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Real Ghost Stories

The Smoking Ghost


My experience takes place in Robin Hoods Bay, Yorkshire. I shall describe the house to you. The house is very old and detached. From the windows you can see the sea. It is a holiday home and previously the owners of the house's parents lived there. Upstairs, there are 3 bedrooms. One is a double room. One is a twin room and the other is a single room which are all connected by a long corridor with a toilet and bathroom at the far end. Downstairs, there is a very old toilet which is next to the kitchen. The kitchen is connected to a washroom and dining room. The dining room is attached to the living room and the living room is attached to the very old toilet, sort of in a circuit. In the dining room there are some old french doors which are seldom open at night but almost always unlocked, apart from when we were either not in or in bed. Most of the family came in through the back doors as during the day someone was always in, so they were unlocked. I apologise for my poor description.

My aunt and uncle had come to visit us on holiday and one night we decided to play cards. My uncle had gone out for some fresh air after dinner and it was just my aunt, my mum and I (my dad and brother were in the other room). It was dark outside. After several games of spoons we started to smell what I can only describe as a faint sweet smell around the room. As the games continued, the smell gradually got stronger and stronger until it was the distinct scent of pipe tobacco smoke.

We ignored the smell and carried on playing cards until, suddenly, I started to feel really, really sad. Miserable. I felt alone and hated so I burst into tears. The feeling went as quickly as it came and I felt my normal self. I started laughing with the shock and we all noticed that after I had stopped crying the smell of tobacco had vanished as well.

Around about the same time my uncle burst through the french doors, out of breath, as he said he had saw a dark figure leave the dining room. When asked why he thought it was a stranger and not my dad or brother he said that "they (the figure) was much too tall to be either of them".

That night I couldn't sleep because I was scared the tall man would come for me again. However, I can't decide whether he was a demonic spirit or just someone lonely.

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TheMermaidsPurse (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Yes, the house is on the edge of the cliffs but there is no lighthouse or dock in the bay. However, I did look up Robin Hoods Bay shipwrecks and found that as the bay gets very foggy the sailors relied their compasses and the Iron stone in the cliffs was believed to affect ship compasses, attracting them onto the rocks. There were many shipwrecks.

I'm glad we have a content ghost:) I would hate to think that they were suffering. Thank you all for commenting and offering your thoughts.

Bonifaz (2 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
Interesting story. I agree that the spirit you saw is not a demon or other evil minded entity, although he seems to be a very sad one (as you felt alone and hated). As the house is very close to the sea, I am wondering if he once was a sailor or fisherman who died in a shipwreck (sailor's often smoked the pipe) or even worse, was lured to some reef by false lights.

You also said you saw more faint shadows. Maybe there is some sort of vortex inside or near the house
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
Whoever it is, you can rest assured they seem to approve of you and your family. It's the smell of fine tobacco that says it. They wouldn't share that with just anyone, and if they weren't comfortable with you, they wouldn't share it at all. Because if you think about it, the only time someone that smokes a pipe or cigars really sits down to enjoy it is when they are relaxed and content. 😊
I don't see any reason for worry here, rather more a reason to feel content. All is right in your spirit's world.

Jav ❀
TheMermaidsPurse (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
Jav & Granny: It's fine:D

Yes, we have had previous experiences such as faint shadows moving on walls when nobody is moving and my dad and brother didn't smell the cigar because they were in the living room and the door was shut. However, my mum and aunt smelt it and later on when all of the family were together watching a film the smell floated around the room and we could all smell it. Throughout the years we have been visiting the house we have smelt the cigar but never as strong as last year and we only smelt it once this year.

I apologise for the long message!:)

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-29)
Thank you for sharing your experience. I do not think this was evil or demonic in any way. I think you all experienced a lonely spirit passing through, as others said, and as suggested I think you are also empathetic to spirits' emotions.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Mermaid. I like your story I'm agreeing with the others here, I also think you may be empathetic, and like Taz mentioned picked up on the last feelings and emotions that they may have experienced. I have experienced smelling ciggarettes and my past grandmothers perfume in there home, awesome experiences.

Thank you for sharing.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Mountaineer: You will receive an e-mail in either case... As long as you've followed the "Submissions Guidelines", and your story doesn't read like the latest horror movie, there's a chance for publication... 😊
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
[at] zzsgranny: Just don't make em go too fast my story is floating around in there somewhere... Assuming they haven't rejected it... Do you get an email if they reject it or just when they accept it?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
Jave: I'm actually working on submitting a new story, about my sense of smell LOL 😊...Now to get the editors off their rumps so the submissions page opens up on timeπŸ˜†

Always open to question/answer sessions...

Sorry for the hijack, Mermaid 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
hi there mermaid, you say it was an old house it could have been a passed owner comming back to visit his home.
It is possible that you somehow picked up on his emotions as he passed through.
Just a thought.
Thanks for sharing
hiya_hayz (5 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Has it happened before this? Has anything happened since? If not then it was probably just passing through and nothing more.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
[at] granny,
I had almost forgotten about that happening with you. At some later date I'd like to ask you about something that happened to me, I'm still working on it for now, but I'd like to get your input later on, if you don't mind.
Sorry for interrupting your page here Mermaid, I'll take this elsewhere if it goes further.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Mermaid: I'm always interested in stories where the person/people experience phantom scents/smells, as I feel I'm one of those people with that particular "gift"...Did your Dad and brother also smell it?...

About the "dark figure": I really don't see any reason to label it a demon, nor do I see any indication that it was after anybody...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Cool. Sounds like you may have a haunting there. Have you experienced anything else at this location?

TheMermaidsPurse (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
No one in my family smokes pipes or cigars and my uncle does not smoke at all
TheMermaidsPurse (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
No, my uncle had gone out for a walk because he had eaten a lot and wanted to walk it off:)

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
My question is the same as granny's. It seems, from your description, that your uncle was out there for quite some time. Did he mention smelling the smoke also?

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Mermaid: Well, I have to ask, what was the reason your uncle went outside?...Is he a pipe smoker?...Pipe and cigar smells are very strong, and can travel a long way, and permeate through even closed windows and doors... Just want to get that possibility out of the way...

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