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Real Ghost Stories

That Girl


I'm Kunwar Avishek Singh Garhwal, from Jamshedpur. Professionally I'm a screenplay writer. So, this is a real life ghost encounter that happened 2 years back.

Second year students of ISM dhanbad had organised an interschool IQ competition between the schools of jharkhand. And after clearing 2 rounds I was selected for the third round which was going to be held in penman auditorium. Me and my dad went to dhanbad and stayed in a guesthouse, near to the railway station. The guesthouse charged 500 rupees for a double-bed bedroom.

The next day after the event got over my dad had a conversation with a man who too was staying in a hotel near the guest house in which we were staying in it. As we had to catch the same bus in the morning, my dad decided to stay in the same hotel that night.

We went to the reception and the person sitting out there indicated something to his employee. He indicated something which I wasn't able to understand and as I was feeling sleepy I didn't wanted to be indulged in thinking about something weird about it. The employee showed us the room and to our surprise, it was well furnished and was double the size of the previous room that we stayed in. What surprised us was the fact that the cost that we had to pay for it was just 350 rupees a night. We willingly took the keys and booked that room.

Now, what happened next was something that put me to deep thoughts. The employee who gave us the keys showed up three to four times within an hour, just to interrogate about the situation. I thought that, why on earth was he doing all this? I was rejoiced that I was placed at the thirteenth spot in that event and left all those things that bothered me. We watched the discovery channel for half an hour and then went to sleep. My dad slept, but I was awake as I wasn't able to sleep because I was indulged in thoughts of me and my prizes. Honestly speaking, I was night dreaming with my eyes wide open.

As time passed, I started felling something strange with my hair. They were being pulled down by some pseudo force. I thought it was happening because of the tiresome day I had. But slowly slowly the force started increasing and started to pain. I felt uneasy and turned sideways. After a few moments when it started to become unbearable, I got up and turned on the lights. To my surprise, my pillow was a mess with my hair strangling all around it. This really scared me and all the earlier thoughts started a PowerPoint presentation before my eyes. I turned off the lights and went back to sleep again.

Sleep! I wasn't sleeping, I just wanted to make sure what was happening out there. To my surprise, my dad was having a sound sleep just beside me. I started to call the unknown being that was troubling me. I was pretty sure that there was something spooky out there in the corner of the room. And after repeated calling (mentally not orally), it appeared and you know what? I wasn't startled but yes it did sent a chill down my spine but I kept calm because my dad was just beside me and that boosted up my confidence and I started asking it questions, as to why it (she) was disturbing me. And the a flashback started. Man! What I saw made me sad rather than scaring the shiat out of me. That poor girl was raped and murdered in the room by some bloody hooligans. And the all that it wanted was someone to hear her pain.

It showed me the window behind the curtains from where the dead body was thrown. I didn't dared to get up from my bed, rather I expressed my condolences with her and and prayed for the peace of her soul though I am an atheist. And she left me without troubling me any further. Next morning I went back to Jamshedpur.

I still feel sorry for her, may the supreme provide peace to her soul. Thank you for listening so attentively.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kunwargarhwal, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-17)
It's the hotel right beside, "dhanbad guest house" which is located nearby railway station.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-10)
Dear Kunwar,
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I have a lot of interest about finding out the history of such cases as this one. Would it be a bother to provide the name of the guest house/hotel in Dhanbad?
I have got a few friends in the vicinity who might know more.
I know it's a late request, but it's an earnest one 😐

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
Okay, since the o/p has responded to most of the questions, I'll chime in my two cents about the hair.

I wondered if it is possible the girl was trying very hard to get the o/p's attention and didn't really mean to pull hair out. Zzsgranny has mentioned several times she believes when some people wake with scratches, or find previously unknown scratches, that it could be from the entity trying to get someone's attention. (Sorry for botching that, granny 😆).

Another theory I have is what it if wasn't the o/p's hair? What if it was the girl's?

As for the o/p seeing events with their mind, it is possible 😐
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
Believe me, I'm really going to investigate regarding her. Because the spirit needed help.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
I can describe her looks but yeah looks don't matter. If I describe her, many faults will creep in and I want this incident to be free from errors. Errors in the sense that as I am describing it 2 and a half years later and some further details that I haven't mentioned might have some errors rather strictly speaking""my imagination""". If any of my fellow ygs members have any further queries then feel free to ask and I can even give my email address.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
Sds... If you don't want to believe then you better don't believe it's good to be a believer or a non believer rather being a skeptic. No hard feelings mate. But the two men might have taken different rooms or that building was not something to be called a hotel though it was rather a lodge and was just named as so and so hotel. Earlier it might have been a house as it didn't had more than 10-15 rooms. Vasseypore, Jamshedpur really have dark histories of many riots and puplic moments and that too not that old to be buried deep in the memories of past.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
Why poltergeist act of pulling the hair happened, exactly that was the fact that annoyed me the most and made me believe that the spirit was evil and very powerful but the outcome was different. I can say that it was a depressed spirit and it might have given me some indications initially but I might have overlooked or they might be in my subconscious mind. It was one of the rarest of the rarest cases that I've seen.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
The flashback that I stated was a """" flashback"""". It can be 20-30 years old. Moreover, dhanbad has a dark history of merciless murders and gangwars between different religions.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
I really felt there was something wrong. But I kept all that aside. The employee made a mistake by showing up these many times. As it was one of the best days of my life and as I mentioned I was overjoyed by my victory that the thought of something being fishy didn't stand a chance of occupying my mind. I had many earlier experiences, rather intentionally, because ghost hunting is a serious hobby for me. My earliest encounter was, when I was 4-5 years old. The fact that why the spirit didn't made a contact with my dad, may have an explanation that it knew that it could communicate with me.
kunwargarhwal (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
It was late, about 11:30 PM and we had to catch the bus named "sixer" in the morning. I also had earlier encounters with the so called spirits. I'm a screenplay writer and working on my first Hollywood project. I know how to communicate with them. My grandfather was an exorcist in kiriburu. Any further queries mate.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
Hello kunwargarhwal, welcome to YGS. Well Mack stole the show with all the questions that were in my mind. But you should answer them Kunwar.

By the way, I still wonder about the "hair" being pulled (plucked) out and you said that your pillow was a mess. And how did you know that the spirit was around and that too in a corner? And you said that you called the spirit and started having conversation with it. How did you know how to communicate with a spirit. You said that you are a screenplay writer by profession. And that you were participating in a inter-school competition organised by ISM, Dhanbad. Your profile says that you are a teenager. Means that you became a professional screenplay writer after leaving the school?

And if after this experience, especially after the hotel employee came to check-up if something had happened 3 to 4 times, you had not investigated or discussed the incident with the Hotel Reception Clerk or your dad, it sounds very strange. If you had done, what was their reaction?

I want to tell you one more thing. Even in places like Dhanbad, Hotel Clerks won't allow group of males with a single female to occupy their rooms. Secondly, if there had been a rape, the sound the girl would have made while being raped or even if she were gagged, before she was gagged, definitely would have come out of the room and the neighbouring room occupants or the employees of the hotel would definitely have heard the sound.

I am sorry to say that I find it very difficult to believe this narrative and it actually looks like a screenplay of some movie.

Ladyglow, I also tried to vote for Mack, but the site didn't allow.

Regards and respects to all.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
Macknorton: I tried to vote you up but the site didn't allow it.
I love the humor in your comments. 😆 😆
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
"... The employee who gave us the keys showed up three to four times within an hour, just to interrogate about the situation..."

What a nuisance! Didn't your father suspect something fishy after the second time the employee came knocking on your door?

Well, at least that unfortunate ghost didn't decide to attack your dad in revenge for the unspeakable acts of those heartless hooligans!

Thanks for sharing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
Mack - I wondered the same about the hair but have a theory. I just don't want to put words in the o/p's mouth. I'll wait 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-15)
Hi Kunwargarhwal

Thanks for sharing. Can I ask have you had many other experiences like this one where you were able to communicate telepathically with a spirit and also be shown in your mind the detailed events of her unfortunate demise? That's quite a gift.

I wonder why she decided to pull your hair and cause you pain? Surely she could have contacted you regardless? Are you able to describe what she looked like?

Have you carried out any research regarding that hotel to see if there was in fact a woman raped and murdered there? You suggested that the hotel staff seemed to know about the room's history? Did you consider telling your Father and then asking the staff?

Apologies for all the questions but many people are always seeking proof of the afterlife and in my opinion, this experience would be an excellent opportunity to "prove" survival if we had some evidence of this unfortunate woman's death.



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