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Ghost stories from United States: Page 27

Even In The Afterlife, They Continue To Race by Ryoku75

This happened in Wentzville over a location unnamed on google maps. I'm a bit of a car enthusiasts, been that way from age 2. My Father would tell me stories of Paul Newman and other top racers at Mid-America Raceway, a race track that would eventually fall to suburban homes. There were still ...

Strange Occurrences While I'm Sleeping by MrOmNom

This story may seem strange and I apologize if I'm not using perfect grammar as it is very late at night. I've been having weird things happen to me while I sleep and I can't explain it. The first time this occurred was when I was up in the afternoon and I hadn't slept all night I decided it woul...

The Imaginary Friend by annalinnmurphy

When I was really young my parents, my infant brother, and I all lived in a house in Clarkston, Washington. This house was very old and bigger than any of the other houses we had lived in up to this point. At first the house seemed normal with no weird sightings or anything like that, but then ...

Work Stories by ms_st0308

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I had some time today so just thought I'd share some stories about the hospital where I work. First, just to give some history of the hospital, it was originally "built" in 1918 as a TB sanatorium. I say "built" because it started as a camp with tents that t...

After My Grandfather's Passing by spiritwaiting

Due to many different things going on in my life, I haven't been able to submit many experiences, or even take time to read others. These incidents took a period of over 3 days. My grandfather "Sonny" passed away this past July. His home is where a lot of my other published experiences happened....

The Cabinets by Vember

My name is Sean and this happened to me almost 2 years ago now. This took place in Bangor, Maine in my old apartment with my fiancee. The place was definitely haunted. One thing about the place was the bathroom mirror. You would get zoned out if you stared at yourself too long and eventually your fa...

The 100 Year Old House by reneemarie29

My mother, brother, and I lived in an older house in a small town near the Kansas and Missouri border several years ago. The house was built around 1905, had three rooms, a large front porch, and an added on kitchen with a back door. I remember thinking the house was kind of creepy to begin with, be...

The Shadow Man Is Back by Emilio

It's been a while since I posted anything on here; since I only had one experience whilst I was a child. So the spirit/daemon/creature that I have deemed "The Shadow Man" has come back into my life. Now before I say what has started happening I will explain a bit about what happened when I was...

Unknown Voices by queenie

After I had my baby I began to hear voices of a young child and another I can not tell the sex and a mans voice. One night I decided to take a bath while my newborn was sleeping. My room has a bathroom in it and my baby was sleeping in my room. For some reason there is a window in the wall that i...

What Has Been Happening Since My Last Submission by hippiesiren

As I have said in previous stories, strange things have been happening most of my life, however, since I began acknowledging them, I've begun to notice more. I'm going to combine a few experiences in this story, so I'm sorry if this takes up a lot of time to read. I'd really appreciate it if someone...

Playing The Card Game by Sam222

First of all, I would like to say that there is this game just called "The card game", I wouldn't really consider it a game though, because game have objectives. The card game is a way to communicate with spirits (depending on what you believe). It's kind of like the pencil game/Charlie Charlie, but...

The Man In The Bathtub by reneemarie29

When I was two years old, my mother used to set me on the counter in the bathroom while she did her makeup and hair to keep an eye on me in the mornings. She said I often liked to make faces in the mirror and giggle at myself, like a normal toddler. However, one morning, she said I was looking into ...

My Mother's Friend by smithnb42

I have submitted another story called I Lived In A Haunted House. The story I am writing now also takes place in the same home yet I firmly believe it is a separate and distinct event and not associated with the existing haunting. My mother and father had an eclectic group of friends when they w...

Im Starting To Think I'm Haunted by kdw7222

So this starts out when I was about 8 in Fountain Colorado... I laid awake on my side one night in the living room "camping out" and felt incredibly uneasy and had a cold tingly sensation when it felt like someone had just touched my shoulder. No one was around so I brushed it off. A couple of weeks...

On Hardwood Floor by ceciline

I've moved into this house 3 months ago. My family and me all like it here. And of course first thing my mum asks is, "Do you think it's haunted?" Since I was a little girl, I've been seeing things I couldn't explain. I don't see them often, but I can say that I'm used to them by now. I'm now 21 and...

The Invisible Roommate by Parabol

I was talking to my mom while I was helping her make our Thanksgiving dinner and the conversation got to the house she had just moved out of two weeks ago. We all strongly believe that the house is haunted, though we believe the spirit (s) to be benevolent since s/he never did anything all that thre...

Bad Vibes by ifihadyoux

If you have not read any of my previous encounters, except for the very first one I published, then you might not get some references I am about to make. You may still read the story however, so please enjoy. Warning: Story contains information about wiccan/pagan ritual and may not be suitable o...

What Is Going On? by Sam222

READ THIS FIRST: (please) Recently (a couple of weeks ago), I began keeping track of things (so they can be more understandable and organized). I wrote what happened while it was fresh in my mind, and the date and time. Before I began keeping track, there were multiple things that happened, rece...

Death Visits And Coincidences by RitaCMW

This is a very difficult story for me to tell. As a little background I would like to mention that my brother committed suicide decades ago. His birthday was November 9. Six years after he died my father died on my brother's birthday, November 9. Moving ahead another 13 or 14 years my mother died on...

Dark Shadow Figure by queenie

In February of 2011, I was laying on my bed about to fall asleep because I was feeling really exhausted that day. I was a couple of months pregnant at that time. I had felt a strange quietness to my room, like someone was in there watching me, but I just blew it off and didn't think anything of it, ...

Unexplainable 2 by njswan7

I posted a story called Unexplainable. Well, after that my boyfriend decided to stay the night with us (my daughter and me). In the morning my daughter jumped into bed with us and we were just talking. My daughter gets up really slowly and starts looking at my dresser and says, "Mommy, a girl." Then...

My Experiences In My Childhood Home by Brittani1123

This is my first post here! So I decided I would just go through all my personal experiences that I can remember. These are in no particular order, I'm just going to write them as they come to me. (Some names have been changed to protect people's identities) My parents divorced when I was pretty...

Howling Ghost by missy1992

I have had my house well over a few months. The house was built in 1951 and a very beautiful brick home. The first night of moving in here my two year old had looked into the bedroom where we were sleeping and took off running holding her arms up to me. Then after that about a week later I had saw s...

Something Was Outside My Window by AtariFarari

I'm 19 years old and my experiences with the paranormal have been an ongoing ordeal in my life. However, this particular story took place in the Summer of 2011 (when I was 16) and 2012 (17). It was around 12:30 am when I jumped out of my bed and ran to my bathroom, for no reason. I stood at my ba...

2 Year Old Daughter Seeing A Baby by oxomadelineoxo

Last year, we moved into our home in West Boylston, MA with our two children who are 8 and 2. My two year old daughter seems to have trouble with nightmares and sleeping restfully if we don't use her essential oils. Usually, her essential oils were working for her to sleep through the night. Before ...

The Llorona In Long Beach, Ca by rolanomota

It was the weekend after Thanksgiving, Saturday, around 3:00am 2011. My sister and I were watching movies on Netflix enjoying our days off due to the holiday. Everyone was sleeping because after all it is very early in the morning. All of a sudden we began to hear a moan/crying coming from a woma...

Ghost In Love With My Boyfriend? by Triskaideka

I'm still rather on the fence whether or not I believe in ghosts. But I have had some eerie experiences in my life, mainly dream-related. The summer after I first moved out of my parents' house, I had a boyfriend who lived with his mother out in the countryside. We had dozens of parties out there...

Our Creepiest Vacation by PortiaTrinabel

Me and my friend, had a vacation on Rome, Italy last 2010. We checked in the hotel named, "Hotel Castello Della Castelluccia", it was really fancy and a little bit expensive. We heard rumors about the hotel being haunted, but we don't believe such as ghosts, so we didn't mind it. Our first night ...

A Most Welcomed Visitor by MissAngelaA

My husband's father passed away of cancer in July of 2002. Sadly, I never got to meet him. My husband has always talked fondly of him and said everything he learned about life he learned from his father. The day of his funeral as my husband and his four older siblings and his mother were all gat...

Thanks For Stopping By, Dad by GoGently

In the mid-1990s my husband and I had a "commuter marriage," living about 200 miles apart while he attended university and I started my career. I lived alone in a small cabin in a rural central Utah community. "Pony walls," about the height of a kitchen counter, divided the cabin interior into kitch...

The Man In The Closet by d2424

When I was 8 years old I lived in a apartment complex with my mother and two sisters. One night we were in bed and my step dad had to get up for work in the morning. When he got up he couldn't find his watch and said to my mom that one of my sisters or I took the watch. So Mom told him to go look in...

Unexplainable by njswan7

I used to live in a bigger town, I lived in a mobile home with my family. My mom, dad and brother who is younger then I. Before I had a cell phone which is like 8 years ago, I had a home phone that was cordless. It was very late at night, and usually I would call my bestfriend and we would talk to b...

Definite Feeling Of Evil by mrmonty

I've written about a couple incidents that have happened to me, some could have been explained, others I'm not to sure of, there is one incident that has always made me wonder. This happened after I had move into an apartment in Somerville, MA, back when it was know as Slummerville, not the best nei...

Hallucination Or Reality? by luciddreamerxo

I just moved in with my boyfriend a year ago, and ever since I moved in with him, I have the feeling that our bedroom is haunted. Our bedroom is located on the "third floor" of our house, which really should just be called an attic. It's spacious and quite nice actually. But after only a few days of...

Non-human Entity Visited Me As A Child by mabash8

This memory I have from my childhood is one that still haunts me to this day. It happened when I was living in my childhood house (which I have always thought was haunted for some reason) and it happened back when I shared my room with my sister. So I'd say I was around age 4. One night when I w...

The Experiences Of My Youth by ramble

I want to start by saying that I am for the most part skeptical of many paranormal claims. I personally feel that it is something people use because they want there to be more. That being said I have experienced things of the 'paranormal' variety. I am inclined to believe certain stories, things goi...

An Invisible Clock Ticking by Manafon

I am 47 and have had numerous paranormal experiences throughout my life. Some very odd, others quite intense. In recent years I would say my paranormal experiences have been much more sporadic, sometimes months or even years apart. Just this last Saturday night (November 22nd 2014) I had an experien...

The Christmas Spirit - My Mother's Story by valkricry

Although my mother would not say she believed in ghosts, she would not deny their existence either, as she put it, "Just in case one is listening and decides to give proof." How ever she was not without her own experiences as the following account shows. It was Christmas Eve, 1946 in the projects...

Little Girl 8 Years Apart by trouverjay

I have lived on a very large farm my whole life. My mom moved there when she was 18 years old. I have countless stories about this place. This is one of the earliest. Anyways, the place is beautiful, hundreds of acres and large oak trees. The house has been there since the 40's and my mom says the v...

A Day Of Fear by law2020

A number of years ago I was good friends with a girl who, for the sake of storytelling, we'll call T. Now T and I lived in an old, small town in Connecticut. T's house was set on a very large piece of land that also had an abandoned building and an old barn turned garage. We must have been about...

My Daughter Meeting My Mother by felidee623

My mother passed away in a car accident 16 years ago when I was 5. I am now 21, and have 2 children of my own. Obviously, they have never seen my mother, and I do not speak to them about her, because they aren't old enough to understand yet. My oldest daughter, who was 2 at the time this happened, ...

Haunted Apartments In Knoxville Iowa by Darkstorm360abe

My name is RJ, and I am about 13 years old. Me and my family stayed at my grandma's apartment for a while. Now when I was a baby we lived there, things always fell off shelves and things would move around and roll around randomly. The first thing that I remember is that we had a cat with a capita...

My Memories by JustAGuy1

What I'm about to tell was when I was still in 6th grade. This is not like something is haunting me but I just want to shared what I've experienced. Ok so it begin around 6-8pm, it was my grandpa and I was just chilling and watching a movie and suddenly I heard something knock on the door that goes ...

Hello Woods by ifihadyoux

I am here to share a short encounter of what happened since Halloween night. This might sound confusing so please bear with me. I am a "coming home" Wiccan, meaning I am new to the religion. Long story as to why I changed but I won't get into that. I met with a local coven who was having classes on ...

Recent Indoor Activities by Wish-Not

I thought I would take this time to mention some recent cool and uncool stuff that has been happening inside our house. We really enjoy the outdoors here in Arkansas. This year we were blessed a mild summer so we spend a lot of time outside. However, living in the rural area that we do we have se...

A Dark Hovering Presence by RitaCMW

This is the first story I have submitted. I really don't have many experiences that cannot be attributed to coincidence or happenstance, but this one has stuck with me for decades. I was in my 20s, single, living in the Pacific Northwest where I had recently moved with a good friend. My family was f...

Who Where Those People? by mrmonty

I have written about a couple incidents that happened when I was growing up in Mass, but this one happened when I was a bit older and was stationed at Fort Drum in upstate New York. I had seen a couple things out in the woods while on training exercises, but, that could have been from many things; l...

My Big Brother Lives On by LBReyes

This is a very personal story, My only older brother died on 10/07/2014,leaving so many unanswered questions and sadness behind, you see he killed himself. In just about 3 weeks before his death something happened to him, and we don't know what and will never know, all we know is that in those last ...

Warning From My Cat by pickabiggerweapon

About a week ago my cat decided to come in and sleep on my bed. I was watching a news program on my laptop, when after about an hour of being dead asleep he woke up really suddenly. His ears were back and his eyes were huge. All of his body language was saying something spooked him. He started wa...

Doppelganger Cats? by Nightwish13

This time I will tell two stories in one since they are short and related. I do not remember specific dates nor do I remember what time of year they happened, so I will just say they happened a few years ago. I know it wasn't more than 6 or 7 years ago. One night I was laying in bed listening to...

It Was Unintended by Wish-Not

One of our many, many visitors showed a unique talent. It was a warm summer weekend night as friends came to visit, eat, drink and be merry. As usual. We enjoy entertaining friends and this is something we do all the time. We all had our fill of delicious food and cleared the table for some comp...

Am I Really Sleeping? by rgtoke

My name is Dennis and I have experienced a few paranormal things in my life. This story is just one of the few that I have and hope to share more in the future. I am not really sure how to explain this or what really happened. This happened when I was about 17 years old in 2005. It was cold night...

Mr. Winfred by Wish-Not

I have been wanting to fill in some time from my last story. The last story took place around four years ago. However, I think I'm just going to start submitting sporadically through out the past four years. I titled this one "Mr. Winfred". It's about a visitor we had this past summer that was on...

My Father's First Experience by elnoraemily

Though my father has experienced a lot of activity in his life, this is the first one he ever told me about. This one is fairly short (I have mentioned it briefly on here before) and I tend to forget it in contrast to his other experiences. In the small town he lives in, there are only so many j...

I Lived In A Haunted House by smithnb42

Let me start off by saying that I no longer live in that house. I am a 33 year old man with a wife and child and I haven't lived in the home since 1998. I also want to say that I loved the house I am going to write about. Our experiences, though strange, were in no way sinister or threatening. My...

Its Tormented Me My Entire Life by BiigCountryy

Ever since I can remember I have always been terrified in my own house. I live in a small town in Pennsylvania and my house was one of the first built here. My house was a farm house and where the majority of houses are now, used to be the farm. When I was younger I used to have these night terr...

The Portrait Studio by GypsysHeart

I've always loved taking pictures and catching the beauty of even flawed things. When the ad flew for a position at the studio I couldn't pass it up. I have been working at this portrait studio for a little over a year now and I have to admit that it can be a bit creepy at times especially when you ...

The Big Black Things Pt.2 by skullyturtle

This takes place not too long after my previous story. I was downstairs in my neighbor's basement/game-room as both of my parents were at work, and after my previous experience with the black thing out by my barn, I refused to stay home alone. I probably would have taken my house over this one had I...

Black Cloaked Figure by Nightwish13

I have had lots of experiences with the paranormal in my life. They have mostly been little things. More stick out in my mind than others. This one is one of the many that do. This is not my first, but it's the earliest bigger one that comes to mind. I think this occurred over a few months when I wa...

He Whispered In My Ear by LayaMcDowell

I have a lot of experiences with the dead. But this one might be far too interesting and unrealistic. I'm unpacking my room, getting comfortable in my new house. It was dark so I was blasting music in my room to get done. I hear a loud crash come from downstairs. I thought it was my mother, so I...

Am I Being Followed By Henry? by Shortany

Oh, where do I even start? Ever since I was a little girl, I've experienced some weird things. The first time I had an experience was when I was 12. I was on my bed playing cards with my best friend when I heard footsteps creeping down the hall. I immediately thought it was my dad trying to jump out...

Strange Being In My Apartment by kattgaines

So to start off, I moved into my friend's spare room in her apartment about 5 months ago. The first week I lived there she claimed to have woken up in the morning and saw a dark figure on the ceiling about her bed. The next day she claims to have seen the being again upon waking up. Only this time i...

Double Visitation by valkricry

I swear, as I sit here typing this up, the temp in my room has dropped about 10 degrees, but only behind my right shoulder; as if someone is reading over my shoulder. It isn't a 'bad' feeling, the vibe is more of someone being curious. I'm just not sure who the someone is. This is current, having...

Second Haunted Mobile Home, Part 2 by StevenTylerRocks

At the end of the first part of this story, I mentioned something that would go past the windows of this mobile home. I don't think it started right when we first moved in, maybe a year later. I'll try to explain the layout of the living room and dining room to give you and idea of where I was se...

Second Haunted Mobile Home by StevenTylerRocks

I would like to tell you about a mobile home that I lived in from 1989 until the spring of 2000. I bought it from our neighbors up the road. Growing up, I had been best friends with their youngest daughter and we spent a lot of time at her home and mine. Her family had bought the home brand new ...

Scariest Thing That Happened To Me by Ihavemanystories

Many things have happened to me through my life dealing with paranormal activities, but the two things that I'm about to share were the scariest. First let me explain where I lived. I lived with my grandparents and the house is right in front of a huge, old graveyard. When I was 8 years old (pos...

The Big Black Things Pt.1 by skullyturtle

Everything I mention in these entries is true, I will not exaggerate. This starts back in 2011, when I was twelve. I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a few neighbors, fields, woods, and with a creek that runs in front of my three story house. I was home alone at about ten o'clock a...

My Son Met His Great-grandfather by TheCrone

This just happened last week. My husband's family owned a home for a very long time. Several people were born in the house and quite a few died in the house. To our knowledge, my husband's great-grandparents and grandparents all died in the home. As was common, there were 2 babies born in the hom...

Moving Things by savannercx

I actually would like some advice or help because this happened recently. I was out and since it's fall, the trees are pretty colors. I decided to take a picture. That's the last time I took a picture that day, nobody else had my phone. Later on that night I went to go see the pictures again...

What Is Happening? by ifihadyoux

For the past few weeks I have been seeing shadows out of the corners of my eye and tried to write it off as something that my mind is making up so I don't psych myself out. However what happened last night left me scared and it makes me more than happy I am leaving to another state for a week. Pleas...

Something In The Window by MickyLH

When my aunt was younger her grandparents lived in a very old fashioned home. Their yard was huge, as was the garden. Anyways, one night she was lying on the couch in the living room watching tv. The tv was almost right next to a window. As she was watching the show her eyes flickered over to the wi...

Was This A Haunted House by irene1214

I cannot recall exactly what age I was when this happened, but it was very young. Young enough to have to jump to reach the light switch. I know that. I shared a room with my sister in a blue collar neighborhood in a smallish town in KY. It was not an extremely old neighborhood or anything, most...

The Blackened Church by savagepotato

I am Joshua. The following story was my first encounter with the paranormal. Last year I went to help my grandmother move out of the church she owned near Yorba Linda, California. It was a small church, and one of... Unorthodox faith that could be construed as satanic in nature, strange horns, p...

Spirits In The Bedroom by dstan0228

I have bad dreams. Often. As a 12 year old, it wasn't unusual. But I'm 24 now. Although I hadn't had any problems for the last two years, after moving into my own place a month ago, they started again. At first, it was just nightmares. I'd wake up, remind myself I was OK, then fall back asleep. ...

Something Very Heavy Dropping Near Me by StevenTylerRocks

This is another thing that happened to me and left me scratching my head and wondering WTH? There were two separate incidences, one outside and the other inside, but both were similar so I'll put them together and see if anyone has any ideas on what this might have been. The first time this happe...

Grandma Came To Say Goodbye by StevenTylerRocks

This experience happened in May of 1979 when I was 15 years old. My maternal grandmother had passed, maybe a week or two before this event. I always loved going to her house as a child and spending the night, she was a wonderful grandma. She had moved to California after her last husband died in 197...

Frantic Energy by elnoraemily

I had been saving this story for myself, since it's very odd and was a bit strange, but I figured I may as well share it. My close friend has always called herself sensitive and she has quite a few stories- nothing outlandish enough for me to ever question her, though I am very much on the fence wit...

Ghostly Visit by Eliza60

As a Twenty-three year old I knew I had a rational mind, maybe. At that time, I had my first child it was the greatest experience that I ever had. My father was so proud of me. He fell in love with my little girl. When my daughter was six months, I was bathing her, when our phone rang; I had that...

This Has Puzzled Me For Years by StevenTylerRocks

I believe this happened in 2005. I know, I know, I will start a journal of these things. Anyway, I was at work when I started feeling very sick. I worked overnights and decided that I wasn't going to be able to finish my shift because I was feeling so ill. I'm thinking I left around our lunch tim...

My Nephew's Dog by StevenTylerRocks

My nephew was given a small mixed breed dog when he was around two years old, I'm thinking about 1978 or 1979. His mother named him Benji, but my brother always called him Ralph. Myself, I called him Benji-Ralph. My brothers, my mom, and myself all live on a 160 acre farm that my parents bought i...

The Little Boy In My Room by sonita562

When I was 12 years old I lived in this old house in Long Beach, California. I'm 22 now and still can remember everything that happened in that house. One night my parents were out and my older cousin was babysitting me and my baby sister. I remember it was late and we were in the dining room ea...

Nightmare On Oakwood St: Advice Needed by ShellBell11

I share an apartment with 3 other girls at Eastern Michigan University. We live on the top floor. I moved in about a week before the rest of my roommates and immediately I could hear noises from above. At first I thought that someone was living above me in some sort of attic because of how loud ...

I Think His Name Is Raymond by Kaytiebear

Everything with me started on my 14th birthday. I was having a sleepover with some of my friends. Two other of my friends and myself have all had separate experiences before. We were all in my living room settling down for the night to watch a movie. When I got up and turned on the DVD player, it st...

Momma, Who Is That? by lildragoncat

This one happened 7 years ago, give or take a year. We (my husband, two daughters 5, 3 years old, one son 1 year old and I) had some hard times and moved into a small 2 bedroom house. It was a small fixer-upper that had been empty a few years. During the week my husband worked all day and Sarah (5) ...

Transparent Creature Or Creatures by hotsauce

Early one morning between 2 am and 3 am, my dogs woke me. I let them outside and they took off running across the patio and down the slope behind my house. Normally they walk out. At that moment, the bending and swaying of two 7' blue spruce trees 30' from me caught my attention. I could see mov...

The Malevolence by mothman

For the past several years now I have experienced a presence in my home. This "presence" makes itself known to me mostly at night time and mostly in one room. When I am in this room I can feel it walking behind me and every part of me says to leave that room. It doesn't cause me any physical harm bu...

The Man And The Kid? by Angel160621

I'm looking into advice to help with our problem we are having. I know there is a ghost in our home. We just moved in last December. I have grown up around ghosts my whole life and I can feel when There is a presence in a home and I know for sure something is here. I guess to start out I'll tel...

Night Terrors That Have Become More by buffyfansc

I've suffered from night terrors since I was 12. I am now 34 and still experince them. I've trained my husband in how to respond to them, and have tricks in dealing with them. I say this to establish that I know how to tell a night terror hallucination is happening. The last few years though I h...

The Man In The Hallway by sonita562

When I was 12 years old we lived in this old fashioned house in Long Beach, California. I am now 22 years old. I never believed in ghosts or spirits until my encounter living at this house. It was a three bedroom house. I shared my room with my baby sister and my brother and parents had their ow...

Gettysburg Encounter by djames269

I'd like to start this off by saying I am not a firm believer in the paranormal. Until these accounts occurred, I was blissfully ignorant to any supernatural phenomena. Also, there is roughly a three year gap between two connecting points in the story. About six years ago I attended a class trip ...

Cold Wet Touch by allisonbeckert23

Paranormal experiences that are based in physical senses are difficult to pin down. I personally believe that sensitive people often don't know they're sensitive because they experience a lot of these small and simple touches from beyond, but the sensations are lost in the flood of everyday sensatio...

Things That Got My Attention by CountingCoups

I'll try my best to put my stories in the best chronological order that I can remember. I've had incidents over the years where unexplained things occurred. The first place that I can think of was at my grandmother's house years back. Although newer than my parents' house right across the road, ...

My First Creepy Paranormal Experience by hauntedman0614

Whether we accept it or not, we all have experienced something creepy, weird, or paranormal, if we accept it or not. You see a dog, you blink, it's not there. You hear things banging when you're home alone. Doors move, voices talk to you, a ghost possessed you, old ladies or teenagers that aren't th...

My Fiance's Experiences by elnoraemily

My fiance grew up in a house his parents built. It was on old ranch land in the local Bosque (wooded area near a river). It was a huge house- five bedrooms upstairs, a huge dining and living area downstairs. It was all tile floors with high ceilings, so sound spread easily through the house. His...

The Man In The Hall Is Back With Something Else by Sam222

If you read my story "The Figure, the Touches, and the Door Lock," "The Man" in this story is same as "The Figure" in the other story. I'm calling him a man now because the figure clearly represents a man, it's not a woman so why not call it a man. So had been a few weeks since I last saw this ma...

Crouched Under The Desk by Seek

I'm not real sure what my age was, I'm guessing I was about 4 years old. I lived in the house I grew up in, my parents still live there. I really don't think it was haunted, as I have had an experience or two in a lot of the houses I've lived in. I'm no medium, I'm not super in touch with the supern...

It Looked Like Me by Lady_Bug81

It was after midnight sometime and everyone was sleeping in their rooms with their doors closed and all of the lights where off except for my room and the bathroom. If you were coming from the living room; the bathroom was the first door on the right, followed by a closet, my parents room, straight ...

Why Is Money Dissapearing? by Rawrimpsykhotik

So in the past year my mom has been telling me that money that she guards is missing, it first started with a sum of $100 and since my uncle was visiting we blamed him because he slept in the room that had the money (which is my parents). A few months later $300 went missing, and my mom always let's...

Ongoing Events, Strange Smells, And Noises by mark

Its been a while since I submitted an update to the events going on in my house, part of it may have just been I've been so busy with having two children under the age of 3 in the house, and everything being so busy. I'm still living in the same house my previous posts focused on. For details, yo...

Old House, Odd Occurrances by mobepi

For back story, I've lived in the house this occurred in for a long time, since I was 5. It was built in 1886 and we've had some contact with previous owners, there were two families that owned it before us, the ones that built it and a family after they moved on that rented it out and completely re...

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