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Real Ghost Stories

Ted Bundy


This encounter occurred on June 6th 2007

I live in Sandy city Utah and travel throughout Utah and its neighboring states. In my travels I have encountered many ghosts, spirits and such. One of the scariest encounters happened when I went to the Ted Bundy house in Utah with my brother and some of our friends.

First off on the way up there my brother and I swear we kept seeing women in the trees at the side of the road in Blood soaked dresses. Now I don't know if it was just excitement but it sure had me frightened, I mean who wouldn't be. Anyway when we got there and got out of our car and started to walk (as the car couldn't get all the way up the house itself). On the way up we saw a group of three girls walking to where we had just parked, which was weird because none of us remember seeing another car parked anywhere on the way up.

When they got closer we said "Hello" and didn't get a response from any of them, they just kept walking and didn't even make eye contact. My friend Jesse got a little mad about that, being he was a ladies' man and doesn't like to be ignored by the opposite sex. He turned and said "whatever". Then right as they went on the curve in the trail he said that he saw what looked like on open wound on the back of one girls head. He ran to catch up with them and after he turned the corner he didn't see any of them, to be sure he just didn't miss them he kept following the trail, still they weren't to be found. That freaked us all out and we left, deciding to come back some other day.

July 26th 2007

When we finally got the courage to head back up there we each brought a Knife to make us feel safer (which looking back doesn't make sense, what would a knife do to a ghost or anything we might encounter up there). We went back towards the end of July that year with a few more people and our trusty knives. The way up wasn't like it was last time although everyone had car troubles at the exact same time heading up there.

We got to where we parked last time as started walking, this time no women walked past. As we walked into the house we all gagged when we saw the dog carcass in the middle of an orange pentagram on the ground, it was really nasty. The interesting things started happening when we tried to open the door leading to what we thought was the cellar, it was locked and Jesse, wanting to be all high and mighty, kicked at it, hit it with metal poles and tried everything he could to get the door knob to fall off.

After ten minutes of bombardment the stupid door gave way and a terrible smell filled the area around us, most of us were on the verge of puking when a voice yelling "get the hell out of here!" came from the cellar. Trust me we did. I've only been up there one time after that and I didn't even go near that cellar instead we just looked around the outside of the house and found a tube that led to the cellar according to a my friend Christian who had gone down it with a friend.

He says "Going down the easy part, getting out is the hard part, and if you're having trouble getting's scary as hell." I don't think I'm going up there again because we also discovered that out in the woods behind the house was a tree with "TED BUNDY" carved on it and a pentagram in what looked like blood on most of the surrounding trees. I don't know what kind of devil worshiping is going on up there but I defiantly don't want to wander up on some group of Satanists trying to pull a off a resurrection or sacrifice. I hope someone burns down that house some day...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, scared_shitless, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

andre (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-29)
i went up there the other night looking for it, needless to say its hard to find at night especially while watching where your going in the canyon.
Anyway, I drove up and down the canyon about two miles in and didn't find a green gate but every time I would pass a certain spot I would pass through a thick mist which was not seen anywhere else but that one area.
Of course after doing serious research as to exact location, it happened to be right around the area that we needed to pull over and walk. Could be the stream giving off mist, or it could be whatever you want it to be. I just found it odd.
So if your looking to find the place to pull over, just look for the mist. I'll be going up there during the afternoon tomorrow, of course the house is gone but I might go in the cellar or I might not, ill post if I experience anything.
misstress_of_horror (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
Where is this house your talking about? Is it in sandy? I know of 3 of ted bundys houses. 1 in emigration canyon, 1 in american fork canyon and 1 on state street. I attempted to go to the one in emigration canyon lastnight with my sister but where we were supposed to walk to get to the house was flooded. But beyond that we couldn't see a house. We could see a white garbage dumpster and another white object just off to the right of it. The website where we got the directions from told us to drive up emigration canyon until we came to a green gate on our right side, We parked across the street and walked up to the gate but the little dirt lane we were supposed to walk up was completly flooded with water from the melting snow. We tried to find a way across and there was a few logs that we could have thrown across the water to get across, but the water is too fast and too deep. We can't tell what is on the otherside of the water anyway. Does anybody know where this is? And if that is in fact where his house is, Maybe it was torn down, we don't know. If anyone knows where any of these houses are or where any other of ted bundys houses are, email me at, cupcakeisanoob [at] 😁
andrewwidener (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)
i also been to this house very creepy feeling when I was there but it was also day time and the writer of the post got there wish someone has burned it down... Kinda parts are still standing
VelvetLucifer (1 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
That's depressing to know that the victims haven't gone to the other side yet. But what about Ted Bundy?
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
I watched it on a documentary called 'Love Behind Bars'
I think marriage proposals behind bars is a fad up in the States... I could be wrong though.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
Again I'm sorry to GreenPondMike and also about Bundy, if he was abused as a kid that's probly what made him turn wacko. My own father had a very lonely and depressing childhood that barely made him destroy himself but if you read my story, I felt it smile, he's open minded and a cheerful humorous dad that's goofy a lot at times and has kept me sane at times when I was in need of a shoulder to sob on. Lots of people lose it if they're abused physically or mentally as a kid and will want to take out that anger that was put on them on other people. Thats my view of psychopathic killers. I'm not sure if Bundy even wanted forgiveness but who knows it was up to him when he died. As for those other psychos who tried sacrifices of blood and murder to bring him back from the dead are even wackier and don't deserve forgiveness from god, but that's my own opinion. If they ask God for forgiveness well that's up to God himself. And its weird being a Christian-Catholic, on my christian side, God is a merciful and loving being, and on my Catholic side, God is a wrathful being and you have to beg on your knees crying for every sin there is as to murdering to glaring at someone. I'm confused on that but who knows really how he is, I ask him for protection and I get it so...yea
Dan_Paranormal (1 stories) (74 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
I agree with Pendragon about the remorse. Serial Killers more than likely will not feel remorse as well as many other emotions which in a way enables them to commit these crimes. I couldn't imagine a rational sane thinking person murdering up to 40 women. For serial killers murder becomes compulsion, with enough compulsion remorse will more than likely not be felt. Even after it's unlikely a serial killer could feel remorse for his/her crimes.

Look at Dennis Rader (BTK) For example. He recited his crimes (Including the horrific murder of two children) without an ounce of remorse what so ever. Quite simply as a student of true crime and behaviour I genuinally believe that neither did Bundy.

In my personal opinion any act of worship probably was faked. I'm not a religious person so I can't actually say what goes on with the acts of worship and God etc. You guys are clearly much better at that than me as some/most of you probably are religious people yourselves.

Serial killers more times than not have horrific childhoods, where some are sexually abused (Which can lead to sexually oriented killers) and some are beaten and made to feel like nothing for years (Power oriented killers) etc. I know Bundy was as a child led to believe that his mother was his sister and really only found out that his Grandparents were not his Parents whilst he was in university which is when his behaviour escilated. (Sp) He retreated into a world of violent pornography as a tennager and as many serial killers are was deeply a loner.

I just wanted to put my own knowledge about serial killers in because I thought it was relevant. I probably went off of what is important but like many of you it's something that interests me. Feel free to disagree with me I'm not claiming a monopoly of the truth.
greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
Sorry EmeraldAngel, I recon I kind of went overboard on my comments--just thought I felt your finger pointing at me. Pendragon, I understand that people from all over the world are on here, but EmeraldAngel and I are both from America and so are about 75% of the people on here. MyChaoticPease, I was just trying to make a point with the declaration of independence. Also, I finally read up on Ted Bundy yesterday and it seems like a wait and see thing as to where he is now. I'm still not ruling out my original comment on that, but will admit that I could be wrong. Peace to all, Mike
Ko0chieMcSnatch (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
I can't believe you went back as many times as you did... Holy Krishna 😕
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Pen - I think that stuff like that is an excuse. We all know right from wrong. If not taught by our parents then we are taught by our society.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
It would be interesting to know. I think part of him, the sociopathic part of him, could never repent, but the small part of him that may have been human may have wanted forgiveness. I dunno. It's almost, if you read the interviews with him, like he had split personalities. It's kind of weird. However, he blames media and porn for his actions in pretty well AL ov his interviews, soo... I dunno.
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Pen - I tend to agree with you. But why suddenly act religious unless one has some sort of catalyst? I guess we'll never know for sure but it would be interesting.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
MCP - Ahh, thanks for clearing that up. Though I may have to disagree with Bundy being scared, haha. I'm a firm believer in the fact that a Sociopath can't really change, only act, and some act better than others. Ah well.
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Emerald -

Take it with a grain of salt, no one knew who exactly you meant or if it was meant for one person so everyone responded as though it was for them. It's human nature.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Cosmo, you didn't offend me and I'm glad I didn't get scolded. Recently, I've been finding very immature stories and people on this site and was trying my best to not say anything that wasn't my business and I end up snapping on a story that barely involves religion. For that if I offended anyone I'm deeply sorry, I have a temper problem that I try and control but I end up showing my anger on people who didn't do anything hahaha! I can't stand when people try and scare their religion on other people like on some stories I read. I will not be immature and point my finger at anybody and to be honest greenpond, I didn't even know you were talking about religion until now? Sorry if you were offended. As for some of the people who agree, thanks, Katherine.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Thank you narcissa, for your well versed reply. I agree with you 100%. People have a right to express their skepticism as long as it's done in a respectable manner. In no way have I or anyone else who questioned this author's story shown any disrespect. So EmeraldAngel, even though I agree with you on your annoyance of religious debates it is the moderators job to decide whether or not a posters comment is inappropriate. It is also for the mods to decide if a poster needs to get off this site, or is not wanted here. I'm sorry if my comment on this story offended you EmeralAngel or anyone else. That certainly was not my intention.
Thank you. ❤
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
And by hisself of course I meant himself... Just thought I'd test out my typo abilities and make sure they were still working to the fullest... 😉
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Pen - Yeah Murder is pretty high on the Christian no no list. In that context what he commited is a Mortal Sin... According to the faith, if you show legit remorse and seek absolution from God, you can receive it. But, it's at God discretion. Its between the one asking and God himself.

I'm not sure I personally believe Bundy could possibly feel real remorse for what he did. I would think rather he felt scared for hisself for where he thought he was going. Thats not the same as true remorse for the action.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
I just need to stick my nose in here and point out - "This country", greenpondmike? What country would that be? I know I live in Canada, and I've seen stories from around the world on this site. I think it would be appreciated by the other nationalities present if you would, kindly, not assume that we are all from the USA.

As well, you may not have been pointing fingers at me, but you should have stated as such. I'm one to defend what I say, and point out baseless accusations towards myself.

Thirdly, I agree with MCP - Ted Bundy may have been lead in prayer on his death bed, but after killing 40+ women, "God's" Children (Air quotes - I believe more in a Pantheonic group of gods, much like the Greeks, Romans, and Shintoists), I don't think that any God that he worshiped would probably not accept him. If what I remember from school holds true, the Cristian/Catholic god was a vengeful one in ancient times, and the voices in my head make me wonder why, all of a sudden, he has become so tolerable and nice (don't hate on me - I just don't buy some of what's written in books, and have many reasons to support this - I just do not want to start pointing out things and starting a war). The God in the Old Testament would not tolerate murder, but in todays world, so long as they say, "whoops, my bad", they can get into heaven instantly?

It's like the get out of jail free card. I've already pointed out that Bundy was a textbook sociopath, and thus could not feel guilt, remorse, fear... NO human emotions. He would have gone through the motions of "prayer" and not meant a word of it.

But you know, that's just me pointing out the obvious.

AND lastly, I also agree with Emerald about the religious preaching, and howit drives me bonkers (preaching on my stories will be rewarded with a very long, very angry post, much like this one - same with skeptics) but I don't really think it actually came into play with what green was saying.

OKAY! I'm done my rant. Just felt I should/had the right to throw my two-cents in.

PS. Most authors do not come back to comment on their stories, if you hadn't noticed.
MyChaoticPeace (1 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Personally, I feel that we don't know who God has given forgiveness to as we don't know who is honest in their remorse and who isn't, no one can know for sure what's in a persons heart but Him... That's between the person asking and God himself, I don't know that we have the right to assume what he does or does not do.

GreenPond - What an odd thing to compare to a ghost forum... The Declaration of Independence? Anyway, I didn't notice Emerald point a finger at anyone... Perhaps rather then viewing it as a accusation you should view it as her trying to be sure it doesn't happen. If it does pertain to you then consider thatshe has past experiences with you. You've just said you used to push harder then you should before so... She was kind enough not to spell out your name, you could have left it at that.
greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Thanks narcissa and all the other peacemakers out there. I am guilty of pushing my religion on people in the past, but have deliberatly toned in down a bit. I think EmeraldAngel is angry with me about a way earlier post I made and has been waiting the few months I havn't been on here to tell me off. When I showed up yesterday she let it rip like a tater chip.
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
hello EmeraldAngel,

Thanks for understanding, and I agree with you as far as religious "fights" are concerned. And yes, please care to explain what you were going to.

[at] Greenpondmike:offering help along spiritual lines is perfectly ok, things just get haywire when some folks (some, NOT all) start proclaiming their religion's undisputed superiority over others.
greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Strong convictions and opinions are what this country was founded upon. I'm sure that there were some heated arguments when the declaration of independance was written--including some religious ones. Religious or not, people have a right to voice their opinions as long as they handle it in a mature way and as far as this forum and religion--all the rules say is no prosyltising (I may have spelled that wrong) and I didn't do that on this story. If you want to make this forum non religious with no debate it's too late because there is a lot of that and not just from me. It's kind of funny EmeraldAngel that you picked a time when I didn't argue religion to accuse me of it.
greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
EmeraldAngel, I know not everyone on this forum feels as you do, so I know you're not speaking for everyone. Some people agree with me concerning some of the newer stories. There are many religious people on here that speak their opinion and have helped people including myself. I used to be the kind of person who would believe anything people told me when I was young and I know people can tell some good stories even if they aren't true. I think many of the people who used to post don't anymore because they would say the same thing and don't want to discourage the ones that are telling the truth from posting their dandy of a story. I DID NOT pick a fight, but did make an indirect accusation against the storyteller who has not come back to prove me wrong. Now if I were to tell you to get a pet and chill out--that would be picking a fight, but of course that was just an example because I'm not picking a fight. 😁
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Narcissa, I know everyone deserves to say their own opinion and I kind of need to explain what I'm mad about, I'm more angry with religious fights, sorry if you were offended, Katherine.
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
hey EmeraldAngel:

Better tone down that bile. People on here are residents of free societies and therefore have every right to express whatever they feel.

And oh, just beacsue I don't feel that a particular story is true, dosent mean I don't deserve to be on this site. There are thousands of stories on here that may be made-up or fabricated, and people have the right to raise their voice if they feel they've detected any discrepancies in the story. I would urge you to respect people's opinions, thank you.
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Hi Tigerlily welcome to YGS haha to start and second of all, I absolutely agree. All those people who are all skeptical shouldn't even be on this website, you know who you are. I've gone thro a bunch of stories and have seen a bunch of rude or unnessesary comments. To all those people who pick fights and start religious fights, STOP IT AND GET OFF THIS WEBSITE IF YOUR GONNA CAUSE TROUBLE! I see a bunch of my immature friends start fights on facebook, not here too. YOUR NOT WANTED SO GET OFF! Quit acting all macho online and fight on the streets if you have the guts. Religious fights are lame and bug me a lot so anyone who start a fight on here better get off. I'm sure the moderators don't like it either so don't start, went way off topic but I just had to get it out. Back to your forum, Katherine.
shandi (9 stories) (86 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
I am from Utah and I was not aware that there is a Ted Bundy house here. I would be very interested to know where it is. One of my good friends had a cousin who was killed by him. My step dad went to school with a girl that was killed by him.
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Rashidah: agree with you... I didn't know who this Ted Bundy was, came to know after reading this and a couple other stories...

If what you're saying is true... Then all I can say is "Ewwww"...i mean, a psycho rapist killer getting marriage proposals? That had to be the worst and ultimate manifestation of the famous "Bad Boy complex"...*pukes* 😠
tigerlilyteys (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
i believe it!
Don't listen to the people that don't believe it! They are the ones in the first place that decided to sign themselves up to this ghost website. I believe you

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