa once if he's seen a ghost before. He let me sit on the couch and told me this story: He said "When I was in high school we had a famous ghost story about a girl who roams our school library when she catches you alone. She would start appearing as a student and you would hear he...

The School Bathroom Ghost by horsesandghosts

This is my first story on here. I've been on this site reading all the ghost stories so here it is. Sorry it's short and I hope you enjoy this. All this happened in fifth grade. I went to the same school for a few years but this is the first "ghosty" stuff that happened. Anyway it was really ...

Ouija, Scared Dog, And Faint Footsteps by Luciernaga

I actually have a few paranormal experiences but in two different houses. Five years ago my mom rented a 70 year old house and we all moved in (me, siblings, grandma). At first I never noticed anything strange except for these really light footsteps sounds and clicking locks of the doorknobs but ...

Ode To Trees by Tweed

My husband has American roots. In 2013 we were staying with some of his friends in Los Angeles. This was the first time I'd ever been to this family's home, but I'd known them socially since 2009. My husband had been to their place many times and hadn't experienced anything odd. Their house is a ...

Happenings In Churches by RCRuskin

Two churches, actually, both in New York State. Over this past weekend, I attended a seminar/retreat/presentation at church discussing the development of worship, and the speaker mentioned as an important point, we should always be aware that in church we are in Heaven with all our loved ones around...

Time - Is It Really Relevant? by Miracles51031

Do you ever wonder if time matters, or is the same, when we die? Years ago I submitted a story called "My Ghost Who Cussed" and this sparked an interest, for me at least, about the difference between time while we are living versus time after we die. It also created conversation in the comments sect...

The Last Duet by valkricry

I guess the thing you need to know for this particular event to make sense, is in that long ago when the doctors gave my mother three months to live, two things happened simultaneously; she made up her mind to make them out to be 'liars', and she became very obsessed with 'her songs'. Referring to t...

Was It My Best Friend? by Sarah1882

I have been a little apprehensive as to if I should share my stories or not, as they aren't anything too serious, but I have decided to anyways. This happened to me in April of 2007, I can not remember the exact date, but remember it was 8 months after one of my best friends had passed away. I l...

Changing The Weather by sherm784

In 2012 I was working on New York's Times Square, doing a promotional event for about a week. Working out there and around so many people you see everything and anything. But one experience stood out and remains the strangest thing I have ever seen. My last day of work on the promotion was the d...

The Time I Got Stuck In The Closet by Hazibby

When I was about 8yrs old, my parents move me, and my 3 sisters, to a big farm house in rural Virginia. The house itself was built in the early 1900s, but was built on Green Hill Plantation. You may recognize the name if you frequent this site, as my older sister has written her experiences here. ...

The Silent Room by Rajazel

This happened to me and my brother about six years ago. My brother is one of those people who likes to go looking for paranormal activity, but he isn't a professional. One night, he asked me if I would like to join him, and I agreed. I had no idea what was in store for us... I'm not sure anymore ...

The Letter V by RedWolf

I have to start by using filler. So here goes, my father in-law had 2 sisters Esther and Virginia, whom family and friends called V.He also had a brother named George who died when my oldest child was a toddler. His siblings were all born in Italy near Naples. He was the only one born here in the St...

The Daycare Ghost by Aliviashae

For the past 5 months, I've been working at a daycare, and I've decided to share some experiences I've had there, as well as any I may have in the future. Some could be actual happenings, some may not be, but it's the compilation of everything that makes it interesting. I'm looking for thoughts on ...

3 In 1 by svvar

As I was writing this I felt a little coincidentally spookily ooggolies. Not to veer off the actual story just a little observation. I've mentioned in my previous posts that I live in a cabin like home. A long drive way up, surrounded by trees, and you have to walk up a flight of wooden stairs to ge...

A Stowaway From Gettysburg by Parabol

My previous story mentions in more depth my trip to Gettysburg where I was attacked by an evil or demonic spirit, but to make a long story short, something assaulted and strangled me on a haunted bridge while we were ghost hunting. Here is another tidbit on something freaky that happened regarding t...

Searching For Souls At The Haunted Ashmore Estates by Mnghosthunter

Ashmore Estates was built in 1916, and was a fully functioning facility until the late 80s when it closed its doors for good. Originally, the land was part of the Coles County Poor Farm, which was home to the poor and mentally insane from 1857 to 1869. The conditions were terrible and there were 32 ...

Anne's House by Aliviashae

So, this isn't a super scary story with tons of experiences surrounding it. I didn't spend much time at the home in question. Still, the place is one of many that has imprinted on my mind and I feel the need to share it. My boyfriend was temporarily staying with a family friend, Anne, who suffer...

He Watched Me In My Sleep... Or Did He? by ThePhoenixIsHere

This event was my first paranormal experience that had ever happened to me. Even though I was only six years old, I can still vividly remember this moment in my life. Alright, so I am in my bed and I am on the brink of falling asleep, Literally. Normally, no one would be aware of being on the br...

Normal Sp? Or Something Paranormal? by Twilight1011

This one is not about my experience, but about my husbands. I hope that I can get some input about what exactly is happening to him. I want to start by adding a few thing's, that might help out some. 1) My husband has had SP since he was in high school. He's 29 now. 2) When I was a child, be...

Creepy Window Experience by Scared2Death12

I have a fear of mirrors and windows. Mostly windows, because after this experience, it still leaves me shaken up. It almost seems like it could be a creepy pasta. But I am not making this up. Every word of it is true. Yet I can't even explain why it ever happened to me in the first place. Ever sinc...

The Hooded Specter by KymEChimera

My friend and I love to go on long walks, to be outside, and we also love to try to communicate with spirits. So when we saw the opportunity to do both, we jumped on it. It was a place that we went to rather frequently when we were in high school. We always felt this odd pull to this place, and a...

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