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Real Ghost Stories

A Knock At The Door


This incident is very recent, a week ago in fact, and although I was a bit shocked at the time, I would appreciate other peoples take on it.

Okay, I don't sleep for long periods at night for a number of reasons. Firstly, my youngest son is Autistic and amongst other disabilities that go with it has ADHD so has an erratic sleep pattern and sometimes wanders at night so I always sleep with one ear open!

Also I have developed carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands and am currently awaiting an operation to fix this so I don't sleep well due to the pain from that. I have found I usually start to drift off about 4 am and get about 2 hours before my alarm wakes me at 6 am.

My youngest son has a habit of knocking on the door before he enters, knock knock knock... Mommie... Knock knock knock...mommie... Knock knock knock...mommie! Exactly like Sheldon Cooper a character in The Big Bang Theory, it will become evident why I have mentioned this later in the story.

Anyway,a week ago I was laid in bed reading and it was getting close to 3.50 am. I started to feel drowsy so I turned over and felt long awaited sleep wash over me.

I was woken up at 4.20am by knock knock knock on my bedroom door. I waited for the rest of the ritual, thinking it was my little boy. When it didn't come I called his name, no answer, so I got out of bed and opened the door.

There was no one there. Ok he must have got back into bed so I went to check on him. I found him snuggled up with his Roobarb and Custard cuddly toys and in a deep sleep. I could hear my oldest son snoring away in his room so knew he hadn't been out of bed.

Thinking I was probably tired and imagining it, I got back in bed wondering if it was worth trying to sleep now. I had just settled back down when knock knock knock again on the door.

I jumped out of bed and ripped the door open slightly annoyed (and extremely tired!) to find an empty hallway. I'm the most skeptical person but I hissed out a "Stop it! I'm tired and cranky this isn't the time!"

I closed my door and got back into bed, no longer tired, and decided to read my book. A few minutes later I heard my oldest son wake up, cough, and then dash for the bathroom, followed by the sounds of him being violently ill.

I jumped out of bed and rushed to see if I could help him, he was being violently sick. After a few minutes he came out and said he felt awful and was going back to bed.

I gathered up a bucket, bottle of water, face wipes, and a towel and made sure he was comfortable. He said "Sorry ma, I didn't mean to wake you, I know you're having trouble sleeping". I replied "Don't worry, it's fine. I was awake".

I went back to my room, sat on the bed and although as I said I'm a bit of a skeptic, I said "Whoever that was, I'm sorry, and thank you." Because at that moment I truly believe someone was keeping me awake so I could make sure my son was ok. If I had fallen asleep as I usually do I may not have heard him being ill. It transpired he had a virus and was in bed for three days.

I would like to hear other opinions on this please.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Angelkiss, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-12)
Wow was an amazing story, very interesting story.

Hope all is well loved reading your story.

Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-09)
Girl25. Thank you for your comment and advice. Unfortunately I'm not a candidate for this medication as I have other small medical issues which are under control but this medication may cause side effects which will accelerate or aggrivate them. Thank you though for your suggestion. 😊
girl25 (5 stories) (28 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-08)
angelkiss I am taking pills lyrica 150mg they are very helpful for the pain
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-08)
Tweed. Sorry... Hit send too fast... Was being chased by a robotic dinosaur and small mischievous child!... In response to the last part of your comment I do nap a little in th day... Even an hour here or there is beneficial! 😊
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-08)
Tweed. Thank you for those compliments! 😊
And thank you also for the insights on the telekinesis theory. I haven't had time to research it and your comments have really given me a better understanding of this aspect of it. This is a strong possibility as we are all very close as a family.
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-08)
Yesegrey15 and Zeromaru yes my son is fine now thank you. He had a nasty virus for a few days but is fine now thank you for your concerns it's appriciated 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-08)
Hi Angelkiss,

Firstly I'm really sorry the comments section of this was hijacked by a couple of wackos. You handled them with such grace I'm impressed!

I just wanted to hightlight what Mack said about telekinesis. Even though it's the other son who was sick, I still feel there's some form of energy connecting you in bed with the door activity from your other boy's Sheldon Cooper impression. Kind of like a stream of consciousness (your own) connecting you with both sons. I wonder if one or all of you have unintentionally created a thought form (a positive one) which is dutifully supplying you with feedback on your kids while you're in bed. The similarities of your other son's knocking pattern and what you heard that night make me wonder this.

Also I hope you're able to get some sleep during the day. Those sleeping patterns sound pretty tough. Remember to take care of yourself as well. 😊
YeseGrey15 (20 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-04)
Hope your child is feeling better! 😁 😁 Maybe it was your guardian angel making sure you'd be able to care for your little one. Deff write more experiences you have if any more occur. Hope all is well
Zeromaru (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
Oh,is your child ok?
Whatever that was I guess it might be what people around me call "the spirit of the living person". It might be just yourself or it might be your child's, just my opinion 😁 I wish he is healthy now.
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
Psysch thanks for bringing this to my attention. I hope your purchase helps you resolve your dilemma and gives you the answers you need
psysch (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
sorry have to make a correction on my previous post. Too excited is "concave telescope" not concave lenses.
psysch (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-03)
go to you tube and search " concave lenses " entities can be seen using concave lenses. I am going to the shop to buy one tomorrow.
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-29)
Samaratejan, I will consider your advice, thank you for your insights
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-29)
Zanzibar, thanks for your comments, I have never heard of that before so I find that very interesting, I will be researching that at some point
Thank you! 😁
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-29)
Rookdygin, I think your advise to psysch is spot on, hope he takes it and solves his problem, one way or another
samaratejan (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-29)
Whatever, I can give a small advise. Please place 3 lemons in your rooms. Before you place in your room... Spell: Aum For 108 Times. If any entity is present in you home Then lemon will rotten next day.
Zanzibar (1 stories) (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-28)
There are some special kind of ghosts or demons in slavic mythology that exist in homes and care about them. They also can care about people who live there, in case they like them. Warning family members about danger is one of their "function".

I believe these demons also exist in other cultures, but may have different names.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-28)

Please Pardon the Interruption. 😁


Errr, Ummmm, Ahhh...

Odd feelings in the extremities (in your case your right foot) and 'visions/voices' in your head point more towards a physical, MEDICAL (possibly mental) condition and a Doctor (s) should be seen.

Having said that, please submit your 'experience (s) ' ASAP... Then we (the members of YGS) can hold a much more in depth conversation with you.



Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-28)
Hmmmm, intriguing. It sounds like you may have stood on a wet piece of toilet paper? Could it be as simple as that? Or is it something a bit more sinister?
psysch (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-28)
sorry angelkiss, my last post on your topic to answer Mack question. Is smaller than A4 size paper. Transparent and silky in nature. Cling tightly to my right bottom feet. When I try to move or turn my right feet, I can feel it there and not in the left feet. Is like a piece of very thin transparent silk cloth. Is there, I can feel it, but can't see it. Is one type of entities that people have been talking about, I guess. A lot of things have happen in these 2 years and I have seen a lot of virtual image in my head. Some better than those in the movie and all is happening in my brain. Like they say, the brain is a very powerful tool and these entities are using mine in a very negative way to confuse me. Sorry have to stop here. I hope I can share more of my experience in future when new topics are open for posting. Thanks.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-27)
Psysch - you say you have a spirit stuck in your right leg? That sounds unusual. How do you know there's a spirit stuck there?
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-27)
Psysch thanks for your comments
Not quite sure how to respond but I can reassure you I'm not hearing voices or hallucinating
You may want to consider seeing a medical professional if this has been happening to you for a while
I say that With respect and concern
Thanks again
psysch (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-27)
rook, I have been hearing voices and even seeing images and visual in my head for 2 years. If you ever try to talk to one hearing voices they can tell you, they are all fake. These spirits are like magician. I still got one that stuck to my right leg and don't want to leave.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-27)
(I should know better...but...)


You stated this...

"But after thinking of it and the fact that I am hearing voices in my head, my conclusion is that the spirits are trying to fool me by creating fake noise that sound so real."

Have you seen a professional concerning these voices? ALL Medical and Mental conditions need to be ruled out before events that happen to us can be ruled as paranormal.

You also mention that the 'footsteps you heard were 'OUTSIDE' your motel room... Did you check to see if anyone had just walked past your room? If so did you check to see if they entered a room close to yours?


psysch (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-27)
I hope your case is not the same as mine. 2 years ago I heard footsteps, really loud outside the hotel room I am staying at. But after thinking of it and the fact that I am hearing voices in my head, my conclusion is that the spirits are trying to fool me by creating fake noise that sound so real. Spirits are terrible thing. They are like magician that can perform all sorts of tricks which are actually fake.
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-26)
Otteer you maybe onto something there. My oldest (who was ill) is a very deep sleeper, so this could well have been something making sure nothing awful happened.
And I'm so pleased you got to your own son in time to prevent him choking,
Many thanks for your insights on this
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
Enjoyed your story. Here is a theory. Your son is sleeping very deep, his is ill and getting ready to be sick. Someone watching over you and your son knows he is in danger, of choking on his own vomit if his isn't brought up closer to consciousness so he can wake up at the 1st reflex. So you get your knock. You react. You make noise. You check on your son. You react again only louder, this may have been just enough to bring him up out of a deep sleep, enough to wake with the 1st cough reflex.
My son is a deep deep sleeper. He got stomach migraines that caused his pyloric sphincter to close off from his stomach to his small intestine. Gases would build up and he would violently projectile vomit. One night he did this while asleep, he was on his back. I heard it happen, then a k k k sound then nothing. I was in his room in a second, just in time to push him on his side and clear his airway (almost losing a finger in the process). People do choke on their own vomit, your mystery knocker may have saved your sons life!
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
no the childrens father is not passed over. That I'm aware of anyway. As I have said the oldest is too independant for his own good sometimes and declines any attempts of TLC which can be frustrating to say the least! I'm a mom that's my job!
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
L_Melb thank you for those words! Means a lot when people are supportive as all the YGS guys are
I honestly think if it was going to be a negative experience then I would have felt it but this time at least it was indeed helpful as my oldest son would not have bothered me knowing I don't sleep well and however old he gets, he does need me sometimes! Poor lad was not well at all
Athariya (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
hi angelkiss am new to the site but as I can sense from your theory maybe the spirit could be the father of the
Children who wanted you to do equal TLC with the children 😁 is he alive or...? Waiting for the reply


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