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I Think I Was Possessed


I'm back with another post. This happened a week ago, but I have not had a chance to post until now.

I was over at my cousin's house, because I hadn't seen him in over three years. We were just talking and eating chips, when he turned to me and asked if I felt ok. I was kind of confused because I felt fine, so because I had a mouthful of chips, I just shook my head in response.

"Are you sure? You look kind of dark?" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Yea go look in the mirror".

So I got up and walked through his kitchen into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. He was right; I didn't look ok at all. My eyes had dark bags under them, and my facial features seemed off somehow.

I turned on the faucet and splashed some water on my face, but when I looked back up, my eyes were black. I screamed and fell back, hitting my head on the tile. After that I do not remember anything, but from what my cousin told me, I was thrashing around with my eyes open saying "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" He said this lasted for about three minutes, and I stopped, seeming as though I was asleep. I woke up on his couch, and he told me everything. I was shocked.

What could this mean? If anyone could help me on this one that would be greatly appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dantheman, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Supernaturalover (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
Dantheman I believe you were possessed there's no normal reason why your eyes would be pitch black. I have read a experience on here of someone being possessed and their eyes becoming black.
SpiritMagnet (guest)
15 years ago (2009-06-10)
Do you know of anyone who practices magick? Perhaps someone who you made angry recently? What you are describing sounds to me like a glamour mixed with a physical attack, perhaps even a doll of some kind. I would consider taking the time to do a protection spell on yourself. If you need a few ideas, let me know.
Blessed be
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-10)
What about the shapes of people I have been seeing though. I tried talking to my preist, but he laughed (you wouldn't think he would) so yea I don't know. And for the medical side again, I know I'm healthy. I would know if I had a problem. I have been to doctors, nothing is wrong.
ParanormalReality (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-09)
I personally think this all is happening because of the ouija board. I think this because many people have used them on this site and experienced the same thing; Dark eyes and pale face. Because what else could it had happened from? I would say prayer or a priest would definetely help.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-09)
I have not read the other comments, maybe you should go get a medical done, you might have a condition you are not aware of. As for voices in your head, we all have those, maybe you would like to elaborate as to what the voices say. After you passed out where your eyes still black? Or are we talking about dark shades under your eyes.
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-09)
the use of the board was two days before this event, and no I am healthy. I have been seeing things though dhapes of people in my room, and at school
ParanormalReality (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-08)
Was the time you used it close to when this all happened? 'Cause ouija boards are really dangerous. I'm thinking that you should tell a doctor about it. If it's nothing serious or if it doesn't have to do with your health, then start some prayer if this keeps happening. If your okay now, then I don't think this will happen much anymore.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-06-08)
No problem, Dan. Apology accepted. I never meant to sound as a know it all, nor did I mean to be too scientific. With so many different backgrounds represented on this site (do not think that comment about someone else's opinion went by unnoticed 😉) one must ask a few questions, or ponder things a mite more than just the story line allows. I have a tendency to question that which interests me, and see if I can locate answers in a variety of places.
No worries.
Thank you.
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-08)
whitebuffalo, no I am sorry for being a jerk, I did not mean to blow up on you like that, I have been off latley feeling angry, I am sorry
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-08)
paranormalreality I have tried a board once, but only for like 5 minutes, nothing long
AuroraRosa (2 stories) (55 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-06)
wow, that sounds really rough and I totally feel bad for you. Wish I could give some advice but I'm drawing a blank here...
Have you considered that maybe whatever it was was attacking you? That might explain how you didn't look right, and what you were shouting. Just a thought, though.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-06-06)
Sorry, Dan. I did not encounter the comment on Zoa's page until after I asked you a question in my last comment here. I apologize for trying to accumulate all of the facts, and your feelings and thoughts on this situation in an attempt to assist you.
I WILL refrain from trying to help. I will re e-mail my sources and cancel out the helps that I requested.
Good Luck, in this. And I honestly pray that you get the peace that you seek.
Magcargo (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-06)
wow that was kind of freaky. I never has that happened to me, and a lot has happened to me.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
Ok, so...
Without getting t'd off, do you think you could answer some of my questions that were actually asked in the attempt to find answers FOR you? I am attempting to get a fuller picture of what occurred, not being a jerk.
Thank you.
ParanormalReality (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
Can't you just tell me right off of here 😊 Did anyone else ask you about ouija boards, 'cause they all talked like they didn't even read your experience. But there are some really good researchers on here.
Blackrose13 (3 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
I'm saying this is more metaphysical... Honestly, though, really try meditation. I know a lot of people who experience this sort of thing. Hell, even me to a lesser extent. I can't tell you what exactly it is, but I can tell you it probably is some sort of spirit that decided to shack up in your body. If it gets bad, try wearing something silver, like a silver cross or ring. I really hope everything works out for you. Good luck!

~Hail Eris
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
Taking things to personal... Relax and share. THAT is what this site is about 😁

God Bless!
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
i don't know why it happend... I'm looking for suggestions. God zoajet was right about this site
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
If you know what happened, why ask for our comments? This is a sharing of information and opinions, calm down and don't get so up set.

God Bless!
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
People, comon I know what happend. And gues what? I have been seeing images everywhere!...disasters my grandmawho had passed away 4 years ago, sat upon my bed in the middle of the day. And to top that all off, I have this raspy voice in my head! So don't tell me its physical, or mental, its not... You have no idea what I'm going through.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-06-05)
Well. Having very little experience with an actual possession, (Oh, I have seen the supposed ones that seem to abound, but not so much an actual possession, thank the Great Spirit) I would have to say that this does not seem as a possession would be.
Think about it.
IF you become possessed, what would be the reason for a ghost/ demon invading your body?
Uh, huh.
And this took place in short time, and there was no need for intervention to get rid of the being. Am I correct? What I mean is that you "came out of it" on your own. Right?
I do not know what it is that you witnessed, but I would not try to over think the possession. Look them up, if you wish, MOST do not seem to find release until a clergyman of some sort prays for the release. I can not tell you why your eyes (I am assuming the entire whites and color of your eyes appeared black) would take on that appearance, but I DO know that the eyes can point many a naturalistic healer to OTHER issues within the body. Have you noticed any continuing physical issues?
Thank you.
Blackrose13 (3 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
Hmmmm. Honestly you could have a spirit inside you that could want to come out. Just because you're eyes went black doesn't NECESSARILY mean it is evil. My boyfriend has, well OK, he is kind of evil, but a spirit inside him that either makes his eyes go black or red depending on the situation. Try meditating to contact it, and see what it wants. Also, do you have any kind of time discrepancies, where you "wake up" and you are not where you were before, and you lost time? It could be a lot like what my boyfriend has. Just put up a lot of shields when you do in case it really is evil. Hope this helps! ❤
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
Ok ok
It was merely a suggestion/theory. I just was throwing it out there.

Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
paranormalreality id like to discuss further with you, do you have a email, or anyhting I could use to get ahold og you, cause I have more to this, id like to share with you 😁
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
it was not seizurs... My family has no history of seizures at all so I know its not
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
Has it happened again? Does anyone other than your cousin know what happened?

Also: do you or any family members have a history of seizures? That might be a possibility you might want to research. Please keep in mind there are ALL sorts of seizures, not just what people see on medical t.v shows.

Just to get you started:

It isn't an answer all or a professional doctor talking to you, but its worth a shot
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-04)
please tonith, I am rally bothered by this event, it wasn't just me. OK? I'm sorry I'm just really bothered... I haven't been to school since then, I have been cooped up in my room to afraid to do anything
PlaydoughMaster (8 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-03)
Well the reason you don't remember anything is probably because you kept hitting your head on the tile but seriously it could of been a sign. It could be trying to tell you something. Don't try to contact it with anything. You could try asking it questions but don't use like spells or like ouija board because you may let in more bad things.
Tonith (1136 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-03)
I'm not sure what to make of this story. I'm not one that believes in possession but I do believe in suggestion. There just wasn't enough information for me to understand this better. It's my thought there may be more emotional reasons why you saw what you did and not paranormal reasons. Just my thoughts and I'm not belittling your experience, just trying to understand it. I just feel there is more to this story than meets the eye.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-03)
Wow that was a crazy story, and it certainly sounds like you were being possessed. Has that ever happened to you before? If not you should ask you cousin if there is anything paranormal going on his house. For it to just come on like that w/out you feeling weird or uncomfortable is very strange. If your cousin can not give you information to back up what happened, then you should go to someone affiliated with a religious order and ask for help. I hope and pray that never happens to you again.
Thanks for the post.

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