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Weard Things In My Room


I am 15 years old and for the past few days I have just started feeling... Something. A few days ago I started feeling really cold on a certain part of my bed, this wasn't anything I would pay attention to, but repetitively it happened on numerous occasions in 1 night. Also I feel like I am being watched, my room is quite small and I have lived here for 10 years or so I have always felt safe, but this feeling of being watched makes me look behind me every 2 minutes as instinct kicks in and then I started getting a weird smell, but the smell wasn't perfume or flesh or anything like that, however this smell seemed familiar. My grandma passed 6 years ago and my dog Misty died a few weeks ago and my grandad died like 14 years ago, could it be them? Any suggestions?

I need help, I'm not scared, but curious. I heard a few bangs a couple of days ago too and the only one in the house that was able to be out there was my other dog but she was downstairs, my dad was at work, my brother was away and my sister and my mum were asleep. It was around 3 am (yes I play games up late) I need help what do you guys think, please don't say its just technical fault because I know it isn't this. I told my mum and she thinks its my grandad or my grandma, and my dad is a person who believes seeing is believing, if he doesn't see it he doesn't believe it so I am the only one who cares about this because its only me that experiences it. I have recently out of nowhere became very curious about psychopathic things.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, paranormallovr, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-21)
Don't you just hate passive aggressive hippies who think they can say anything at all so long as they disclaim it with " I say this with love?" Lol... No. I really do. Peace.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-21)
Rook, I thoroughly agree with both yourself and Valkicry that this automatic writing experiment is unwise and dangerous. I should have said so. What I piped up about was Bad Jujus reference to Huntress needing to find a role playing chat room because of her comment about being a hunter. I agree with BJJ that the comment was obscure, needed more explanation. Random, sure. But I stand by what I said. It's great that people respect you Rook, you stand out with your feedback. In truth, I've never read a response by you that I can fault, both arcane knowledge or your delivery of it. However. I stand by it, because I've been a member of this forum for a year, and spent a year reading the stories and threads prior to that. And it's my truth, my perception, that people pounce in groups upon a story or a post when someone they respect goes first. At best, it's ganging up. At worst, it's outright bullying. I've seen both on here and there's a lot of posters plainly not confident enough to stick up for themselves or find their own voice. Whew. Rant over. I say all this with love.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
V is correct with the observations on the O/P's experience.

As far as everyone 'jumping on the band wagon' when I point out certain things... All I can say is I try to approach each experience I read, as well as the comments, with an open mind while applying my experience so as to offer the best advice I can... That is if another member has not already suggested it already. That also means pointing out advice that is NOT that good, or possibly dangerous. Do not blame me if I happen to be the the first member that says something others agree with.

People post their experiences here, some just to share, others looking for answers and/or help and we owe it to them to offer the BEST ADVICE our experience leads us to offer. Advice that IS NOT potentially dangerous or may make a situation worse for the O/P.


valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
I'm so sorry - I just realized I had not directly replied to your account, but only advised you not to attempt a suggestion made in comments. Terribly rude of me. 😳
First you state you are 15, which is well within the age bracket when many start being aware of the paranormal around them. It's more prevalent with girls, but often happens with boys too. But is what you're experiencing truly paranormal? Huntress made some very valid points on 'mundane' possibilities. Anxiety, sensitivity to EMF fields,etc. The best thing I can advise you to do, as many of us on the site do, is keep a journal of these happenings and see if there is a pattern. Record everything you possibly can like time (around time works just as well. I'm seldom looking at a clock when something happens, but I know about what time it was), the weather, your emotional status, and of course the event. Jot it down ASAP, while it is fresh in your memory and no detail has had time to fade.
Next, investigate as much as possible. Let's take that cold spot on your bed. Exactly where on the bed is it - is it inline with anything that could create a draft? Like a window or an outer wall? Once you've eliminated all 'normal' possibilities, then you can entertain the idea it might be a spirit.
The smell - is it comforting? Something you associate with one of your grandparents or your pet? The second you smell it does it remind you of anything? Does it evoke a feeling in you?
You ask if what you are experiencing could be one of them paying you a visit. The answer is possibly. Pay attention and perhaps they will tell you who they are. Sometimes,it's just a 'knowing' on your part.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
Well, I'm weighing in with Rook on asking not just the OP but anyone NOT experienced NOT to do as Huntress suggested.
A literal translation of that piece of Latin is: "That is all in the mind, wish to speak of the house. I want this, at my house without waiting for. Show yourself to be now, and answer each question. Show yourself now." Hardly what I would define as a specific summoning or even an apt one. But as Huntress, herself points out - you could invite something bad into your home. I don't know where this particular Latin phrasing came from, but it's obviously incomplete and by itself contains no 'safety' value. And what if you do establish contact? How would you dismiss the entity? One with little to no experience/knowledge in these things would not have a clue. And if that entity happen to be malevolent?
As they say on television "Don't try this folks."
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
Gotta say, soon as Rook cans someone's post on this site, everyone else follows suit... I've thought that for a while. Crowd participation perhaps?
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
Maybe she means a hunter of ghosts. Like, a hunter of paranormal activity. Just sayin.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
Huntress, while this site does deal with topics some may find hard to believe, we do believe. It's real for those of us who have experienced the paranormal. This is a place for people to discuss real events, it isn't a fan fiction or role-playing site. Supernatural is a heck of a show, but I'm sure a quick Google search would lead you to a more appropriate place to play hunter. Have a nice day.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-18)
Please DO NOT attempt what the Huntress has suggested, both involve channeling a spirit/entity or at least the energy of one and this is something that should only be done by TRAINED individuals. Training can be due to upbringing (part of ones religious beliefs) or finding someone willing to teach you. These are advanced techniques and they do not always work, even for those who know how to preform them.

Attempting EVP's is safer... As is leaving out a pad of paper and a pencil...

Sorry I had to say something... Suggesting these things to someone who has little to no experience with the paranormal is just irresponsible... In my humble opinion.


Hunteress (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-17)
Hello. I'm a Hunter. I found this very interesting and wanted to comment. However, I also had to sign up. Just my luck.
Well, I can explain some of your listed experiences. The feeling of being watched could be anxiety, something very common in young people. Or you could be ultra sensitive to EMF (electromagnetic fields) which are caused by electricity. I am as well, I always have been, which makes me an extremely good hunter. The cold spots can be psychological, explained simply by science. When your body isn't touching a section of the bed it is cold. Of course, it could also be a flaw with heating. And odd one, but possible. And the odd smell? What does it smell like. Right after you pointed this out you mentioned some passed relatives and animals. Is the smell something you associate with them? It may be your grandma's perfume, Pop pop's cologne or the lovely smell of a wet dog. The bangs might be your house settling into the foundation. Do you have a basement? Is the basement constantly wet? All of these things can be easily explained to non-paranormal.
But it could also be a residual haunting, or "guardian spirit" situation. I have a few suggestions, but use them with caution, as they could also invite something bad into your home. Try with a white piece of paper and writing utensil of your grandmother or grandfathers and draw circles. Keep your eyes closed and say in your head or out loud "I wish to speak with the owner of this (utensil) on my paper" if your hand grows cold, ask a question. Or surround yourself with salt. Draw a star with a circle in front of you in marker. Put a red or black candle at the top point, and two bottoms. Place a larger candle in the center. Light the three smaller ones. Sit in the circle of salt and say:
"Tantum est in mente, cupio loqui domus. Sic volo, sic apud me sine ullius. Monstra te esse nunc, et respondere singulis quaestio est. Monstra te esse nunc." It's latin. The translation is a bit rough, but it asks to communicate to any spirit in your house safely. Let us know the results!
LJ (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-17)
Hey Paranormalovr,
When ever ghosts come around, it tends to get cold, ice cold. So maybe it is a deceased family member just coming to visit you. Don't be scared. If they had bad intentions, they would have made them known by now. You should maybe talk to them, or pray about it.:)
mrfknbee (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
I agree with rook that maybe he meant psychic and not psychopath things, how would anyone even describe psychopath things when its all around us in movies, tv, news, music, games internet and everyday life. I wouldn't worry your harmless like the rest of us mate
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Hi paranormallovr.

This is my opinion. Maybe you got a visit from deceased relatives or pets because you did mention on familiar smell so it could be one of them. The cold might be some sort of sign to let you know they are there for you. When my first cat died, for the first 3 months I have always felt like I have a company in my bed when I was sleeping (when my cat was still alive, she used to sleep with me). And my room was cold like freezing back then even though the heater is working just fine. That was the hardest months for me because in tears, I have to repeat those parting words every night. "I know you love me and I love you too dearestly but it is time for you to go to a better place".
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Well said Mandy... I also have to wonder if the O/P didn't mean to use different word. Perhaps they meant psychic things... Or psychic phenonomom (sp?) and not psychopathic. My 18 year old daughter and my 15 year old son will some times use an incorrect word when trying to say something.

So let's give the O/P the benifit of a doubt before jumping on that one particular statement.


MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
This is just my opinion, but I don't think the author needs lecturing or advice on "talking about their feelings" with somebody. It sounds like they've already discussed this with their mom, who seems to believe it's grandma or grandpa coming for a visit. Just because of a new interest in psychopathic things pops up, it doesn't mean it's bad, or a dangerous interest. I have a fascination with serial killers, not in a sick way, but I certainly don't need to talk to someone about it because it's not wrong, lol! Sometimes as we get older, we find out we are interested in unique things. I don't think that it requires parental or counselor involvement. And I don't mean to be rude or off-putting, but the author literally mentioned it in the LAST sentence, why are we concentrated on that instead of the entire rest of the story?! (Myself now included, lol)

ANYWAY, why don't you see if your mom or dad can feel and smell the things you do... You never know, your mom may be able to recognize the smell of your grandma or grandpa.
M1cr0b1al (3 stories) (38 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Forgot to add; if you ever wanted to talk about psychology, or Antisocial Personality Disorder in particular, you're always welcome to email me through my profile on this website.
M1cr0b1al (3 stories) (38 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Just to clarify, I am neither stating that your case is paranormal or not. However, since you have become so interesting in psychology all of a sudden, perhaps hearing this from an individual who studies the field may be some use; particularly violent tendencies and Antisocial Personality Disorder (which involves Psychopathy, inclusively)

As some have stated before, there is no direct coronation between the fascination with Psychology (or Psychopathy in particular) and the Paranormal; or the occurrence of paranormal events.

I assume your reasoning behind this is the sort of "darkness" an individual who is a Psychopath can have, versus the feeling one may get from a Paranormal situation. However, simply because that feeling of 'instinctual paranoia', or perhaps fascination, can be nearly identical between the two subjects does not negate any form of similarity or correlation.

Before anyone can consider that they have experienced a Paranormal event, you must first deduct all other logical reasonings that could otherwise explain that particular event.

The others are correct to say that it could very well be a feeling of fatigue that is bringing on this paranoia you are experiencing. Depending on what kind of game your are playing (such as a horror-based game), these feelings could also be introduced simply due from it.

If you were to cut those variables from your life, momentarily, and you still have these feelings and experiences, then you can consider whatever it is you're experiencing to possibly be of a paranormal nature.

To add, I'm not quite sure what the others are implying when thy state they you should speak with an adult about this. I do not know if they refer to your new interest in psychopathy, or what you're experiencing on a paranormal level. Incase it is the former, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having an interest in Psychopathy, or Psychology in general. That is, unless this is some form of obsession with psychopathic individuals in particular, in which case it can become unhealthy.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Hi I agree with Badjuujuu, you need to speak to someone about your feelings and most importantly you need to stop staying up until 3am playing games, (I'm assuming its xbox Lack of sleep can make people obviously very tired but also people can experience other symptoms such ad paranoia, negative feelings etc. There is time to play the games in the day, don't waste hours into the early morning playing them. At your age school and studying is precious even though it will not feel like it to yourself. Look after yourselves, have fun, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Also if what you are experiencing is your loved ones that have passed away, they are just saying "hello". No more early morning game playing! Let us know how you get on.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
Hello Paranormallovr- Well I know from my experience I had when I lived in my old apartment, that when smells come out of no where there is something trying to get our attention. I had that experience with food,perfume, I would smell matches like after they been struck and put out. Just keep a record of what happens maybe it could be your grandma I really don't know. Keep us informed.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-05-12)
It concerns me that you talk of recently becoming interested in "psychopathic things." Psychopathic and paranormal do not go hand in hand. You need to sit down with your parents, a trusted relative, a school counselor, school nurse, any responsible adult, and discuss these feelings honestly and openly. You're at a tough age, and need a support system of people who care, regardless of what your current dilemma turns out to be.
Please talk to someone face to face about these feelings.

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