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Was It A Ghost?


The day after my 18th birthday, I moved from Ohio to Maryland and lived with my uncle and aunt. One weekend in November, they went to her home state to visit and I stayed there. My aunt had a huge hanging shelf made out of seashells. This thing was floor to ceiling long and I have no idea how big around. Only that it was huge. Anyway, they hadn't yet found a place to hang it so it stayed on the basement floor. Now, there was nothing freaky about this basement. It was actually very nice. It was finished and had a couple of rooms down there, washer/dryer, etc nothing scary about it at all.

On the Saturday night they were gone, I was upstairs in bed. I'm not sure what time it was, just that it was dark outside. In November it could have been anywhere from 6:00 pm - 6:00 am, so I really have no idea what time it was. I would guess somewhere around 10:00 or so. Anyway, my uncle and aunt had a cat named Jeff. Jeff and I took a liking to each other and he would sleep in my bed. That night, as normal, Jeff was lying in bed with me when I heard something outside my bedroom door. It was that hanging shelf! I could hear the seashells rattling, like someone was holding it and shaking it really hard. Jeff and I both freaked out. Jeff laid there just staring at the door, his hair raised, ears back, eyes narrowed. I just laid there, prayed and read my Bible. I think I stayed awake until the sun came up. The next morning I went downstairs and the shelf was on the floor where it had always been. I tried telling my uncle about it but, being my favorite uncle he, of course, made complete fun of me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-25)
Guys it seems that this is sort of 1 against all battle
Any ways I know that the support and concern goes with the old posters.
Signing off now.
No more comments from my side.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
Good-ghosts: I tryed doing the flouer circle 'ritual' on my kitchen floor, covered it with a towel and put a little oil lamp on the center; I did it on broad day light and some images appeared after a short time; the problem is, I saw one of my cats walking over the towel.

I'm not making fun of you, not having read your story makes it impossible for me or anyone else to have an opinion about it, but I know the Mods have to stick to the guidelines of the site and sometimes that means they have to step on some people's toes.
Could we just move on? Please?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
Good ghosts, if you can't resist having a tantrum, at least refrain from putting your story on someone else's page. If you just have to post it, have enough class to put it in the comments of one of your own stories.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
If you had really read the story, could you just explain how the image in the flour circle was made? All people respect the dead, so I don't think anybody will get up to make those images at night and pretend innocent in the morning. I will really be obliged to hear any explations from you (if you can explain it). Why don't you just try it at home? Make a circle on the floor with wheat or any flour, keep an oil lamp in the center, cover it with something and just leave it there for the night. If you get any image then I would send you my apologies for causing you trouble.
If there can be a paranormal explanation to the rattling of the hanging shelf then there can also be something paranormal about the images made on the circle.
But it is really a pity that you are not able to understand such a small point. And I am also tired of it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
good-ghosts - I am getting really tired of defending my actions when people get a story returned and the explanation is right there.

I thought I told you that I'd enjoyed reading your story but since there was no indication of a ghost, we couldn't publish it. If I didn't, I had intended to. It is interesting; however, it doesn't fit the guidelines we have to adhere to when publishing stories. Just because I, or any of the other mods, find a story interesting doesn't mean we can just say screw the guidelines, I'm publishing this.

I read your story 3 times, trying to find something in it that would allow me to let it slide. There is nothing. I will not apologize for doing my job.

So either let this die or contact administration. I will not address this again 😐
BadJuuJuu (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
Good ghosts, we don't arbitrarily reject stories, there are guidelines we have to follow. The same guidelines that are easily accessible for all our members to read when they submit a story, and that apply to everyone equally. One of those guidelines is that a story actually be about a ghost. If the author himself admits there is no ghost, what are the editors supposed to do with that? We can't give one person a pass, and enforce the guidelines with someone else. It's nothing personal that your story was rejected, it didn't meet the submission guidelines, and we have to be fair.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
It would depend on what the submission was actually about. I know the mods of this site, fairly well (well as well as one can through interactions here) and I really don't think Miracles did not read beyond the first line. There had to be more to it than that. Stories can be rejected for a multitude of reasons, and apparently, for what ever reason, your submission simply did not make the cut. In fact, I do believe that Miracles, herself has said in the past, that she, herself has had submissions rejected. It happens.
She's even told you, that if you really believe it was unfairly rejected, you could take it to the site administrator.
If your account was NOT about something paranormal, and not possible to edit into fitting the guidelines (by just dropping the first line), then you can not blame them for returning it.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-24)
Thank you for pointing out my fault. But the comment passed was due to the rejection of one of my stories that is a true incidence and miracle was the evaluator. So no hard feelings for anyone. But I just wanted to make a point that if this story has something to do with a ghost then why refrain me from submitting my story, which is a true incidence and a ritual. By rejecting it, Miracle have hurt not only my beliefs but also showed her close mindedness towards the rituals from other communities. Wasn't that rude? I am not here because I love to make up stories and submit. I am writing here after being a reader for very long time. And all that I am writing is true. So I think that because I started a story with "this is not about a ghost" doesn't mean that it should be discarded right away.
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
It's a personal pet peeve of mine when someone essentially says that they figured something out... And then they give no hint as to what it was. I mean, I would love to have a rational explanation for why a shell shelf (say that three times fast) that is lying on the floor in a basement can be shaking outside of the door of a bedroom... And I would love to hear one.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
WTH!?! Everytime I hit backspace the page refreshes, and I lose my post! *sigh* Ok, folks, learn to love my typos and embrace my misspells. 😆
Miracles, no worries, we've got your back. 😊
I admit, I may have responded differently IF good_ghost had had a point, or given an actual opinion. But it just felt like a get even hissy fit to me. Apparently, I was right, and that is just sad.
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
Bahaha, this is exactly how I feel today.

I was also wondering if objects can have residual energy, but since it never hung there...

Congrats, you have baffled me. I took the "challenge accepted" approach to this story and came up with nothing.

I also went through the comments of good-ghost and I could not find any time where you commented on a story of his/hers. I was baffled by that, as well. I have never seen you be outright rude, except when the situation calls for some very blunt language to be used.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
elnora - isn't it funny how you (I) can read a story and post a comment, then realize "Oh crap! That's not what it said at all" LOL I actually did just that today, on this story 😆 I was rereading the story, trying to figure what was up with good-ghosts, and read the comments again as well. When I read one of my own comments, I was embarrassed, concerned, and felt guilty about what I'd said. I thought I had said something that just wasn't true and was ready to beg for forgiveness 😆 Had my comment half typed when I reread what I was in such a stir over. Turns out, when I read it the first time today, I had completely misread what I'd typed LOL
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
AH, nevermind, I got distracted by the hanging part and forgot it was on the floor:P
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
Well, as a skeptic that does not have a grudge against any of the mods, I don't have a rational explanation. Typically, when things shake, other things around them also shake. Physics and reactions and all that jazz. Unless the hooks for the shelf go into the attic and you have a very curious and very large animal up there.

I don't actually think I have read this story before until now:D
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
notjustme - LOL I didn't even look. Funny how that happens sometimes, isn't it? I'm pretty sure (I'd have to look) I have members listed as my favorites that I'm not quite as fond of now as I was when I added them 😆 Really need to look at that list, now that I think about it LOL
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
Oddly enough, Miracles is one of Good-Ghosts favourite posters 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
ifi - we can show no favoritism LOL Lord help us all if that would happen 😉
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
And if you would like another mods 2 cents, I also stand by Miracles' story and will say she is an excellent mod; even her and BJJ check me a couple of times. I would like to hear good ghosts' plausible explanation however if they have one.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
good-ghosts - if you disagree with the decision I made on one of your stories, please feel free to contact the site administrator. To deliberately choose one of my stories to pick apart and express your discontent is kind of juvenile.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
val and griff - thanks for stepping up for me, it's much appreciated 😊 I freely admit when it happened I had no idea how a seashell shelf laying on the floor in the basement could have been shaking outside my bedroom door. Still don't LOL I am looking forward to possible normal explanations as much as the two of you.

I'm going to assume good-ghosts took exception to me returning a story s/he submitted. I stand by that decision. When someone admits at the beginning of their story that it is not about a ghost or spirit, it's pretty hard to bend the rules.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
good-ghosts, although it is your opinion that there was a rational, plausible explanation for this, which is completely fine, and you are able to express this as you have, it does not make it fact. Miracles has nowhere stated it was a 'ghost', she has simply told what she has experienced, and is open to discussion from both sides of the fence.

To be honest I find your comment rude, and I don't understand why she should question her moderator duties just because you don't agree with something which she possible does. I don't understand at all...
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-01-23)
You do know that in accounts of the paranormal, spirits do not always jump out and yell 'boo!' right?
Miracles states that she was home alone, with only the cat - who was with her at the time, when apparently the shelf rattled of it's own accord. Now, tell me, a shelf laying flat on the floor sounds like someone picked it up and shook it, has a logical explanation? Well then let's hear a few. I'm curious as to what it might be.

This comment from good-ghosts is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
fififromdublin - I am SO SORRY. I didn't your question until now. The hanging shelf I am talking about is a shelf that is at least 6 feet long from top to bottom and made of seashells (yes, you are right about that LOL) but instead of standing against the wall, it hangs from the ceiling. It had a round glass shelf that sat in the bottom that you could place a planter or whatever on.

I completely understand how you felt when you heard something move and your dogs noticed it too. Made your heart jump, didn't it? 😆 Or stop! For your sake, I really do hope it was your aunt telling you to dust! Mine wasn't so friendly, I don't think. It really scared the hell out of me. Especially when the hair on Jeff's (the cat) back stood up.

Thanks for reading my stories. I really appreciate it. Thought they were long buried by now 😊.
fififromdublin (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
what is a hanging shelf please? I'm an irish girl living in england and our terms for things are often totally different to yours in the states, I'm picturing a set of shelves that stand against the wall from ceiling height to the floor, made covered in shells?...but it can't be that, could you describe what you mean so I can understand better please? I'm sorry but I hate not GETTING what I'm reading,...whatever it was I do sympathise, its so frightening when your dog (in my case) or cat hears or sees what you do too... You can't tell yourself youre imagining things then eh! My dog did it last night...,something on my dresser, beside my bed, next me to my right and close enough for me to touch... Moved by itself. It was quite a deliberate sound, nothing hesitant or faint about it, and I jumped!...having been sat in silence for hours reading all your ghostly tales with my laptop on my knes in bed, the sound really jolted me and as I looked up in surprise I caught my dozing staffordshire bullterrier, Dizzee, look sharply up and directly at my dresser,...and before I could begin to start telling myself to calm down, its nothing padded my male dog (staffordshire bullterrier cross dobermann) Guinness,. Only to stop beside Dizzee and stare into the air above my dresser in a very interested way that made me nervous enough to jump up, tell em off (im afraid to say, although they will know I didn't mean it) shove them out the door, with me, into the hall, putting lights on as I went, into the kitchen where I bustled about putting the kettle on and making snacks for myself and dogs, just like it was midday and not 3am! Anyway it worked, and distracted us long enough for whatever was visiting to take its leave... I'm usually ok with unseen visitors etc., but the dogs and the loud sudden noise unnerved me last looked to see what had been moved and it was a glass clock my daughter gave me as a child, with I LOVE YOU engraved on it. It had been moved about so I couldn't read the ime from my bed anymore, and I'm ashamed to say the mark of where it usually stood could be seen clearly in the dust! Maybe my cleanfreak much loved and recently deceased aunt alice was lovingly pointing out that the dustings overdue! I did smile, once I had gotten over my fright... Sorry this comment turned into a tale about me... Love and respect to all xx
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-29)
Danny - too early in the morning for me to figure this out. Are you asking me if I was under the influence? If so, I was completely and utterly sober. I'm pretty sure the cat, Jeff, was too! 😆

If I misunderstood what you were asking, just let me know.

DannyBruise (9 stories) (125 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-29)
I love my cats.
My dogs are second... They chase
Not to be too busy, but were you guys buzzed?
If you fly off, I will know... Were you chasing lint? Just curious.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-16)
hobbyholly - yeah that seashell thing. So right, scary enough on it's own. To know (and trust me, I was definitely freaked out) that someone/something was outside my bedroom door, holding it and shaking it, knowing I was on the other side of that door? OMG 😨.

Brenttan - I've never experienced any animal other that cats reacting to spirits. The only dog I had inside was so hyper I wouldn't have know if she saw anything. She always acted crazy 😆

Thanks for the comments.
brenttan (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-14)
Thank you for a very interesting account. It is interesting that animals see the unseen that we do not see always. I think besides, dogs and cats, other animals also perceive such presences.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-14)
I know the sea shell thing you're talking about. My great-grandmother had a few. They're ugly enough to scare anyone.

All jokes aside thanks for sharing.

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