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Real Ghost Stories

Presidio Ghost Sargent


It was last summer when I saw this entity in Presidio park in San Francisco. My dad and I decided to go to an abandoned military hospital further in the woods. Once we arrived we turned off the car and looked around. I decided to look around the woods instead of the hospital. It was very peaceful and quiet. It was pretty relaxing.

We left a couple of minutes later since we were getting bored of looking at the hospital. I was still looking at the woods, concentrating. I was enjoying the breeze in my face with the windows down when I saw a white man with a face that was blurry and had a military uniform with a hat that a Sargent would wear.

I yelled and panicked and closed the windows. My dad got worried and asked what happened. I told him what I saw and he just laughed and told me it was probably a construction worker fixing the hospital or a golf player since there was a golf course near by. But he wouldn't believe me. If it was a construction worker we would've seen more than 1 worker or noises from doing construction. Or if it was a golf player we would have heard rustling and cracking from walking since there was a lot of vegetation. There was no path just plants and trees of where I saw the man. It was pretty creepy, he was just staring at us and when I looked back he was gone. My breathing increased and I was just shocked. My dad tried to calm me down and I calmed down eventually.

I will not forget this moment and I still go there with my dad, but whenever I do, I look at the spot of where I saw the man.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, osnapitsDebra, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

darkassassin92 (119 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-29)
They probably just forgot they died like we forget dreams since I am so fascinated by ghost and demons I have a friend that says ghost are demons I think they are deceased humans
osnapitsDebra (guest)
12 years ago (2013-07-29)
Darkassassin92: Thats a good question for the most part I think it is possible they probably died suddenly in the hospital and maybe they know they are dead but maybe to scared going to the light and just roam in the hospital. Thats my guess.😊

-Debra ❤
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-28)
i read earleir today that some people have died and never saw a light and lost awareness while others see a light and are aware of everything so is it possible they forget their death or near death experience?
osnapitsDebra (guest)
12 years ago (2013-07-09)
Ok sds I do have some information couple of years ago every halloween the hospital would become a tour for tourist or even local people. But some people have witnessed weird things like orbs or they would hear weird noises. Maybe the noises could be easily debunked but the orbs is a little weird. But I don't know if people saw any apparitions.

Also, the hospital was for the soldiers who were wounded in World War 2 and some soldiers died in the hospital.

If I find any new information about the hospital I will post it here:)

-Debra ❤
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-09)
Hi osnapitsDebra, with only one sighting and without any further information about if others have seen such an apparition or ghost or spirit, it is difficult to comment on this experience of yours. I do not say that you have not seen an apparition but without more inputs, it is difficult to classify. Perhaps it might be a random paranormal sighting.

Regards and respects to you.

Imabooknerdx (13 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-06)
I have never used RSS feeds and (eek!) don't fully understand them so I don't know where I have seen it and whether it is what you said or not. Thank you for your suggestion valkricry!


valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-07-06)
Imabooknerd, you may have seen it on Real Stories of ( they use an RSS feed, which means every story here, shows up there. However if you click to read a story there, you should end up here.I've noticed many other ghosts sights use the feed for here. There's at least 14, I know of, and I'm sure there's more that I don't.
Imabooknerdx (13 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-06)
I'm sorry, you seem like a nice person but I'm pretty sure I have read this elsewhere but I may be mistaken which would be good! Even if it is copied it was still good to read!



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