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Comments for Do Disorders Attract The Paranormal?: Page 1

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Gargoyle (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Hi Sara77
I have a close relative with Autism and he has seen orbs and full manifestations of our Grand Father, particularly when he was younger. There is another young boy with a similar condition who has stated that he can see more than one world and can move between them at will, not to mention all the apparitions he sees.
By the way, I am blind and don't mind being called that, as that is what it is and I am really not into political correctness as I believe that people get so caught up in the language that the people being refered to, become secondary.
You just keep on using whatever language you want as you obviously aren't out to offend anyone and please don't call me special as I may burst my sides laughing!
Take care and thanks for sharing!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Several of the events you described here may have an innocent, non-paranormal cause. BUT, not all of them. The little girl that walked in then disappeared almost sounds like a residual event. Also, Hannah running down the hall to her mothers room and calling for her, only to find her fast asleep? That may have been a residual event as well. We call them "Living Residuals". Just a small recorded event in a persons everyday actions, that gets imprinted into the environment and plays back now and again. They may never experience it again, or it may become a regular occurrence. Who knows?
The smoke alarm sounds like a warning from someone, as you said it preceded a sad event on two separate occasions. It would drive me crazy though! Knowing that a sad event has a high probability of occurring very soon after, but not knowing what that event could be? Wow, it's hard to know what to do in that situation.
You know, I say you should read what others say in the stories I have left links to. They may have better answers about all of this.
Thank you for sharing.

Jav ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Here are a couple of experiences from other posters. These two, in particular, may be of some interest to you. Both deal with Autism and seeing ghosts, and were written by posters that are autistic themselves. I think they would have a better handle on the phenomenon. I hope this helps.



Jav 😊
mhalditah (9 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Also, for sharing. As for your term "disorders", I think it should be properly address as "special child" whether the person has ADHD/autism, hearing impared, blind, etc. My step sister is deaf and mute so we have learned it from her school how these people should be properly called. Disorder is quiet mean for them.
When we were having lunch awhile ago, my step sister told us (thru sign language, she's 20) that last night someone was tapping at her back. Only she and my mom was in the room sleeping. My dad also shared that he saw a woman standing in front of our bathroom last night. Then before we had our lunch today, I was sitting at the couch while waiting for my laundry to stop spinning at the washing machine, I saw that our light upstairs turned on and off, everybody was downstairs. Meaning, she is not the only one experiencing these paranormal things.
Thanks for sharing:)
mhalditah (9 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Does Amanda have ask their neighbors about the previous owner of the h0use? Or haven't she check the history of the house to the local municipality?

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