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The Orb: A Cat's Tale


In 1992 I lived alone in an apartment and adopted a cat named Jasper. He lived for 15 years before dying of old age. He was my only pet during that time.

Jasper was a large Maine Coon, but without the laid-back personality. He was short tempered and strong willed... But we understood each other. I loved him and he loved me. I used to imagine, in a previous life he was a terrible pirate that was forced to come back as a cat, as punishment.:-)

When I married in 1997, it took years before Jasper fully accepted my husband, and even then, it was probably the guitar that won him over. Alan would pick up the guitar and pluck a single string, and wherever Jasper was he would come running to sit at Alan's feet and tap his tail in time with the music. I've never known a cat to be a devoted music lover, but he was! We had some wonderful concerts, Alan, Jasper and me.

The Orb: A Cat's Tale

Jasper didn't like people much, but he LOVED other cats. I kept him as an indoor pet because we lived on a busy street, kitty leukemia was rampant, and our neighborhood was full of large dogs. He would have lived a very short life if I let him outside... But you can't explain that to an animal. Sometimes he would sit in the bay window. If a stray cat came into the yard, Jasper would meow and want to be friends so badly he would physically shake. I felt terrible for keeping him isolated, but it was necessary for his safety.

Eventually Jasper passed away and we got another cat, a Bengal named Moki. Moki doesn't care for music one way or the other... His favorite thing is playing "Pillow Fort". Alan will strum the guitar while I arrange sofa pillows into a "fort" for Moki to hide in, pounce on, or knock apart. It's fun for everyone!

One evening we were playing in the living room as usual and I decided to take a few photos. I was surprised on one image to see what looks like an orb flying past Moki. I wasn't aware of it until I saw the photo. (This image has not been modified.)

I don't claim to understand orbs in any way, but I like to think Jasper came back to enjoy the music and finally has a kitty friend to play with. This photo makes me very happy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Blueraven, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

morbiddaisies (2 stories) (3 posts)
5 years ago (2018-12-04)
This story made me tear up. I love all of my cats and I always hope they come and visit me. Cats are so precious.
Blueraven (3 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-08)
Twelveam: LOL, yes it's a great recipe for paranormal stew. 😉

We built our home in 2000 and the view is great, but didn't realize we might have built on a late 1800's ranch trash dump. While clearing a garden area I found: rusted bed springs, 6 lb stovetop clothing iron, a small leather boot, 2 horseshoes, a 1909 wheat penny... And broken (flower print) china shards everywhere. It's actually really cool!

Blessings right back at ya!
❤ Blue
twelveam (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-08)

You've REALLY got a strong recipe for paranormal activity to thrive there! Pioneer and native American history, a running river directly below you, crystal! All theoretically known conduits of energy in aiding paranormal activity. By the way... How long have you lived at your current place of residence? Blessings!

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
Blueraven, Capoeira, I started because I have stiff legs, my doctor told me to do lots of exercise and I chose the Brazilian Yoga, capoeira. Free lesson from my friend, why not? Lol
Yes, perhaps my cat is trying to do it with me so that I can catch up and not give up lol
As I can tell from the picture the orb is white and it should be safe, I know of some reports saying that there are dark colored orbs which are believed to be angry ones. Reading the story the atmosphere is peaceful and calm, yes, it should be Jasper, and please tell him to bless the home and your cat!

Love from São Paulo

Blueraven (3 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
Hello roylynx,
You do capoeira? I'm impressed! Looks like good exercise, and fun.

Yes, it makes me so happy when our pets decide to join into our fun activities. Instead of acting like unwilling hostages... Or shooting us cool looks, like: "Really? I have to be stuck with you goofs?" LOL.

As to the orb, it seems so solid. It has a lot of definition in the movement streaks, but no detail on the ball itself. The atmosphere was joyful... I like to think it was Jasper.
❤ Blue
Blueraven (3 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
Hi Twelveam,
Thanks for commenting. My other stories took place many years before and in different locations, so I don't believe they're related. Also, we are the first owners of this house, built over an old apple orchard.

However, there is history here... Both pioneer and native american. Our home is at the opening of a ragged canyon with a very large, fast flowing underground river 400 feet directly below our house. Less than a mile away (downhill) is a company that bottles the spring water before it emerges into a lake. The most common rock here is black shale laced with white crystals. And... Now you've got me thinking. 😉
Thanks again for the comment,
❤ Blue
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
I felt so sad for Jasper's lost. This story is so heartwarming! Yes, my little Henrique would jump around (dance?) when I turn on my player. Nowadays when I exercise, we have capoeira music and Henrique would try to catch my foot, perhaps he wants to de capoeira too? LOL

I have experienced an orb as well, but it was a playful one and that time I have the experience I did not even know that it was an encounter. After many researches I realize that orbs can be "travelers" or a "protector". Yes, Jasper may have become a protector or your new cat, so be happy (smiles) It would be better for me to believe in this theory! Like your story!

Love from São Paulo

twelveam (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-07)
Hi Blueraven,

MY first thought before finishing the entire story was also that Jasper was there! I plan to read your other 2 stories though before making a personal judgement about the whole situation though, because I don't know if there are other factors in your life that could be contributing. It could be,also, that one has nothing to do with the other but I will comment more later.

Regardless, you got quite a nice shot of what appears to be an orb! Take care!

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