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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
I think sometimes our members with multiple personalities forget we're watching them.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Seemed to me most any moon could be a so-called 'witches moon'... What's different about it? Truly not familiar with what that supposedly means. And I suspect I would be, if it was a real thing. Sooooo.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-24)
Never heard of a witches' moon before. And I'm kind of a witch, more or less. Since 1990.:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Jerry - I love the full moon, especially in autumn and winter months and seem to take the other moons for granted. More like, "Oh the moon's out" and on I go. I don't know what the witches moon is 😕 More Google time lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Seraphina and RedWolf - thanks for the additional information about the effects the full moon has on everyone it seems. There is so much to think about where the moon phases are concerned.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Tweed - you should see some of my Journal entries 😉 I have gotten so much better about detail (sometimes too much, but what the hey). There are some entries that are only a partial date (month/year) and one or two words. When I go back and read my Journal, I'm always struggling to remember what had happened. Frustrating.

And yes, Hitchcock is mine. Nothing wrong with pulling details from one experience to another. Considering the lack of knowledge we actually have about time in the afterlife, it's very possible it could be...well, possible LOL
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Tweed, haha re Daily Mail, so glad it's not just me.

I always love when they are supposedly quoting an American person verbatim, but they have him say something like, 'Right, my mate wasn't home, so I popped round to his mum's flat...' lol Sure. What next? He went in for a cuppa and some biscuits?
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Nothing scary about a full moon that I can see. And speaking of see, obviously a full moon can greatly facilitate walking and generally moving about on an otherwise dark and scary night. Sure the moon is responsible for night shadows, and I do suppose some of that can be scary as hell when the imagination runs wild. I've experienced that myself. But a full moon in my opinion is much welcome over say a quarter moon anytime. Unless you're the wolf man that is... Sorry, that just popped into my head. But it does go to show how a full moon has its scary connotations even in folk lore doesn't it. A witches moon, now what is that all about?
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Hi, Miracles. Although you've probably had more than enough comments about the effect of the full moon, I'll toss in yet another. Teachers have noticed that children are more restless--"squirrelier," as they say--around the full moon. There was recently an interesting story about this, broadcast by our local affiliate of National Public Radio. It wasn't a scientific study, just a series of short interviews with local teachers, who all firmly believe in the full moon phenomenon.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Hey Miracles,

You have by far the MOST detailed journal I've ever heard of. Seriously, mine is lamey lame lame by comparison.

I wondered if the woman saying 'come in' was talking to the cat you felt on the bed. As in encouraging this cat ghost to enter a room, be it your bedroom or another room. Assuming this same woman let Rex in.

Was it you who saw a large man walk by in your home once? Someone a while back had a ghost sighting of a large Hitchcock type figure. Wondered if this is the male voice. Oor I'm pulling details from nowhere to make nonsense which is entirely possible too!

Val, would you believe I'm actually afraid of the daily mail? You'd seriously get more wisdom from a public toilet wall. As weird as that must sound they are *that* dodgy! 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
It's not just the paranormal, or mentally handicapped that is affected by lunar cycles but physical health and pregnancies that are affected. So it is correct that Emergency Rooms are busier during the new and full moons. I had 2 children born early. My daughter was botn 12 days early I believe during or near the full moon and my eldest son was born 2 weeks early during the new moon, my youngest son had 2 different due dates, he was born on the earlier due date closer to the new moon. My Obstetrician told me more babies are born during the full or new moons then any other time during the month. Also during the time I was in the hospital with each (all C-Sections) baby, 2 winter babies, 1 spring, there where horrible storms. The winter babies had blizzards the spring baby had flooding rain.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
I don't know if the 'you' in your story is me or not. Still, in true crime circles (been there for many many years - way before recent interest in paranormal stuff), the Daily Mail is a frightful tabloid magazine, a long-standing joke in many circles, not just die-hard skeptics.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Well since you're talking scientists and ghosts, here's a very interesting short read on the subject:
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
'No offense to scientists and the like at all. We need people who don't automatically jump every time the wind blows, screaming "It's a ghost!" ' - Miracles51031.

Yes!...Or even worse, 'It's a ghost [or "demon"]! Therefore, blah blah blah, insert all the stuff I learned from movies, especially recent movies [hmmm...], combined with how you should do blah blah blah, SPECIFICALLY, which may ALSO be stuff I learned from movies... Or possibly stuff I learned from some very weak even-for-Llewellyn new age publications from the 90s, back when I was a person who read lots of Llewellyn publications...' etc.

I am fascinated by ghostly phenomena, but I want it to be *significant* rather than easily explained away by this or that very obvious thing. What's truly interesting is the NOT easily explained.

I'm critical of paranormal experiences only because I want to sort them through a filter that shows me rather more unusual situations. If they pass that basic test, then they are interesting indeed.

'But there are times when I think they could give us a little and admit maybe, just maybe there's something to what we all are experiencing that can't be brushed off as scientific.'

Absolutely. I have little doubt there is a certain amount of bias in the testing. I'd like to see its exact parameters. The articles I read were at least 10 years ago, maybe as much as 20.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Whodat, I was kind of intrigued by your comments, as I have noticed something similar. I'm normally a side sleeper. I dream to varying degrees, like anyone -- most disjointed, some clear and emotionally significant and/or aesthetically pleasing, some nightmares.

However, I have noticed (not during the night per se, but upon waking finally in the morning) that if I DO wake up lying flat on my back, again unusually for me, and especially if I do so with that unmistakable physical sensation of not having moved at all for many hours, instead of my normal tossing and turning... Well I have two impressions of waking in that state: 1) I have slept more deeply than usual, and 2) my dreams are MUCH more vivid and memorable.

It took me decades to register this subtle change in sleep habits and to correlate it (unscientifically and unofficially, of course) to the calibre of any dreams I had.

Blood collecting with greater concentration in one area or the other of the brain due to body position is an intriguing notion. I am far from scientific in most of my interests and knowledge of the world, but I do wonder about the effects of the circulatory system during sleep and how it could affect our dreams or even our waking consciousness later.

Maybe a medical person could weigh in? Does normal circulation actually negate some faulty notion of blood collecting in one area versus another, or not?

Fascinating. There's no good place to post this, so I'll take this opportunity to say once again, I truly love this site.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
WillowWaly - no offense to scientists and the like at all. We need people who don't automatically jump every time the wind blows, screaming "It's a ghost!" But there are times when I think they could give us a little and admit maybe, just maybe there's something to what we all are experiencing that can't be brushed off as scientific.

I honestly don't know how I feel, which direction I'm leaning in. Based on just 5 years journal entries, I can't say that there is no correlation between the moon phases and the activity in our home. I think this weekend (fingers crossed) I'm going to sit down with my Journal and do the comparison. My curiosity grows daily and this is something I can easily find out.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Miracles, I love that you not only kept journal entries about these experiences, but tried to check for a correlation with the moon phases. That sounds like a 'curiosity experiment' I'd do myself. 😊

I've also heard the anecdotal experiences (and 'anecdotal' does not automatically mean 'invalid' by any means!) of nurses, EMTs, et cetera re full moons. But I've also read at least two science-based data-gathering articles detailing research that showed no correlation at all between full moons and an upswing in increased craziness/accidents/what-have-you.

Who knows the rights of it? I doubt it's been studied enough. Maybe there is no correlation; or maybe the researchers aren't measuring the right things. I don't know. It's interesting, though.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
val - ah, yes I think you're right. Makes perfect sense. Thanks 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Perhaps they view winter as being more active, because people tend to be inside more, it is quieter, etc. So they notice the activity more?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
val - I learned many, many things in those articles. Things I'd never would have thought of. The one thing I found particularly interesting, and it surprised me, is that winter is considered to be very active paranormally. I guess maybe because I view winter as calm and soothing instead of charged LOL

Thank you for those links. I know I'll be reading them again. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
db - I don't think I've ever heard that. Again, another good theory 😊 I have a lot of things to consider 😆
db (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Perhaps the concepts of astrology/medical astrology have clues to increases in activity? In astrology I've read of that increases of many activities are based on the individual natal chart which is unique to each individual or entity (i.e.: for example the time when a business is incorporated or even a country created)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
LynxKatt - I agree with your comment that our ghosts might like us. I've never had any reason to believe anything other than that. My daughter has her moments, but my son has only been scared a couple times. Not sure scared is the right word, startled would be closer I think.

Having a baby in the home makes things a little less quiet and he gets our attention. So I do agree they probably are trying to regain our attention in different ways. It's working 😊

I plan on talking to them the next time it's just me home. Apologies are always good and I plan on doing that.
LynxKatt73 (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Sounds to me that for whatever reason It may be the ghosts around where you live like you and your home. None seem to make a nasty or poor impression other than to make people uncomfortable at times.
Maybe they just want you and your family to pay them some attention?
By the way I have a weird dislike of closets too. As I spent my late teens in a house that had a ghost in my closet (after the attic room story house this was the next house the closet ghost was in).
What is it with ghosts hiding in the craziest of places?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Whodat - at this point, no theories are ridiculous 😊 I, 90% of the time, sleep only on my left and I always dream. I don't know whether or not it makes a difference if I sleep on my back. I try not to sleep on my right (ear issue).

Anyway, there could be something to your theory so I appreciate you sharing it with me 😊
Whodat (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
I have a (perhaps totally foolish) theory I came up with a few years back. I normally sleep on my right side, and I do very little dreaming (that I can remember at least). When I sleep on my back, however, I tend to dream a lot and be more able to remember my dreams. My theory is that when I lie on my back, more blood goes to a different part of my brain than it does when I'm lying on my side. I think maybe it sort of activates or strengthens the part of the brain that dreams somehow. Could it be that the moon's gravity can affect the part of our brains that is aware of paranormal activity in a similar way? If this sounds ridiculous, I apologize. 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
Agua - you're welcome. I have those days all the time. I think today is one of them 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
dreamer - I've never known anyone with dementia advanced enough that they had to be in a health care facility. It's heartbreaking in just the early stages.

As I told val, I have heard from family members who work in nursing homes and they have told me how bad it can get sometimes. Some of the nursing staff will request those days off.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
val - I've heard those stories too from friends and family who work in hospitals, assisted living, nursing homes, etc. I really do intend to compare the full moons with my Journal. I'll let you know what I find out.

I'll check out those links when I have a few minutes at lunchtime today. Thanks 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-05)
JerryB - interesting theory, I never thought of it like that. And I took the entries from my Journal. I can't rely on my memory at all anymore 😆
Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
Thanks Miracles. Knew it was something like that - differently abled, developmentally challenged, something or other.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
When I can get to a keyboard I'll be able to thank y'all properly. Just wanted to help Agua out. Developmentally disabled.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
i work in an aged care facility and I can tell you that people with dementia have a MARKED increase in their behaviours which include becoming violent when there is a full moon. I recently read a clinical study article on line concerning dementia and moon phases. It really got my blood boiling as the writer just fobbed it all off with some complicated medical gibberish. It was plain to me that they had never spent some quality time surrounded by 20-30 people with varying degrees of dementia.

Agua (4 stories) (61 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
Yeah, heard the same as Val from two friends that used to work at a long term care facility for the mentally retarded. Sorry, can't remember what the PC name for that is these days.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
I know many people who work in health care facilities, primarily the psych ward, and they all swear the 'residents' all act out more during a full moon.
The police officers and EMTs that I know, say the same thing - something about the full moon brings out the loonies. So I wouldn't be surprised if it did indeed play a part in the paranormal world.
It seems a good many paranormal researchers would agree that a full moon can increase activity. I'm adding a few links for your perusal:



*I find this one very interesting because it also looks at how weather might affect manifestations as well.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
Hello MIRACLES 51031 --

I've always heard that a full moon brings out the strangest behavior in all things. We know the moon controls the ocean tide, no telling how it impacts on the human being considering we all have liquid running through our bodies also, maybe a little tide control happening there as well.

Loved the way you broke your story into segmented periods of time.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
Jessicqqq - you know, that thought never crossed my mind, about the man in my son's room. Makes sense.

Eventually I'm going to track the full moon phases for a year and see what the activity in our home is like.

Thanks for reading 😊
Jessicqqqq (5 stories) (56 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-04)
You brought up a great point about the moon. Something to be investigated! Maybe the moon gives them more energy. Maybe the woman was telling the man in your sons room to come in?

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