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Real Ghost Stories

Here are our user submitted experiences. We currently have 19990 published ghost experiences!

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Recent Paranormal Experiences

The Hippie Stared At My Brother by Keeperofpeace64

This true event occurred back when I was in high school at a house my parents were renting in Houston, Texas back in the early 1980's. One day my brother Joel and I were home alone while my parents were out. I was sitting on the couch watching TV while my brother was in his bedroom asleep. To ...

Possible Airbnb Ghost? by Dee-J

This incident happened just this morning (6-9-2024) around 6. I really don't know if it was anything paranormal, but it sure was awfully strange... This is going to be pretty lengthy and the story itself isn't "scary", so I just wanted to clarify this first before you proceed. This weekend my...

Haunted Hotel In Palampur, Himachal Pradesh India by brewsingh

This was a wild experience, the kind of experience where you just want the night to pass. This happened in June 2021, it was the peak of summer, I and my girlfriend planned a trip from Chandigarh to Dharamshala, Palampur and Bir-Billing. We have some kind of affinity with Himachal Tourism hotels ...

Guest House In Summer Hill, Shimla (himachal Pradesh, India) by brewsingh

Shimla is a popular summer destination in India and often becomes crowded during peak summer season; as with the heatwave in plains (Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, etc.) - a lot of people tend to rush uphill for the weekend or for a vacation. I live in Chandigarh and on a Friday evening, 3 o...

Haunted Hospital In Chandigarh,india by brewsingh

This is a government operated hospital in Chandigarh (India); I have been to this hospital several times in the day and night; and have experienced similar instances over and over again. I am sharing my first experience, it took place in November 2019. I was working with a MNC in Chandigarh, and ...

Finding Their Way Home by MFoutch

This ghost story entails the start of trauma and sadness regarding some of my best feathered friends. My husband and I moved to our current home in 2022. My dream once owning our own home was to start a little homestead with a garden. After we went through our first winter, the following spring I ...

Sisters Forever by GingerRead

After my great aunt passed away from a malignant brain tumour in May of 2013, my grandmother had a difficult time trying to cope with the loss of her only sister. Being a strong believer in the paranormal as well as her strong belief in possessing the ability to communicate with the deceased, she ma...

Unexplained Pillow Tapping by Manafon1

I haven't posted in quite a while, but I am hoping for some help from the great YGS community. In the past week, I have begun hearing a very odd tapping sound coming from under my pillow, something like a finger tapping but with a "popping" quality. At first, I assumed it was an inner ear muscular s...

House With Bad Vibes Or Something More Sinister by tiktokangelscpt

After my last car accident story, we came back to Cape Town and moved into our own house in Table View in May 1998. The very first night I felt very unwell. I had nightmares and sleep paralysis, and I couldn't sleep by the window in my room or in the living room. Many things disappeared and reappe...

Knocking At The Dorm Door by MrWafirius

It's been a while since my first story on this website and I wanted to check it out after I and my friends were talking about ghosts. There's a lot to talk about but I will probably only talk about this one moment at my University, Unimas, that has been sticking with me for a while. This happened a ...

Spirit At Child Care Center by honey91

I used to work with this amazing woman who I called the baby whisperer. She had been working in early education since she was a teenager and had 60 plus years of experience in this field. Two years ago, she fell ill and we lost her. She was the heart of our center, she was everybody's Grandma, and e...

Toilet Terror by tiktokangelscpt

Atbara Street, Eindhoven, Cape Town, South Africa. 15 September 2018 @ 00:05am Hi Evenings Everyone I really hope you liked the story of my experience of the Drain chaser. Before we moved to Dunoon we were staying in a RDP House (Reconstruction and Development Programme). Which has only...

Haunted Property Inside And Outside by lwgrn4real66

Again, the people who read some of my other experiences on this site, or are first timers to reading my experiences, you can go back to my first published experience, "Very Unexplained Experiences". This is a mix of some of the other crazy Unexplained experiences I've had at my sister's property ...

Visit From A Deceased Relative? by Loki101

Before I was born, my teenage Aunty had taken her own life. She lived in the house that I currently live in right now. I am unsure exactly where she died, but she did live her last bits of life in my House. My mother went to see a psychic who gave my mother the cryptic message that when the lights f...

From Wedding To Funeral In 24hrs by tiktokangelscpt

19 October 1995, my family and I were travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg South Africa. We were on our way to my cousin's wedding and I was supposed to be a flower girl in it. At 02.00am, just outside Bloemfontein, a car in the other lane pulled out from behind a truck and head on collided ...

Drain Chaser by tiktokangelscpt

Good Evenings to all on YGS and I really missed you guys and gals. My account got hacked, and so I've had to start a fresh. This is my 1st story to you from one of my experiences. Hope you all like... Dunoon Cape Town 15th December 2021 03:15am My story began with a true tragic event which ...

Guardians Of Our Trip? by blosomes

I was riding my motorbike with my friend sitting in the sidecar beside me last week. It was still kind of cool for May... Actually breezy for me (12℃ says my watch). Well, we were going to this season's first camp. I was kind of excited to bring my friend along to my favorite campground at Shikot...

Vacation Went Wrong by notyourgirl22

This is my first time to share my scary experience. This is about my uncle. We went on a vacation in our province, Cebu. When we got there, we saw our aunts, cousins, my grandmother and grandfather, and also my uncle Dodong. We bought food and went to the beach. I also experienced going to a "di...

2nd Story Window Ghost by martyani

This happened about 3 years (specifically in 2015) after my family members and I moved into our new home from Canada. I was in middle school (7th grade specifically) at this time of year. I was chilling on the couch in the game room on the 2nd floor of the house. I was in the dark because it was alm...

Invisible But Solid by lwgrn4real66

I was living on my sister's property in Denison, Texas in a 30 ft camper at the time. I was outside one day during mid day. I was on the side of my sister's house. I had been doing some clearing of brush/vines on her property. I got finished for the day, and walked over to one side of her house ...

Mystery Of The Arran Lights Has Never Been Solved by Burtchik

It was a warm summer night, in northern Manitoba. On a road that would one day be called No. 660. My Mother Anne, quite young then, was walking home from the town of Arran. It was pitch black, of course, and she was alone except for a deep, dark scary forest. But Manitobans, at least in those ...

The Changes In Me by jessica2k67

A lot of you have read my pervious story/encounter with Gavin who I've come to the conclusion was either my Angel Guardian or a friendly spirit who came into my life to sort of calm me down the roller coasters in life. But ever since that encounter, there have been changes in me as I mentioned in th...

The Ghost Nurse I Met That Night by Wandering24fox

I was 11 years old and it was hours after surgery, I woke up. Of course, I was in pain so I stayed in the hospital for some days. I had a hard time breathing because there was nothing to blow my nose with so I tried to call a nurse. After all, I needed tissues but since it was nighttime there were r...

Hypnagogic Hallucinations? by Self

I have had many different types of "visitations" from my point of view. From dark figures in my bedroom doorway that I couldn't really see no matter how hard I tried, to being picked up off my bed by an unseen person/entity, having someone or something grab my ankles while in bed and try to pull me ...

A Terrifying Encounter From The Distant Past by MAK_Khi

Assalamu alaikum and greetings! This incident was narrated to me by my late father and happened sometime in the early 1960s. I would like to give a bit of background about my dad, who was born and bred in Hyderabad Deccan and was a medical doctor by profession having graduated from the Usmania Univ...

Lady At The Window by Jubeele

My health had not been the best for the past few years. I had made several trips to doctors and specialists, trying to find out what was wrong. At the end of September 2022, I was sent for a whole barrage of tests, including an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to measure my heart's electrical activity...

Bike Accident by jessica2k67

A month ago, I was riding my bike home after school and I was in a pretty bad mood because of school stuff. My mind was pre-occupied and I was thinking about random stuff until at a point, I took a turn and motor bike came straight at me. It didn't hit me. Instead it turned at the right time. But me...

Restless Spirits by lwgrn4real66

This happened on the property next to the Crater of Diamonds in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. My wife at the time, my two step sons, (one being a big hockey player), and I went to Crater of Diamonds to dig/sift for diamonds. This was in 2002. A big creek separated The Crater of Diamonds and the proper...

Things Happening In Numbers Of Five by lwgrn4real66

Recouped from my fence jobs here at the lake. Sitting and having early a.m. Coffee... Here we go...! As my first two published experiences, of things happening in five's, or including something that happened in five's during an unexplained experience, here's my last experience with things happeni...

More Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat were living in one of the hotel rooms. There's a long metal heating pipe that sticks out of the floor and horizontally stretches across the side wall of the room. Next to where the pipe sticks out, there's a little hole in the floor. When you look down the hole it's pitc...

Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat live in a hotel. As I mentioned in my other stories, the hotel used be an asylum for the criminally insane and the basement was a morgue way back in the day. Out of all the rooms we lived in there was one room in particular that had the most paranormal activity and it wa...

U F Orange by CantunSEEit74

While investigating and contacting many on my Stick Indian encounter, and talking to UFO Washington, I shared my only UFO sighting with him. He assured me the military will not bother people anymore for reporting them so after five years now I will share my only UFO sighting. I told the man who boug...

House Haunts 2 by Tweed

This was typed up yesterday, Sunday, but I was way too tired to submit it. So went to bed. While going to bed something else odd occurred which I'll tack onto the end. - Well now, didn't expect to be updating this quite so soon but here we are. It would appear this new place be certifiably h...

Black Hooded Shadow Figure And Two Black Cloaked People by Aquamari

On two separate occasions, I have recently seen things. The first thing I saw was on the street around the corner from my street. I was driving and stopped at the stop sign. I looked to the left. Right there on the road but to the side was a shadow like figure. It looked like a stick figure with a h...

I Think I Saw My Father's Doppelgänger by theyluvdea

My name is Deasia, I'm 15 but I was 14 when this happened in January or February of 2023. I know I wasn't hallucinating or having delusions, I was sitting on the couch it was around 10 or 11 pm. All my family members have gone to sleep and I'm always the last one to fall asleep in the house. I remem...

Haunted Historic Mansion In Akron by Linjahaha

Last year in 2023, when a lot of the pandemic restrictions were lifted, my two friends, and I went to the beautiful Hower House in Akron, Ohio that sits not too far from Akron University with a Sorority house nearby. I feel I should supply you with some significant background (I know, I know. Here...

Did Something Followed Me? by lwgrn4real66

If you read about my prior published true unexplained experience (sorry, kind of lengthy), but that experience was back to back for about an hour and half, which I had experienced. Long story short, things started happening in numbers of "five". I think something may have followed me to my dad's...

Very Unexplained Experiences by lwgrn4real66

My sister had a property on Des Voignes Road in Denison, Tx. It was recently sold. I had visited her for years, and had even lived there twice. Nothing "unexplained" ever happened until my second time living there. This time, my wife and I lived in a thirty foot camper, under a metal rv cover, besid...

Multiple Haunting Experiences Almost Everyday by MOONxCHILD1985

Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, NY 1/8/24 9:40 pm My husband and I and our cat are residents at the Long Beach Hotel. One day my cat and I heard a knock on my door in room 325. I called out "who is it?" but nobody answered. I walked towards the door and saw no shadow underneath the door, heard no ...

My Dad's Story by DreamBird

As a little girl growing up in the 1970s, I had a pet guinea pig. My two sisters and I each had our own guinea pigs and we loved these little guys. Mine, unfortunately, got sick and passed away. I was devastated. My Dad got a shoe box, which we decorated, and placed the deceased guinea pig in. Dad e...

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