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Rhode Island Society for the Examination of Unusual Phenomena (R.I.S.E.U.P.)

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United States
Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Society for the Examination of Unusual Phenomena is a non-profit organization that specializes in researching, investigating, and documenting reported Hauntings, UFO/USO experiences, and Unidentified Mysterious Animal sightings. Our Members are trained to apply science in order to first seek logical conclusions about supposed paranormal events. We do this using a number of surveillance tools, recording devices, and common sense.

All members of R.I.S.E.U.P. Are expected to remain open to the existence of ghosts, spirits, extraterrestrial beings, and cryptozoological animals. We conduct each investigation without pretensions and aim to remain real people seeking real answers. In this way we are neither believers nor debunkers, but unbiased observers looking to provide an honest service for anyone in need.

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