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Real Ghost Stories

Moonlit Night


When I was younger, between the age of 6 and 8, I experienced something that would change my life forever. My family lived in Northern Indiana and the time of year was winter (early 1980's). Sometime during the night of this event, a heavy snow fell at a steady pace that was common in those days. I remember sleeping in my parents bed and being woke up by the neighbor knocking on our front door. My Father got up and went to answer the door and I followed. I heard our neighbor say that his horses were acting strange in the back fields and that they had been riled up by something and were kicking at the fence so hard that he was afraid they would get loose. My Father got his boots and coat on and went to help him since this was country life and the closest help was several miles away.

I don't know why I put my shoes on and went outside, maybe I was just a young boy wanting to help his Father, but something compelled me to go out in this cold weather. I remember walking behind the house and looking down the fence line that separated our field from the neighbors and seeing the dark shapes of horses that appeared very agitated and making noise as if they were afraid of something. The moon was peeking out this night, enough to reflect off the snow that had already hit the ground. As I looked down the fence line, three shapes caught my eye. I saw three Native American males running away from where the horses were in the field. The three male shapes appeared as if a candle was being held up behind wax paper, enough for me to clearly see about 100 yards away. I could see one of the males to have a traditional head dress on and the other two to have leather pants and moccasins.

I must have watched them for about 10 minutes before my juvenile brain registered that what I was seeing was not a common sight because I bolted inside the house. I told my parents what I saw after the horses were calmed down and to this day I can easily recall it from my memory. My parents still remember me telling them that night as well.

I rarely tell anyone about this because I can never find anyone else with a similar story until I saw this website (where I can remain anonymous). After some research as an adult, I found pictures of Potawatomi tribes that once lived in that region that had similar style of dress compared to what I saw.

I have never seen anything like that again and I am not curious into seeing any more because that one time was enough for a lifetime. Thank you for sharing in my experience, GOD bless.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cupofjoe55, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

crf1997 (2 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
I understand what you mean. Well that is a VERY crazy sight to see, seeing the spirits of native americans running through the night! Especially around horses. If I saw something like that it would be burnt into my mind too. Not your usual ghost. Haha.:) Thanks for sharing!
cupofjoe55 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-18)
valkricry: I haven't had a similar experience after that. We have not lived in that house for quite some time, though I do miss country life like crickets and frogs singing at night, etc. As far as my parents go, I'm not sure if they believed me when I was a child, though I was not a bad kid and never made up false stories to make them think otherwise. To this day, both of my parents remember me telling them what happened that night.

Crf1997: I have been to some local events (recreating that time period) after that and I assure you these were not actual humans. It's hard to explain but the image of that night is "burnt" into my memory and has not changed over 20 some years. I wish they had been real, that would have been easier to explain!
crf1997 (2 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
For some reason I feel like these indians you saw were actual people. Just like H2o said, I feel like it could of been a prank. But who knows, that's be quite a weird prank in the 80's, lol. But hey, they could of been that tribe you did research on, you never know. I really wish you would comment back...: (
4d (15 stories) (167 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
Great story! I felt like I was right there beside you watching these guys mess around. Mahalo - 4d
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
Sheikh, I think it depends on the parents, and if they'd had any experiences as kids themselves. True many parents just don't believe when little Johnny or Jane say they saw something, but now and then there is that parent that does.
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-17)
[at] valkricry Parents never believe a 6 or 8 year old child. Even some parents neglect teenager's experience unless they become haunted by the same experience.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
EEP!cupofjoe55, you startled me!😆 I was wondering if this experience ever repeated for you and if you still lived/or your parents in the same house. Did your parents believe you?
I too enjoyed this story very much.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
A very well written account. I enjoyed reading it.
Hotrod 😁
cupofjoe55 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
demonicsheikh: I no longer live there, but the house and property are pretty much the same.
cupofjoe55 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-16)
valkricry: what would you like to know? The only reason I didn't choose participate is because I am usually busy with work and can't always respond right away.
WishfulNull (151 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-15)
Thank you for sharing this experience... Sometimes just putting your story out for others to read, can give you some validation. As demonicsheikh said, this must have been greatly disturbing at such a young age! Pretty cool that you were able to look up the tribe of Native Americans though! Best wishes, 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-15)
Well the OP said the he would read the comments but not participate in the discussion. So questions directed to him seem rather pointless. Too bad, because I was wondering the same thing, sheikh. But, it seems to me this was a one time occurance for him.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-15)
Sounds like you caught a glimpse of the past, or maybe a prank. Possibly some Potawatomi braves had a bit of a time slip to think about!
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-15)
Not a pleasant site for an 8 year old.
Do you still have the house?

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