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Purchased A Haunted Home


It all started when my wife and I purchased our first home in Pasadena, Maryland in June of 2005. Nothing out of the ordinary happened in the first couple of months other than our cats wouldn't go into the basement and the smell of heavy perfume and the smell of cigarette smoke in our bed room, to which my wife would ask me if I was smoking in the house. And the answer was always NO!

Fast forward to August of the same year. The cats finally like the basement due to the fact that their food bowls now reside on my work bench. Just a note. The basement was finished and turned into a home theater room by the previous owner, with the laundry room and work bench in the unfinished part.

It was around 3 or so in the afternoon. I came home early from work to hook up a game console to the theater system. I was the only soul in the house or so I thought. I was behind the entertainment center when I looked up and saw a man walk down the stairs and across the basement to the other side, where there was a door to the unfinished side.

He was an older looking man about 60-70 years of age. He wore tan work pants with a blue flannel shirt and a brown hat. It kind of freaked me out but I thought nothing of it and went about my business. I surely didn't mention this to my wife.

About a month later I had a friend move in with us. Him and I would hang out in the basement and watch TV and stuff all night. We would kind of make a mess that my wife would always ask us to clean up every night. Joking we would say, "why don't you ask the guy who lives down here to clean it up". Not the smartest thing I have ever said to my wife.

Needless to say, things went south with my friend and he moved back to Texas in October.

I eventually told my wife what I had seen that day in August down in the basement. And she was a little concerned. I told her that it won't hurt you and not to worry about it.

I never told anybody about this except my wife. In November my brother came to visit. We all were out back BBQing and having a good time. My brother asked me what was going on in his room and I said, why? I looked up and there were lights floating around his room. I then went on to tell him about the guy in the basement and that his room is directly over the spot in the basement where the guy vanished.

My wife and I eventually stopped going down to the basement except to feed the cats and do the laundry, we never went down there alone any more. Call us scared?

We bought a TV and made the living room our new TV room. I remember my cats and dog would always watch something move around the room. At the time I knew very little of the super natural knowledge animals had.

The last thing I remember happening that still freaks me out to this day; was the dog bone incident.

We keep our dog gated in our room at night so he wouldn't bother the cats. One night I was awoken by him barking and growling as if someone had broken in the house. I immediately grabbed my pistol and flash light to sweep the house. As I steeped over the gate there was a dog biscuit in the middle of the hallway. How it got there was beyond my recognition, as we keep the dog treats above the sink in the cabinet. And if it was there before we went to bed the dog would have found it!

We couldn't sell the house so we rented it out. I never asked any of the tenants if they had any happening in the house. Because I didn't want to scare them away. We finally had to fore-close on the house.

I wish I still owned the house because I would love to find out what happened there.

I think we were followed! My wife and I moved to a 2 bedroom apartment in Naperville, Illinois in 2009. Lovely place nice and bright.

When we lived there money was very tight. We used to give the dog Goldfish snack crackers as treats. Because they were a lot cheaper than regular dog treats.

One morning I was running behind so instead of giving the dog his usual snack I grabbed a handle full of cat food. I proceeded to get ready, about 15 minutes later I heard my dog growl. Thinking nothing of it I went about my business. As I came into the kitchen to my surprise there was a red goldfish snack cracker on the floor in the middle of the kitchen. I picked it up and tried to give it to my dog and he wouldn't eat it.

I stood there in the kitchen pondering what had happened and out of the corner of my eye I saw a black mist shoot out of the laundry room. That is the first and last time anything happened in the apartment.

I'm currently living in Iraq working with KBR. My wife has moved to her home town in eastern Pa. I hear my dog barking and growling all the time when I call her on the phone. I ask her what he is barking at. And she reply's nothing, he's lying on the couch.

I can't wait to get home and see what awaits me...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AndrewZ, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

epic_fail (5 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-26)
Neat story! It does sound a little spooky, but the ghost sure did seem to like your dog. If he did follow you, I'd say it was because of that.
Either way AndrewZ, he seems friendly, so I wouldn't worry too much. And if you and your wife are greatly annoyed, you could ask him to leave.
When you get home from Iraq, that is.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-24)
I'll take it! I love being the bad guy. 😉

Thanks for sharing this story. I agree with a lot of what others have said here and I have to wonder if your wife has ever encountered this person or seen him first-hand? Have you described him to her? Could it be someone attached to HER, like a relative? I get the feeling it might be someone's grandfather, but I can't be sure. It could be just someone who was in that house and took a liking to your dog.

I can't really have negative feelings toward entities that are friendly to animals though. I do like how your dog was like "nuh-uh, boss. I ain't eatin' that there treat, it might have ghostie gooeys on it."

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that you're in the military? Anyway, I hope you and the wife and pets are doing well.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-24)
Just a matter of time before Farrah starts getting prissy and asking for more money than the others. So you can be our Cheryl'll just have to wait until the Six Million Dollar Man is cancelled and Farrah is strapped for cash.

Gotta find a way to write Cosmo and of course, Devious into the script... Potential villainesses?

Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Very interesting story here, AndrewZ. This activity seems to be getting worse for you guys. Do you mind if I ask if your relationship has detoriated lately? (I mean between you and your wife). The only reason I ask is that these sorts of Spirits may be feeding off negative energy and growing any negative feelings that you and your wife may already have. I have had a similar experience with this sort of entity. And, never use a Ouija Board to contact Spirit.

Loonies (LouSlips, Javelina, zzgranny, Miracles, and taz), you guys need another blonde? Don't know who I could be?, haha 😜, probably just an extra if you need one!

Love & Light, Rachel ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
andrewZ great story thanks for posting.
Agree with comments here your dog most likely would not take it as not given by one of you.

Also agree with the idea of you posting more on here don't matter how long they are just add them if its anything like this one will go down a storm 😁

Keep us posted when you get home
Be safe

Louslips do you need a bosley?!? Keep the girls in line?
Only need to ask 😆
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Sorry, Red... It was Farrah. A mission indeed... Got a new story to submit, if you are up to the commenting task.

Granny, pack all the holy water your outfits will accomodate. Just remember the contract states no undergarments during filming.

Miracles...get used to it darlin'.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Morning, Charlie (cough, cough Lou) 😆 - I was actually trying to work this morning (don't even start, Javelina and granny 😆). Thought I'd better stay off YGS at least until lunch time. So here I am and I miss being called an angel. Wow! I've been called a lot of things, but not sure an angel has ever been one of them 😆. I will definitely mark this on my calendar.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
It sounds like Lou has a mission for us, what do you think? Should we help the Loverly Lou today? Let's hear it girls! 😆 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
LOL! Yep, Lou!...Got a blonde, a brunette, and a red-head!...Those pistols are fully loaded with the highest quality Holy water available 😆 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
You can come clean with us now. Which poster did you have? The one with all three Angels, or THE one with just Farrah?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Any activity where you are now? are basically in one of the oldest places in the world.

Jav, Granny, Miracles:

"Good morning, Angels"...nice to see the YGS trio in action... (backs togther, pistols drawn... Got all three hair colors even?)

Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-23)
Great story!

Hope to hear more soon, one calrification pelase, when you said -
"Joking we would say, "why don't you ask the guy who lives down here to clean it up". Not the smartest thing I have ever said to my wife."

Did this cause more activity in the house, did the man show himself more?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-22)
AndrewZ: Talking to her and trying to get EVP's aren't going to open any portals... Just be specific about whom you're addressing... And I suggest you read up on and practice shielding techniques prior to any communication... A lot of good info on the www, just google it...

I don't recommend an Ouija board, or any thing of the like...

And does your Grandfather live in the USA?
AndrewZ (2 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-22)

What I neant by contacting her, was to sit down and talk with her and recording the EVP's. I know she is in the house. Myself and two other family members have seen and felt her.

[at] Granny: The house sold last week.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
How were you planning on contacting her? I hope you're thinking digital recorder or tapping back answers to questions you ask. I s that what you meant?

[at] zzgranny and Miracles,
Smells and odors are the #1 trigger to your memories. I remember reading that in a psychology report. I had been looking for information on that subject because of the reactions I had witnessed of Viet Nam Vets.
I did a lot of work as a volunteer with veterans. And every year we have a festival here in Tucson called the 'Nam Jam'. I worked with, and eventually headed, the Museum Committee. We would set up two medium length military tents so that the rear door of the first tent would lead to the front door of the second tent, at the entrance we hung camouflage netting to make shaded area where we would greet the people before they entered. Around this area we stacked sand bags to give it a more authentic feel. When the guys saw this they came right over and got in line. Now, the sight was a memory trigger for sure, but it was when they reached the the sand bags and the smell of those tents hit them that you had to keep your eyes on them. We had to have at least four of us at the entrance at all times during that day to assist the Veterans once they reached that point. The memories hit them so hard they're knees would give out. We had a cart full of folding chairs over to the side that were in use throughout the day. Once they went down it was not easy to get them back up and over to a chair, so you had to keep your eyes open for the signs, and get a chair over to them before they hit the ground.
So, to me that shows the power of smell to trigger memories. They all saw the tent and sand bags and were fine with it, but once the smell of the tents hit them, it was like they got hit by a huge wave, and down they went.
Jennifer_ghostlover (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
I think that you should keep this going. As for the treats. A person of the afterlife could actually be a dog person. And since the first seen your dog has grow attached to it. So they think the dog will be their friend. I don't think it is a bad ghost that you need to worry about.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
Andrew: In my opinion, the fact that your Grandmother passed quickly has no bearing on why she's with your Grandfather right now, nor should that scare you...However, I'm wondering why you feel the need to contact her?...And does your Grandfather live in the USA too?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
Andrew - what makes you think you'd hear bad things from your grandmother and why do you think it might cause harm to your grandfather? And how are you planning to do this? All of these questions are pretty important.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
granny - that is very cool ❤. I love it when your dad gives you those signs. More to add to that journal you aren't keeping 😆
AndrewZ (2 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
Hey guys and gals. I have a question: should I contact my past grand mother? She is in my grand fathers house, keeping him company. I'm affraid cause she died very quickly from cancer and I don't want to hear bad things from her or upset her. I also, don't want to "open" any gates and put my grand father in harm.
AndrewZ (2 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
Thank you all for posting and for the advice. I would add a couple more experiences but they are too long. But I may reconsider.

[at] zzsgranny: my old home is for sale. I saw it listed at $106,000.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
Miracles: LOL... I did that a couple of times recently, but now, when I smell blackberry blossoms, I just smile and say "HI, and good night!", because I know I'm not going to find the source 😆...

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my Father's passing, and this morning I smelled "Old Spice"...My husband doesn't use it, none in the house!...It was a big thing for me when I was little to smell him after he shaved 😢, and he always used "Old Spice"...Cool, huh?

Sorry to hijack your thread, AndrewZ 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
granny - glad to see I'm not the only one thinking that animals can smell ghosts LOL. I mean, why the heck not? You just mentioned that's usually your first clue. BTW, I got a great visual of you crawling around on your hands and knees sniffing in the air and on the floor 😆.

That is also one of the ways I notice them: cigarettes, perfume, powder (one I currently can't figure out 😕), even dirt 😆. So it's not such a leap to believe animals, especially dogs, would be able to smell them. We know they see them, so smell shouldn't be that far out there, huh? And if you're crazy, we know what that makes me LOL
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
AndrewZ: Personally, I'm jealous! 😆...I want to buy a haunted house...But, I have a couple of ghostie friends at the moment, so that's enough for the time being...It's funny that you mention scents...That's usually the first clue I get about spirits being present... Then I look like an idiot wandering and crawling around my house at 2am sniffing everything 😆...

Miracles' "crackpot theory" is exactly what I was thinking when I read about your dog not wanting the goldfish... I mean, think about it: if we humans can smell a spirit, I'm positive a dog can...

Javelina and Miracles both have stories on here about how they've dealt with and learned to co-exist with their ghosties... Just some suggested reading I think you'll enjoy... Thank you for posting, and I hope you have more to share 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
AndrewZ - I knew I forgot something 😆. Your ghost interacting with your dog? Oh yeah, my little girl (at least I'm assuming it's her and not the man) just did that Tuesday with my cat. Flipped me out completely 😆. I was getting ready for work, Rex was on my bed. I gave him one of his little fuzzy toy balls to play with. I turn around for less than 2 seconds, turn back around and there's another one laying on the bed with him. I didn't put it there, Rex hadn't moved, but there it was. That toy wasn't in my bedroom. I hadn't seen it in weeks. I have a serious OCD issue, so I'm confident when I say I hadn't seen that toy in weeks LOL.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I completely believe you about the dog bone/gold fish cracker. 😐 As for the black mist. That's how my little boy sees our ghost man. He's a black shadow. Sometimes he "zooms really fast." I explained it to my son that our ghost is in a hurry because he's trying not to be seen.

I have a crackpot theory (favorite words from BadJuuJuu) about why your dog didn't want to eat the cracker when you tried to give it to him, but I'm not sure how it's going to sound. So forgive me if it's stupid, okay? Every animal has their own personality, just like people, right? I know my animals, and none of them will take food from someone else's hand except my kids or me. So what if the reason your dog didn't want this cracker was because this "black mist" had handled it first? For all we know, maybe animals can detect scents from spirits. (Shrugging shoulders here because I don't have a clue LOL.) Just an idea.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
AndrewZ - Javelina has given you some excellent starting points. Hopefully you'll be able to figure out whether or not this is the same entity in each of your homes and if he is, why he's attached to you or your wife.

It doesn't seem to me as if you have anything to fear from him. None of the incidents involving the ghost, spirit, whichever it may be display any aggressive or menacing behavior. Your dog just may be growling simply because he knows this spirit is there, but the growls doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

I want to share something with you. Over the past 27 years, I have lived in 14 different homes and in each of those homes I have had a ghost or 2 (or 3 😆), and not the same one. They don't follow me. My kids and I currently live with a "non-living" little girl and a man. I used to think I was crazy and then I started keeping a Journal in 2002. When I began writing down everything I'd experienced, I realized I wasn't crazy, well not about ghosts anyway 😆.

It might be that your ghost is a deceased family member or friend who is just keeping an eye on you. It could also be that either you or your wife, or both of you, have a gift. Unless something changes in the behavior of your houseguest, I wouldn't worry.

By the way, how does your wife feel about this? Has she experienced anything herself? If you have more stories, I'd love to read them.
watermoon (2 stories) (54 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-21)
What a neat experience. I have always wondered what it would be like to live in a hunted house but kind of glad that I don't. Thanks for sharing 😁
AndrewZ (2 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-20)
[at] Javelina
Thank you for your comment. I honestly don't recall if we kept anything from the house. Secondly, now that I think about past family members, it very well could have been my wifes Grandfather. Thirdly, my dog is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. I got him as a puppy. Like I said in my story, I wish I still owned that house. I have become very interested in the "unseen". I would give anything to do an investigation on that house.

[at] aiafaith1: thank you for the commenet.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-20)
It does sound as if you are being followed, or the spirit you've seen may be attached to you, your wife, or an object that was in the home where you first saw the man.
Think about that for a minute. Was there something you may have brought with you from that house that was there when you first bought it? It could be something small, anything that you might have switched out while you were making it your own? A tool, roll of wire, light switch, did you replace any of the plumbing or cabinet hardware? It's at least a starting point.
However, if this spirit is attached to one of you, it could be a close relative that has passed, it needn't be a recent passing either. Look through old family photos from both of your families. That may just trigger some memory for you or your wife.
Lastly, where did you get your dog? Was it a puppy at the time, or is this a dog you rescued from the pound?
That one is a long shot, I'll admit, but I had to throw it in just in case.
I apologize for the length, and thanks so much for sharing.
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-20)
Wow. Really cool story. Do you want to get rid of your "friend?" I would tell him to leave, don't be afraid to do so. Say a prayer aloud. It usually helps...

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