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Return to the ghost story Mindbight Madness

Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
And if you read my comments I said it was not a good idea and it was a mistake and I learned from it so I know that read everything
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
thank you cups 😊It just seems that way. All I am saying is even if you have the word mod next to your name you should know better and be setting a example on every rule in the sight not just pick the ones you want to and if you have mod next to your name you can still say your sorry when it's needed and show kindness don't get jaded! πŸ˜‰
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
A little background on myself I am a social worker. I have been a crisis stabilization counselor. I have also worked in shelters for homeless women and their children. Before that I taught pre school and then middle school. I was excited to be on this sight because the paranormal world is a passion of mine and the paranormal world as it's ups and downs so I thought it would be nice to talk to others who understand that's what I am about I am not about trashing on someone for a choice they make that I don't like when I don't even know them but that is just me 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Actually it's not. Making sure you and everyone else understands we (YGS) do not approve or uphold breaking and entering, trespassing, destruction of private propert or anything fun like that.

I am sorry if you think I should be gushing all over with kindness when I say things like that but that just isn't going to happen. It can be rather hard to get a serious point across if I am apologizing all over the place if I hurt your feelings or offended you or anyone else.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink, I don't think anyone is accusing you of lying...we're just lost in the narrative & to me this has nothing to do with a ghost story. Just a creepy place you guys shouldn't have been near in the first place.

*allowed (sorry, can't help myself)

Please don't take offense to the moderators doing their jobs.

There is also a nifty preview & edit tool built into the comments section - I find it to be very useful. πŸ˜‰ (wish we had that on social media!)
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Well like I said you should treat people how you would like to be treated you don't know what type of day they could be having or what someone has been though in their life and if you don't like something I post that's fine but you can say it in a nice way. But it can be hard to put yourself out there and then you get trashed on because of a choice someone makes it does not represent who I am which shows in my comments to others. Don't judge people you don't know. I know you wouldn't like to be trashed on you would want people to say it in a nice way it also says in the guidelines lines to always be kind and helpful and to not talk down to people that is more important issue here.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Like I said. We have had so many members keep building on their story in the comments. Turns out most of them are teenagers pretending to be someone they aren't.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
No I have a head injury from an abusive boyfriend if you must know I somtimes will remember more things as I type but thank you for saying I might be lying
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink - I am doing just that and I'm pretty sure the others whose comments you don't like feel the same.

For future reference, try putting all relevant information in your story. Adding details in the comments, especially after someone questions you, seems like you could be making things up as you go. Just sayin
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
That's fine but you should treat people how you would like to be treated. And I don't think you and a few other members have done that.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
For the record, Pink, if I do something immature, stupid or dangerous I fully expect someone to tell me.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink - in case you missed it, there is the word mod by my name. That gives me the right and responsibility to comment on anything I feel I should.

That responsibility includes trying to prevent other members from doing something that could get them hurt or in trouble, especially something another member has done. If that offends another member, so be it.

But know this, if I think you or anyone else has done something stupid, rude or dangerous I will call you out on it.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
When we went during the day there was a worker there but he was just leaving it was his lunch break but he said we could say and walk around the outside that's when me and my husband Hurd the knocking it was creepy because no one else was around then a few months later we went back at nigh because we thought it would be fun at night
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink, well if you were there during the day, I'd say the banging you heard was most likely someone working. Around here construction work (interior) can go well past nightfall if there's a power source for light.
Ghost hunting is typically done at night, which also led to my confusion. But seeing as they are working on the place, it's probably another reason it's 'off limits'. Can't risk someone getting hurt on or making off with their equipment.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Z z granny I agree with you and that's what I plan on doing I never meant I was going to keep doing this I am only going to go to places that you can go to from now on like I said I have never been in trouble a day in my life. I was a competitive figure skater for 18 years I spend and spent most of my time in a ice rink
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Sorry my phone has a mind of its own and type fast but I meant your aloud to be on the grounds during the day maybe at night as well I am not sure. Your not aloud to go in the building but I have been there during the day and talked to someone that was working on the building
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Sorry, I also wanted to add that if you're serious about ghost hunting you should follow the "10 commandments of ghost hunting". Just Google it. I believe #3 is "Thou shalt not trespass."

Please don't take offense to the comments that are busting you for trying to break into an abandoned building. Some of us (myself included) have paid a lot of money to ghost hunt, not only for the privilege but for equipment, lodging, and transportation to/from. Yes, it's fun and exciting and probably a lot more satisfying when you've got your hard earned money invested.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Well, now I'm totally confused... From your story " But it was a fun two nights," from your comment, " And drying the day your aloud to walk around the building so everyone don't get your pants in a twist!" So did you go during the day, or at night?
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Yes it does but people sometimes type fast and people mess up but I would say treating people with kindness instead of trashing on people because of a choice they made. So I think that's the more important thing other then me typing every single word right when you know what am talking about about again thanks or the kind of words! And drying the day your aloud to walk around the building so everyone don't get your pants in a twist!
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Yes it does but people sometimes type fast and people mess up but I would say treating people with kindness instead of trashing on people because of a choice they made. So I think that's the more important thing other then me typing every single word right when you know what am talking about about again thanks or the kind of words! πŸ™„
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Ducking in here... The guidelines also state to use punctuation & spellcheck. Just sayin'. Carry on! πŸ˜‰
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink: Well, with just a little research I was able to find that the institution itself is owned by the state of Maine. I doubt very seriously that permission would be granted to anyone for ghost hunting. Also, there is a newer complex on the site that serves as the most recent mental hospital, and some of the older buildings are used as state administrative offices.

It's a pity they haven't decided to do what some states have (Ohio: Ohio State Reformatory, West Virginia: Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum and others) and open the buildings to ghost hunters. These hunts come at a cost, however, but the proceeds go to the maintenance and restoration of the buildings. Most of the employees are volunteers.

Anyway, even if you tried to break in again I'm afraid you wouldn't have much success since it's not like it's out in the middle of nowhere πŸ˜†
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
And in the Gide lines in says to be nice and welcoming to people and to be kind but most of you haven't been even though no of you have met me also there have been a few people who commented on my post and all I have been to them is nothing but kind of you read through my post to others there all kind comments

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink - you and your husband aren't the only ones who have a passion for ghost hunting. As a matter of fact, several members of YGS got together and went did a couple of ghost hunts a few years ago. Our ages varied from early to mid 20s and up and not one of us considered going in places we were not permitted, were chained or locked to keep people out.

You and your husband are the kind of people who give ghost hunters and this business a bad name and reputation 😠 If you are doing it for fun, you are not doing it for the right reason.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Eh, I wasn't offended by Pink's remark. Obviously she misunderstood what I intended. If she had taken time to read the submission guidelines, she would have realised that in the strict sense this story does not qualify for publication. It is not a true, paranormal experience. BUT, we get so many kids on this site - Impressionable wannabe ghost hunters, that really don't get that there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it, I just had to use this as a cautionary tale.
"Big dog style ghost hunts" do not include breaking the law, and in many towns the law views intent nearly as bad as the doing, and you never know - y'all remember me writing about the old Copley Hospital down the way from me? Kids and wannabes breakin there all the time. Usually they just get chased off, but over the summer they decided to 'make examples' of 3 of them and are prosecuting them! Guess the owner decided to press charges.
As RC pointed out in his comment, there are very physical dangers one needs to be aware of. Yes, there are 'thrills' to be had ghost hunting (along with a tiny bit of coloring outside the lines, personally) but, there is a right and wrong way to go about it. Even the 'pros' get permission.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)

Just the name, Augusta Mental Health Institute, makes the average person, remember the cruelty that was often done to those poor unfortunate individuals. Also the unwed women, and the other misunderstood.

Pink, in your words, I have to think, you lack in human kindness and understanding.

People like you and your partner, will one day find anger from the paranormal, and it will teach you both a lesson. Probably sooner than later.

Grow up! What are you 12 years old?
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Dee I appreciate you asking me questions in a kind way. Me and my husband definitely Aren't going to do that again we learned are lesson. But it was a really fun night and I think people are taking it seriously if You were there everyone would know it really was not a big deal. I am sorry if I offended anybody I wouldn't want to do that.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
HAHAHAHA oh no, this is going to faves. Sorry I don't know if this is supposed to be funny but πŸ˜†

Okay so the banging, could that have been someone, doing some work inside the building?

Pink, I realise one of your comments was downvoted numerous times lol, don't worry about it, I upvoted you, 'cause I found it amusing. But I would NOT break into an abandoned building because I'm a goody goody like that.
I agree with everyone, ask permission first!

You know what, you guys remind me of David Lynch, the filmmaker. He lived in an abandoned building for a good while, with the owner's permission. He did this because he loved the atmosphere, particularly at night. All the ghostly sounds etc. His abandoned building home appeared in the film Eraserhead. Some of the soundscape in that movie is from that building too, I think. So there's a prime example of how far you can take a ghost hunt with permission!

I seriously enjoyed reading this for all the wrong reasons, thanks for sharing!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)

Is the title supposed to be 'Midnight Madness' or am I missing a play on words?

You've gotten some good advice here. I know you mentioned you haven't been in trouble a day in your life, but I'm sure a breaking and entering charge and/or conviction wouldn't be taken lightly as far as your job is concerned. You mentioned in a comment on a previous story that you're a social worker right? I'm not trying to come down on you at all, just a head's up. 😊

I know there are plenty of people that investigate alleged haunted buildings, and I'm with Val, ask for permission from the owner. It can't hurt anyway. πŸ˜‰

All the best,
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
I didn't mean to be rude but I didn't like what Val cry said so I wrote how I felt. But it's hard to know how people are saying things because you can't hear how I saying it but it's not my intention to be rude to anyone and I know that it's not to be taken lightly but wrote in my story that this is a passion of mine and my husband so it's something fun for us to do together.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (848 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Gah. Won't let me upvote you again, Lady-Glow.:P

Hi, Pink. Good to know that you try to keep yourself out of trouble. I could mention an ex-football coach as an example of someone who tried to "live a little" and who did not get caught for a rather long time, and is now serving a lengthy, non-life, prison sentence but because of his age is very likely going to be a life sentence as he'll be in his 90s when he is eligible for parole. But I would really rather not go there...

Seriously, though, ghost hunting is not a thing to do 'just for fun.' Fall through the floor of a dilapidated and abandoned building, you may end up falling two or three stories, breaking bones and not being missed for hours or days unless someone you trust knows your plans and will contact emergency workers when you fail to appear as scheduled.

Not to mention the threat of attachments, possessions, or worse, if the place turns out to be actually haunted.

In short: do not do this lightly. If you want to "live a little" there are some nice parks around the world with thrill rides.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
" I don't know how 100 year olds do stuff or whateva but as far 28 and 31 year olds like myself and my husband go we love to mix it up and do things like breaking and entering that is kiddy shiat me and my husband like to do big dog style ghost hunts! We like to live a little."

Pink, no offense taken nor intended but, the "100 year olds" part is very rude.
Living a little doesn't need to look like anarchy. 😜

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valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Hi Pink. I quite enjoyed this, because it's an excellent example of how NOT to do a ghost hunt! πŸ˜† Breaking and entering is a serious offense, you're lucky that cop was so cool about it!
I'm thinking you'd need to contact the owner and get his permission to ghost hunt. You never know, worst case scenario he says no. But what if he says yes? πŸ€”

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