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Comments for Life of Terror: Journal of the Haunted: Page 1

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bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
the first part was memory.
part 2 when it started on my 15 birthday and I been adding my expereints a day after it happen until the very last night when I finally got rid of it and my friend die later that night from asma help me got rid of it at the end he told me that he couldn't breve he die in my arms while waiting for his sister to brane his inhaller cause he forgot it and I still miss him 😢 😭
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
Hi biggmen,

I am not sure what to make of your story, but I did enjoy reading it. I read it like a journal (just as you called it) and maybe I am weird because I understood the story. I do wonder when this journal was started, and you have been adding to it over what period of time?
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
i fell like I'm in full house here half of you people try put me down and the other half sicking up for me for those people who sicking up for me thank you and for those people who putting me down get a life if you don't like the story just say you don't like it don't be rude about it and don't make me mad you won't like it when I'm mad and two things makes me mad people makes fun of me and or making fun of other people. If you read this you know where I'm going at this
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
chrisb you rock dude nobody ever stick up for me before I usely have to sick up for my self thank you 😁
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
for last time I live in the U.S.A I was born on a air force base in CA I just have bad grades in Eng and keyboarding
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
Boy that was a long report! I'm commenting not to offer my opinion on the events alleged but simply to say that you shouldn't be discouraged from writing because of a few harsh comments. People are entitled to their opinion but it's still just an opinion. Keep up the effort; if your teacher believes so much in you, then she must have seen much more in you than those who don't know you see.There's no problem you cannot overcome if you trully believe in yourself and if you insist on trying to overcome it. I don't know you but I still see the strength in you to speak for yourself, the power to not let go of the effort to overcome the obstacles. Keep it up and life will be generous with you!
essiej (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
I have ADHD to. Mama took me off the medication years ago cause she said it made me weird. I just thought I would put a different page on here that has a bit of information about ADHD, cause there are lots of myths about it. Http://
I had big problems talking through written word, but with Mama helping and getting help. And trying to learn a new word everyday with this huge dictionary she has.
Now I am in journalism and am the only freshman in the class. It's not easy, but if you try real hard it gets easier.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
Hi Bigmen. I tried posting yesterday but something went wrong with my computer and I couldnt. Dont worry about your english. In time if you practise a lot you will learn more about it. I'm from Poland and I know that its hard for you to write. I hope that the posts don't let you down. But I have to say something to the members here. You may say what you want about Bigmens story. You can say its true or you can say its fake. Thats your opinion. But to laugh at somebodys english that just said. Yesterday I was reading your comments and I was just furious! Today I learned that Bigmen has a problem. Its hard for him. And some of you started saying that how can he post a story like that, I can't read it. You even had a problem with Martin posting a story like that. Well I have a problem with people laughing at others. None of us are 10 years old here, so please start acting like an adult.I'm not trying to attack anybody here. I just wanted to share my opinion on this matter. I hope nobody is offended by this. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
huendchen (49 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
Hmmm, ADHD doesn't cause a person to have poor spelling and grammar. It just means they have a shorter attention span and are more easily distracted, and presumably Bigmen (which is probably meant to read: Bigman) is saying that this causes him to lack the concentration necessary to pick up spelling and grammar. Sounds like a cop-out - plenty of sufferers of ADHD can read and write as well as the rest of us. 😐
keekee404 (1 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
This sounds a lot like demonic activity, although some parts seem unrealistic, such as when you went outside to confront the man holding a knife at night (Who would really do that, anyways?) Also, I didn't know that ghosts could appear, talk to you, and then disappear. But of course I wasn't there and I don't know if this is fictional or not. I declare some parts true, but others exagerated or fiction. Interesting, though. 😉
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
don't worry about it mustang I'm not mad at you in fact I agree with you the knife thing dose sound fictional tell you the truth the first 8 paragraphs I done by membery so I don't really know what happen that but I know that invoes a knife. 😊
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hi James. I am sorry if you were offended by my post in any way. I can sometimes, but very rarely, come off as rude but I DEFINITELY did not mean to hurt your feelings in any way if I did. I had NO idea that ADHD affected someone's grammar or english. I have known people with that, when I was in high school, and it never affected their grammar, english or writing.

I saw Emma2008's post and it jarred my memory about people with ADHD. People with ADHD, and other brain disorders, are more likely to experience paranormal activity, mainly poltergeist activity.

Sorry again if I hurt your feelings.


❤ 😊
Emma2008 (4 stories) (110 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
If you plan to write anymore stories, might I suggest the use the grammer/spell checker in your text editor. Your english teacher seems helpful to you, so maybe you should ask her to proofread your work before submitting. A well written paper will add credibility to your story. Moreover, now that you have told us that you suffer from ADHD, perhaps that is connected somehow to what you are experiencing. Ever thought of letting your doctor know about what you are experiencing? Perhaps you may be experiencing hallucinations due to sleep deprivation, psychosis or a neurological illness. Good luck.
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
latter I will tell you my sister side of the story
her side is the same side of my story but I will tell you what happen to when she move to Boston cause one of the ghost fallow her
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
thank martin I own you one
and I am very brave living with a bother that treat me like grap I have to be brave to sick up for my self and I really care about my family I get piss off when some talk grap about them
SchizoSephy (74 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
A long time ago me and my friend Weed, (That's his last name.) we were camping outside my house when Weed said, "Good night strange man with a knife outside. I'm not sure but I did hear a reply. It's probably just him.
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with curiosity. I myself would not have reacted that way with the guy with the knife. I would have grabbed a knife and hid in the closet. But still if this is true he's very brave.
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hey guys I agree bigmen9909's grammar is pretty bad but he says he has ADHD so maybe we can just let go the topic of his writing for now. I published it because I felt there was a lot of effort behind this story. As far as being unbelievable, well, that's the purpose of the comments area to discuss, and the author can defend the points you have trouble with.
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
and I was 3 when the knife thing happen and I didn't know what cop mean when I was little
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
i live in the U.S. Since I was born and I got adhd I will explaine the spelling
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hello bigmen9909. I will also ignore the "astrocious" grammar and continue to say that your story is hard for me to believe. Why on God's green earth would ANYONE, seeing a man outside of there house, go outside themselves right in front of him? On top of that, why would ANYONE start walking towards someone holding a knife that is standing in their yard? This sounds fictional to me. Sorry! I could not even continue to read this story because the grammar was SO bad that I was getting irritated! Especially knowing that you ARE 15 and in the United States! OR, are you foreign? I could understand why the grammar was so bad if you are new to the US.

JPing (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Ignoring your atrocious English, I'm sorry to say that I don't believe you. Your reaction to seeing a guy with a knife standing in your back yard was rediculous.
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
i get stress out easy.
my 6 period eng teacher told me to finish the story so I did. She told me finish it cause I was getting upset while I was typing it I was about to give up but she told me "not to give up if you keep typing it will make you fell better". So if do get this publish half the credit and money go's to her because she Believe in me that I could do it 😊
huendchen (49 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Before you get a publisher, you need an editor! Honestly, my friend, learn to write the Queen's English. It's a fact that people are less likely to believe someone poorly educated because these people are far more prone to exaggeration and even lying to appear more important than they are. I'm not saying your story isn't true. I'm just saying I have a harder time believing it's true.
Ambi (5 stories) (30 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
I have to say, I read this story a night or two ago, and chose not to comment on it.
Then I decided to stop back out of curiosity to see if other readers had left any comments. While I agree with a lot of you suggesting this to be very fictional, I feel sorry for the young man who wrote this. His imagination is quite creative, and he seems to be taking our words to heart. So to him I'd like to say: You should not let any one of these comments get you so upset. Every one is entitled to an opinion. Please continue your education, you may one day become exceptional author. I hope in time you look back at this for inspiration to strive harder.
❤ Ambi
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
i am looking for a publisher but I don't know how to find one this TRUE ghost story you just read been on computer paper sence JAN.

p.s THIS STORY IS REAL IM NOT MAKING IT UP I AM STILL TO SCARE TO BE IN MY BEDROOM BY MY SELF sorry if I yell but I been through a lot I lose all of my friends cause and one of them die my helping me give rid I lose my girlfriend because she thought I was crazy witch I'm not I didn't got a good night sleep sence last March so right now I'm just getting over depression. 😢
sammie (28 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
hmmm I don't think their were any spelling mistakes... But then again I can't spell eather and I am from the United States! And suprisingly I am getting passing grades in writing! LOL anyway I don't really believe everything that you have writin here but you may have found your calling as hawk girl said!
bigmen9909 (3 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
it all real people it started it started when I was 2 it ended on that night in the last chapter and I am 15 bat I was scare when this was happing I slep in the car sometimes. The worst thing was nobody Believe me execpt my sister while she was living with us she was going through the same thing and we where home alone when things happen.
so yes it NOT FAKE it all REAL.
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
First paragraph, I stopped! I can NOT believe you! And you say you are from the United States! If you just moved here from a diffrent country, then tell us in the first paragraph! But oh my goodness! Emma2008 is very right! This has the WORST grammer and spelling I read! This is ALL past tense! Well, suspossed to be! Not present! Please go back to school before you post another story! And, now I shall read on to see why it is SO unbeleivable. On the other hand, very creative. But I doubt MANY things. First I doubt you would even go out to the backyard when a man was there holding a knife! Anyone would be terrified! And, when you live in a apartment, how can you have a first and second floor? I finished at the third space, sorry but this is NOT a good story. It's practically fiction. Sorry for the dislike, but everyone's right. It's a fake.
Karyn (1 stories) (63 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
Good Grief! And that puts it very mildly for me... 😆 and I skipped right through the, "good parts", 😆 😆
Emma2008 (4 stories) (110 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
To the web site master - I'm disappointed that you don't send stories such as this one back to the writers and tell them to correct their grammar/spelling before it gets posted. I find myself logging onto this site less and less because stories like this one really give me a headache. It's one thing if the writer is from a foreign country, I don't mind reading through their stories in the least, but there really is no excuse when the writer is domestic and is clearly capable of better grammar/spelling. I will personally volunteer to read them (and correct them if necessary) before they're posted so this web-site doesn't lose readers.

To the writer of this story - I didn't have a heart attack like you warned I would have, I just got a headache due to your atrocious grammar/spelling. Unfortunately, I don't believe all these things happen, I am just not feeling the sincerity, or maybe I will, when my headache goes away.
Hawkgirl (6 stories) (55 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
Hi bigmen9909,
Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? Improve your story telling and you may have found your calling 🤔
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
hmmmmmmmmmm, I will refrain from comment except to say you and your sister seemed very nonchalant about these occurances.

God Bless!
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Kind of hard to believe all this happen. I don't have the feel to it, like I do others who write. But was a well written story and thanks for sharing it with us.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Boy, I tell you what, bigmen9909,
My journal is not even as detailed as all this. While it does have the ring of a ghost hunters journal, there is just something...
Thank you.
killingkilgore (3 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
I'm with Frawin on this one. It's a good story, but I'm having a hard time believing any of this actually happened. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? And, were you living with anyone else at the time these things supposedly happened? Also, I can't believe anyone in their right mind would walk outside to confront a strange man standing in their backyeard with a knife instead of just calling the police.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Hello bigmen9909. Thank you for sharing this story with us, it was a fascinating tale. I enjoyed reading it but I can not bring myself to believe it was anything except creative writing. Good job.

bat (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Wow bimen9909! You seem to be a really brave person. If all those things happened to me I don't know what I would do. I'm glad your house isn't scary anymore. I really enjoyed reading your story. Thanks.

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