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Comments for My Classmate, Bill, Showed Me How He Died: Page 1

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Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
I think you made a wise choice, zzsgranny. This is truly easy to believe and I know from experience how these things happen.

And they do happen.

Why did Bill choose you, Henleys? Maybe you were the most receptive to him.

Without naming names, I once had a dream about a famous person at the moment he was dying. I did not know he was dying while I was dreaming. Things I could not have known and did not learn until later were important details in the dream. This experience recently repeated itself.

Dreams happen.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
Nice story. Sorry about Bill... I think perhaps Bill was showing you his death from his boots perspective.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
Henleys: I'll probably take a lot of heat for publishing this since it entails a "dream", but I think I've learned, over the years, to distinguish between "just a dream" and a true visitation...Unfortunately, no one can give a definate answer as to why he chose you, but sometimes, it just happens that way... Could be all the stuff you had in common...

I'm sure he appreciates the effort you made to honor him and your compatriots... It was/is a lovely gesture...

Thank you for posting! 😊
Henleys (3 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-05)
I would like to dedicate this to javelina for her dedication and appreciation for all us veterans.

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