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Real Ghost Stories

The Cadejo


This incident happened to my husband, a long time ago before he met me. He gave me permission to share with you. This story is unusual for him, because Ramon is from a small city in Nicaragua, and grew up hearing stories about supernatural beings such as Chupacabra and La Llorana. However, with a civil war going on around him, he became very aware of danger from living people, and less concerned with the otherworldly. As a result, he generally gives little thought to the supernatural.

During the summer breaks at college, he would work his stepfather's land in the north of the country, tending the animals and mending fences. He enjoyed the physical work, and the extra cash he earned for the upcoming semester.

One evening, just after sunset, he was finishing up some work alone and gathering up his tools to go back to the house when, from the darkness of trees and brush, a white dog emerged, wagging its tail and walking up to Ramon. The dog acted happy and playful. It was a medium sized dog, nothing remarkable about it except its color, which in the glow of Ramon's light seemed to be all white. Ramon, an animal lover, patted the dog on the head, ruffed up its fur along its back, and then found a small stick to toss for it. As the dog trotted for the stick that lay about 30 feet away in the dirt, Ramon noticed that even though the dog was walking away from him, it seemed to be growing in size. By the time the dog reached the stick, it looked to be at least a foot or two taller, larger than a greyhound... About the size of a small donkey.

The dog happily returned with the stick, wagging its tail and with a playful demeanor, seeming to shrink as it approached him and was normal sized again. Ramon felt something strange was definitely going on, so he gestured to the dog to get away, and told him to get out of there, to go home. The dog trotted back into the darkness, growing in size again, but soon was out of sight.

When Ramon returned to the house, he asked the other farm hands if anyone had a white dog, saying it was running loose on the property. The farm hands said that no one had a light colored dog, at least no one they knew, and no one had seen a loose dog. He told them about his encounter. They said that it sounds like he was blessed with a visit from the Cadejo.

In Nicaragua, a white Cadejo is considered good luck, or at least a neutral encounter. A black Cadejo is bad luck, and may even attack you and hurt or kill you. Sometimes Cadejos are described as having horns or other non-canine features. Ramon saw no horns, but has no explanation on how the animal could change in size so obviously.

Ramon thinks that what he saw on his stepdad's land was a Cadejo, that he knew in his gut this was no normal dog. He was out on the property, far from anything reflective that would skew his perspective. He did make inquiries with neighbors about dogs that could match the description, but no one came forward with any known dog of that coloring in the area. He's just grateful it was a white Cadejo.

Other hauntings by jaderae

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jaderae, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

elt (1 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
I thought all Cadejo
were evil. 😲 I'm glad to find out that is not-true. 😁
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
Mary30xoxo, that is amazing that he saw one many times! Can you or he share his experiences with it on here? I'm glad he was unharmed!
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
Thank you everyone for your comments!

Garry1984, I am not a native Spanish speaker, but my husband obviously is, so I asked him if Cadejo has another meaning, and he said it just means the black or white supernatural dogs. I did a google search and found one article that mentioned cadejo is the common name for a type of large weasel, which makes sense to me because they can be kind of vicious and strange animals. But I can't really vouch that any of this is truly the source of the name.

Thank you for your compliments Bloodshot! My husband's other stories are all from his family and friends, and I know this site tends to want first-hand encounters. By the time I transcribed them for him, they would be third-hand. I suppose I can submit with a disclaimer and see if that's acceptable to the mods. I have only a couple stories of my own, I have to get around to getting them written down.
Thank you, all!
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
Thank you Red and lady-glow,
Sarah is often a visitor as I watch her while they work. All six pounds of her, sitting on my desk, while I do my thing.
Some meaning is not understood, but the dog is either pictured or formed in stone or clay in many cultures, found centuries later. Perhaps man's best friend, even then.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
sorry that was supposed to say planks of wood 😳 letters to close together 😕
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
i had a rottweiler years ago it was as thick as 2 blacks of wood but a lovely dog... And I was brought up with them to some of them were lovely natured but 1 imperticular was really vicious as it would try and attack your feet if you opened or closed a door and she jumped up one time and bit a friends hand just because she opened the door she was the only bad rottweiler we ever had
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
The reason people in the south and other areas don't like black dogs is simple. Much like a black cat they are seen as bad luck, or evil. The Rottweiler for example for many years was called the Hell Hound even though it is not solid black. It isn't necessarily true that black dogs aren't much liked. The American Black and Tan Coon Hound is a great hunting dog. I had one and he would sniff out a squirrel and chase it across the yard and tree it then bay to let me know what he did
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-24)
Msforgetmenott: although this is the first time I heard (read) of the 'Cadejo', I would like to offer another possible reason for the disfavor of black dogs in the south.
There was a belief amongst the precolombian inhabitants of Mexico that after a person's death their soul had to cross a river with the help of a dog; such river was surrounded by darkness, so it was important for the soul to be able to see the dog... For wich reason a black one wouldn't be a good choice and a white one could refuse to cross the waters to avoid soiling its fur; it had to be a tan colored dog.
To this day some people still believe dogs will help their masters 'crossing the river'.

Isn't it fascinating the way some beliefs have survived for centuries?
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
Hi all, Three years ago, my Son was living with a girl that wanted a dog in the worst way, she watched this tiny little solid black dog on a dog site on the web. Unknown to my Son for seven months... Hinting often. You see it was his house and he firmly said no.
Yep she paid to have this dog treated and shipped, saving it from the high kill list. He was sooo mad, but then he fell in love with it. Such a softy.
Black dogs are not often liked in the south, she was told this again and again. This bitty dog is a most wonderful pet. I never thought about it before but do you think this is why?
bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
Hi Jaderae,

I love folklores from other countries. I am simply amazed by this encounter that I just have to comment on your story. It is frightening what your husband experienced. I felt chills reading that the dog seemed to grow in size as it run away to get the stick your husband (would-be then) threw.

Your writing is clear and I think it is good. Do please share to us either your experiences or your husbands':)

And atleast it is a good luck cadejo though you stated it is neutral. But to be honest if I am ever in your country even if it is a good luck Cadejo I will not rather encounter one. 😢

mary30xoxo (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
My husband is from Guatemala and encountered the white and black cadejo many times when he was a young boy and early teens. Yes he should be glad he saw the white one. The black cadejo seems to protect my husband and walk him home (or that's what he thought). Never attacked him, even when he growled and seemed to be mad.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Your husband had an interesting encounter. I'm glad whatever it was seemed to like your husband.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Hi Jaderae,

My word is this intriguing. I've had some strange perspective sightings with ghosts but all to do with the lighting on the individual not matching the lighting of my environment. But never skewed scale, that's very unique. What a remarkable encounter your husband had, and he got to pet it! 😊
Thanks for sharing.

Take care.
garry1984 (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Nice story by the way what does cadejo means. Can you tell in detail

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