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Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-24)
Captain Planet! Thank God you're here!
"Captain Planet, he's our hero! Getting pollution back to zero!"
I sincerely hope you visit Mr Trump and speak sternly to him and his cronies.
Oh and by the way... Nice mullet!
Captain_Planet (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-24)
Go planet!

Step aside pollution, there's no room for you here.

Allicatt, putting bedding on an unused crib for a prolonged time can lead to dust settlement. Be sure to shake down those bed clothes before your baby arrives.
Do you have a middle child? You mentioned Maggie was your oldest daughter, it put my late 1980's VHS capacity into a tailspin.
How long does Maggie spend at the sitter's house? Can she pick up words and traits from others?

I need to go trim my mullet, but remember...

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-24)
Bibilo, I'm hoping she will like it last night I set the horse out in the livingroom and let her know that the horse was just for her and told her that such a special girl deserves a beautiful horse and that nobody was going to take it from her, she could play with it anytime she wanted.

She wouldn't approach the horse or me while I was telling her about it she just stared at it from under the desk in the livingroom. (Her second favorite place in the house) but earlier this morning before Maggie got up I checked to see if the horse was still in the up right position I had set it in the two front hooves crossed and it wasnt.

It was laying on its side but in the same spot, so I think she at least checked it out. 😊

Spiritwaiting, I considered giving her a name but I'm not sure if it would be a good or a bad thing. I'm hoping that I will eventually learn her actual name but Your also right in the thinking that she may not have been called by a name very often usually abusers don't bother to call them by a birth given name.

Thank you, I just beileve that every child derserves love from someone. I may not have been there when she needed someone the most but she came to us for a reason. I can't just let her fade into nothing ignoring her. Every kid deserves a chance.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-24)

How sweet! I can almost bet shes going to love that horse.

Give it few days and keep an eye out for her. She may take a little bit to come to the horse.

I want to suggest something but...
When I read Biblio's comment it had me thinking twice, because it makes sense.

I was going to suggest, giving her a name. Something also of her own. If she did indeed have an abusive father, and childhood she may not have been called by one, just a few bad nicknames. Name calling often goes along with abuse.

Im not sure if its a good idea, just a simple suggestion.

You are amazing for continuing to reach out to this precious spirit child. I hope all goes well.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-23)

A "rainbow tail and mane" sounds like just the thing! Be very clear with her that this is hers, and that no-one is going to take it away from her. You're giving her a gift so she has something to play with.

Lots of baby clothes are brightly-colored, so I suspected this initially drew her attention to them. If she can be made to feel accepted/welcome, there's much less chance she'll misbehave when your baby arrives.

Please, let us know how things progress.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-23)
Hey Bibilo,

I asked Maggie if she knows the little ghost girls name but unfortunately she dosent or she hasnt told me. I have asked the little girl her name a few times when I have saw her but she never talks. She usually just watches me from a distance or will only get within arms reach I wish I could learn her name I feel bad not knowing what to call her.

Which I'm still working on, closest she has gotten is the one time she took my hand and looked like she was smelling it.

I do remember the care bears and I wish I would have thought of that when Maggie and I got her a toy. They are still around just harder to find instead Maggie and I got her a white horse with a rainbow tail and mane. And I am going to set it out for her tonight and let her know that its just for her.

Im not sure honestly if she was " raised" by her father alone or if her mother just wasn't involved by choice or forced to leave her alone by the fathers orders. Maybe she even turned a blind eye knowing she had no power over the situation or didn't want to face reality. Either way this little girl went through alot.

I am hoping that I can find a way to help her soon because I am worried how she will react once my baby is born. While I have never had her be hostile towards Maggie nor myself or Collin I would rather be able to help her before things get really busy.

Sincerely, Alli
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-23)
Greetings, Allicatt.

I'm pleased that you've briefly interacted with this ghost girl, and that you've demonstrated non-threatening behavior toward her. Your dream experience of her pain and suffering was heartbreaking.

I've got a few ideas/questions for you.
1. I recall that your daughter is on the spectrum; has she indicated knowing the ghost girl's name at all? (Have you asked her?)
2. I have the odd impression that a brightly-colored plush toy would be a good gift for a girl whose life was filled with misery and pain. (I thought of the "Care Bears" from the late-80s, early-90s era, but have no idea if they still exist; however, the colorful gift might be a source of pride for her, especially if you have your daughter help you to pick it out for her.)
3. Her reluctance to come forward and to speak with you **may** suggest that she was raised by a single abusive father, OR that her father was so domineering that her mother was a non-entity in the family dynamic. Showing care and compassion is the best you can do for her, but you really do want to get this metaphorical ball rolling before your baby is born.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-22)

Ha yeah shes lookin for attention! Yeah I would give her at least one toy, to stay active with.

Just like a child she needs attention and things to keep them occupied maybe that'll help.

And once you do that, make sure you let her know messing with the babies things will not be accepted.

Make it very clear, but be gentle.

Good luck!

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-22)
Spiritwaiting, That is a great idea! 😁 I actually considered that but wasn't sure how effective it would be. Its definitely worth a try, as you said maybe it will help her realize that she is welcome and maybe leave my babys things alone.

Considering about an hour or so ago I went in our bathroom and found baby soap all over the floor like it had been knocked over and just splattered. Maggie hasnt been in our bathroom today so that leaves one known explanation.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-22)

I suggest you and your daughter discuss what type of toy the spirit girl may like to have around just for her.

Maybe a stuffed toy something that a little girl would enjoy.

Then even if she isn't around just speak out and say this is for you.

I'm sure that would let her know you are a good adult to be around and would calm her actions with the new babies clothes etc.

And just set it aside for her somewhere your daughter would leave it be.

Just a suggestion 😊
And thank you for replying back.

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-22)
Melda, It has definitely been a sad exsperience especially considering that I am a mother there is no excuse for mistreating a child no matter what. Maggie has shown signs of the little girl still being here, and while I have saw her from a distance quickly going into Maggie's room which is normally where she goes. She hasnt came up to me in awhile.

As odd as this may sound I try to be careful when I approach her because I don't want to scare her away. I'm still trying to think of the right way to help her she is so skittish.

The dream I believe was her way of showing me a part of her life, it was so vivid and while I almost always dream very vividly this just felt more like a memory if that makes any sense.

All in all this is a very fragile situation and I hope that I can find the key to helping her move on.

Sincerely, Allicatt
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-22)
Allicatt - This must have been quite an emotional ride for you. You seem to have felt an overwhelming sense of pity for this little girl. I too feel so sorry for her. How miserable she must have been in life😒. She seemed to exhibit some form of trust in you by taking your hand.

It seems that you have not seen her for some time. Has Maggie given any sign of the little girl still being present?

The dream also would have been very traumatic, fearing that this might have been what she experienced in life.

I do hope that there is some way to cross this little girl over to a very good place where she belongs 😊

Regards, Melda
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-21)
Argette, 😊 I think that's every reader no matter the age. I just won't make the mistake of posting while tired. That never turns out well.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-21)
Not to worry, Allicatt! Your writing is fine. It's just easier to read with shorter paragraphs.

We middle aged posters like easy to read!:)
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-21)
Hello Everyone, Thank you for commenting.

Argette: I do apologize for that, I will work more on my writing structure in the future.

Babygoatpuller: That is correct I couldn't see her until I did a cleansing in my home and it is a high possibility that when I did the cleansing that it made her feel safer. I have purified my house since but I still haven't saw her. Though Maggie has, mainly at night but a few times while she has been playing, I do apologize for the structure of my story. I will work more on that.

Spiritwaiting: I do always try to be all of those things and much more, especially being a mother to a very sensitive little girl. I can definitely agree that she was drawn her in a big way by Maggie and myself. Though I think mainly Maggie seeing that the little girl is so hesitant to approach me, I think mainly its because she was so badly mistreated by adults when she was alive. Also it is a valid point that she could be jealous of the baby and her things not only because she is afraid that I won't spend as much time with her or try I should say while she is here but because she probably never had nice things, anything but sadly. I think that she is looking for love and at the same time afraid to reach out. I think if there was a way I could somehow gain her trust it would be easier to help her, question is how I could do that.

Mack: Thank you and I will work more on my writing structure, I again do apologize. You make a lot of valid points and I had not considered trying to look up kidnappings or murders to girls that fit her description. The difficult factor is knowing the year it happened and her age. While she appears to be about seven maybe eight its hard to know for sure, and unfortunately she dosent seem to talk. She honestly seems pretty much wild like, children that didn't have a lot of interaction or were mistreated as its sadly evident she was. I just hope that I can find a way to help her even if it is finding out what happened and helping her cross.

Sincerely, Allicatt
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-20)
Hi Allicatt

Thanks for sharing your experience. You write really well and it was a vivid read.

Without sounding like a broken record, your recount WAS hard to read without paragraphs...😊

This child may have honed in on your family as it appears you you and your daughter have psychic abilities and she wanted to interact with you, or she used to live there and is in some kind of limbo state due to a violent / premature death?

I suggest you do some research around the history of your house and area and see whether there was a murder, or disappearance of a young child that fits the description of the one you saw and dreamed of. That may answer some questions.


spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-20)

From reading this, it seems you radiate a softer,kinder,gentler side of yourself. Not saying that your not normally, but because your a mother, she senses the love you project outwards.

And having a daughter probably around her age, is even better. She more than likely feels comfortable around your home, and that's why she comes and goes.

Maybe it could be from time to time, she gets a little jealous because she sees the new items for the baby and she feels it would take away the attention she seems to get when shes around.

Being she is a child it could very well be possible.

The dream and from my own experiences, feels more like a visitation for her. Maybe she let you see why she tends to back away from you when you want to reach out to her. Being that was possibly her life playing out.

Thanks for sharing
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-20)

Bear with me here as I'm going on a hunch. You couldn't see the little girl at first but then did a thorough cleansing of the house and a few weeks later, she shows herself to you as a little frightened waif. Then in your dream, you see things that quite frankly, put a knot in my stomach.

Do you think possibly that when you did the cleansing, she felt more secure about showing herself? Like maybe kept her tormentor at bay with the cleansing?

Have you considered doing another cleansing and perhaps opening another "window" for her to come through and maybe helping her to move on? Seems to me she's being held here by someone that may have put her in this situation and just needs some help getting out.

Like I said, just a hunch. You seem to know what you're doing and I think whatever you decide, it'll be the right thing.

Thanks for sharing and I agree with Argette, more paragraphs would make for an easier read.

Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-20)
This is all very interesting but would benefit greatly from being broken up into smaller paragraphs so that it would be easier to read.

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