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My Experience


We live in a small town of about 10, 943 people in Marinette, WI. I have been noticing strange noises and sights. This has been going on for years now.

Pictures would fall off the wall, lights will turn on, and we used to have a clock radio in our bathroom for music while we take a shower that would turn on. I know what you're thinking, "Clock radio could have been set" and I agree with you there but it's not the fact that it would turn on. It's the fact that it would turn on with a completely different station (Country). We hate country.

Sometimes we would feel a strange presence like the same feeling you would get if someone was standing behind you. We have a fireplace in our home that is covering up a strange painting of a tree on the wall that's been there for years, which is weird.

Well, one day I had an idea. Let's voice record while we sleep at night. Now this is where it gets interesting. In the recording you hear slight talking, whispering, and strange clicks. Nothing is kept on at night except a fan. Also we did find out that there was possibly a murder in our home in the early 1900's. There was a house that use to stand next to us but was tore down for reasons I don't know. We did buy that empty lot, though, and added it to our yard for more space.

I just don't have answers to this and this is creepy. I do have this posted in youtube if you are interested, please tell me what you think. I am in need of some answers fast. Here is the link


Thanks for reading my story

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, tonycourchaine35, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

NorthCoastie (4 stories) (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
Granny - I'm from Erie, PA, and live in Geneva, OH now. Sorry Tony for us hijacking your post:-P
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
NorthCoastie: Cleveland is the first place I thought of when I saw your user name 😆. I was born and raised in Ohio myself in Warren, my Mom lives in Ashtabula, and I have three brothers who are spread out between Cleveland and Youngstown, and assorted other family members LOL. Where are you from if I may be so bold?

And oh yeah: GO BROWNS! 😆 😆
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
NC, Lots of Coasties have passed through because of the shipyard in Marinette. Now it is the Navy. So, I just wondered...

I do think you make a good point.
NorthCoastie (4 stories) (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
I guess to elaborate on my comment... I've heard 2nd hand stories, specifically from a relative who got really into doing EVP's in his house he thought was haunted, where it seems that acknowledging the presence makes it worse... Makes them more "bold." Since your EVP's are getting more clear and well defined, I wonder if that is the case. Sometimes it is best just to ignore them maybe? Kind of like a Ouija board... No, the board itself isn't cursed or anything like that, but it is giving a medium to enter your life. I'm interested in the paranormal as much as anyone here, but would be careful doing this research yourself in your own house. Maybe it is time to get a 3rd party team in to do it for you?

Argette - I live on Lake Erie in Ohio which we call the north coast, and am former Coast Guard, which is where I get the user name from.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-03)
I agree with North Coastie. It almost sounds like you WANT your house to be haunted.

(NC, since the term North Coast is used often in this area now to describe the location, I thought you might be. I live about an hour away now, and visit often enough to consider myself "from" Marinette- especially when there is a good ghost story going on.)

I have heard that homes along the railroad tracks in Marinette or at least near the right of way may experience paranormal incidents. Considering that this was once a pretty wild center of the lumber industry, I'm not surprised. Just imagine all those newly-payed lumberjacks coming to town, looking for action!
NorthCoastie (4 stories) (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-03)
Your new recordings definitely are spooky... There's no doubt "follow me to heaven" is a voice whispering that and not ambient noises or something misinterpreted. Not to sound over dramatic or anything, but I'd be careful how far you take this... Never want to invite anything into your life, etc.

And Argette, now I'm not from Marinette.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-03)
Tony, my dad thinks it was a love triangle, man killing wife and then escaping near railroad tracks. Somthing about walking along tracks? Maybe near Carney Ave? He said it was splashed all ove the front page and very scary.
tonycourchaine35 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-03)
Argette - you are correct, it was in the early 1960's - my husband was mistaken. A gentleman that walks his dog past our house every day (he will stop and let his dog play with ours) is the one who told us about this murder a couple of months ago. He said he was a small child when it occurred.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
I know that area well, Tony. It's near Chenier's Greenhouse.

My dad thought there was a murder in that area in the early 60s, but also says he could be mistaken.

You are fairly close to a railroad track and the highway, and I'm wondering if that does not account for some of what you are hearing.
tonycourchaine35 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
Here is the link on youtube where you hear someone saying follow me to heaven:

tonycourchaine35 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
Hi all - I wasn't aware that my story had already posted and I apologize that I haven't responded until now. We live on the corner of Jackson Street and Minnesota Street in Marinette. There is an empty lot on the corner (where the house that was torn down) that we own. Since the posting of my story, we have done one other recording. You can clearly hear someone say "get out" and then a couple of minutes later, you hear a male voice saying "follow me to heaven" and you here conversation between 2 different voices. I have to convert this audio, but once I do, I will share the link that I will have posted on youtube. As far as the mural on the wall behind the fireplace, it is of a pine tree. We were not aware that this was behind the fireplace wall (the fireplace is kitty corner in our dining room with a brick veneer covering) until the roof was torn off. I then had the guttings of the fireplace removed as it was a gas fireplace and I never used it. The fireplace is still there for decoration. It is when they took the piping out that left a hole in the floor in the storage room upstairs where we looked down into the hole and saw this mural painted on the wall. When that hole was exposed in this storage room, I had a very uneasy feeling as if someone was in the room with me. Now that the hole has been covered, I don't get that creepy feeling anymore when I am up there. It makes me wonder if that is a portal of some sort. We are still trying to figure all of this out.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
I was wondering how close is your nearest neighbor? Could these be sounds carried over from them?
As pointed out by spiritwaiting, the clicking could be from the fan. I know my ceiling fan will make odd noises at night, although it's quiet during the day. I figure it's due to noise reduction.
I did listen to your recording... Weird at least.
I was also wondering does the radio audibly change to country (as if someone is tuning it in) and have you tried seeing if it does it a different times of day?
Maryam (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
If you have tried everything to help but nothing ever worked, then you should play this at your home: and its proven that it kicks all the demons and ghosts out of your house, I have used it myself when things started falling out of nowhere and hearing lots of voices at night... Good luck! I pray that it would help you❤

P.S: Don't use any music in your house while using this one, music's are inviting to them and specially the bathroom its where most of them stays.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
North Coastie, are you from Marinette, by any chance?

I always get suspicious when the original poster does not respond in a day or so...
NorthCoastie (4 stories) (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
Listened to your youtube video... Pretty strange, but hard to make out. As far as the last bit with that noise where you slowed it down and thought it sounded like a voice saying your wife's name... I'm not sure about that. You might want to be careful not to read too much into noises or your mind can make any noise sound like anything. To me that sounded like an issue with the recording itself, or a dog's toy squeaking if you have dogs.

The other clips... Definitely heard talking. Sounded almost like a police scanner or radio on, like you could hear one end of a conversation. That freaked me out as when I was younger I lived in a house where I would hear something similar often at night... Like a muffled conversation with voices but I could not make out the words.

There is an awful lot of white noise in your recording. Could you maybe try turning that fan off and see if you hear anything then?
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
As my previous message notes, there are certain areas in Marinette that seem to be more haunted than others. The area up and down the railroad tracks in the downtown and mid-town area seems especially haunted. The town has had its share of murders, and I can easily do some research if given a few basis pieces of information.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
Hi tonycourchaine35, I totally agree with RedWolf. You should have more information about the area and take her advise and try to do EVP session and post the developments.

Still I feel that there is a spirit. I do not think that there is anything malevolent because your narrative did not say anything harmful or that you suffered any attack. If you feel that it is harmful, you can do cleansing. But I think that there is a spirit, who needs a direction to go to light.

Regards and respects to you.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
First you should get more information about the area where you live and why the house next to you was torn down.
What do you mean when you say you have a fireplace in your house that is covering up a strange painting of a tree on the wall 8that has been there for years? Then you state, which is weird. Why wasn't it just taken down or if it was painted on the wall why wasn't it just painted over?
You can do another E.V.P. Session but I suggest you say some sort of prayer of protection first. Make sure you ask simple yes/no questions and wait for a minute before asking the next question. Keep the sessions short. Also keep a journal about everything that happens. Let us know what you find out.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Tony, what part of town do you live in? Near Hattie Street? Menekaunee? Shore Drive? Near the railroad tracks (in the general area of State, Carney or Minnesota?

I know Marinette very well, as my parents live there. My dad's family goes way back and I might be able to help you if I have more information.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
tonycourchaine35, In the home may be a spirit whom just goes about living with you and loves country music. Do you ever get a malevolent feeling, or unwelcomed there? If not maybe try asking in another recording why its there, or its name. Turn the fan off, that may the clicking if its a rotating fan. Then do a cleansing of the home.

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