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Was It A Ghost Or A Glitch


The summer of 2008 my family and I went to a resort in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I took pictures all day long and never had an issue. That evening the kids and I went for a walk outside the resort.

I found this old very old broken down historical water fountain and made my kids stand in front of it to take a picture. For some reason a white fog blurred my lens. Okay, so I thought it was from maybe humidity so I cleaned the lens and tried to take a picture again. I could not see threw the lens or the screen.

My daughter said just take the picture to see what happens well even though I could not see the picture came out and there where tons and tons of white orbs, some lighter than others.

My daughter who takes photography told me those are spirits/ghosts. I said yea right. She told me to take another picture but in a different angle and I did and the same orbs shpwed in the picture. I took another picture but had them stand in front of the main entrance of the hotel door. I got white orbs and a few black orbs.

This is freaky so I said I do not believe it. I purchased a disposable camera and developed it and the same thing happened. So, through the resort I took pictures and started to feel cold and nerveous. My camera fell like it was forced out of my hand while taking a picture of an old fashion function hall.

I told the ghost I was not here to hurt anyone it was okay and that they are at peace and they may leave. I never had experience with ghosts but used my instincts. The one that must have taken the camera out of my hand forced my hand to pick it up. My kids where amazed. Is this real?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jennifers3rdbaby, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sawwheeler (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-09)
uh... Could be a problem with the camera many of the ghost photo's you see are either over exposure, reflections of the light and a lot of other camera problems
amy11 (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
Your daugthter is right its a ghost I heard of that before a lot 😨 it happens if the place is old or haunted the fountain is old. So that's why the white lighter thing and tons are there. So that mostly it
AuroraRosa (2 stories) (55 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-02)
wow that's really cool if you can you should put the photos online somewhere. I'd love to see them!
Did any of the orbs have faces or where they just round balls of light?
I agree with the others, it probably wasn't a glitch. You can brush off a few orbs as a glitch, but not a whole picture full of them.
ginko (1 stories) (38 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-02)
Nice story... I also have a ghost photo in my phone it was taken by a friend of mine who can see them...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-01)
Do you still have the pictures? I would LOVE to see them. I bet they are amazing!
Thanks for taking the time to share with us!

God Bless!
Dan_Paranormal (1 stories) (74 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-01)
There is a lot beyond what we see before us. This is very possibly real. Your daughter is right in saying that orbs are spirits because they can represent spirits in when the picture is taken. It sounds like there was quite a few as well.
fixbrainster (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-01)
Hiya Jennifers3rdbaby,
I am sure it wasn't a glitch, My family business is to rent out motion camera's and on many a occasion while working on the camera seen these orbs. First I thought it was some problem with the lenses later was told by my collegues what it really was. Certain orbs have some kind of energy which might make you feel that you were pushed when there is not one around or in your case where the camera was forced out of your hand. Sorry don't know as to how to get rid of them.
Take care and god bless
MouthoftheSouth (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-30)
Could be real. Never liked it when orbs are involved because there are too many things that can occur to cause them without it being paranormal. Forcing you to put down and pick up the camera does make it sound like it is paranormal though. Sorry that I didn't really have anything helpful. 😢 have a good one.

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