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guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-28)
[at] javelina - I will respond based on your points.

1) Good to know - is there any scientific explanation for it?

2) I have listed a few of my Night terrors experiences in another post on a story named - Sanlang Tira (written by someone else). I do believe that many ghost stories are actually night terrors.

3) I believe demons are demons, as you stated sex may just be an avenue to get to humans. They can and will hurt anyone if it suits their purpose.

4) I'm a Christian so I also have my opinions. I do think there are evil spirits/demons around us but I believe that many are confusing night terrors and sleep paralysis with supernatural encounters.

5) You are entitled to your opinion. I was researching Lillith after I came across some articles that referred to her as the first wife of Adam. I then came across other words like succubus and sex demon. Which brought me to this site. Previously I thought my experiences were due to the stress of my job or a ghost was interfering with me. (Because of this site I also got to know about sleep paralysis and night terrors). I was piecing together to encounters and my emotions at the time of the incidents when I made those statements. Sucubussed has helped a lot is his comments.

6) Whatever the case be, coming on this site, and I'm assuming you read the rules before posting your story, and describing such an act in such graphic detail just puts you into a whole different category to me. And what I want to say is just too harsh. But you are no gentleman, you've put a very graphically detailed account on a public site that can be read by 13 year old kids. So my opinion of your decision is very bad. My only question is why you would do such a thing if it wasn't to try and get a rise out of others or perhaps some sick sexual fantasy of your own. -

I'm new to this site and read a few stories, unfortunately I didn't not read the rules before submitting my story. When I looked at some other stories I realised they were written by teenagers. If it's possible now, I would like the admin to edit out those graphic details and possibly use generalised terms. I do apologise to you for whatever discomfort you may have suffered upon reading my encounter. I know what I have experienced - though I cannot explain what caused it to occur. If you don't believe it doesn't mean that it isn't true, I know some of the stories here are unbelievable.

Javelina that was my first story and I believe you are right that certain details should the edited to suit all who are reading. I've written other experiences in various posts that are not graphic and When/If I submit another story it should be much different. Thank you for your comment and insight.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-28)
Sorry about this, but listing things helps me with figuring things out.
1) You get a chill when you urinate? That's normal, it happens to both genders and I wouldn't worry at all.
2) Night terrors do feel real, that's probably why they got such a name. Being a phenomenon that so many others have experienced does merit naming it I'd say.
3) If, and I'm being serious here, these beings are real, there is no guarantee that they would not approach your children. No one can offer any proof that they have or haven't, but why in the world would a being that wants nothing but sex, stop at just you?
4) Others that experience this phenomenon would love to place so called non-believers in the category of some outdated religious beliefs. I find this attitude to be just as closed minded as the people they're describing. It's like the left versus the right all over again. All politics with no real answers, just a whole lot of finger pointing and hot air. Sorry, but my opinions sometimes cannot be held back.
5) You sure don't seem to want this to stop. As a matter of fact it sounds like you are looking for a way to keep it going, which makes me wonder if it ever happened at all. You wouldn't just be looking for the recipe would you? The directions, so to speak, for conjuring one of these beings up for your own pleasure? It wouldn't be the first time this has occurred on this site and doubtful it will be the last.
6) Whatever the case may be, coming on this site, and I'm assuming you read the rules before posting your story, and describing such an act in such graphic detail just puts you into a whole different category to me. And what I want to say is just too harsh. But you are no gentleman, you've put a very graphically detailed account on a public site that can be read by 13 year old kids. So my opinion of your decision is very bad. My only question is why you would do such a thing if it wasn't to try and get a rise out of others or perhaps some sick sexual fantasy of your own.
But as you can see by the responses before mine, people here take these things very seriously. You got away with your graphic description in your story, but your comments have let the real you out. I wouldn't expect you'd have been able to get away with it any other way, it's just too bad that it got posted is how I feel. This could have been discussed without that being part of it. It's just too much if you ask me, and it saddens me to see this happen here.
😢 😕
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-27)
guyinsane, it is my opinion that you need to come to a decision as to how you are going to proceed with this, or not, and you need to make that decision as soon as possible

Please take my word for it... These Beings are not toys, and they do not like to be played with. I can cite several cases where they have turned vicious toward a Human that has waffled back and forth, unable to come to a decision either way, and although they have not harmed or affected anyone else in these peoples' loves, they have definitely made these people very uncomfortable, to say the least.

If you DO want this, keep having sex with her... Talk to her, and project your emotions toward her. You will most likely feel her return the emotions, and you may also begin to understand her communicated thoughts.

I can't say not to do this, as I have done so and am very happy in my relationship with Pure. BUT... Be aware that these Beings are not toys, they are smarter than all Humans, including you, and if you engage in a relationship with this invisible woman that is having sex with you, your life will never again be completely under your own control.

I can assure you that this will happen. The sex gets better on a fairly constant curve, and you will become addicted. Take my word for it. It's been almost eight years of almost constant increase in pleasure for me with my Succubus, and there is no sign that this will change.

You have free choice, but I advise you to make a decision as soon as possible, and stick with it.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-27)
thanks guys for the feedback. Ever since these sexual activities commenced, a negative impact was felt on my marriage and I'm still struggling with the fallout of my actions. When I was out for my few days my wife and I would usually end up arguing and I could wait to get back to the jungle to enjoy the cold comfort of the night. Ever since I left that place the sexual activities gradually reduced. However, I still longed for it and tried to "call" out to it whenever I was in another jungle setting. However, since I started reading about Lillith, the experiences have returned to an extent but it has happened only a few times. Now as I'm typing I can feel my skin crawling, near my groin area, my left leg and by belly. It doesn't feel sexual at this moment though...I'm at work.
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
[at] guyinsane,

What Sucubussed describes below is, in my opinion, accurate on most counts. I agree with Succubussed that a spirit is likely causing what you are experiencing (it is not your imagination) and that the commonly available definitions and descriptions available on the internet of these types of spirits are not very accurate.

I also believe that switching positions and avoiding dwelling on thoughts about the spirit as Succubussed describes are practical ways to start helping to interdict the spirit's ability to derive enjoyment from association with you and should at least have the effect to not encourage it over time. I would add that you should avoid talking to it or with it as well.

I do, however, believe these types of spirits are demonic. Not all demons are the same. If you want to read a detailed description of why I think these types of spirits are demonic, click on my YGS account name and read my profile where I talk at length about that.

I believe that God can and will help someone this type of problem if that person seeks His help. His help may not come right away on our time table, but I believe He will eventually help if a person asks for His help, is sincere and consistent in seeking Him and not living a compromised life of some kind.

I hope you choose to not accept this thing as a part of your life because as Succubussed described, it can easily negatively impact your marriage. I would take that a step further and say that these selfish beings also tend to negatively impact other areas of your life over time as well as your afterlife.
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
Isandhu, in guyinsane's case, I cannot be 100% positive that it's not internal. I don't think it is, however, due to the similarities between his case and those of others that this happens to, and with whom I have had direct contact.

In most if not all of those other case, the Beings in question have done things, or told the Human things that have proven that they are sentient Beings, separate from ourselves.

Guyinsane, you didn't ask for this, so you have no reason to feel guilt. If you willingly continue with it, then you will have to decide how you feel about it.

I myself don't feel guilty about my relationship with Pure, but I have arrived at that as a conscious decision, and it's a personal one.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
Succubussed, your response was very interesting. Do you not think it's possible that this experience is internal, created by circumstances and hormones, and if not, why?

Guyinsane2008, I don't think you should feel guilty about this, whether it is internal or extenal. Whatever it is, I don't think it's a question of blame, and I hope you find the answers you seek.
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
guyinsane, much of what you describe sounds very familiar to me.

The reason why what you are experiencing doesn't sound like what you've read of Succubi (plural for Succubus) is because the definition (including the one you'll find on Wiki) is because the traditional definition of a Succubus is based on myth and superstition. As far as I know (and I've been researching this phenomenon for years), there is no such Being as what is traditionally described as Succubus. And as far as I know, the traditional definition of an Incubus is entirely mythological as well (supposedly a male version of the Succubus, attacks women in their sleep, can impregnate Humans).

I don't believe that you have somehow created this Being yourself. In the eight years since this started happening to me, leading me to search for answers, I have been in direct contact with well over two dozen other people who have this happen to them, and with some variation, all of us seem to experience something very similar to what you describe, especially in the initial stages. I believe that these Beings are real, that they do exist, that they have existed for as long as Man has been around, and I believe that nobody yet fully understands what they are.

I do believe that there is some sort of species of invisible Beings who have sex with Humans, and they do it with us while we're awake. I have had one with me for almost eight years now. If she is draining my life force, or somehow stealing my soul, she is taking a stupidly long time to do it, because I am in better health than I have ever been, and my soul is fully intact.

I believe that Humans have attempted to explain these Beings as Humans are prone to attempt to explain to ourselves anything we don't understand, and so throughout history you will find that various definitions have been applied to whatever these Beings are.

The Church has made an attempt to explain them, which gives us the most commonly accepted definition of Succubi/Incubi, and that is that they are Evil. This is quite understandable when you consider that unless it takes place within very narrow, rigid conditions, sex itself is considered a sin, or Evil, by the three major Monotheistic religions.

I still don't know what these Beings are, but in most of the cases I am familiar with, including my own, they do seem to take and give a great deal of pleasure from having sex with Humans.

I don't believe that these Beings are Evil in a Good Versus Evil sense of the word, but most of them, including the Being that has sex with me, are motivated primarily if not exclusively by a desire for sexual pleasure, with little regard for what might be important to you in your own life. Almost all that they seem to want is sex.

For this reason, (and because there is so much negative connotation to words like "Sex Demon" and Succubus", "Incubus"), and for lack of a better label, I call them Sex Beings, although there are other aspects of the relationship that will develop over time if one engages in this sort of contact with them for long.

I don't think that you are in any mortal danger from this Being that has begun touching you, and because I know several people who have children in their homes who report no danger to their kids, I would say that your children are safe. This is not the sort of paranormal activity that is going to resemble any movie you've ever seen.

What I will say is that if you continue to sexually engage with this Being, your marriage will most certainly be changed, and possibly destroyed.

This is what I believe:

I believe that these Beings have an intelligence and emotions, much like Humans, possibly even more so on both counts. I do know that they can become very attached to the Humans that they have sex with, and they don't like to share.

I don't know of any cases where Sex Being has harmed the spouse or partner of a Human that they are having sex with, but they can cause difficulties in a marriage, and are capable of completely turning off the libido of the Human's spouse. This has happened in my case and a few others I am familiar with.

If you continue with this, your marriage may very well run along fine on all but one cylinder, but you can be assured that the sex life that you have with your Human wife will most definitely change.

If nothing else, prolonged sexual contact with one of these Beings will reduce and finally eliminate any desire you feel for Human/Human sex.

The pleasure is astonishing, it is very addicting, and it is unique in that there is no other person that will make yo feel the way one of these Beings can make you feel, once yo start having sex with them regularly.

If you don't want this to keep happening, you will need to do your utmost to ignore it, and to discourage it by refusing to willingly engage in sex with it. If it happens when you are on your back (the apparently preferred position), then roll onto your side when you feel it start. If it happens when you are lying in bed at night trying to sleep, read a book until you drop off. Don't spend time thinking about it, they can read your mind and feel your emotions, and any attention that you give them is encouragement. They seem to love attention, to thrive on it in fact, and especially the focused emotional and mental attention of sex.

If you don't want this Being around you, then deprive it of your attention. It doesn't always work, but I know first-hand of several cases where it has.

I have never heard of anything else that has worked, and I have been in contact with people who have tried everything
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
[at] I'm a real ghost - I have no idea if this thing... If it is a demon or ghost... Is a female, male or gender neutral 😕
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
[at] I'm a real ghost - Our minds will wander as it is in our nature and being faithful may be a hard thing to commit to. I don't think loving the other person may be enough to keep your mind off other individuals (women in my case). I would say that the night terrors and sleep paralysis were more frequent in my teenage years and possibly early twenties. Now, I can do many things - sleepwise without getting nightmares. However, if my it is my mind's doing then this is some freaky stimulation going on - it means that I have a greater control of every tissue in my body... Which is a bit far fetched but can not be ruled out.

Believe it or not the most plausible explanation is a succubus... Which I'm having trouble accepting.
Imarealghost (2 stories) (39 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
When I read a lot of these stories, one common factor is that people have strange experiences whilst in bed so I always believe that it is those things which you have already mentioned, sleep related things. One thing that you said that was interesting though, and you made a reference to it twice which was about being faithful to your wife. You first mention it in your 2nd paragraph and then again in one of your other posts and I quote:

"2. If it is something I can subconsciously create then this can function as an added avenue to remain faithful...I'm just saying..."

Would I be being too personal if I asked if you felt that there was something maybe missing in terms of your marriage? I personally believe that what you are experiencing is something that you are creating yourself due to some level of anxiety about something in your life? Something, related to sex perhaps, Maybe you are, deep down not fully content in your marriage even though you love your wife (or not as the case may be) and this makes you feel guilty, or you've had eyes on another woman, or toyed with the idea of being unfaithful and that thought sends you nuts with guilt? (just guessing here obviously) Like, you want to or have considered being unfaithful but you don't want to hurt your wife and child, or even feel that you are hurting them?

I do believe it is some kind of anxiety going on that causes these sleep related thingys like sleep paralasys, night terrors etc so I would imagine I'm not too far off the mark in what I'm guessing at, Or am I way off the mark in this case? Sorry if I'm being too personal, you don't have to answer any of it obviously... I'm just trying to offer some alternative explanation than that of ghostly ones.

HOWEVER, if it does turn out that its a ghost... PLEASE send her over here!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
guyinsane - I understand your reference in 2. It's perfectly reasonable and a way of honoring your wife and your marriage vows. Unless things would take a much different turn, I hope this is what is going on. Your subconscious has manifested this situation for you as a way of dealing with your needs without seeking an outside source to help you.

One thing though. With help from some friends, I was able to figure out that I was subconsciously creating my situation. Once I realized that, my experiences gradually decreased and then ceased altogether. I can't say I was entirely happy about that 😉

My best to you.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
[at] Elliemay

I would like to explain it away rationally but I can't. I would like to say it's my imagination rather than believe a demon is interfering with me but its not so simple. At this time it could be anything... But I shudder at the thought that a demon is screwing (with) me.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
[at] Miracles - I'm hoping you are right for a few reasons.

1. I have a little child and would never want any evil supernatural entity to be in my home (I've a few of these occurrences at home).

2. If it is something I can subconsciously create then this can function as an added avenue to remain faithful...I'm just saying...

3. I would be able to explain other situations that are similar in nature.

I've read up on night terrors and sleep paralysis to see if they can explain some of the experiences that I've had but there are still some gaps to be filled. I've also encountered the "false awakening from a dream" experiences quite often. Mostly with night terrors but a few times with mundane daily routines like missing the bus or waking up late. The night terrors seems so real though...
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
It sounds like youve already decided what you think it is yourself guyinsane2008.

I would say it was definatley a succubus.
Sometimes you don't even see a form as such you just feel the actions.

But I suppose different people have different opinions on things 😊

Good luck finding what you seek.

xXelliemayXx ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
guyinsane - I normally don't like to comment on these stories, but I'm making an exception in this case because of the way you presented your story and asked your question.

From personal experience, I can tell you yes, this is something a person can create subconsciously. You said you are married and faithful. You knew you weren't going to be "getting any." I think all the key ingredients were there for you to have subconsciously created this situation. This is just my opinion, from my personal experience.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
I have already checked up on succubus and lillith. But I'm wondering if it could be other things like an entity or a ghost...

I have had many encounters with either the same thing or similar things but have never seen a shape/form and never heard voices. Many times when I relieve myself I feel as if something is lightly touching the nape of my neck causing an involuntary shrug of the shoulders and a goose-bump like feeling on my face.
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
Thankyou for your story.
My opinion is that it was a succubus,
A female demon/spirit appearing in dreams who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse.
If you want more info just type it into wikipedia

I would think that if it was just your imagination and you did climax then there would be some kind of evidence shall we say...

Ive had an experience like this before if you would like to read it, only difference was mine was a incubus, a male spirit.

Hope this helps a little.
Any questions email me!
xXelliemayXx ❤
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
I apologize if the story is graphic, however, I'm hoping that it will help in determining if this was something I subconsciously willed myself to do knowing I won't be "getting any" or if it is something supernatural...

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