First off I'd like to let you know that I've always been sensitive to ghosts and demons alike. Ever since I can remember I've always been able to sense them when ever they're around me. Though I've never seen a ghost with my own two eyes and haven't really ever cared that much about supernatural happenings, I'm just not so sure anymore.
I don't remember just how old I was when it first started, but it was when I was in the sixth grade. I remember waking up and the first thing I noticed was the presence of someone hovering over me, kind of like when someone is standing next to your bed and looking down at you. Then I noticed that I couldn't move my body at all, like I had no control over it. By this point I was very scared and wanted nothing more than to run out of the room but my body wasn't listening to my mind. I remember it being slightly hot and I would slip between consciousness and unconsciousness and whenever I awake though I would struggle to get control back over my body. I didn't like the fact that I had no control over my body and the fact that what I think was a demon was right next to me.
It struck me as a demon because of the horrible feeling I got from it. My gut was telling me to fight back and get away as soon as I could and I always listen to my gut for it's never been wrong all the way to this very day. The demon though soon seemed to move over me, I'm not really sure since I kept going to sleep and then waking back up. But once when I was awake I remember something going in and out of me and my body moving slightly up and down. My legs spread apart and my hands by my head. It was like it was raping me right there as I would fall asleep and wake up again.
Finally, I was able to speak and move a bit stopping the demon from doing whatever it was doing, having put my legs together. I also remember asking it what it wanted and I can't even begin to describe its voice, it was just pure evil. But it did reply and it said "you" then it was gone and I was able to move again but my heart was racing and I was very sweaty and hot.
Through out the years I've woken up randomly not being able to move and having to struggle to gain control over my body but didn't go in and out of conscious like the first time. Some times I even woke up not being able to breath, like a hand was covering my mouth and nose but luckily I've been able to gain control over my body and fight back.
I'm now a senior and that hasn't happened for maybe one to one and half years but about a week ago something different happened.
I was lying in my bed trying to go to sleep when suddenly I started to feel very hot and my mind felt foggy. Then I felt my head moving to the side as if someone was pushing it off to the side. I could feel someone in the room with me but it didn't feel like the same presence. I didn't feel threatened or in danger, I just felt peaceful. Then I felt a very pleasurable sensation on the side of my neck that was exposed and I could feel myself getting turned on. Also my breathing was getting shorter and quicker, plus it felt like whatever it was was lying right on top of me but not putting its weight on me completely. I was really sleepy and was just about to doze off when I suddenly felt the same thing as before, losing control over my body and an evil presence near me. I did what I usually do and fought back, making sure I was still breathing and forcing my body to move. Needless to say I slept with my bible that night.
Then about two days later it happened again, only this time I was curious about if I could see what ever it was so I moved to my back and the sensation stopped completely. The only thing that remained the same was the pressure against my body and the heat. I went back on my side again and soon fell asleep with the heat and pressure still there.
The next night I went to sleep in just my hoodie since last night was so hot. When I woke the next morning to get ready for school, my hoodie was off and on the other side of the room like it had been thrown there. I know I didn't take it off since when I went to sleep and when I woke up it was very cold.
I'm not too sure of what's going on, it hasn't happened again after that and that was about a week ago. But it has been bugging me and I'd really like to know what's going on.
I remember the first girl I saw was getting food to eat cause they all looked like they hadn't eaten anything for weeks. And this crab next to her hits her and then just starts to beat on her and she starts to cry. Then I see another little girl keeping her distance from everything and crying and a huge piece is missing from her head with broken stitches on the edge of it. Then I see another little girl walking backwards and a black cat in a cage hisses at her. Then she backs all the way on a oven. That's when I hear a hissing sound and the little girl screams.
I woke up then, breathing hard and sweaty cause it was very hot and all I could smell was burning flesh. I almost threw up stomach acid it smelled so bad. I can feel the demon too right next to me and I swear I heard it say 'so hot'. I've told my friend about this and he thinks it was an attack and the demon may have been using other spirits to torment me with. Plus this just confirmed us on it being an infernal demon.
More things have happened but I can't really remember them. Just me waking up with bruises on my legs and arms or scratches. That's really it, it does follow me around outside of the house sometimes but not often.