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Exploding Unbreakable Plastic And Mismatched Animals


At the beginning of a very terrible week here recently, I lost a very close comrade to his fight with depression. I had been at work and my beeper went off, then just seconds later I received an "empty text" from Dan, and off I sped to get to his location. I was there for the moment he left us, and was frantically working on reviving him. I worked relentlessly until the EMT's tapped me on the shoulder, then placed a hand there and "squeezed" telling me they would take over.

I am NOT ok with Dan's death. I AM ok with the whole "I did what I could" process. No guilt there. By the time I finally arrived, there was little left for anyone to do.

That night was horrendous. I slept very little, tossed and turned. Thinking of nothing of importance, but being pulled down into a chasm of sadness that I have never felt previously. I relived our lives together, listened to the songs we sang, looked through old photo albums, and spent a lot of quiet time out on our front porch, just watching the weeds grow in the garden. We lived a life together that is so unlike any other relationship that I have, and a closeness that is not often felt. I would give my life for him, and he would have done the same for me, without even the onset of a second thought.

That following day was a rough one, but we made it through. I got a text from my daughter saying that she was NOT even kidding, our four foot square cutting board that is made out of that quarter inch plastic/glass exploded in her hand. She sent a second one stating that the bigger pieces that had made it onto the floor (there were pieces in the ceiling, the explosion had moved an oven rack, dented in the side of the fridge, and marred up the cupboard on the other side) were still popping and cracking. What else could I DO but tell her to throw some sea salts (we try to have charged salts on hand all the time. No telling when one might be in need of some) on them and walk away? I let her know it would be taken care of when I got home. My Life Partner got there first, cleansed the area, picked up the mess, and chanted for returned balance.

Next day we woke up to lightly slamming doors (as if done in accident, NOT in anger), drawers sliding open, banging that sounded like there was a construction zone nearby, swirling air in various areas of the home, a two temperature home (we have central air- the upstairs, where the bedrooms are, had become twenty degrees warmer than the downstairs. The stairway is all open. Air flow is not impeded at all) and a little man telling us that his dream catcher was vibrating. I was given a Healing Drum for Christmas. It is hung on the head board side of our bedroom wall, on MY side. It was banging like CRAZY.

Impromptu smudging, blessing of the home, then off to work.

Next day... Four days after the death of Dan, my Life Partner, who has NEVER had an issue with depression, fell to her ways. He fell hard. Luckily our daughter "caught" a change and a note, a few friends on the Internet "caught" a misplaced word, and the Circle of love wrapped itself around him rather quickly. Had it NOT, I am afraid to say, she would have claimed another victim.

With the help of several people from various locations, that night we cleansed ourselves, our home, and cleaned house. I cannot TELL you accurately of the terrific noise, the breezes, and the emotions that grabbed at us. Apparently, though they were states away, two people felt it ALL. At one point of the cleansing, my LP stated "You will NOT have her!" and pulled me by my ankles to the edge of the bed. I have no recollection of what I was going through at that particular time, and he is not comfortable enough yet to let me in on all of that. All I KNOW is that as we sat on the bed, "Indian style", connected to one another (knees, forearms, foreheads touching) attempting to cleanse the Spirit, I seem to have blacked out, and misplaced a few moments of my life.

Next day... My Life Partner told me that when we were chanting, and fighting, there was a passive observer while in chant. He could describe this person, told me how he was standing and where, and said all he did was watch the whole thing. No emotional involvement, no thought process. A few short hours later, I got an e-mail from someone asking me if a particular location meant anything to me. It was our Prayer Rock. We "go" there when we need Spiritual Guidance. HOW he described it... He HAD to be standing where and how my LP described his passive observer.

Occasionally, these few weeks later, with the front door knob, dead bolt and chain locked, the door will swing open of its own accord.

WEIRD things happening out in the back and side yards of ours. The motion lights click on SECONDS before the dogs next door (little yippy dogs. Not sure what they are) go nuts. They get so bad, the woman of the house just throws them outside so that they can achieve a bit of peace in the house. Then the dog behind us freaks out (not a "watchful" bark. She is a Rottweiler, and her normally forceful, deep pitched woof turns into a bit of a high pitched bark. Almost sounds panicked), then the Pit bull to the left of the house starts his whining,

And the cats, Oh my Lands.

We have attracted about (no exaggeration, and I am probably estimating a lower number than what is actually here) twenty-five cats. They have taken over the gardens (all in a semi circle from the sides of the house to the front, all across the front porch), sit on the porch and wait for the door to open, howl at night and during the day, lay out on the road where I park, and across the street where Race parks.

And the birds! The birds have been... Interesting.

A few days ago we were out of the house until about seven, seven thirty- somewhere around there. When we all returned home, exhausted from the heat and the work (and play) day, we found that the electricity was out, and had been for two to three hours. The house was stifling. So we decided to throw a dinner together and sit out on the front porch and enjoy the neighbors visiting one another. We were sitting there, eating supper, talking to the neighbors (just about everyone home was out for the evening), throwing around idea's for our Lil Man and the upcoming school year when a Robin came and perched itself on the railing of our porch. Normally, we would have just said something like "Oh, would you look at THAT?" But THIS time, all four of us jumped (we are a mite jumpy here as of late), and stared at it mid chew. After a few seconds, it started to chirp. By then we had all resumed chewing, slowly, and looking at one another like "what the?!?" but no one moved.

After a few lines of the song Robin was singing, another bird perched itself on the other side of the railing, all the way on the other side of the porch. Not a robin. All heads swiveled to that bird. After a few moments of it chirping, another showed up. By the time we all unfroze we had robins, wrens, sparrows, finches, cardinals, and a bunch of really curious neighbors staring at us. I panicked. I gave a nervous chuckle, looked at the neighbors, shrugged and said "Dinner and music?" No one said a word. We just got these REALLY strange looks. In the meantime, our family was inching their ways up from wherever they were sitting. Eventually they flew off, one by one (it seemed) and then the cats began their stroll. Electricity was restored, and the neighbors again ignored us as they headed into their own homes.

If this was a onetime thing, I would say perhaps the cooler air from within the home (the front door was open) was "calling" to them in the oppressive heat.

Or they were attracted to our supper.

Or they were afraid of all the grills that fired up around the neighborhood... (No electricity... CHICKEN on many a grill... See what I am saying to you? Their COUSINS were on the fire!)

But this has happened (with the exception of us eating out on the porch and the power outage) twice now.

We do not feel anything inside the house that is not "normal" or regular old teenage angst, and would like to think the things going on outside are non-related, but with that front door liking to open itself... I do not really know.

We have been dealing with this for pretty nigh a month now. I am getting tired. Any REAL attempt of assistance will be considered.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, whitebuffalo, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Welcome to my table, Pena Warisan. The kettle is on. 😊
Good points on Depression. I had battled with it through high school, and fought back pretty hard. I have learned ways to "turn that frown upside down". THIS particular incident, however, seemed to take over the entire family. My Life Partner is a "like water off the back of a duck". For this to have grabbed hold...

Thing is... Since the posting of this story, it has been discovered by a certain Seer that this was all a temper tantrum, mixed up with the depression of my friend. The tantrum was being thrown by a nine year old little boy.
penawarisan (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Dear White Buffalo,
Let me share some thoughts on depression. I have been through so many ups and downs in life... Whatever area it was, I have been there. Relationship? Had the ups and the downs too. Where the downs could really be depressive and more destructive. Or even in the economic side and all the others. So many ups and downs.

At this present age... Looking aback, I thank god for all that decision (fate) that he has provided me. No matter how low life can get sometimes... In example, Say in a relationship, if I were to marry one of my ex, years ago, I may not be getting this wonderful gal I am with now, sweet and understanding (my wife) as she is... And blessed with five wonderful children.

Have met them and seen their ways, the exs... I might build a life with them but it may not get this happy as I am now... I am sure! And so forth for all the other fated twist in life... I studied law but somehow the road didn't get to being one! I became a writer instead. And god, how I love being one.

Depress? Just hold on... Just lead on. For there be a day when you look back and say... God, thanks for loving me and leading me through to a decision I know not!

There is always a hidden wisdom to any twists and turns of life...

Pena Warisan
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-19)
Whitebuffalo: I'm truely saddened by the news about Sundaydrive... Know that my thoughts are with you and yours, and hers... 😢 ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-19)
wb - my prayers are with you and SundayDrive's (Lady Anne) family. She will be missed.

May her path be easier on the other side and her next life be filled with less hardship and struggle. 😢

Until you two meet again... My prayers are with you.

I'm sorry I didn't have any words for you yesterday. Even though I was sick, I still could have mustered up something.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-17)
**I regret to inform everyone who knew Sundaydrive (Anne), that she has passed on to be with Creator. Please keep her friends in your thoughts and prayers, as this was absolutely unexpected.**
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-16)
Oh, SURE, everyone just go right on ahead and use MY page to have your own little personal conversations.
Without me.
Now I feel left out.
Thank you. 😆 ❤
Just kidding, guys, and you KNOW it!

Thank you, Rook. You know, it seems like every time I get comfortable, THAT is when things start slamming in from all over the place. I can take the little things sometimes, without so much as double batting an eye, but these big ones...
I just keep thinking one of these days all of you will be watching your local news programs and you are going to hear something like "And in Other News, this just in. Autumn Flowers has just self destructed! Our sources say..."
The way things are going, I figure I am either going to be BRILLIANT when I start my OWN haunts, or as cornfused (yep. Meant that) as a goldfish in a moss pit.
Thank you for your support. It is ALWAYS welcome.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-15)

I have no idea about the e-mail, I have seen nothing in either spam nor regular 'in-box' stuff. I will go back to my profile and re-enter/update my e-mail (it hasn't changed, but maybe fresh in put will fix it).

As for neighbors and fireflies...'I know nothing'...lalalalalala...

Glad to hear the 'air has lifted' so to speak, and that you and yours are doing well. Getting 'off the grid' sounds like it was the right thing to do and I'm glad I could help my friend.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-15)
Martin: LOL I've tried all that already!...It's okay. I'll try again tomorrow... Thanks again... 😊
Martin (602 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
zzsgranny, it's not permanent, and it's not a penalty, its not just about negative votes (which are fine) either, it just means that a certain pattern has been automatically detected in the previous votes and you need to change that for the next few votes, then they will be counted again. Just diversify a little. If all your past votes have been negative, try to make a positive one. If you have a habit of voting positively someone's post, try someone else. For example, if you upvote this post, I'm sure it'll be counted 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
Granny I am in the same situation as you I only vote when I feel it is validated I am still quite confused regarding this. Just throwing it out there.

Thank you

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
Martin: Thank you for the explanation!...But in ALL honesty, the only negative votes I personally was giving were to those whom I deemed deserved them... I was not, in my opinion, mis-using the privilege by stalking anyone, or giving up votes to those not deserving, so please pardon my confusion 😳...

I think the system IS a good one, and only ask that you reconsider your decision to deny me the privilege, as I feel I have been a decent contributor to this site... Not the best at times 😆, but hey, we all have our "days"...

Please feel free to e-mail me if you feel this forum not the best for your answer... And thank you for the response
Martin (602 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
"We also use a few rules to detect unwanted actions and will give an error message to the user in those cases."

If you see a "vote not counted" message, it means you have to change your voting pattern a little bit for a while and it'll start working again. Ex: If the system detects that your votes are too negative, etc.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
WhiteBuffalo- You are very welcome and I'm happy to help someone in need of it, even if its just an encouraging word. I'm glad to hear that what you've been doing has helped, and hopefully it doesn't return. But if you ever need, you know, an extra crow or something... I'm sure I can speak for all of us that we'll keep you in our thoughts if need be. 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
Granny and Darkness: No clue. MARTIN?

VelvetLucifer: OR a person forgets to log out, someone ELSE steps in and can not stop themselves from commenting and realises too late that they never logged IN making it look as if the first person made the comment. Did you catch that? 😆 No harm, no foul. It was actually kind of funny.

Rook. MAN! I have been TRYING to e-mail you, and for some reason, they are bouncing back. You mark me as spam, or what? 😉
Interestingly enough, when my son turned seven in July, we had part of his "party" out by the river bend. In true Little Man style, he blessed the whole proceedings. He even went out and played in the reeds, making "dosing rods" and "cleared" the area (it is true! I have photo's to prove it!)
The birds threw me, too. Made no sense for some of them to be any where in this area at all.
And my neighbor? "Unless you have four wheels and a motor, he will not even know you are alive..." He was telling me that he was out in his garage LATE one night, and this firefly...
Would YOU know anything about that?😉
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
Thanks blue_raven80, dragonwalker, Shinigami0, and Rashidah for your warm and fuzzies. I tell you, for a bit there, I truly thought the world was in it's last stages.
I know it all sounds insane, and if I had not lived through it...
Thank you all, again.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-14)
Wow. THANKS Guys! You are the BEST (psst, keep that between us, if anyone ELSE hears, I might have to start saying that to EVERYone 😉).
Where to start? Ah, OK. I will do this first. IF I miss typing your name, it is probably because I answered the question before scanning back up to see if someone asked it. If I half axed answered your question, please, feel FREE to come back and I will try to clear it up!
My family went to Summer Ceremonies a couple of weekends ago. While at Ceremonies, we were encouraged to go through with a complete shutdown of modern conveniences for at least one week to ensure that we KNEW what we were dealing with. WHILE we were at Ceremonies, our House Guest (purely live individual, I assure you) complained of a few odd things happening in the home. That strengthened our resolve to complete the shut down.
I waited this while to make sure it was not a fluke, but, it FEELS like we are back to our normal family in this house. Our "friends" are still here, and we welcome them for the time, but the negativity seems to have lifted.
I do not recall the date, but I wrote my brother, and sent him a special gift the day AFTER this happened (for those of you who might need added proof): I was sitting on our front porch, the final cat had sauntered off, the birds had all taken flight save for one. This was the most beautifully vibrant yellow finch I had ever seen. It sat on one of my marigold blooms (I was dead heading them for the fall season. Just in case I want to plant them somewhere ELSE next blooming season) and just appeared to notice me. That is all. Just notice.
We have not had a flock of birds, nor herd of cats since. We get the strays, mind you, but not the groups we had before.
Now- for all your comments.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Hun I think you commented on the wrong page.
It happens at times 😊
VelvetLucifer (1 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Hm? How weird! Why has my reply to another story end up on here?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Hey Granny I have been having the same problems aswell not sure what is going on? 😕
VelvetLucifer (1 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Wow! What a very interesting and informational blog.:). But I thought Eve died when she ate the apple? Did Lucifer himself tell you she didn't die?
You're really pretty By the way. 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
WB: Is there a reason why my karma votes aren't couning?...Surely I haven't reached the 30 vote limit today?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
I am very sorry to hear about your comrade.
Depression is a very serious condition.
I use to have severe bouts of it. 😐
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Hi, WhiteBuffalo!

I had meant to comment sooner, but how did "going native" and your plan of action for this situation go?

Hopefully it went well and you'll be able to get back to the norm and feel a little more at peace. 😊
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I got nothin' for you on this one. 😕
Sounds crazy - as in, the whole situation, not as in, unbelievable.

Hugs, love, laughter and understanding to you and yours! 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)

If your neighbor complains please let him know that his home is not being 'cased'. (It's sad, but if he mumbles/grumbles about seeing someone in the shadows of his backyard this can be a validation point)

It was a cat night and as I 'departed' I noticed the birds beginning to gather. (Another point of validation... You have some very 'late season/out of 'normal range' visitors from our avian friends)

I will say this, It has been a very long time sense anyone offered any thanks to 'Old Man River' along any section that runs by your home. Mayhap it's time for a picnic lunch, under the trees, on the river bank with a 'prayer' of special thanks to the 'Old Man'. Prayer is of course in '...' because this can be done in whichever means you are most comfortable with.

Things are 'out of balance' in that 'eddy' and a small show of Thanks, may go a very long way.


blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
Hi there!
I was reading all the comments of the posters and I could say that the moon phases are so cool. I mean, this is the first time I heard about this and it interests me. I would like to know more about it and what it does to our world and the spirit world. I am actually sensitive to spirits and I never noticed that the moon can affect our world and the spirit world. I'd like to sudy about it but keep it a secret or people here in our house will call me crazy. LOL.

WB, I can't give any input to what has happened to you. I'm sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend. I feel for you. My prayers are with you and wish you all the best.

Keep your spirits high, you will get through this.

God Bless.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
You know, Granny?
I think I LIKE your "random thoughts" 😊.
I was VERY recently put BACK in touch with my Mentor when I was in the Wiccan learning process. I just gave her an overview of what has been happening (I might add, I talked to her for about three hours last night, before she up and said "So. This thing that you are dealing with. Tell me about it. It is not an easy problem." I about fell out of my chair, as I had NO intentions of telling her about it THEN). She is from the area, so she also knows of the strange migrations and such that is going on here.
Know what she said?
She said there are numerous times, that SHE knows of, that Animal Guides, (or Totems) will take it upon themselves to go to one who is in need. EVEN if THAT animal is NOT an associated Totem of the person IN need. It is not uncommon to SAY you are going to "send good vibes", "send blessings", "positive thoughts sent your way". Generally, the FEELING comes across, and little else. It is THOUGHT that the REASON for this is (get ready. I about got offended 😆) we got old.
There have been times (and she is going to try to send me a bit of documentation) when many people witnessed strange animal movements (Black panthers roaming big city streets, wolves straying into industrial areas, fish being in streams that scientists believe should NOT survive there...), and these particular animals COULD be linked (if one looks for the link) to a sender and a receiver.
OK. Apparently I have been reading the wrong newspapers.
Bobbie also said that those of us who have a strong faith in ALL the things we have discussed here, CAN "see" some of the things that the others just WILL not (I am SOOOOO not talking about ghosts here). In that most of my neighbors have witnessed MOST all of this, THAT would mean the communication was NOT to be ignored. There was an urgency, and our animal brothers KNEW of the import.
So, Random? Nah. I am just shocked that LAST NIGHT I found her again, and YOU posted a similar thought...
Seems like ANOTHER message needed to get through.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
There, for a while, members were dropping like balloons that lost their static cling to the wall. It was ridiculous. We (meaning this site) go through "phases" of epic proportions, it seems, where the whole lot seem to gather all their negative thoughts and comments and just lay them all at the feet of the authors here.
THEN get ticked when someone points it out, and asks them to be nice.
We are just like any other public forum. We hold all the immaturity, the arguments, the pettiness, and TRY to "Turn it around", but some people DO seem to get defensive when the need of a kind word, or confrontation arises.
But we are back on the up swing, now.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
Yeah, well, You know me, Darkness. Nothing but the complicated for MY life. 😆
Good thing I have this Circle. "...We'll get by with a little help from our friends..." are REALLY good lyrics that apply here.
Yes, it would appear that just about the whole Bin has stopped in. I am starting to wonder how they all got passed the Attendants, but, uh... Seeings how I have a pocket full of "skittles", that is probably what is calling them all in!
Thank you for stopping by. Do not be such a stranger!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
Hi Autumn wow, as with all your stories you really do bring a great sense of emotional knowledge and wisdom to this site and it would not be the same without you here.
I see the majority of the other loonies and friends have given you some great advice and ideas already well done all. I'm finding these theories on the animals quite intriguing going to look more in to this.

Thank you for sharing another great story.


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