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It All Started Around the Time I Conceived


First I need to let everyone know that I was NOT asleep when these encounters have happened. My husband and I have lived in our house for a little over a year now, it's a BRAND NEW home, we're the first ones to live in it. For about 3-4 months now, strange things have been happening.

It started with the TV changing channels, or turning on. Then I noticed small things out of place. That started in about August. Since it was just me noticing these things, I thought it was my imagination, because I'm TERRIFIED of ghosts. When I was about 5, a spiritual advisor (a friend of the family) told my mom that I had the gift to be psychic and was able to communicate with spirits. Hearing that when I was a child freaked me out, and I'm still scared of everything. I mean I'm going to be 22 years old and I'm terrified of the dark! So these strange things started going on in around aug-sept. I told my husband and he thought I was crazy.

About 3-4 weeks ago, I woke up at 5am, and got a drink, went back to bed in the spare bedroom, was lying there, when I felt as though something entered my body. I tried screaming, and I could feel my mouth moving, but no more that a whisper would come out. It felt like gravity was forcing me down on the bed. And it was very cold. It lasted maybe 3min, then I felt like I could breathe again, however it did get very hot. I yelled for my husband, and told him what happened. He thought I had a nightmare, and walked with me back to our bed.

As we were walking through the kitchen, I saw a little boy standing on my table wearing a suit that was too big. I literally thought I was crazy. Since that night every time I feel a cold spot, or things are just not normal at home, I say go away or leave me alone. My husband then started hearing music. At first he thought it was the neighbors, but when he'd get out of bed, it would stop. Just last night he heard it again for the 5th time asked me if I heard it. And I didn't. He woke up at 5am to get ready for work, and I was totally awake and talking to him. He left to take a shower, and I started hearing music, like it was being played inside. But when I tried to get up, I felt like gravity was forcing me on the bed and it was very cold again, and the music got louder. I tried screaming again nothing but a whisper. I then started praying, and fighting to get up. And it stopped after 3-4mins.

I told my husband and I described to him the same music he's been hearing. I don't know what to do. I'm scared mostly because I'm 4 months pregnant, and I don't want anything hurting my baby. Is it weird that this all started around the time I conceived.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MermaidJess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2007-12-19)
Hi MermaidJess! Congratulations! I have three girls and one boy. I was just thinking about you and wondering if you had posted anything. Well, now that we know it's a girl, how does our theory before hold up?! HMMMM... Has anything happened after the other things? Let me know. Thanks! ~Shelby โค ๐Ÿ˜Š
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2007-12-12)
hey guys just to let you know... I'm having a girl!
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
I'll for sure post the results of the ultrasound! My appointment is Dec 12th. So it's not too long of a wait. ๐Ÿ˜ I'll keep you posted.

Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Hi, MermaidJess! I'll be looking for an ultra-sound announcement in the next month or so! I found out the sex of my first baby when I was about 6 months along, accidentally, that is, because of complications I was having (everything turned out just perfect - a beautiful boy, now turning 16!) With my second, we thought 'girl' for sure but we got our little boy surprise (just going to be 13!) Okay, nothing to do with your story, but do let us know! Good luck with all! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-15)
Hi I haven't carefully read all the comments yet, so hope I'm not being dense and repetative here. Please, forgive me if I am. I am one of those people that subscribes to the school of thought that our loved ones stay with us, on occassion, after death. Going to heaven or hell is not a beliefe I put much stock in. Granted I could be completely wrong, but your assesment of your grandfather being involved in the haunting seems very likely. Either to watch over you, or to give to your child, likely both. I think you will find that your child will change your life in the best ways. You will have a lot to give him, and he will have a lot to give the world. Keep us posted ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜†
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
I'm in agreement with Mustang here. I had to re-read your story this morning too because of the similarities of our lives MermaidJess (I also had three miscarriages between the birth of my oldest and the youngest.) Here's the thing, (an idea that branches off of Mustang's now) you were told at a young age that you had psychic abilities and the thought itself scared you enough to be terrified of ghosts. Your great grandfather visits other family members in his adult state. I do not know this is your great grandfather, but if it is, perhaps he knows of your extreme discomfort and appears to you as an innocent. But then again, you said that you never got to know him in life. Maybe, just maybe he's just there (whoever he may be) to let you know everything is going to be ok. I guess I'm not helping out, just posing more questions. Please keep us posted!
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Thanks Shelby for your feed back. I know it's all so much to consider, and to really just think about! I find out Dec 12th if I'm having a boy or girl. So it'll interesting to find out what they say.

I donโ€™t really understand why if it is my Great Grandfather why he's trying to contact me. Because I never knew him. I fortunately have known all but 2 of my Great Grandparents. And I'm lucky enough to say that 3 of them are still alive today. The only connection I have really with now is his name was Jess and mine is Jessica. So I was named after him. It's just all very strange to me. Maybe I'll try to find out more information on him. I guess that's a good place to start. ๐Ÿ˜

I'll have to look into that book you're reading. Thanks again. Let me know if you think of anything else. This is all very knew to me. ๐Ÿ˜•
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Hi MermaidJess! I read what Bellissima thought the vision of the little boy could be last night but I was too tired to think about that being a possibility. I have been thinking about it and think that it very well could be something to do with the baby inside of you. That would be something else, or coincidental, if you were having a boy! Here is a couple more thoughts on the matter of what Bellissima had brought up. What if it is your Great-Grandfather in his suit appearing as alittle boy or as he was when he was a little boy? They say that spirits appear as they were in there happiest times. It also sounds like some kind of connection with your Great-Grandfather because, not just the suit, but the music and you said he was a musician. Although, you did say you heard '60's and '70's music so I wonder if that would even have anything to do with him since I don't think he would have listened to that music. Who knows. Maybe your Aunt does. If your Aunt sees your Great-Grandfather as he was when he died in the suit he was buried in then I guess that throws the whole theory out about your Great-Grandfather appearing as a child. I also wonder if maybe your Great-Grandfather will be reincarnated in your child and that is what the Psychic ment by you recognizing the baby's soul!? Wouldn't that be something! Maybe he appeared as a little boy as to not scare you too badly with being pregnant and all. You know, there is controversy on whether the baby is given his/her soul at the moment of conception or whether the baby is given his/her soul at the moment of birth. It's something to think about, unless you have very religous beliefs that the baby definitely has a soul the moment it is concieved. I, myself, am debating this subject myself. This is one of the subjects in a book I am reading by Hans Holzer called 'GHOSTS TRUE ENCOUNTERS WITH THE WORLD BEYOND'. Very interesting book but very thick, big and little writing. I'm having a time trying to get through it because I take up my little bit of free time on this site. These are things to think about. If I think of anything else I will definitely let you know. ~Shelby โค
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
Wow! I never thought of that. Very interesting. When I saw the boy I did sense a connection. (like he was family) but I just kind of let it go, because I have a Aunt that says she sees her grandfather (my great) and he's always wearing a suit.(the suit he was buried in) I was actually named after him. I felt like it Was him when I saw the boy, but didn't understand why he wasn't an adult. Hmm weird. I'm just kind of thinking out loud now.(sorry) but if it was him, I guess that would explain the music my husband and I hear. Because my great grandfather was a famous musician.

Sorry if this doesnโ€™t make any sense. Itโ€™s like a flood of things have entered my mind at once, that I have to processโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

thanks so much for your time and feed back!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Hi MermaidJess! I just re-read your story and I was wondering if you connected your pregnancy with the little boy you saw standing on your dresser? Could this be what the psychic meant when she said your next baby would be the one and the soul you would recognize? Something to think about! ๐Ÿ˜Š
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Thanks to all! I guess I have a lot to look into. I think I agree to those best who say that my pregnancy is making me more sensitive to things.

I also would like to make a note that I have had 3 miscarriages (very early 4-5 weeks) within the last year, before this baby. I never had anything happen when I had been pregnant before. However I do strongly believe that I'm going to have this baby a reason, and it's going be ok for a reason. I don't know if the purpose is for the child or for me, but I believe that's why things have gone differently this time. And things will continue to go well. So I donโ€™t know if maybe this explains why I've encounter things with this pregnancy and not the others.

I also would like to mention that I did ask a psychic when I was pregnant for the 3rd time if that baby was going to be ok, and she did tell me that she didn't feel that it would be, but the next one would be the one I'd go to have, and I would recognize it's soul. I donโ€™t know if maybe all of this is tied together somehow...

I do know I'm 4 months pregnant and I'm so thankful for that!
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
To answer your question, yes I have had a number of occurrences happen to me through out life that have shown that I do have psychic abilities. Mostly very detailed dreams coming true, dates for when things will happen, knowing things about people I donโ€™t even know. I haven't strengthened my abilities well, so I can't just use them at a drop of a hat. Things just come to me. If that makes any sense at all.
MermaidJess (1 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Thanks for commenting back. I don't feel like it was trying to attach to my baby. I guess the main thing I'm worried about is of course something trying to hurt my family. I've never experienced this before. The only "strange" thing that I've gone through is having very detailed dreams come true, and knowing about people I don't even know. But no, nothing like this. The music that my husband and I heard, was best described as 60s to 70s rock. I don't think ut's representing someone my husband knew. I don't really know what to make of all this.
But thank you so much for your feedback!
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
First and Foremost: Congrats on the new little one. I am not a "seer" but was introduced to what I believe to be my spirit guide when I was a few months pregnant with my son, now four. I had a few experiences before becoming pregnant for the first time (I also have a 15 year old) but since then there has been what I can only describe as an explosion of activity. I have to agree with the others and their comments. We are still working through some of ours, but you need to get as much information as possible to know what is truly going on, if only for your own sanity. I do know hormones get screwed up, land gets desecrated, and our past does seem to follow us. You are NOT crazy, just a little uneasy right now. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Hi, MermaidJess. You mentioned that a family friend told you, when you were very young, that you had the gift to be psychic. I wondered if you'd had anything happen to make you think you did have some abilities? Hope things become more comfortable for you and thanks for sharing your story.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I agree with both, Kim and Excaliburhope! Since your hormones are raging right now and your a sensitive or possibly have psychic abilities, you could very well be creating the activity. However, it also could be the land that your house is built on or an object. Research the history of the land. Did you receive an object, maybe a radio from someone? Well, I've had a few kids and I now the hormones can make you CRAZY sometimes! I hope things get better for you, with the forcefulness of this entity. That is very scary! Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep in touch on this with us! ~Shelby โค
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
If you are trully Psychic you indeed could be causing it yourself. Are there any towers like of a radio station or cell phones near by. That could be causing a little of what is going on as well that and your energy could be. I would try to listen carefully to the music and see where it seems to be coming from and from what period of time does it sound like. Try and read your bible before you go to bed out loud specially if it is in refrence to words of the lord try reading any verse in the book of Mathew. Also do what kim advises place crosses in the rooms and kitchen and say a small prayer when you do that. Keep us in touch there are many people here that can help you.
P.S. Congrats on the new baby!
Good Luck
Excaliburhope (2 stories) (8 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
TO be honest with you, your hormone levels from carrying ababy may be causing some type of psychokenesis. You may actually be casuing your own haunting through your psychic energy. If the hauntings keep on occuring after your hormone levels have stablized after preganancy then I would assumke that it is a certifiable haunting.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
I agree with Athena. It doesn't matter how old your home is, it could be the land, furniture or and individual that visits you. Spirits have many ways of finding a way to receive energy and to manifest. If it is within your belief system and for your emotional well being as you say you are terrified, I would place at least one cross in each room, especially the bedrooms and kitchen where you have had the experiences. I would place a Bible near your bed and tell the 'entity' to leave in the name of the Lord.

Please keep us posted,
God Bless!
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Also, when did you feel that the energy 'entered' you? That is an important piece of the puzzle. I'm curious if you are thinking along the lines of the entity trying to attach itself to your child? Have you had this experience ever in your life? Can you make sense of the music. Is it period? Is it representing someone your husband new? There is so many pieces to your experince that feedback is needed. Thanks!
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-13)
Hi MJess, I'm a little tired right now, so I might post more later, but a few things jump to mind. It doesn't matter if your house is new. The land itself, or an object around or within it can be haunted. If you are psychic you might have psychometry, so check that out. Could also be a non-human being or a non-being energy. I'm not trying to split hairs, but narrowing down the source or finding a cause will help indicate the solution.

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