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Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
Only 2 hours sleep, urgh I know what that's like, no fun.

Can someone please explain to me how energy levels and height relate? Also what the deal is with parts of individuals left behind and/or compressed individuals and err huh? I'm amazed and confused at the same time.
😲 😕 <--- Like that.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
Biblio - I guess the way I look at it is if I would apologize to a living person I accidentally backed into, why wouldn't I extend that same respect to someone non-living? He has never done anything to deserve a lack of respect from me or my kids. I agree, it could be that he was fascinated with the refrigerator. I know if the situation were reversed, I would more than likely be scratching my head going, "Huh?" Then again, he could have been wondering what in the world was so important in the frig that I needed to have it in the middle of the night LOL

Help was said very calmly. Not in a state of panic at all. Thinking about it over the years, I've almost reached the conclusion it was part of a comment and that is all I heard. Could be he was asking if I needed help, or something completely unthought of on my part.

As for our Tuttle guy's height, because of his energy I believe he is around 6'. I like your ideas though. Sort of compressed. Never thought about that but it makes a lot of sense. (I had typed two different sentences here and couldn't get my thoughts across so I deleted them both LOL Two hours sleep does not make me very articulate.)

Thank you for reading my stories and for offering your thoughts. I enjoy reading your comments, even though a lot of times they are over my head 😆
Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-16)
Bibliothecarius: Please, sign me up for the A.O.A.P! Thanks for the invitation.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-16)
Addendum for Red:

I love your calling the lapses "C.R.S."! It sounds so very dignified compared to "brain fart."

In my mid-to-late teens, I used to do some gardening work for Mrs. Y: an older lady in central Massachusetts. She was confined to her motorized wheel chair, but she could hear the root snapping on Queen Anne's Lace two feet underground (I'd have to dig down to find the rest of it, because she really loved her roses). I was putting up her storm windows in late autumn of '93, and I had to move a framed picture of a (very young looking) seated White lady surrounded by dignified and sober Black gentlemen in pin-striped & double-breasted suits. She said, "Oh, that's Thurgood. He was such a nice gentleman; he sent me a Christmas card every year." She'd been Thurgood Marshall's clerk/stenographer while he fought the Brown vs. Board of Education legal battle; it was how she paid for law school! He'd died a few weeks before that conversation, so she must have been aware that she wasn't going to get any more of his cards. ANYWAY: Mrs. Y and one of her friends (who'd moved to Canada) claimed to be the founding members of "The Ancient Order of the Addle-Pated." She made me an honorary member for helping her to correct or to prevent her lapses as she aged. I'd like to invite you, Miracles, and anyone else on YGS suffering from C.R.S. To join me in founding the second chapter of the A.O.A.P.; Miracles, perhaps you could ask Mr. Tuttle if he'd like to join, too?

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-16)

I can't begin to tell you how delighted I am that you apologized for surprising an entity in your own kitchen, especially as he was -somewhat- at fault! I have a few students (mostly "good" kids) who don't apologize for bumping into each other or into teachers! (I carry scalding-hot tea or coffee about 18" in front of me as I walk down the hallways, so I've not had this issue.) The idea that Tuttle was curious about what you keep in the fridge really is a humorous one; whenever Homer and Elizabeth Ward Tuttle were alive, perhaps they only had the old-fashioned "ice box" coolers and he wanted to see if a frosty-cold brew was available...

From the story you linked for Tweed's benefit, it sounded to me as though Tuttle had gotten to where he was going, only to discover that he'd left behind the very reason he'd gone there in the first place, or he was expecting to be alone and discovered you were all home and had company. It seemed more like a "Now why in the world did I do something that stupid?" moment than anything else. Related to this topic: was the word "help" stated calmly, (along the lines of "my hands are full, could you see who's ringing the doorbell?") or was it panicked (as in "Oh my God, this sleeper-sofa must weigh 400 pounds and it's pinned my right shin against the cast iron radiator")? Tone could be a clear indicator of why Tuttle said this; he may not have needed your help so much as your recognition, or he could have been trying to communicate his desperation.

One other thought has occurred to me, Miracles, and that is that you've not specified how large or how small Tuttle is. For some reason, when I read your description I presumed he was between 2' and 3' high. If I'm mistaken and he's of average hight (5'6"-6'4" or thereabouts), I apologize. However, *IF* he is of shorter statue, he may not be a complete haunting/entity; he may just be the embodiment of some aspects of Mr. Tuttle's personality. That is to say that around or during the time of his death, certain parts of his spirit "went to the light" or whatever it is they usually do, and some parts of him (potentially very good parts of him) didn't want to leave just yet; he may have thought he still had some duties to finish or obligations to fulfill. If he's not at all scary, he may have had some form of Alzheimer's or similar dementia, and the part of him which remained means well, but is easily confused. I realize that this paragraph is HIGHLY speculative in nature, but it contains ideas which were swirling around in my head as I was processing both of your entertaining narratives.

Best, as always,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-10)

I enjoyed your story very much. You say you are upset with yourself because you didn't remember more detail. When I have a problem remembering something I say I have a brain fart or a case of c.r.s. (can't remember sh*t). I have a very good memory from my late teens on, but before that my memory is very foggy from what I'll call the dark days.

I have never seen a shadow person but I have seen a couple of shadow dogs. Could they be dogs that I owned and passed away? I ask this because the one time my son and I watched this creature that would morph and together we were able to get rid of it.

Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
I sent you an email. Look in your spam folder if you don't find it... It ought to be a good read;)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Artisanlady - sometimes it takes longer than others for stories to be published. It just depends upon the personal lives of the mods LOL

My email is on my profile 😊
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
I have, but I guess it takes a few days to appear. I won't write about him here, but do keep your eye out for my post. I would welcome your input (since you're a moderator, can we chat via email?)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Artisanlady - yes, I think he comes and goes. Some of us have jokingly suggested our no-longer-living housemates must go on vacation because they're obvious for awhile and then very quiet LOL

No, I've never tried getting rid of him. There really doesn't seem to be a need. A few years ago my daughter had a scare (self-induced I believe) so I cleansed her room and did an EVP session while I was going through the process. But I don't believe it got rid of him as that wasn't my intention.

Welcome to YGS and please, feel free to submit your experience (s) 😊
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Hi Miracles, new here, loved your story and the old one about Tuttle too. I believe I have a male presence in my house as well. Does your Tuttle come and go, and have you tried to get rid of him?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
ashar - thanks for the criticism. I actually thought it was pretty unique, with or without additional details. But we each have our own opinion, don't we?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
val - that very well could have been going through his mind LOL
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Quite unique experience from a mod over here. The experience is awesome but it would have been more unique with more details.

Thanks for Sharing 😁 😁 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
OCGirl - yeah, like that except he was there. I just couldn't see him, not really LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Sush and roylynx - thanks for reading my story and commenting 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-07)
Sounds like Tuttle was peeking over your shoulder to see what goodies the fridge held. He probably thought "Teach me to be nosey" when you backed into him. 😉
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Hello Miracles

I can really relate to your story. Like stepping out of the way for someone that wasn't actually there.

Thanks for sharing
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Whoaah, go Granny! That's some blue ribbon detective work! Thanks for the extra info, going to read what's on the other side of that link. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Tweed - I found the date I got him saying Tuttle. I also realized he said Ward and either Homer or homework on the recording. At the time Granny, among others, were trying to help me figure it out and Granny found an Elizabeth Ward Tuttle and a Homer Tuttle, both deceased. Not buried in my county, but doesn't necessarily mean anything considering all I got was those 3 words. He could have been trying to give me his relatives' names or something. Anyway that date is 1/18/11.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
He could be someone very close to you or someone related to the house, I guess I sent a story about an encounter with my cat, oh its ok I know that stories takes time to be posted. Well to say the truth now Henrique (my cat's kitten) would still go to the same spot where his mother passed away, the first time I encountered her like written in my story, I was "moved" not emotionally at all but it was sensational. Reading this story I kind of have a feeling that it depends of whom that person was the feeling of the encounter changes, your case he/she might be a complete stranger that you meet every day, like a person that you meet on the street or on a bus every day, not even a "hi, bye person" (well, somehow I will remember those people but I don't know if they ever remember me). Anyhow, as long as you are OK, I think it is OK just to live the spirit alone, you don't even have to know who he is.

Love from São Paulo

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Tweed - this is about him, although I don't think I refer to him as Tuttle guy in this one. Http://

I caught him on my hand held recorder saying Tuttle but I think it was after I had submitted this. While going through my Journal to see if I can find when that happened, I came across another instance when he spoke. "On 5/29/11 I could actually hear a complete sentence, don't remember it now, but it was very clear. Something along the lines of "I know..." don't remember the rest though."
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Urhg Miracles I know this wasn't a creepy encounter but it took me back to accidentally touching a ghost. Nothing creepy about that either but it scared the crap out of me, and still does!
Oddly comforting to know this happens to others.😆
Have you submitted anything about Turtle guy on here before?

Thanks for sharing, going to faves.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-06)
Shortest post I have readed from a Mod so far. I personally hate waking up late in the night to get a drink. I always believe that and also my mother says to take company in such situations.

Thanks for sharing with us.


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